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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: WildCard on July 07, 2017, 09:53:53 PM
Mike "Do Not Touch" Pence will put an end to this degeneracy.

Right. ;)





*** BREAKING from Great Britain ***

One of your Brits will start posting next week.
Pud recovered after his hers-now surgery.
She is doing OK..she will be again attacking Trump with extra emotional charge because now he she has a pussy.



Shocked that the left now opposes standing up for westernized society? I.e. Freedom of speech, press, religion, thought. Freedom to start your own business, private ownership, independent self reliance.

The left opposing these things isn't new. They've had 1 new idea in half a century. (Nationalized health insurance). They are a group void of ideas. They've been brainwashed by the Democrat media and education industry for decades. We were all taught to hate the American culture while respecting and celebrating every other culture.

The modern left is not liberal or progressive in the classical definitions. Yes they are Liberals and Progressives in order to quickly define their political stances. They're void of any proactive solutions or ideas, so now all they stand for is opposing the right. The modern left openly opposes free speech, free press, the American flag, freedom of religion, Christmas, freedom of thought, freedom of choice on education, freedom of choice on healthcare, freedom of capitalism. Yet they openly support and celebrate the political groups of the world that oppress all of these freedoms.

The beauty is their ignorance is being exposed more and more everyday. Mankind values freedom, and in the end the majority will always fight for freedom and fight to keep its freedom and liberty. People want freedom of choice. Freedom is why we all go to school to get better jobs to make more money so we have more freedoms. Let the left keep trying to oppose this with their brainless memes and zero arguments. Let CNN and Democrat media continue to destroy itself. We are living in a glorious time in which the tyrannical left is completely imploding.


Quote from: Gd5150 on July 08, 2017, 08:18:27 AM

Shocked that the left now opposes standing up for westernized society? I.e. Freedom of speech, press, religion, thought. Freedom to start your own business, private ownership, independent self reliance.

The left opposing these things isn't new. They've had 1 new idea in half a century. (Nationalized health insurance). They are a group void of ideas. They've been brainwashed by the Democrat media and education industry for decades. We were all taught to hate the American culture while respecting and celebrating every other culture.

The modern left is not liberal or progressive in the classical definitions. Yes they are Liberals and Progressives in order to quickly define their political stances. They're void of any proactive solutions or ideas, so now all they stand for is opposing the right. The modern left openly opposes free speech, free press, the American flag, freedom of religion, Christmas, freedom of thought, freedom of choice on education, freedom of choice on healthcare, freedom of capitalism. Yet they openly support and celebrate the political groups of the world that oppress all of these freedoms.

The beauty is their ignorance is being exposed more and more everyday. Mankind values freedom, and in the end the majority will always fight for freedom and fight to keep its freedom and liberty. People want freedom of choice. Freedom is why we all go to school to get better jobs to make more money so we have more freedoms. Let the left keep trying to oppose this with their brainless memes and zero arguments. Let CNN and Democrat media continue to destroy itself. We are living in a glorious time in which the tyrannical left is completely imploding.

While I basically agree with what you're saying I see it as more the corrupt globalist establishment that's imploding and it's comprised of both corrupt Democrats and Republicans. I think it's important to remember that this country was founded by crazy, rebellious liberals who sought to overthrow what they saw as the dominant corrupt establishment of the British monarchy. They intentionally made it an adversarial system specifically to avoid the totalitarian dominance of any one political ideology. So, while I think it's great that all the lies and manipulations of the Democrats are being exposed we should probably try to avoid the dangerous trap of thinking this is all resolved with the simple dominance of a totalitarian conservative ideology. Perhaps the whole spectacle of a fight between right vs. left is just the misdirection that hides that the real fight is always between totalitarianism (from the right or left) and freedom.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 08, 2017, 09:01:09 AM
I think it's important to remember that this country was founded by crazy, rebellious liberals who sought to overthrow what they saw as the dominant corrupt establishment of the British monarchy.

Perhaps we should set aside a day, to remember.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 08, 2017, 09:01:09 AM
Perhaps the whole spectacle of a fight between right vs. left is just the misdirection that hides that the real fight is always between totalitarianism (from the right or left) and freedom.

... Perhaps??


Quote from: Gd5150 on July 08, 2017, 08:18:27 AM


Shocked that the left now opposes standing up for westernized society? I.e. Freedom of speech, press, religion, thought. Freedom to start your own business, private ownership, independent self reliance.

The left opposing these things isn't new. They've had 1 new idea in half a century. (Nationalized health insurance). They are a group void of ideas. They've been brainwashed by the Democrat media and education industry for decades. We were all taught to hate the American culture while respecting and celebrating every other culture.

The modern left is not liberal or progressive in the classical definitions. Yes they are Liberals and Progressives in order to quickly define their political stances. They're void of any proactive solutions or ideas, so now all they stand for is opposing the right. The modern left openly opposes free speech, free press, the American flag, freedom of religion, Christmas, freedom of thought, freedom of choice on education, freedom of choice on healthcare, freedom of capitalism. Yet they openly support and celebrate the political groups of the world that oppress all of these freedoms.

The beauty is their ignorance is being exposed more and more everyday. Mankind values freedom, and in the end the majority will always fight for freedom and fight to keep its freedom and liberty. People want freedom of choice. Freedom is why we all go to school to get better jobs to make more money so we have more freedoms. Let the left keep trying to oppose this with their brainless memes and zero arguments. Let CNN and Democrat media continue to destroy itself. We are living in a glorious time in which the tyrannical left is completely imploding.

Extremely well put.

Quote from: Gd5150 on July 08, 2017, 08:18:27 AM
Shocked that the left now opposes standing up for westernized society? I.e. Freedom of speech, press, religion, thought. Freedom to start your own business, private ownership, independent self reliance.

The left opposing these things isn't new. They've had 1 new idea in half a century. (Nationalized health insurance). They are a group void of ideas. They've been brainwashed by the Democrat media and education industry for decades. We were all taught to hate the American culture while respecting and celebrating every other culture.

The modern left is not liberal or progressive in the classical definitions. Yes they are Liberals and Progressives in order to quickly define their political stances. They're void of any proactive solutions or ideas, so now all they stand for is opposing the right. The modern left openly opposes free speech, free press, the American flag, freedom of religion, Christmas, freedom of thought, freedom of choice on education, freedom of choice on healthcare, freedom of capitalism. Yet they openly support and celebrate the political groups of the world that oppress all of these freedoms.

The beauty is their ignorance is being exposed more and more everyday. Mankind values freedom, and in the end the majority will always fight for freedom and fight to keep its freedom and liberty. People want freedom of choice. Freedom is why we all go to school to get better jobs to make more money so we have more freedoms. Let the left keep trying to oppose this with their brainless memes and zero arguments. Let CNN and Democrat media continue to destroy itself. We are living in a glorious time in which the tyrannical left is completely imploding.

Even the idea of national health care is not a new idea for the Democrats.  It's just that it didn't get much play until recently because it was so at odds with what America is supposed to be about.  To put it plainly, socialism is Un-American, and had no chance of being accepted in the past.  We've had creeping socialism over the past 100 years, but this step would be a big a one.

The one new idea they have had in the past half century is to flood the country with people from the third world who they can manipulate and recruit.  Importing people with no understanding of the democratic infrastructure - such as free speech, free press, private property, the rule of law, separation of powers, the right to the fruit of ones labor, low taxes, police not expected to be corrupt, the civil society, academic freedom, and so on - are easy prey for the left wing fascist demagogues who relentlessly attack our society.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 08, 2017, 09:01:09 AM
While I basically agree with what you're saying I see it as more the corrupt globalist establishment that's imploding and it's comprised of both corrupt Democrats and Republicans. I think it's important to remember that this country was founded by crazy, rebellious liberals who sought to overthrow what they saw as the dominant corrupt establishment of the British monarchy. They intentionally made it an adversarial system specifically to avoid the totalitarian dominance of any one political ideology. So, while I think it's great that all the lies and manipulations of the Democrats are being exposed we should probably try to avoid the dangerous trap of thinking this is all resolved with the simple dominance of a totalitarian conservative ideology. Perhaps the whole spectacle of a fight between right vs. left is just the misdirection that hides that the real fight is always between totalitarianism (from the right or left) and freedom.

These terms get tangled and confused.  Because the Republican Party is currently led by a bunch of hacks with no principles or values, with each claiming to be a conservative during election cycles, doesn't mean they represent Conservatism.  Neither do the neo-cons who support Big Government, high taxes, and endless war.  None of that is conservative.

There is no ''totalitarian conservative ideology''.  Modern day Conservatives are the equivalent to the Founding Fathers, the original ''Liberals''.  They stand for small, nonintrusive government, low taxes, and individual liberty.  By individual liberty, they mean self rule (a government run in the most part by elected representatives, within the Constitutional framework), the right to the fruits of one's labor, the right to one's property, freedom of exchange, the right to think, say, and believe what one chooses, the right to defend one's self, and so on.  How is any of that ''totalitarian''?  It's the opposite.  And we as a country need to get back to that.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 08, 2017, 11:34:06 AM
These terms get tangled and confused.  Because the Republican Party is currently led by a bunch of hacks with no principles or values, with each claiming to be a conservative during election cycles, doesn't mean they represent Conservatism.  Neither do the neo-cons who support Big Government, high taxes, and endless war.  None of that is conservative.

There is no ''totalitarian conservative ideology''.  Modern day Conservatives are the equivalent to the Founding Fathers, the original ''Liberals''.  They stand for small, nonintrusive government, low taxes, and individual liberty.  By individual liberty, they mean self rule (a government run in the most part by elected representatives, within the Constitutional framework), the right to the fruits of one's labor, the right to one's property, freedom of exchange, the right to think, say, and believe what one chooses, the right to defend one's self, and so on.  How is any of that ''totalitarian''?  It's the opposite.  And we as a country need to get back to that.

I didn't say that it was totalitarian, only that we should avoid it because the dominance of any one political ideology in this system amounts to that. A choice of right or left just seems like a very false and played out dichotomy to me. If it wasn't for Trump the Republican's would be in almost as bad shape as the Democrats.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 08, 2017, 11:34:06 AM
These terms get tangled and confused.  Because the Republican Party is currently led by a bunch of hacks with no principles or values, with each claiming to be a conservative during election cycles, doesn't mean they represent Conservatism.  Neither do the neo-cons who support Big Government, high taxes, and endless war.  None of that is conservative.

There is no ''totalitarian conservative ideology''.  Modern day Conservatives are the equivalent to the Founding Fathers, the original ''Liberals''.  They stand for small, nonintrusive government, low taxes, and individual liberty.  By individual liberty, they mean self rule (a government run in the most part by elected representatives, within the Constitutional framework), the right to the fruits of one's labor, the right to one's property, freedom of exchange, the right to think, say, and believe what one chooses, the right to defend one's self, and so on.  How is any of that ''totalitarian''?  It's the opposite.  And we as a country need to get back to that.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 08, 2017, 12:28:05 PM
I didn't say that it was totalitarian, only that we should avoid it because the dominance of any one political ideology in this system amounts to that. A choice of right or left just seems like a very false and played out dichotomy to me. If it wasn't for Trump the Republican's would be in almost as bad shape as the Democrats.

You can look at it from this perspective:
You have a garden and if you don't go there every day (or every few days to pull out the weeds,
few minutes every day or every few days and you will keep your garden in pristine order) ...so obviously that after longer period of time
your garden that was to give you food for your family is now overgrown with bunch of useless weeds.
Now you can not go and easily pull all the weeds and let the food-veggies grow undisturbed,..now you have to whack that place.

Same principle now applies to the Republican Party and Pres.Trump and his crew.
Democrats over the years left so many weeds in the garden that now only way to get it clean requires quite harsh measures.

That's the only way now to bring some sense and order to America...


 ;D ;D ;D

Captain Kirk meets CNN Liberal Bias - Defeats CNN with Trump Wrestling Meme.  7.8.17.



Quote from: StarrMountain on July 08, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
;D ;D ;D

Captain Kirk meets CNN Liberal Bias - Defeats CNN with Trump Wrestling Meme.  7.8.17.


Wolf Blitzer singing and dancing when Hillary got the nom...


Started streaming on Jul 7, 2017


Up All Night

Quote from: StarrMountain on July 08, 2017, 05:29:02 PM
Started streaming on Jul 7, 2017


We Make The BEST Shit !


President Donald Trump offers to join Polish president's fight against FAKE NEWS!  7.8.17.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 08, 2017, 12:28:05 PM
I didn't say that it was totalitarian, only that we should avoid it because the dominance of any one political ideology in this system amounts to that. A choice of right or left just seems like a very false and played out dichotomy to me. If it wasn't for Trump the Republican's would be in almost as bad shape as the Democrats.

I still don't know what the ''right'' is.  Boiled down to the essence, there is only personal liberty and those trying to take it away


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 08, 2017, 06:20:57 PM
I still don't know what the ''right'' is.  There is only personal liberty, and those trying to take it away

It's an interesting point. Because "the left" is the Democrat media/party/education industry/lemming followers. They're all the same. They're not critical thinkers. They don't come up with their own ideas. Hence why they don't have any solutions and are incapable of political debate. The left is just an emotion based mantra of worthless anger.

Whereas "the right" is more of a philosophy of individual self reliance. Believing in a minimal government that exists by the people for the people. To provide national security, domestic law enforcement, and provide a basic set of standards for education and protect peoples individual liberties. Aside from the occasional rougue outsider politician like Reagan, Trump, Gingrich, the right has little representation from the Republican Party establishment. The right does have many free thinkers on radio and the internet. Has almost zero representation in print and news media as well as none representation in the education industry.

And yet despite all that, people naturally gravitate to the right, because with experience comes true education, and that leaves most 1 alternative, and it's not "the left".

Quote from: Gd5150 on July 08, 2017, 06:40:17 PM
It's an interesting point. Because "the left" is the Democrat media/party/education industry/lemming followers. They're all the same. They're not critical thinkers. They don't come up with their own ideas. Hence why they don't have any solutions and are incapable of political debate. The left is just an emotion based mantra of worthless anger.

Whereas "the right" is more of a philosophy of individual self reliance. Believing in a minimal government that exists by the people for the people. To provide national security, domestic law enforcement, and provide a basic set of standards for education and protect peoples individual liberties. Aside from the occasional rougue outsider politician like Reagan, Trump, Gingrich, the right has little representation from the Republican Party establishment. The right does have many free thinkers on radio and the internet. Has almost zero representation in print and news media as well as none representation in the education industry.

And yet despite all that, people naturally gravitate to the right, because with experience comes true education, and that leaves most 1 alternative, and it's not "the left".

The ''right'' don't see the need to be ''governed''.  They acknowledge certain few things are best done by a government - some of which you mentioned - and even to that extent it's a necessary evil.

The Left sees government as the vehicle for ordering society as they believe it should be ordered - which means intrusion into every corner of peoples lives, making the decisions for everyone as to what we are to be doing, redistributing wealth and income as they see fit, controlling property and the means of production, and whatever else comes to mind.  They are never done tinkering. 

There is no one philosophy that is best in every possible situation, but the default should always be people taking responsibility for themselves and making their own decisions - unless specific proposals otherwise are so convincing the overwhelming majority readily agree to them.  What we get from the Left instead - just about every time - is emotionalism and/or non-representative anecdotes (not to mention a barrage of personal attacks), which is no way to make decisions we all have to then live by.

It took thousands of years for us to throw off tyranny, and much of the world has not done so to date.  Yet these dumb shitheels are more than eager to take us back to it.  And for what?  Some ''free'' stuff?  To feel good about themselves?


Why should anyone be surprised that De Blasio chose to go to Hamburg to lead the protest of the G20 that resulted in 60 policemen being injured days after a NYPD officer, a single mother of three, was shot to death.  De Blasio is just another anti-American leftist slime ball whose choice to go to Hamburg will be applauded by the other anti-American leftist slime balls who comprise today's Democrat party.  Did I mention that I think Democrats are anti-American leftist slime balls?



Putin: Trump different than on TV, we can restore relations with US
Published time: 8 Jul, 2017 13:59

*The Donald Trump seen on television is different from the one in real life, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the G20 summit,
adding that after his meeting with the US leader in Hamburg, he felt like relations between the two countries could at least partially be restored.
“As for personal relations, I think that they are established,” Putin said of his Friday meeting with Trump.

“The Trump we see on TV is very much different from the real person.”

“I think that if we continue building our relations like during our conversation yesterday,
there are grounds to believe that we’ll be able to â€" at least partially â€" restore the level of cooperation that we need,” Putin said.*

*Putin said that the issue of alleged Russian meddling in the US election was addressed by Trump during their conversation.

Putin reiterated that there is no reason to believe that Russia meddled in the US electoral process in 2016.
“He [Trump] asked many questions on that subject. I answered those questions as best I could.
I think he took it into consideration and agreed with me, but you should really ask him how he feels about it,” the Russian president said.*

.../ there you go Democrats.. shut up now/


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on July 08, 2017, 08:11:01 PM
Why should anyone be surprised that De Blasio chose to go to Hamburg to lead the protest in Hamburg that resulted in 60 policemen being injured days after an NYPD officer, a single mother of three, was shot to death.  De Blasio is just another anti-American leftist slime ball whose choice to go to Hamburg will be applauded by the other anti-American leftist slime balls who comprise today's Democrat party.  Did I mention that I think Democrats are anti-American leftist slime balls?

Antifada, Black Blok, Intifada, BLM, etc should be added to the designated list of terrorist organizations and/or ongoing organized domestic crime organizations. Assets should be frozen/seized, RICO (and other) statutes be brought into play, funders should be charged (along with their mind-numbed "activists" proxies when then attack police and businesses,) Blasio should be investigated, at minimum for his participation.


Quote from: albrecht on July 08, 2017, 08:22:02 PM
Antifada, Black Blok, Intifada, BLM, etc should be added to the designated list of terrorist organizations and/or ongoing organized domestic crime organizations. Assets should be frozen/seized, RICO (and other) statutes be brought into play, funders should be charged (along with their mind-numbed "activists" proxies when then attack police and businesses,) Blasio should be investigated, at minimum for his participation.

What is amazing is that NYC has become a shit heap under De Blazio and there is no movement to recall him. 



Quote from: albrecht on July 08, 2017, 08:22:02 PM
Antifada, Black Blok, Intifada, BLM, etc should be added to the designated list of terrorist organizations and/or ongoing organized domestic crime organizations. Assets should be frozen/seized, RICO (and other) statutes be brought into play, funders should be charged (along with their mind-numbed "activists" proxies when then attack police and businesses,) Blasio should be investigated, at minimum for his participation.

Let's not forget members of the administrations and faculties of institutions of higher learning that are cultural Marxist and promote and encourage such subversive activities. 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on July 08, 2017, 08:42:25 PM
Let's not forget members of the administrations and faculties of institutions of higher learning that are cultural Marxist and promote and encourage such subversive activities.
Obviously any institution that harbors and employs those types should be proscribed from receiving any Federal grants, research funds, government loans, or tax-payers money. No subsidized loans, grants, or awards give to any student who takes their "classes" also. They can "teach" and have their political opinions and free speech but it should be supported by public funds. Go private, get Hollywood to fund, let students pay out of their own (or parents) pocket, etc.


Quote from: albrecht on July 08, 2017, 09:04:24 PM
Obviously any institution that harbors and employs those types should be proscribed from receiving any Federal grants, research funds, government loans, or tax-payers money. No subsidized loans, grants, or awards give to any student who takes their "classes" also. They can "teach" and have their political opinions and free speech but it should be supported by public funds. Go private, get Hollywood to fund, let students pay out of their own (or parents) pocket, etc.

So I guess sending them all to FEMA camps where they would be made to earn their keep by doing manual labor is out of the question, huh?  But Mao did something very similar to that in his "Cultural Revolution" so it would be in keeping with their Marxist philosophy.  I don't see a problem here. 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on July 08, 2017, 09:17:26 PM

So I guess sending them all to FEMA camps where they would be made to earn their keep by doing manual labor is out of the question, huh?  But Mao did something very similar to that in his "Cultural Revolution" so it would be in keeping with their Marxist philosophy.  I don't see a problem here.
No, although it would be somewhat karmic for the leftists to find themselves in 're-education' camps, concentration camps, and gulags. But I'm against the Mao/Stalin/Hitler/Pol-Pot/Fidel style of governing. Let them talk and do their weird things but no access to public funds. But if rioting, committing crimes, treasonous activities, public disturbance, etc then arrest, with old-school style policing and cracking some heads, and then prosecute. I would allow some discretion and some kind of probation for the more non-violent types which would involve community work- but real work;  like thinning undergrowth, moving dirt, picking up trash, grading roads, driving and helping old people- not volunteering in some air-conditioned office or school. I also think there should be more civil lawsuits, from businesses and people harmed, against these violent protestors and go after the funders. And IRS (and State taxing authorities) investigations into tax-free "foundations," churches, and groups who often seem to fund or harbor them.

Quote from: albrecht on July 08, 2017, 09:25:47 PM
... it would be somewhat karmic for the leftists to find themselves in 're-education' camps, concentration camps, and gulags...


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