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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 12:59:56 PM
Here you go, brainless one.  Trump's tweets archived in one place just for you.  Read through them and see for yourself the pile of shit you idiots put in the White House.


Talk about a brainless weakling! All you can do is demonize and call people names. You've go no game whatsoever.  People like you should be perpetually relegated to the kids table. ::) ;D


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 12:59:56 PM
Here you go, brainless one.  Trump's tweets archived in one place just for you.  Read through them and see for yourself the pile of shit you idiots put in the White House.


Dr.Watson, if you are making President's Trump tweeds a super focal point to judge his Presidency would you please tell us if you have quotes of all the lies that that swine Hillary told American people.
I know she was not President but she was dreaming to be one.

At lest Trump is telling the truth, it might be funny sometimes, but never the less is the truth..your bitch was just plainly lying.


Quote from: th'ONE on July 01, 2017, 01:09:55 PM
Dr.Watson, if you are making President's Trump tweeds a super focal point to judge his Presidency would you please tell us if you have quotes of all the lies that that swine Hillary told American people.
I know she was not President but she was dreaming to be one.

At lest Trump is telling the truth, it might be funny sometimes, but never the less is the truth..your bitch was just plainly lying.

Not only that but her campaign manager is keeping the lies going on her behalf. The contempt these people display for the average man and woman is fucking unbelievable and yet...



Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 12:59:56 PM
see for yourself the pile of shit you idiots put in the White House


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 01, 2017, 12:34:47 AM
Based on your posts and our discussions I've just always assumed you're Russian. To me it's OK if you are. I'm not someone who believes in demonizing a whole nation of people, especially a country as big as yours. I'd prefer detente with Russia. You're not communist anymore and many great scientists and artists have come from Russia. Our space programs are already joined at the hip, so to speak and the world's best selling video game was made by a Russian. Just don't go all Red Dawn.  ;)
Yep. Th' One is Russian (for all purposes of discussion) and I agree that is not a bad thing. My biq question is whether or not he/was a paid political agitator "sock puppet" or not. A paid agitator would not reveal directly they were Russian given it would fuel the already contentious political situation. Better to steer the thinking of members to the idea that he is Mongolian or maybe Armenian. Long live the GRU.


Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 01, 2017, 01:34:02 PM
question is whether or not he/was a paid political agitator "sock puppet" or not

Praise MV! Only on rt.com.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 01, 2017, 01:18:01 PM
Not only that but her campaign manager is keeping the lies going on her behalf. The contempt these people display for the average man and woman is fucking unbelievable and yet...


LOL.. boy she ripped him a new one. I bet his asshole now is wider than his mouth.
I usually don't watch videos with Podesta, can't stand that pedo, but I'm glad I watched this clip, what a piece of human filth.

In my post from yesterday /mind you I was under the influence ;) / I mentioned about FEMA Camps, boy I hope Trump will start using them and locking up all those ANTIFA/Podesta/Clinton freaks during his first term,
because who knows how things might develop in next elections..if there is going to be such a thing as next elections.

Quote from: th'ONE on June 30, 2017, 09:48:36 PM
You know very well that is not going to stop.
Just refresh your memory and look at the maps of FEMA CAMPS that several years ago 'visionaries' started to set up.
If people think that FEMA CAMPS are obsolete objects they are blind and delusional.
They are being kept in working order 24/7 and eventually they will be filled with 'the undesirables'.

The question you (some of you-all of you) should ask is,..who will be the 'undesirables' and who is going to do the catching and locking up.
And as you know there is only two fractions in the good old USofA

..I hope my shitty Mongolian English is clear ;)


Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 01, 2017, 01:34:02 PM
Yep. Th' One is Russian (for all purposes of discussion) and I agree that is not a bad thing. My biq question is whether or not he/was a paid political agitator "sock puppet" or not. A paid agitator would not reveal directly they were Russian given it would fuel the already contentious political situation. Better to steer the thinking of members to the idea that he is Mongolian or maybe Armenian. Long live the GRU.

What difference would it have made? Are you really so simple minded and easily led that you can't hold your own in a conversation with a Russian? I get that mom & dad don't want us talking to them but they may have their own agenda in wanting that. Never misunderestimate the military industrial complex that Ike warned us about and there desire to keep the world in a 1984 style state of perpetual war with enemies we can't even really define.  ;)


Quote from: th'ONE on July 01, 2017, 01:09:55 PM
Dr.Watson, if you are making President's Trump tweeds a super focal point to judge his Presidency . . .

You're either not paying attention or you have a serious comprehension problem. The entire world is laughing at that asshole.  The House would have impeached him and the Senate would have convicted his sorry ass but they need a useful idiot in the White House to sign whatever they put in front of him.


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 01:53:11 PM
The entire world is laughing at that asshole. 

That's really just your opinion.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 01, 2017, 01:46:05 PM
What difference would it have made? Are you really so simple minded and easily led that you can't hold your own in a conversation with a Russian? I get that mom & dad don't want us talking to them but they may have their own agenda in wanting that. Never misunderestimate the military industrial complex that Ike warned us about and there desire to keep the world in a 1984 style state of perpetual war with enemies we can't even really define.  ;)
No difference, really. I'm all for detente and am puzzled at the CIA's aims in creating the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, starting shit in Syria and creating the Purple Psyops (GMO's, identity politics, fake UFO/new age shitstorm) here.  I'm really sick of it all.


Quote from: Jackstar on July 01, 2017, 01:33:43 PM

very good good point Mr. J.
..and let's don't forget the famous "Bill Clinton's tinted blood scandal in Arkansas collected from prisoners" - when he was Governor of Arkansas.

Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal
*The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal is a feature-length documentary by Arkansas filmmaker and investigative journalist Kelly Duda.
Through interviews and presentation of documents and footage, Duda alleges that for more than two decades,[when?] the Arkansas prison system profited from selling blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS.
The documentary contends that thousands of victims who received transfusions of a blood product derived from these plasma products, Factor VIII, died as a result.
Factor 8 uses in-depth interviews and key documents as well as never-before-seen footage, to allege wrongdoing at the Arkansas state government, and at the United States federal level.
Through in-depth interviews with a number of players, including victims in Canada who contracted the diseases, US state prison officials, former employees, high-ranking Arkansas politicians and inmate donors,
Factor 8 examines a prison blood-harvesting scheme run by prisoners to earn them an income; the blood was then sold by blood companies for millions of dollars. The harvested plasma was then shipped around the world, where it has been reported to have infected thousands of haemophilia patients. Haemophilia is a genetic condition which prevents clotting.*

..that movie was on youtube last year - "Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal (2005)"  but I can not find it any more, quoting Jackstar I think that.. "Hillary deleted".
It was great documentary showing how Bill Clinton (and Hillary) knew about this tragedy and Bill as a Governor signed and approved all the permits for collection and sale of that tinted blood.

If anybody has link to that documentary please share it.

I just found trailer for that documentary,
"Movie Trailer for Factor 8:The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal"


..and Alex Jones is covering that crime in this 2 minute clip,
"Alex Jones - The Clintons and the Arkansas Blood Scandal - Please share"


"Factor 8 Bonus: Kelly Duda visits the Clinton Library"
(3 minutes clip)



Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 01:53:11 PM
You're either not paying attention or you have a serious comprehension problem. The entire world is laughing at that asshole.  The House would have impeached him and the Senate would have convicted his sorry ass but they need a useful idiot in the White House to sign whatever they put in front of him.

And the other entire world is spitting on Bill and Hillary.. what's worst,Sherlock,.. being laugh at or spit at ??


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 12:59:56 PM
Here you go, brainless one.  Trump's tweets archived in one place just for you.  Read through them and see for yourself the pile of shit you idiots put in the White House.


LIKE ^^^^^^^


Quote from: Dyna-X Ⓤ on July 01, 2017, 01:34:02 PM
A paid agitator would not reveal directly they were Russian given it would fuel the already contentious political situation

I don't think you've thought this through.


Quote from: Jackstar on July 01, 2017, 02:43:54 PM

I don't think you've thought this through.

great piece of document, ..bit better quality copy would be very welcomed.


Quote from: th'ONE on July 01, 2017, 03:11:45 PM
great piece of document, ..bit better quality copy would be very welcomed.

I tried this, not sure if is better, maybe more talented can improve if they wish.



Eric Shawn Exclusive: The call for a 'Free Iran'.  7.1.17.


Quote from: Gd5150 on July 01, 2017, 12:46:43 PM
... BTW no president will be worse than Jimmy Carter. Gas lines. An atrocious foreign policy. He was such a bad president there were talks of making it a 3 person job because the left claimed it was too much for one person. Someday OBama will be considered worse, because he was worse for 8 years. But the damage he did was on purpose. Whereas The damage Carter caused was due to pure left wing ignorance.

The Carter Administration was a failed presidency.  For years he was the worst president we'd had.  I'd argue Clinton, Bush II, and Obama were worse - in different ways - and each of those was worse than the previous one.

Clinton was very fortunate to have held office during the middle years of the Reagan expansion, and during a period of time after the Soviet Union collapsed but before the rise of an aggressive China and militant Islam.  He was fortunate Newt Gingrich and the Rs captured the House and denied the most extreme of his and Hilary's domestic plans.  He destroyed the West's chance to be friends of Russia, and is responsible for allowing North Korea to build nuclear weapons.

Bush wrecked the Reagan expansion with his neocon programs and fiscal policies, bankrupted the country with that and with two stupid wars, and allowed militant Islam to flourish by going after the wrong targets.

Obama was a disgrace across the board, and will forever be our worst president.

Trump has already done more for the country than those three combined.

Interestingly enough, Nixon has plenty of accomplishments to point to:  ending the Viet Nam War, opening China, a tough, smart foreign policy in general.  He started the EPA, it isn't his fault it's became a destructive runaway agency.

He was no conservative - he made plenty of policy mistakes - and his handling of Watergate and some of the rest overshadowed his presidency.  A lot of that was overblown by an adversarial media, conducting itself towards him the way the one we have now is conducting itself towards Trump - but he was far from the worst. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 01, 2017, 06:36:49 PM
Interestingly enough, Nixon has plenty of accomplishments to point to:  ending the Viet Nam War

Ended the Vietnam War?  He delayed its end. He sabotaged the Paris Peace talks. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the history of that time period knows that.  Nixon was afraid success at the Paris Peace talks would doom his run for the presidency so he threw a wrench into them.  His actions resulted in the war continuing and thousands more Americans being killed.







Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 30, 2017, 10:19:54 PM
I don't want to bust your balls because I find I agree with you on so much but 25 years of record growth?! Come on! His presidency ended with one of the biggest financial crashes in history (up to that point) and years of recession. Wages haven't grown since before Reagan. He did some good stuff but let's not get too carried away. Trickle down economics did not work. The rising tide did not raise all ships, only the ones who could afford it. The rest were flooded and drown.

Well, the president doesn't run the economy, all the government can do is impede it or remove obstacles.  We're always going to have a boom and bust cyclical economy, that's just how a capitalist system of free exchange works.  I would point out the 1987 recession was over quickly and the economy continued climbing.  Even the 1992 recession was shallow and over before the election.

Wages for skilled workers certainly have increased, supply side economics helped nearly everyone.  Wages for low skilled workers haven't risen as much - how could they when low skill factory jobs are shipped offshore, industry is mechanized, and the country is flooded with low skilled immigrants competing for those jobs.  Its up to each individual to get the education and skills to make themselves desirable employees, not the government.

But those are just words.  Look instead at general living conditions.  we're healthier and live longer due to better food, better medical care, new pharmaceuticals, and cleaner air and water.  We have fewer labor intensive jobs and more high paying skilled positions.  Everything we have is now digitized, we have computers, smart phones, safer cars, everything thing is more energy efficient.  Communications, entertainment, the travel opportunities and variety of goods and services we have available to us. 

We're obviously considerably better off.  This is due to the economy, from Reagan forward.  Without lowering taxes on capital, it wouldn't have been invested in computing, communications, and bio-tech.  Eliminating the ''Windfall Profits Tax'' suddenly provided the energy industry needed.  Ending certain regulations freed up innovation.  Etc.

And of course the Democrats and Media hated him for it.  What you referred to in your post was Fake News, its become Fake History,


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 01, 2017, 06:56:11 PM
What you referred to in your post is Fake News, its become Fake History,

When someone presents you with the cold, hard facts you just say, FAKE NEWS and the discussion's over, right?   


Quote from: Juan on June 30, 2017, 02:11:35 PM
Max Horkmeir, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrick Pollock, Erich Fromm, Otto Kirchheimer, Leo Lowenthal, Franz Neumann, Wilhiem Reich and others.  136or142, Meister_000, many others
Critical theory = hope and change
Gramsci is very important in this undermining of Western Culture and society, though not a member of Frankfurt School etc. But you will find his wild ideas in today's movements and schools, even if unacknowledged by the leftists. "cultural hegemony" "consent to authority" and politics/leftism as a religion to replace religion (that would break the 'consent' of the people.)

Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 06:53:32 PM
Ended the Vietnam War?  He delayed its end...

Yes, he did.  This was a Democrat war, and he first tried to win it after inheriting it.  When he realized they'd fucked it up so badly, and it was too far gone, THEN he ended it. 

Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 06:53:32 PM
...  He delayed its end. He sabotaged the Paris Peace talks. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the history of that time period knows that.  Nixon was afraid success at the Paris Peace talks would doom his run for the presidency so he threw a wrench into them.  His actions resulted in the war continuing and thousands more Americans being killed.

That was the traitor John Kerry.  John Kerry (as a private citizen) was the one who advised the North Vietnamese to stall, to argue about things like the shape of the table, to simply wait for the Left in the US to demoralize any remaining support rather than negotiate an end to it.

He  - and Jane Fonda - should have been hung.


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 06:53:32 PM
Ended the Vietnam War?  He delayed its end. He sabotaged the Paris Peace talks. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the history of that time period knows that.  Nixon was afraid success at the Paris Peace talks would doom his run for the presidency so he threw a wrench into them.  His actions resulted in the war continuing and thousands more Americans being killed.






It is funny. I was just at the LBJ Presidential Museum this week and, ignoring all the social programs, that are now failing, "Great Society," and "Civil Rights" he enacted the entrance is a reference to comment/quote of his regarding the "fake news" and editorial spin at the time. Nothing much has changed (except then the press excepted all the "personal failings" (or corruption or problems with staffers, elections, etc) of Presidents and wasn't against JFK or LBJ because they were Democrat, even with Vietnam- until they, had to do so, and even then (with many, many deaths) not with such vitriol as the Amazon WP paper (Grahams sold it to Amazon some years ago) or NYTimes, CNN, etc:

"If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim.' -LBJ

Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 07:02:13 PM
When someone presents you with the cold, hard facts you just say, FAKE NEWS and the discussion's over, right?

Um, there was quite a lengthy post supporting my statement that it was Fake News. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 01, 2017, 06:36:49 PM
The Carter Administration was a failed presidency.  For years he was the worst president we'd had.  I'd argue Clinton, Bush II, and Obama were worse - in different ways - and each of those was worse than the previous one.

Clinton was very fortunate to have held office during the middle years of the Reagan expansion, and during a period of time after the Soviet Union collapsed but before the rise of an aggressive China and militant Islam.  He was fortunate Newt Gingrich and the Rs captured the House and denied the most extreme of his and Hilary's domestic plans.  He destroyed the West's chance to be friends of Russia, and is responsible for allowing North Korea to build nuclear weapons.

Bush wrecked the Reagan expansion with his neocon programs and fiscal policies, bankrupted the country with that and with two stupid wars, and allowed militant Islam to flourish by going after the wrong targets.

Obama was a disgrace across the board, and will forever be our worst president.

Trump has already done more for the country than those three combined.

Interestingly enough, Nixon has plenty of accomplishments to point to:  ending the Viet Nam War, opening China, a tough, smart foreign policy in general.  He started the EPA, it isn't his fault it's became a destructive runaway agency.

He was no conservative - he made plenty of policy mistakes - and his handling of Watergate and some of the rest overshadowed his presidency.  A lot of that was overblown by an adversarial media, conducting itself towards him the way the one we have now is conducting itself towards Trump - but he was far from the worst.

Clinton took credit for a balanced budget that he opposed. The Gingrich congress was the reason that happened. He benefitted largest from the .com boom and the trillions that poured in the economy and stock market due to a whole new avenue that allowed people to trade their own stocks. He had zero to do with the economy of the 90s. His only real proposal was of course the failed Hillarycare. Govt healthcare is the only new idea the left has proposed for half a century.

As for W, he had little to do with the mortgage meltdown. It was a perfect storm that started with the Clinton market crash in 2000 followed by 911 that forced the fed to continue to lower interest rates to prevent the recession Bush inherited from getting worse. Combine this with the decades of lowering interest rates and inevitably interest rates hit bottom. The fake mortgage rally stalled due to a lack of increase in wages and an empty demand created by the continuously lowering rates. By '06 the rates could go no lower and the s... hit the fan. No one was going to stop that crash from happening. Certainly not Kerry or Gore or Barney Frank or Maxine Waters.

The wars on terrorism are a necessary evil and creating a westernized democracy in Iraq would have been a huge advantage to the western world. It could have been the start of fixing the Middle East and empowering their people in real democracy. Instead the gains that cost 1000s of lives and a trillion dollars were tossed by OBama in favor of a small meaningless political victory. In the end, the Middle East will still have to be fixed. If not now, someday. It's not going away. The left will just choose to ignore it like they ignore the debt that doubled thanks to OBama. It'll probably take a "nucular" bomb anihliating a city in the US before the left wales up. But even that is doubtful as they'll blame some meaningless tweet or video or Republicans as always.



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 01, 2017, 06:56:11 PM
Well, the president doesn't run the economy, all the government can do is impede it or remove obstacles.  We're always going to have a boom and bust cyclical economy, that's just how a capitalist system of free exchange works.  I would point out the 1987 recession was over quickly and the economy continued climbing.  Even the 1992 recession was shallow and over before the election.

Wages for skilled workers certainly have increased, supply side economics helped nearly everyone.  Wages for low skilled workers haven't risen as much - how could they when low skill factory jobs are shipped offshore, industry is mechanized, and the country is flooded with low skilled immigrants competing for those jobs.  Its up to each individual to get the education and skills to make themselves desirable employees, not the government.

But those are just words.  Look instead at general living conditions.  we're healthier and live longer due to better food, better medical care, new pharmaceuticals, and cleaner air and water.  We have fewer labor intensive jobs and more high paying skilled positions.  Everything we have is now digitized, we have computers, smart phones, safer cars, everything thing is more energy efficient.  Communications, entertainment, the travel opportunities and variety of goods and services we have available to us. 

We're obviously considerably better off.  This is due to the economy, from Reagan forward.  Without lowering taxes on capital, it wouldn't have been invested in computing, communications, and bio-tech.  Eliminating the ''Windfall Profits Tax'' suddenly provided the energy industry needed.  Ending certain regulations freed up innovation.  Etc.

And of course the Democrats and Media hated him for it.  What you referred to in your post was Fake News, its become Fake History,

The government can and should seek to legally provide a level and fair playing field and a reasonable means of resolving conflicts but instead they just keep deregulating to prepare the way for more monopolies to the point that now there is no real diversity of opinion in mass media because it's all being run by the same insiders club

When I speak of wages I mean the median average wage hasn't risen since Nixon was in office. Sure you can find limited examples of people who's wages did grow in that time. However, the trend remains clear that in that same time the rich have gotten richer and the poor even poorer. I'm not advocating class warfare here just that those with money and power should try harder to be more reasonable about this situation. A healthy middle class is the economic engine of any economy because the rish tend to save more than spend and the poor don't have the money to spend. So, if you try to eliminate the middle class as most modern democratic governments seem to be trying you will have a stagnant economy. It seems to me that the establishment and those who support globalism want some sort of renewed slave economy though.

I agree with your point about self-reliance and education. However, the access to that education has to be reasonably attainable and should also ideally result in some sort of reasonable economic opportunities or at least the possibility of as a result or what's the point? Post-secondary education has instead become more financially prohibitive with little opportunity waiting on the other side and much debt.

I seem to remember the recession lasting for Bush's entire presidency. Things only started to improve in the mid 90s...and then crashed again in 2000...and then again in 2008.  ::)

Some say we've really been in a recession since the oil crisis of the early 70s but we all know that a recession that lasts that long is really a depression.  ;) ;D


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 01, 2017, 07:10:40 PM
Yes, he did.  This was a Democrat war, and he first tried to win it after inheriting it.  When he realized they'd fucked it up so badly, and it was too far gone, THEN he ended it.

Right.  The New York Times,  the BBC, and hundreds of other credible news organizations are all guilty of FAKE news. I suppose Watergate and Nixon resigning in the face of certain impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate are FAKE history. Ford's pardon of Nixon is FAKE history.

What are you going to say when Trump is removed from office by impeachment or the 25th Amendment because he's fucking insane?

FAKE news. FAKE history. ALTERNATIVE facts.


Quote from: Spy on July 01, 2017, 07:46:05 PM
Right.  The New York Times,  the BBC, and hundreds of other credible news organizations are all guilty of FAKE news. I suppose Watergate and Nixon resigning in the face of certain impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate are FAKE history. Ford's pardon of Nixon is FAKE history.

What are you going to say when Trump is removed from office by impeachment or the 25th Amendment because he's fucking insane?

FAKE news. FAKE history. ALTERNATIVE facts.

so Spy what's your opinion on Bill Clinton's tinted blood scandal.
you think that was OK for him to do it?
and Hillary knew about it.
The only proper Karma for both of them would be to die from some painful long term blood disease -you know "what goes around comes around" type a'thing..LOL

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