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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: albrecht on May 20, 2017, 09:08:38 PM
Again with the name-calling. Sure. Putin is corrupt. As corrupt as other historical Russian or Soviet leaders? I don't know, could be argued? As corrupt as other leaders, current or historical, anywhere? Could be argued. But from a amoral, historical perspective what has he accomplished? Heck, by a Clinton or mainstream politician or royal perspective he would be admired for amassing such vast wealth from his position. I'm using the Left's arguments about ends justifying the means and "everything is relative," "if it feels good, do it." What has Putin done that is bad from this perspective: he has more influence than any European leader. Has expanded his country and influence, when at the same time most of Europe accepts losing it and even accepts being invaded by "refugees." And he has gotten crazy rich doing so. I'm not saying this is "good" but like when TIME gave Hitler "Man of the Year," and you lot wanted to appease him.  Nobody can say not influential or successful. Now, if he turns out to be like Hitler and Stalin etc blows the success by crazy wars, pogroms, genocides, etc then history will judge him differently. But, if stands, I think non-partisan historians will say he was a success considering the chaos he took over, the vast/diverse country, and the bad/corrupt economy.

The Brits have never gotten over the ousting of the czar (who was the identical cousin to the king then) during the commie revolution and they've wanted us to fight that battle for them ever since.  ::)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 20, 2017, 09:19:25 PM
The Brits have never gotten over the ousting of the czar (who was the identical cousin to the king then) during the commie revolution and they've wanted us to fight that battle for them ever since.  ::)
Well, that stuff, goes before that. And maybe now, is more like a vicious fight by siblings after their rich dad dies or a bad divorce, but instead of lawyers and accusations and counter-claims- with wars, foreign interlopers, deep agendas, secretive corporate interests (in terms of royal chartered companies and other,) royal court intrigues, bankers (often Jewish,) religious schisms, and ear-whisperers and handlers with their own agenda. Actually, interestingly, the political divisions are causing problems within families here- luckily my cousins and me don't have armadas and troops at our beck and call! And we can still be friendly at dinners or reunions.


Melania is preparing to enter the ring to defend her WWE title against the Iron Sheik.


This is David Clarke. He never served in the military but likes to dress up, wear medals, and play make believe.  He also has delusions of being a cowboy. He has been known to threaten violence against people who disagree with him on Facebook. On 17 May 2017 he said that he is a designee to become Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Partnership and Engagement.


Quote from: Spy on May 20, 2017, 10:00:29 PM

This is David Clarke. He never served in the military but likes to dress up, wear medals, and play make believe.  He also has delusions of being a cowboy. He has been known to threaten violence against people who disagree with him on Facebook. On 17 May 2017 he said that he is a designee to become Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Partnership and Engagement.
Awesome. A black Democrat sheriff, with decades of experience at being a police officer, who also talks a good game and has good credentials in his comments towards the criminals and pressure groups who riot. (I will, like we do with MLK Jr, ignore the plagiarism claims.  ;) ) Biden, who recently criticized Hillary and her election loss, would likely call this guy a "clean African-American."
I'm sick of all the winning.


Quote from: Spy on May 20, 2017, 10:00:29 PM

This is David Clarke. He never served in the military but likes to dress up, wear medals, and play make believe.  He also has delusions of being a cowboy. He has been known to threaten violence against people who disagree with him on Facebook. On 17 May 2017 he said that he is a designee to become Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Partnership and Engagement.

He'd make a great FBI Director. The establishment would s their diapers worse than they have with Trump.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 20, 2017, 11:39:30 AM
Media Matters.  LOL.  I guess they'd know all about a propaganda machine.

Media Matters has a policy of not comprehensively listing donors. In 2010, six years after the Democracy Alliance initially endorsed MMfA, financier George Soros â€" a founding and continuing member of the Alliance â€" announced that he was donating $1 million to MMfA.

Oy, what a crime. That this is the best you can do impugn the author or/and the organization puts us (the Good Guys)  light-years out front, ahead of the game, in the ethics, veracity, credibility, service and intent departments!  FAIL!


Why do most Trumpers think always the most qualified  people are blowhards they see on TV

You know hundreds of qualified  people out there who aren't pushing their mom into on coming  traffic (probably blaming Obama) just to make sure they are in front of a Fox TV camera

Remember  the last blowhard  "Authority  figure" was Flynn. How well did that turn out for him. BTW here' Clarke in Russia  in December  2015 to discuss  "middle east issues" because a small time Sheriff  from Wisconsin is totally qualified. Maybe he got to room with Flynn who was there at that time also.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 20, 2017, 01:54:07 PM
Yes, it's certainly as much "journalism" as the totally unfounded propaganda you unconsciously parrot and spew here everyday.  ;)

In conclusion then; MD concedes that YES, he believes that both "Conservative Talk Radio and "YouTube" are *Journalism*. In so doing, he automatically forfeits any claim to being a credible participant in any/all past, current, or future discussions. He simply can not be taken seriously nor his "opinions" granted any respect. He has no standards, he freely acknowledges that, will make no effort to correct or fortify (with facts or fact-finding) the grounds and content of his convictions, and he stands firmly and proudly by that "studied" disposition. So be it â€" just so we-all understand "where you're coming from", MD.  (smooch)


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 20, 2017, 11:05:03 PM
Why do most Trumpers think always the most qualified  people are blowhards they see on TV

You know hundreds of qualified  people out there who aren't pushing their mom into on coming  traffic (probably blaming Obama) just to make sure they are in front of a Fox TV camera

Remember  the last blowhard  "Authority  figure" was Flynn. How well did that turn out for him. BTW here' Clarke in Russia  in December  2015 to discuss  "middle east issues" because a small time Sheriff  from Wisconsin is totally qualified. Maybe he got to room with Flynn who was there at that time also.

Aren't you ashamed to keep peddling this phony Russia conspiracy?  Even a little?! ???

I suppose not. You had no shame about peddling phony poll results during the election.  ;D

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 20, 2017, 10:37:01 PM
Oy, what a crime. That this is the best you can do impugn the author or/and the organization puts us (the Good Guys)  light-years out front, ahead of the game, in the ethics, veracity, credibility, service and intent departments!  FAIL!

You are still defending Brock? He is nothing more than a political hack spewing out Soros-flavored propaganda.  He is indefensible.  You need better sources, dude.


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 12:02:10 AM
In conclusion then; MD concedes that YES, he believes that both "Conservative Talk Radio and "YouTube" are *Journalism*. In so doing, he automatically forfeits any claim to being a credible participant in any/all past, current, or future discussions. He simply can not be taken seriously nor his "opinions" granted any respect. He has no standards, he freely acknowledges that, will make no effort to correct or fortify (with facts or fact-finding) the grounds and content of his convictions, and he stands firmly and proudly by that "studied" disposition. So be it â€" just so we-all understand "where you're coming from", MD.  (smooch)

I'm right here, loser. You can stop discussing me in the third person like you're lecture a class or something. You need to up your dose of Xanax! ::)

So, that's it? That's your best shot?! Falling back on ad hominem attacks on my sources without saying why? You simply can't be taken seriously...by anyone; and as far as respect goes you're just about the biggest turd on Bellgab. 


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 21, 2017, 12:11:45 AM
I'm right here, loser. You can stop discussing me in the third person like you're lecture a class or something. You need to up your dose of Xanax! ::)

So, that's it? That's your best shot?! Falling back on ad hominem attacks on my sources without saying why? You simply can't be taken seriously...by anyone; and as far as respect goes you're just about the biggest turd on Bellgab.
Yeah, time differences, and national health plans with regard to meds, aside, YP today could have a rational discussion. But this  poster. Geez. But I allow some mulligans for time, drink, meds, etc for everyone. And who am I to say if some getting some funding, hey free market  ;) but one will note these types, once Hillary lost, were so absent but then there was the new moves across all platforms and in the streets, so who knows?


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 12:02:10 AM
So be it â€" just so we-all understand "where you're coming from", MD.

The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfitsâ€"a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 12:02:10 AM

Is this... is this code?


Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 12:25:19 AM
YP today could have a rational discussion.

Bwhahaha yah right. Get back to me with his thoughts on the black nanotech. Tell you what: he holds the crayon, you move the paper.

Up All Night

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 20, 2017, 08:26:34 PM
Yeah and I notice that everyone here is avoiding the fucking elephant in the room: WE JUST SOLD SA 1.9 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF ARMS! Doesn't anyone have any thoughts about that?  :D

Well, I'm hoping that the equipment has super secret "Kill Switches" in it, so that we, our our close allies, ie. Israel could remotely enact them, if, some SA force ever went rogue...


Quote from: Jackstar on May 21, 2017, 12:30:16 AM
Bwhahaha yah right. Get back to me with his thoughts on the black nanotech. Tell you what: he holds the crayon, you move the paper.
Those fucking drug dealing Queens.


Quote from: Up All Night on May 21, 2017, 12:31:43 AM
Well, I'm hoping that the equipment has super secret "Kill Switches" in it, so that we, our our close allies, ie. Israel could remotely enact them, if, some SA force ever went rogue...
I've been worrying about this for decades. Especially since so much chips, tech, drugs, etc, mfg in foreign countries, and even surveillance and coding out sourced. Stupid. Not good.
ps: I think we do have "some" of this. But the problem is the market. If it was known to have we would lose sales, unless big kickbacks or agreements,  ;) because of other countries sales. And more weapons means more wars- or bettter- more "gaps" for more sales. It is a good business model.  :(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 21, 2017, 12:11:45 AM
I'm right here, loser. You can stop discussing me in the third person like you're lecture a class or something. You need to up your dose of Xanax! ::)

So, that's it? That's your best shot?! Falling back on ad hominem attacks on my sources without saying why? You simply can't be taken seriously...by anyone; and as far as respect goes you're just about the biggest turd on Bellgab.

There was nothing "ad hominem" about it (you mindless fucking parrot).

Here's the definition: "directed against a person, rather than *the position* they are maintaining."

You are maintaining (*the position*) that Conservative Talk Radio and YouTube are Journalism. THAT is what I'm attacking. You've had two or three chances to refute that, but you haven't. Are you telling us now that you hold the contray position and that agree with me/us (i.e. that segment of the population possessing functioning brains) that Conservative Talk Radio (and the bulk of YouTube political content) is NOT Journalism? This requires a very simple yes or no answer MD. Are you man enough to clearify deny/confirm your position on this for us?


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 12:56:29 AM
There was nothing "ad hominem" about it (you mindless fucking parrot).

Here's the definition: "directed against a person, rather than *the position* they are maintaining."

You are maintaining (*the position*) that Conservative Talk Radio and YouTube are Journalism. THAT is what I'm attacking. You've had two or three chances to refute that, but you haven't. Are you telling us now that you hold the contray position and that agree with me/us (i.e. that segment of the population posessing functioning brains) that Conservative Talk Radio (and the bulk of YouTube political content) is NOT Journalism? This requires a very simple yes or no answer MD. Are you man enough to clearify deny/confirm you position on this for us?

Why don't you be specific, you talking point chimp? If you want to debate a specific issue I'm willing to humiliate you, yet again but I don't buy into your conspiracy theories that there is one, unified conservative position. In fact, I don't even really consider myself a conservative. You, however, are a mindless ideologue drone...and you're really, REALLY bad at it and convince no one. ::)  ;D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 21, 2017, 01:02:03 AM
Why don't you be specific, you talking point chimp? If you want to debate a specific issue I'm willing to humiliate you, yet again but I don't buy into your conspiracy theories that there is one, unified conservative position. In fact, I don't even really consider myself a conservative. You, however, are a mindless ideologue drone...and you're really, REALLY bad at it and convince no one. ::)  ;D

That's not an answer. I identified "the specific issue" and you again refuse to answer. I'll make it easier for you: do you, Dr. MD MD, believe that Conservative Talk Radio qualifies/ranks as Journalism? Yes or No.


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 12:02:10 AM
In conclusion then; MD concedes that YES, he believes that both "Conservative Talk Radio and "YouTube" are *Journalism*. In so doing, he automatically forfeits any claim to being a credible participant in any/all past, current, or future discussions. He simply can not be taken seriously nor his "opinions" granted any respect...

Where does that rank in comparison to getting your political tips from a twitter "insider"?  ;)

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 16, 2017, 11:52:06 PM
GOP insider . . .


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