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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Route 66

Just learned Trump has been to the golf course 13 times from February 4th - March 26th.  Looks like he's the goofer, I mean, golfer, in chief.  Nobody knew that healthcare is so complicated! Kind of like a sandtrap on the back nine...


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 27, 2017, 02:40:20 AM
Re the high cost of US healthcare...

I think one example of what could be seen as an unnecessary test would be too frequent CT scans. Years ago, when CT scans were first used in hospitals they weren't seen as a routine test. The older scanners took forever and there's the issue of radiation exposure. Over the years as the scanners have become faster, they are often a quick way to get a definitive diagnosis. They aren't cheap, however, and require a reading by a radiologist, and there's still the issue of radiation exposure. I think most providers still rely on their clinical skills, and don't over-order CTs, but consider this...

ERs across the US are becoming increasingly populated with patients who are there because they're drunk. Typically when a drinker is found down at home or on the street, 911 is called and medics attempt to walk the patient. If they can't walk they are brought to the ER to sober up. Yes, ERs are modern day "drunk tanks". Alcoholism causes liver damage leading to clotting disorders, meaning they are prone to bleeding. So if they fall and hit their head, which they often do, the ER staff has to question if their reduced level of consciousness is due to being drunk, or having a head injury.

Conservative treatment would be to observe them in the ER on a gurney as they sleep it off for several hours, then "road test" them to see if they're safe for discharge. Sometimes our ERs are full of these "MTF" (metabolizing to freedom) patients, who can be belligerent and high-maintenance. Many sober up enough to slip out of the busy, over-crowded ER unnoticed. As you might imagine, these patients are considered high-liability cases. I've seen some providers order head CTs on all of their altered drunk patients because they are so high-risk. Some of our regular "frequent flyers" (weekly, even several times a week) have had dozens of head CTs.

When I see someone like Paul Ryan pontificating on America's healthcare problems it makes me crazy, as he's just another clueless politician who has no fucking idea what's happening on the front line of healthcare today. I'm sharing one real life example here to highlight the challenges we face. The example I used not only illustrates the high cost of chronic diseases such as alcoholism, but shows that something is seriously wrong with a govenment that is so out of touch with the physical, mental, and social health of the populace that the administration would attempt to cut the very services we so desperately need.

Point taken.  Unfortunately not many doctors or nurses get elected to congress and the lawyers (for the most part) who do can only be guided by input from medical professionals and other stakeholders. The same holds true for any other piece of legislation.  Not many truck drivers serve in congress either but that doesn't stop legislators from enacting laws effecting the way they do business. 

Would you rather have Nancy Pelosi pontificate on health care?  We all know how that went. 


Quote from: Route 66 on March 27, 2017, 08:19:34 AM
Just learned Trump has been to the golf course 13 times from February 4th - March 26th.  Looks like he's the goofer, I mean, golfer, in chief.  Nobody knew that healthcare is so complicated! Kind of like a sandtrap on the back nine...

I will bet that Trump spends many more hours actually  on the job than did Obama .  As a matter of fact, Obama was known for his lax work habits and "not being available."

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 27, 2017, 02:40:20 AM
... When I see someone like Paul Ryan pontificating on America's healthcare problems it makes me crazy, as he's just another clueless politician who has no fucking idea what's happening on the front line of healthcare today...

Yes, exactly.  These people have spent their entire lives in politics.  The only thing they are experts on is how to get themselves elected or appointed.  For the most part they are sociopaths, drawn to the money and power.  The more money and power in government, the worse people it draws in.  They are usually well spoken and have a certain soothing temperament, but aren't necessarily all that bright.  They hive together in their parties - they may truly have causes they support, or at least did when they entered politics, but for the most part they support causes on behalf of their donors or party.   

Government should be limited to the things only government can do, that we need it to do:  overseeing a judicial system, public safety, diplomacy, national defense, streets and highways, overseeing the monetary system, and so on. 

They should have plenty to do without unwarranted intrusion into areas the private sector does better than government.  The profit motive is what keeps costs at a minimum.  A bureaucracy, whose funds come from taxes and are allocated based on politics, has no such motive.  Prices in the free market act as signals:  to produce more, or less;  to consume more, or less - prices simply set by government dictate create imbalances leading to shortages.

What we don't need is government interference in sectors best served by the free market.  Like Healthcare.  The governments role should be intelligent regulations preventing consumer abuses - everything from preventing snake oil masquerading as pharmaceuticals, to culling lousy doctors, to preventing abusive insurance company tactics, to preventing abusive lawsuits - and a safety net for people who are unable to provide for themselves.

The understanding that politicians - and by extension government - are not the answer is a giant first step.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 27, 2017, 09:17:52 AM
These people have spent their entire lives in politics.  The only thing they are experts on is how to get themselves elected or appointed.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 27, 2017, 09:17:52 AM
For the most part they are sociopaths, drawn to the money and power.

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 27, 2017, 09:17:52 AM
The understanding that politicians - and by extension government - are not the answer is a giant first step.

A man was about to be hung for comitting murder. When the hangman asked if the convicted had any last words, the man with the noose around his throat spoke up: "I HATE MASONS! The man I killed was a mason, the judge who convicted me was a mason and all the jury were masons! If I could do it again I'd have killed more!"

After a short silence, the hangman stated "Well, I cannot allow this exacution to fall behind schedule. Please step off with your left foot..."


Wow. The headlines this morning. Cue the "terrorist" attack

Bitter GOP finger-pointing clouds path for Trump agenda - Associated Press

Trump's Approval Rating Falls As 'Trumpcare' Flops - Newsweek

Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians  - New York Times

Trump's border wall with Mexico faces all kinds of obstacles  - Associated Press

Here’s what the Republicans who just stopped Trump want next  - Washington Post

G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump - New York Times


It's the best thing that could have happened for Trump.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 27, 2017, 08:54:49 AM
I will bet that Trump spends many more hours actually  on the job than did Obama .  As a matter of fact, Obama was known for his lax work habits and "not being available."

Yeah. That's why Fox put out a 'News Alert' Trump was actually working this weekend. Finally. Even though he wasn't

Fox News Tweets That Trump Was at the White House When He Was Actually at His Golf Course
Late Sunday afternoon, Fox News’s Twitter issued a “news alert” informing the public that President Donald Trump was “spending the weekend working at the White House.” It was a weird tweet for a couple of reasons: First, the idea that the president of the United States, typically a very busy person, had to keep doing his job over the weekend doesn’t exactly seem newsworthy. Second, Trump spent a significant portion of the weekend at his Virginia golf course. - Daily Intellingencer


Quote from: Juan on March 27, 2017, 11:18:02 AM
It's the best thing that could have happened for Trump.

Where's Doc's "head in the sand" meme when you need it?


Quote from: TigerLily on March 27, 2017, 11:10:42 AM
Wow. The headlines this morning. Cue the "terrorist" attack

Bitter GOP finger-pointing clouds path for Trump agenda - Associated Press

Trump's Approval Rating Falls As 'Trumpcare' Flops - Newsweek

Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians  - New York Times

Trump's border wall with Mexico faces all kinds of obstacles  - Associated Press

Here’s what the Republicans who just stopped Trump want next  - Washington Post

G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump - New York Times

See, this is what happens when a troll gets power. This is the end game for a troll...the entire world clearly sees that you are an useless but annoyingly arrogant idiot and you keep thinking you're wonderful. That's it, folks. The best a troll can hope for...to be Trump. Too funny.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 27, 2017, 09:17:52 AM
Yes, exactly.  These people have spent their entire lives in politics.  The only thing they are experts on is how to get themselves elected or appointed.  For the most part they are sociopaths, drawn to the money and power.  The more money and power in government, the worse people it draws in.  They are usually well spoken and have a certain soothing temperament, but aren't necessarily all that bright.  They hive together in their parties - they may truly have causes they support, or at least did when they entered politics, but for the most part they support causes on behalf of their donors or party.   

Government should be limited to the things only government can do, that we need it to do:  overseeing a judicial system, public safety, diplomacy, national defense, streets and highways, overseeing the monetary system, and so on. 

They should have plenty to do without unwarranted intrusion into areas the private sector does better than government.  The profit motive is what keeps costs at a minimum.  A bureaucracy, whose funds come from taxes and are allocated based on politics, has no such motive.  Prices in the free market act as signals:  to produce more, or less;  to consume more, or less - prices simply set by government dictate create imbalances leading to shortages.

What we don't need is government interference in sectors best served by the free market.  Like Healthcare. The governments role should be intelligent regulations preventing consumer abuses - everything from preventing snake oil masquerading as pharmaceuticals, to culling lousy doctors, to preventing abusive insurance company tactics, to preventing abusive lawsuits - and a safety net for people who are unable to provide for themselves.

The understanding that politicians - and by extension government - are not the answer is a giant first step.

You like Prisons for Profit? Do you want your child to pay for elementary school?

I thought you were the "No Regulations" guys. Your people are already back to polluting waterways with coal mining waste.  On the agenda is killing the EPA. Consumers need to drink clean water and breathe clean air too


Quote from: RoseGirl on March 27, 2017, 11:27:50 AM
See, this is what happens when a troll gets power. This is the end game for a troll...the entire world clearly sees that you are an useless but annoyingly arrogant idiot and you keep thinking you're wonderful. That's it, folks. The best a troll can hope for...to be Trump. Too funny.

I hope you are saying "you", Trump and not "you", TigerLily  :-\


Quote from: TigerLily on March 27, 2017, 11:35:18 AM
consumers need to drink clean water and breathe clean air too


Quote from: RoseGirl on March 27, 2017, 11:27:50 AM
this is what happens when a troll gets power

It's an older meme--but it checks out.


Quote from: TigerLily on March 27, 2017, 11:23:42 AM
Where's Doc's "head in the sand" meme when you need it?



TigerLily's one-page, two-step Healthcare Plan

Give people an option to:

A) Sign up for the same plan Congress has, or
B) Sign up for Medicare

Done. Please feel free to email the TigerLily Healthcare Plan to your Congressperson and Senator

Next problem?


Quote from: TigerLily on March 27, 2017, 11:10:42 AM
Wow. The headlines this morning. Cue the "terrorist" attack

Bitter GOP finger-pointing clouds path for Trump agenda - Associated Press

Trump's Approval Rating Falls As 'Trumpcare' Flops - Newsweek

Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians  - New York Times

Trump's border wall with Mexico faces all kinds of obstacles  - Associated Press

Here’s what the Republicans who just stopped Trump want next  - Washington Post

G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump - New York Times

Wow those are some shocking opinion piece headlines. Where's the one talking about world markets have lost all confidence in Trump, the DOW drops 25pts. Lmao! Or Flynn took 64g in bribes. Lmao!!! 64 grand, 1:31250th of what Clinton accepted, and that's just the noble foundation. Glorious fake news headlines, please keep posting them  :D


Quote from: TigerLily on March 27, 2017, 11:36:59 AM
I hope you are saying "you", Trump and not "you", TigerLily  :-\

No no, definitely them. Bigly. I wouldn't lose myself in a game of 'follow the leader' if you paid me.


Quote from: Gd5150 on March 27, 2017, 11:47:30 AM
Wow those are some shocking opinion piece headlines. Where's the one talking about world markets have lost all confidence in Trump, the DOW drops 25pts. Lmao! Or Flynn took 64g in bribes. Lmao!!! 64 grand, 1:31250th of what Clinton accepted, and that's just the noble foundation. Glorious fake news headlines, please keep posting them  :D

Keep laughing, funny guy. Where's that "head in the sand" meme?


Quote from: RoseGirl on March 27, 2017, 11:50:12 AM
No no, definitely them. Bigly. I wouldn't lose myself in a game of 'follow the leader' if you paid me.



Some of the newbies may still need instructions, though. Gotta keep that base strong.


Up All Night

Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 26, 2017, 01:46:21 AM
Andrew Napolitano claims that Trump told him that he's "on the list" for a future Supreme Court Justice appointment.


Well, Donald will surely need  to "pack" the court, to get approval for the re-education/Labor camps for the all of the leftist liberals, and there are many!!  :D

Up All Night

I believe the United Nations has a statement supporting the right of all people of the world to watch WWF on television.


Quote from: Up All Night on March 27, 2017, 12:02:31 PM
Well, Donald will surely need  to "pack" the court, to get approval for the re-education/Labor camps for the all of the leftist liberals, and there are many!!  :D

psst...that's not a 'labor camp', that's humanity. Just sayin'.

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