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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 29, 2017, 10:18:25 PM

There is nothing in this article about eligible voters, registered voters, or number of voters.  It's just more Fake Statistics about his popularity.


This fat slob has probably packed on 20 pounds since Jan. 20.

How about an exercise bike instead of playing that so-called sport every weekend, eh 'chief'?

Our fattest president since Taft.

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 29, 2017, 10:21:45 PM
Have you forgotten how the Rs promised voters for 8 years they could do better?  They've shown their hand and been outed as liars and frauds.

You don't have to convince me.  I thought Ryan, McCain, Preebus, McConnell, Boehner, Goober Graham and the rest of the Rinos were already outed as liars and frauds. 

Fortunately for them, Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, and the rest are worse.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 29, 2017, 10:04:19 PM
TLDR.  I only made it this far, sorry - I'm sure you put a lot of thought into writing it.

Anyway, in the immortal words of the Great Divider:  ''You didn't build that''. 

California, San Francisco, and the entire West was not built by faggy, whiny, divisive, paper-shuffling, arrogant, America-hating Lib phonies, it was built by real people doing real work.  SF was once a conservative stronghold in a conservative state and region.  It was these good people who let the real deplorables in, and let them live their lives as they wanted.  Once these ''Progressives'' reached critical mass, they began to run the place into the ground, and haven't let up. 
Yes, hard-working liberals like Senda.

QuoteSF, CA, and the western US was once the greatest place in the world - which is why these dumb lazy Lib locusts moved here in the first place.
I can say the same thing about Florida, only in reverse. Republicans have destroyed the state.

At least the old ones come down to croak, and they don't run the government. They just vote for charlatans like Rubio and Feeney.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 29, 2017, 10:22:52 PM
There is nothing in this article about eligible voters, registered voters, or number of voters.  It's just more Fake Statistics about his popularity.

The "fake statistics" are vote tallies. The data is available from a variety of sources, which you could look up as easily as I can. But then you'd have an answer to your "what's different" question about this election: Donald Trump is the least popular president to be elected in 40 years.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on March 29, 2017, 10:36:03 PM
Yes, hard-working liberals like Senda...

Isn't there a rule on political message boards that whoever brings up Falkie first loses?


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 30, 2017, 12:25:00 AM
Isn't there a rule on political message boards that whoever brings up Falkie first loses?

Actually, they are supposed to buy the next round,


LOL lefties losing their shit about Trump reversing Obama's economy killing climate change executive orders.   Double win.


Quote from: Schlyder7 on March 30, 2017, 02:49:03 AM
LOL lefties losing their shit about Trump reversing Obama's economy killing climate change executive orders.   Double win.

Get your mugs out boys.  It's gonna be raining liberal tears again.  You all know how delicious those are.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 29, 2017, 05:57:31 PM
The people Trump chose have relevant experience and have risen to the top of their professions. . .

Spare us, ffs. Is there some place "in the real world" where you actually get away with saying shit like this? i.e. such idiotic and patently false stuff? You're the same kind of bald-faced-lier as Trump is. Piece of work.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 29, 2017, 07:42:45 PM
I don't give a rat's ass if he hires Doc, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy and Bashful as long as he does what he said he was going to do.

The real you, in your real voice (once again). Doesn't that feel better?


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 29, 2017, 03:59:28 PM
Of course you're right and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I just like to point out the god-awful hypocracy on the part of the Democrats.  How about Hilliary's role in the Russians gaining control of 20% of our uranium deposits and the concomitant contributions to the Clinton Foundation?  Let's just keep it real.

The only way to "keep it real" with you is to call your BULL SHIT every time!


"Trump says Clinton "gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia."

The reference is to Russia’s nuclear power agency buying a controlling interest in a Toronto-based company. That company has mines, mills and tracts of land in Wyoming, Utah and other U.S. states equal to about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity (not produced uranium).

Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only Obama had the power to veto it. For a statement that contains only an element of truth, our rating is Mostly False."


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 29, 2017, 07:15:56 PM
WTF!! Someone needs to put a stop to this BS! She's gone from "no job" at the WH, to a "non-official" job, and now she has an "official" job?!? What the hell is going on? This family's egos are out of control. Or something even more nefarious, like daddy is unfit for office and she's the fixer, a de facto president? WTF?!


What's more . . .
"Ivanka Trump's new title in the White House is "Assistant to the President." It's the Highest staff title there is. Even the "Chief of Staff" and "National Security Advisor" are Assistant to the President. Ivanka now has the same rank as General McMaster (3 stars)."

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 29, 2017, 09:39:11 PM
You may want to read the article again, a little more closely.  But first remember:  Salon is an opinion journal and this is an opinion piece - regardless of what they may claim.

According to this piece, the Rs offered 210 amendments, of which 161 were accepted.  Except reading it a little more closely - as well as following their link to Ezra Klein's column, and reading that - the ''amendments'' attributed to the Rs were written by the Ds:  ''the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks''

First off, including ''core planks'' in the legislation is not the same as adding amendments.  Amendments are proposals to legislation after it's been drafted, and each is voted on separately.  These ''planks'' were included by the Ds, in the original legislation, and were not voted on separately.  Which means they were not amendments, and we don't know what the Rs thought about the actual language of them - since there were no separate votes taken on them.

Second, having the Ds write in this legislation in an attempt to draw Republican votes is not the same as accepting language (amendments) the Rs wanted.  The various issues these ''planks'' addressed may or may not have been acceptable, and may not have even addressed the key points. 

By reading this piece carefully, these were not ''Republican Amendments''.  Although it was crafted in a way that's the impression they wanted to give the reader.  So, you know, more misleading Fake News from the usual purveyors.

Thank you for doing the work.  I'm skeptical as it is with anything that Salon puts out there.  I didn't see Pud's comment until hours later.

Quote from: Catsmile on March 29, 2017, 09:23:54 PM
Ultimately Paper Boy is a poser, he lives in San Francisco around the bay area which is a Liberal Mecca. Liberal ideals may disgust him, but he loves living in the economic and cultural prosperity SF Liberals provide. I'm sure he can give many convoluted tall tales about how Conservatives/Libertarians made the place so GREAT that it still prospers despite almost 50 years of Liberal domination. Yes, our beloved keyboard commando should put his money where his mouth is, proving hes not all bloviation. Moving to a Conservative Mecca would be befitting. Where his screeds would indeed succeed...

*Uh California Neo-libertarian in King Donalds Court

Rush Limbaughs birthplace would be befitting of his political leanings. A land where PB can really bask in the Conservative Libertarian economic and cultural prosperity that is the Cape. Our Fearless Leader MV < Praise MV > can show him the best that Taint, MO has to offer. The architectural beauty of Bill Emerson Bridge for example, a bridge built to escape nowhere.

Under the bridge they can see a crowd gathering witnessing a common occurrence, yet another meth-head fucking his sister. Everyone is yelling, throwing their hands in the air excitedly at the horrid high-stakes event unfolding before them. Taken aback PB joins in the fray to shout the meth addled dirtbag down. Which turns to frozen silence, once PB realizes the fray wasn't quite what it seemed. The frenzied crowd was placing bets. Wagering on the outcome of who comes first, the meth-head, his sister, or the cops.

MV sees PB is a little shaken from the towns unsanctioned gaming, so takes him for a drink at the pub. Meeting up with the guys to take the edge off. Only the best entertainment in town for their guest. They decide to really paint the town red. 32 is pretty much the apex of cultural entertainment around town. The object of Thirty-two is simple. Count the number of women it takes to make a complete set of teeth. Whoever has the highest female count buys the next round. The guy with the smallest female count tries to get those women to date him simultaneously, so he can have bragging rights. About him being on a date involving a full set of teeth.   

Papes at this point is deeply contemplating the move to this holy land, while nursing his Budweiser with disdain. His newfound brethren pick up on this vibe, and decide it's time to go elsewhere. With much bluster and pomp in their voices they spin tales of a place so good it's great, so huge it's amazing, with views unlike any other. Views that will make your head spin. PB feels this is a winning proposition, casts his vote to go see this wondrous place. Filled with excitement, he realizes along the way his band of brothers didn't tell him their destination.

The Jeep stops, PB looks around. This place looks nothing like the grandiose claims made. Once everyone is out of the Jeep PB wants to know where hes at, to which he receives no reply. Eventually MV says, "This is Trumps Bluff, do you know how it works?" PBs reply is a dubious expression, to the seemingly nonsensical question. The impasse is broken when the guys grab PB, bending him over and taking turns slipping him the dong, dry. PB struggles to no avail, demanding they stop. Yet, they did not stop. Why, you ask? The crew from the Cape knew it was clear case of fake news. PB was simply playing hard to get. Because when a clown with orange hair and makeup bends him over and is dry running him, PB can't get enough. 

Poser Libertarian stranded, dazed, and confused, in the heart of Tuh Donalds court. Butthurt is his only consolation. Fear not! Our beloved keyboard commando will spread his embittered alternative facts of that night, as far and wide as his newly reamed anus.

...And that was the story of him.   

<*Even though this narrative is all bloviation, it's just as valid most of Paper Boys bloviating narratives. >

Wow, you kept going on and on with that story.  You must have wanted multiple orgasms.  Can't blame you there but gay sex does nothing for me.  Nicely written though.  You have a knack for writing.


Elect a Clown, Expect a Circus √


Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) says the Russians hired a thousand "bloggers" to post things (undefined) and influence the election.  That seems to be his chief complaint.

How many of you Bellgabbers were influenced in your voting by our own "Canadian" poster 136 or 142? Do you believe that 1000-Russians posting on the Internet really influenced to election?

From the Panama papers, Podesta's emails and financial disclosures it appears at this point that the Russians probably phished Podesta because he and his brother were deeply in business with them. All the Hillary related stuff was simply a bonus they exploited.

Quote from: Juan on March 30, 2017, 06:02:30 AM
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) says the Russians hired a thousand "bloggers" to post things (undefined) and influence the election.  That seems to be his chief complaint.

How many of you Bellgabbers were influenced in your voting by our own "Canadian" poster 136 or 142? Do you believe that 1000-Russians posting on the Internet really influenced to election?

From the Panama papers, Podesta's emails and financial disclosures it appears at this point that the Russians probably phished Podesta because he and his brother were deeply in business with them. All the Hillary related stuff was simply a bonus they exploited.

I doubt 136 convinced a single soul to switch their vote from Trump to Clinton on here.  Of course, maybe those on the left have "weak" minds and are able to be swayed easier. lol  I'm not talking about those on Bellgab though.  They are as doggedly recalcitrant as those of here on the right are.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 29, 2017, 04:28:03 PM
Of course, the sick, lame and lazy should be treated the same as those who work for a living and contribute to society.  Why should there be any incentive to work. Let's just put everyone on a stipend and take care of all their needs to include cell phones and their drug of choice.

Sometimes I think there is something to be said for Social Darwinism on the basis of one's worth to society.    It would improve the gene pool across and within races.

Are you including children and those with pre-existing conditions among the "sick, lame and lazy?"

Herbert Spencer and others who advocated Social Darwinism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries would have refused assistance to these people and allowed them to suffer and perish.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Juan on March 30, 2017, 06:02:30 AM
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) says the Russians hired a thousand "bloggers" to post things (undefined) and influence the election.  That seems to be his chief complaint.

How many of you Bellgabbers were influenced in your voting by our own "Canadian" poster 136 or 142? Do you believe that 1000-Russians posting on the Internet really influenced to election?

From the Panama papers, Podesta's emails and financial disclosures it appears at this point that the Russians probably phished Podesta because he and his brother were deeply in business with them. All the Hillary related stuff was simply a bonus they exploited.

You're still hanging onto the hope that the Russians didn't have anything to do with the election in any way then? Bless you. You'd better tell the Senate, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and numerous other interested parties. I'd include the house intel committee but the Rep chairman is in hock to Trump and has cancelled all meetings indefinitely. Oddly no Trumpers on here have expressed any objection whatsoever to that behaviour. Or the fact he revealed there was a FISA  investigation, which in itself is a felony.  I'm sure they'd have given Obama the same benefit of the doubt.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 30, 2017, 12:25:00 AM
Isn't there a rule on political message boards that whoever brings up Falkie first loses?
He's your failure, why don't you just own it.

When I think of low-information Trump voter, when I think of someone voting against his own self-interests, when I think of conservative voter whose currency is hypocrisy ... I think immediately of Senda. He is a rather perfect example.

Yorkshire pud

Trump has apparently tweeted that 2018 he''ll be not only taking on the Dems, but the so called freedom caucus too.
The popcorn machines will be busy.  ;D

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 09:19:00 AM
Trump has apparently tweeted that 2018 he''ll be not only taking on the Dems, but the so called freedom caucus too.
The popcorn machines will be busy.  ;D


He's a fucking idiot.  There I said it.  He got a large portion of his support from the voters who support the Freedom Caucus.  He continues this and he will be voted out in 2020.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 30, 2017, 10:15:59 AM


He's a fucking idiot.  There I said it.  He got a large portion of his support from the voters who support the Freedom Caucus.  He continues this and he will be voted out in 2020.

This isn't an attack on you, but you seem surprised now at his behaviour. What has changed about him from ten, twenty, thirty years ago?

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 10:20:25 AM
This isn't an attack on you, but you seem surprised now at his behaviour. What has changed about him from ten, twenty, thirty years ago?

I didn't like him then either.  I decided when he became the nominee to suck it up and give him the benefit of the doubt.  I've also said I would criticize him when I thought it was necessary and I'm carrying through with that promise now.  I tweeted my displeasure back to him.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 30, 2017, 10:30:03 AM
I didn't like him then either.  I decided when he became the nominee to suck it up and give him the benefit of the doubt.  I've also said I would criticize him when I thought it was necessary and I'm carrying through with that promise now.  I tweeted my displeasure back to him.

Oh my. He'll hate you to Hades and back.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 10:48:54 AM
Oh my. He'll hate you to Hades and back.

I can live with that.  He probably doesn't read his replies anyway.  If he did, he would find out that a substantial number of his supporters are upset with him over this.


The Russian's "hacked" our election is among the stupidest things I have read.

For this to be true we would have to believe that the Russian's would prefer to face Gen. Mattis Sec Def versus someone of the caliber of Carter. Gen Mattis is an accomplished war fighter, a leader of men a legend among the ranks on the level of Gen Puller. Ash Carter was a physicist, academic and a bureaucrat he never served in the military hell I doubt he has ever been in a fist fight.

We would also have to believe the Russians prefer to face Gen Kelly US Marine, War fighter, proven leader. A man who lost his son also a Marine in Afghanistan. He continued to serve his country (the man is a fucking rock) and now heads DHS. This compared to Johnson who was an attorney, bureaucrat and fund raiser.

At the time of the "leaks" Hillary was favored to win by the media, it was everything accept a done deal and they are waiting for the ink to dry. IF the Russians had those documents they would have held them to AFTER the election to weaken her position. It would have been a waste of resources, remember she was as good as the next President to release the info. Putin is not dumb, the man is ruthless he has been in the position he is in for a long time. People that make those kinds of mistake do not hold power for very long.

A few weeks ago there was a leak out of the CIA where the CIA uses foreign governments hacking tools against others. This is in policy technical docs. Time Frame Prior to March 8.  Directory Comey testified that the evidence indicated it was the Russian's. That means the Russian's are to lazy to cover their tracks, but from weeks earlier we learn the CIA likes to use Russian tools for deniability?                         

After the inauguration our security and intelligence community started to leak like a sieve. The emails from the DNC why would that not be an inside job? There were / are a lot of pissed of people that did not like the way Bernie was treated. I can more likely see them helping out versus the Russian's wasting resources on a weak candidate. Maybe they had more dedicated people who were tight lipped to bad they all got the ax this week.   

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: smccomas69 on March 30, 2017, 11:18:00 AM
The Russian's "hacked" our election is among the stupidest things I have read.

For this to be true we would have to believe that the Russian's would prefer to face Gen. Mattis Sec Def versus someone of the caliber of Carter. Gen Mattis is an accomplished war fighter, a leader of men a legend among the ranks on the level of Gen Puller. Ash Carter was a physicist, academic and a bureaucrat he never served in the military hell I doubt he has ever been in a fist fight.

We would also have to believe the Russians prefer to face Gen Kelly US Marine, War fighter, proven leader. A man who lost his son also a Marine in Afghanistan. He continued to serve his country (the man is a fucking rock) and now heads DHS. This compared to Johnson who was an attorney, bureaucrat and fund raiser.

At the time of the "leaks" Hillary was favored to win by the media, it was everything accept a done deal and they are waiting for the ink to dry. IF the Russians had those documents they would have held them to AFTER the election to weaken her position. It would have been a waste of resources, remember she was as good as the next President to release the info. Putin is not dumb, the man is ruthless he has been in the position he is in for a long time. People that make those kinds of mistake do not hold power for very long.

A few weeks ago there was a leak out of the CIA where the CIA uses foreign governments hacking tools against others. This is in policy technical docs. Time Frame Prior to March 8.  Directory Comey testified that the evidence indicated it was the Russian's. That means the Russian's are to lazy to cover their tracks, but from weeks earlier we learn the CIA likes to use Russian tools for deniability?                         

After the inauguration our security and intelligence community started to leak like a sieve. The emails from the DNC why would that not be an inside job? There were / are a lot of pissed of people that did not like the way Bernie was treated. I can more likely see them helping out versus the Russian's wasting resources on a weak candidate. Maybe they had more dedicated people who were tight lipped to bad they all got the ax this week.   

If you're quick, you can get onto the senate and tell them to stop their enquiries. They're just chatting to professors of Russian politics, security and intel in the pre amble today, so they haven't started asking pointed questions of the twenty or so people they want to chat to. Be quick though.

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