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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 15, 2017, 08:13:15 PM

Live in your dream world in thinking that agencies, people, criminals, hackers, corporations, and governments (domestic and foreign) never spy and use various technologies to do so! Did you even look at these "fake news" "right-wing" sources? Even the NSA admits it- on their own site. And I'm not even bringing up their Congressional testimony or the recent leaks. But basic history on their own website. Hell, I even get letter from the OPM* about 'free' credit monitoring because our own government databases have been hacked, multiple times. But nobody spies. And never via technology.  :o
You are a weird person.

https://www.opm.gov/cybersecurity/ (I presume in your weird, Star Trek world) the government's own admission, letter, and alert is "fake news"- even when done under the Obama administration. But nobody spies or hacks.


Quote from: albrecht on March 15, 2017, 08:01:44 PM
I don't know the microwave references but there is this from years ago:
And, what is so great is Petreaus was caught just by simple email, which everyone, knew was being spied upon! And he hired David E. Kendall, both of the Clinton's lawyer, for the Lewinsky stuff, Impeachment, and now Hillary illegal private email stuff! But, as the articles/history attest the microwave spectrum (and, of course, various internet or WiFi connected devices) have been used for spying.

Hey, I once recorded the entire opening movement of Das Rosenkavalier on my Amana Microwave.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 15, 2017, 08:11:42 PM
Horseshit!  She overreached and fell on her ass.  Your pathetic excuse making is almost as laughable.

What excuse am I making for her? I like real information on politicians (ie tax returns) I would rather it be from the last 10 years, and a bit more in depth from just the "top line" but considering we haven't gotten anything from Trump (like what we have gotten from other Presidential candidates) at least it's something.

As for overreaching, looking at her twitter and she made two tweets yesterday about it
- BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously).
-What we've got is from 2005... the President's 1040 form... details to come tonight 9PM ET, MSNBC

There's not exclamation marks or ALL CAPS (excluding breaking) or nothing, unlike what you get on every Trump tweet. There no talk of YUGE or earth shattering or anything like that. She pretty much just said she got the 2005 Trump1040 form.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 15, 2017, 03:48:11 PM
When someone's head is so far up their own ass it's actually kinda sad. I didn't think it was possible to brainwash people this deeply but here we are.  ::) :D :'(
It's safe to assume that somebody did not toe the party line again and dared to question the alternative facts?

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 15, 2017, 09:12:40 AM
I love how you think how complex and unmentioned issues have such simple solutions...

Like nationalizing healthcare?


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 15, 2017, 08:23:48 PM
Hey, I once recorded the entire opening movement of Das Rosenkavalier on my Amana Microwave.
You must have been using the TDK patents, usually it is a more upsetting or annoying scenario (presuming you like Der Rosenkavalier) called the "Frey Effect."


I told you so.So now you know.


Quote from: albrecht on March 15, 2017, 08:33:13 PM
You must have been using the TDK patents, usually it is a more upsetting or annoying scenario (presuming you like Der Rosenkavalier) called the "Frey Effect."

I cannot reveal my methods but I nuked a frozen burrito at the same time.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 15, 2017, 01:20:19 PM
... but why does it matter she's a lesbian?...

Well, that's a good question.  How is it that everyone has had to hear about it? 

Why is it these people get to put it out there when they want to play the victim, impress their Lib friends, etc, but no one else is supposed to bring it up?

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 15, 2017, 02:03:02 PM
Hope things continue to improve for her. The Trumpers will ignore your post though.

I'm sorry to hear about his wife as well, but legislation based on anecdotes doesn't make good policy.

That our healthcare insurance system badly needed reform doesn't mean ObamaCare or nationalized healthcare was or is a good answer.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 15, 2017, 08:25:56 PM
I like real information...

Oh, that is rich, coming from you.  ;D


Quote from: WOTR on March 15, 2017, 08:26:13 PM
It's safe to assume that somebody did not toe the party line again and dared to question the alternative facts?

It's safe to assume it's not about party lines anymore but keep pretending it's still 2008. I'm sure that's going to work out just great for you!   ::);D


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 15, 2017, 08:39:21 PM
I cannot reveal my methods but I nuked a frozen burrito at the same time.
Beware of microwaveable burritos, in all ways they can get you. Eating, digesting, and worst the elimination.
At least this brand doesn't lie about their "product."

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 15, 2017, 02:06:48 PM
... Meanwhile, the stock market has proved to be a risky place for ones retirement savings...

Not in the long run.  Which is where retirement saving are supposed to be (long term investments)

What, are you proposing nationalized pensions now?  Because Social Security can't go bankrupt fast enough?  I realize Venezuela is no longer showing us the golden path to utopia the way it was a year or two ago, and we aren't to bring it up anymore, but can you please show us the successful Socialist model?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 15, 2017, 08:46:52 PM
It's safe to assume it's not about party lines anymore but keep pretending it's still 2008. I'm sure that's going to work out just great for you!   ::);D
Talk about "spying" and gossip!


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 15, 2017, 08:49:05 PM
Not in the long run.  Which is where retirement saving are supposed to be (long term investments)

What, are you proposing nationalized pensions now?  Because Social Security can't go bankrupt fast enough?  I realize Venezuela is no longer the chosen path to utopia it was a year or two ago, and we aren't to bring it up anymore, but can you please show us the successful Socialist model?

Warren Buffett, the second richest guy in the world is supposedly a buy and hold investor, meaning he considers carefully what he's buying and then hangs onto it for a long time.

Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 15, 2017, 03:42:11 PM
This reaction drives me crazy, and it really shows how f*cked up we are in news gathering. Maddow got a scoop of Trump Tax of 05, and she put it out there and from all accounts it seemed pretty accurate (and not so bad against Trump) and people then mock her for doing so. Isn't that what we want, citizens to have information out there, good or bad?

... then just call it fake numbers and report only negative stories (or just make them up). Because heaven forbid given any balance in reporting will let you be labeled as "In the bag for the Dems"

But isn't that exactly precisely what happened, and why she got ridiculed for it?

Because these people ARE in the bag for the Ds, and they don't put out balanced journalism - ever.  They've been going on for months about these tax returns - how they are going to show Trump is a puppet for Putin, how he cheats and doesn't pay taxes, how he isn't really as wealthy and successful as he claims, on and on.  Based on nothing, except, apparently, what you think of as balanced journalism

Rachel Muddow rubs her hands with glee, thinks she has some sort great gotcha moment, and it turns out to be nothing at all like what these biased shitheels have been going on about for months.  Even then they try to spin it like his tax rate is ''too low'', even though it's higher than what their own companies paid (heaven forbid Mudcow release her own TRs)

And then you come up with a post like that, about the poor, put upon media, who can do no right when they're just trying to get the facts.  Please.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 15, 2017, 08:41:17 PM
Well, that's a good question.  How is it that everyone has had to hear about it?  Why is it these people get to put it out there when they want to play the victim, impress their Lib friends, etc, but no one else is supposed to bring it up?

That is a part of her identity that the LGBT community flaunts when it's useful for them to do so and hides behind when she takes flak.  Take a look at some of the responses to her tweets. Legitimate criticism is often dismissed as the venom of a hateful homophobe or anti-Semite.  Trump has been a victim of this cowardly tactic by various leftist minorities and militant feminists since he announced his candidacy.  Identity politcs was roundly rejected by those Americans that put a higher value on bread and butter issues than they do where a sexually ambivalent or transgender person goes pee pee.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 15, 2017, 08:59:42 PM
But isn't that exactly precisely what happened, and why she got ridiculed for it?

Because these people ARE in the bag for the Ds, and they don't put out balanced journalism - ever.  They've been going on for months about these tax returns - how they are going to show Trump is a puppet for Putin, how he cheats and doesn't pay taxes, how he isn't really as wealthy and successful as he claims, on and on.  Based on nothing, except, apparently, what you think of as balanced journalism

Rachel Muddow rubs her hands with glee, thinks she has some sort great gotcha moment, and it turns out to be nothing at all like what these biased shitheels have been going on about for months.  Even then they try to spin it like his tax rate is ''too low'', even though it's higher than what their own companies paid (heaven forbid Mudcow release her own TRs)

And then you come up with a post like that, about the poor, put upon media, who can do no right when they're just trying to get the facts.  Please.
MSNBC personalities have a long history of tax problems. Just a few mentions by these "fake news" agencies like the Washington Post and NY Times.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 15, 2017, 08:55:29 PM
Warren Buffett, the second richest guy in the world is supposedly a buy and hold investor, meaning he considers carefully what he's buying and then hangs onto it for a long time.

Dividend paying companies with good products (and pricing power), track records for growth and for raising dividends, that have been successful over a period of decades, should be the main holdings in anyone's retirement plans.  Their share prices can only fall so far - because when the share price drops, the dividend yield increases, and at some point those yields on the stocks of great companies are just too tempting for the market to continue to ignore. 

You want to hold dividend payers in tax deferred plans so the dividends aren't taxed twice.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 15, 2017, 08:55:29 PM
Warren Buffett, the second richest guy in the world is supposedly a buy and hold investor, meaning he considers carefully what he's buying and then hangs onto it for a long time.

Which means he isn't continually selling and taking the capital gains tax hit

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 15, 2017, 09:14:28 PM

That is a part of her identity that the LGBT community flaunts when it's useful for them to do so and hides behind when she takes flak.  Take a look at some of the responses to her tweets. Legitimate criticism is often dismissed as the venom of a hateful homophobe or anti-Semite.  Trump has been a victim of this cowardly tactic by various leftist minorities and militant feminists since he announced his candidacy.  Identity politcs was roundly rejected by those Americans that put a higher value on bread and butter issues than they do where a sexually ambivalent or transgender person goes pee pee.

It amazes me people see the same tactics over and over, and don't realize they are being manipulated.  Even here when we point out day after day what they are doing and how they do it.

They just go post the next fake news story, the next fake poll, the next fake statistical chart. 

I guess humans simply must have a religion.

If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 15, 2017, 08:59:42 PM
But isn't that exactly precisely what happened, and why she got ridiculed for it?

Because these people ARE in the bag for the Ds, and they don't put out balanced journalism - ever.  They've been going on for months about these tax returns - how they are going to show Trump is a puppet for Putin, how he cheats and doesn't pay taxes, how he isn't really as wealthy and successful as he claims, on and on.  Based on nothing, except, apparently, what you think of as balanced journalism

Rachel Muddow rubs her hands with glee, thinks she has some sort great gotcha moment, and it turns out to be nothing at all like what these biased shitheels have been going on about for months.  Even then they try to spin it like his tax rate is ''too low'', even though it's higher than what their own companies paid (heaven forbid Mudcow release her own TRs)

And then you come up with a post like that, about the poor, put upon media, who can do no right when they're just trying to get the facts.  Please.

Considering he's the only Presidential candidate since Nixon to not give out his returns, of course you have your suspicions up. Then the bizarre defense of everything Russia, people wonder what's the connection. If he puts out his tax returns and nothing is there, great, nothing is there. But is he as charitable as he claims, is he as rich as he claims. There's one way to know, and it's not some guy bragging about it with continues words of "trust me"

Did she really rub her hands like a cartoon villain or was the your perspective of it. I listed the two tweets hyping the show, it didn't seem like she bragging about a huge "gotcha moment" and read more like I got this information and I will pass it forward on my show. You're right, I think it was a "nothing burger" but still rather have that piece of information than shelving the story.

Maybe I am jaded being on bellgab and seeing every video being posted as "HUGE NEWS, SOMEBODY IS GOING TO JAIL FOR SURE FOR THIS!!!!!" jeeze you want to talk about exaggeration look at the titles of some of the videos posted talking about Maddow "Epic Fail, Career Suicide,  scoop’ fails miserably, A MESSAGE SHE WILL NEVER FORGET!" Now THAT' some click bait exaggeration


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 15, 2017, 09:37:29 PM
Considering he's the only Presidential candidate since Nixon to not give out his returns, of course you have your suspicions up. Then the bizarre defense of everything Russia, people wonder what's the connection. If he puts out his tax returns and nothing is there, great, nothing is there. But is he as charitable as he claims, is he as rich as he claims. There's one way to know, and it's not some guy bragging about it with continues words of "trust me"

Did she really rub her hands like a cartoon villain or was the your perspective of it. I listed the two tweets hyping the show, it didn't seem like she bragging about a huge "gotcha moment" and read more like I got this information and I will pass it forward on my show. You're right, I think it was a "nothing burger" but still rather have that piece of information than shelving the story.

Maybe I am jaded being on bellgab and seeing every video being posted as "HUGE NEWS, SOMEBODY IS GOING TO JAIL FOR SURE FOR THIS!!!!!" jeeze you want to talk about exaggeration look at the titles of some of the videos posted talking about Maddow "Epic Fail, Career Suicide,  scoop’ fails miserably, A MESSAGE SHE WILL NEVER FORGET!" Now THAT' some click bait exaggeration


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 15, 2017, 09:37:29 PM
Considering he's the only Presidential candidate since Nixon to not give out his returns, of course you have your suspicions up. Then the bizarre defense of everything Russia, people wonder what's the connection. If he puts out his tax returns and nothing is there, great, nothing is there. But is he as charitable as he claims, is he as rich as he claims. There's one way to know, and it's not some guy bragging about it with continues words of "trust me"

Did she really rub her hands like a cartoon villain or was the your perspective of it. I listed the two tweets hyping the show, it didn't seem like she bragging about a huge "gotcha moment" and read more like I got this information and I will pass it forward on my show. You're right, I think it was a "nothing burger" but still rather have that piece of information than shelving the story.

Maybe I am jaded being on bellgab and seeing every video being posted as "HUGE NEWS, SOMEBODY IS GOING TO JAIL FOR SURE FOR THIS!!!!!" jeeze you want to talk about exaggeration look at the titles of some of the videos posted talking about Maddow "Epic Fail, Career Suicide,  scoop’ fails miserably, A MESSAGE SHE WILL NEVER FORGET!" Now THAT' some click bait exaggeration

You are rationalizing your rationalizations.  Let's try it a different way.  How much of Maddow's speculation about the evil doings of Donald Trump have proven true so far.  Please delineate for us what she has correctly hypothesized.  Start with her assurances that Trump was unelectable and wouldn't win the primary and take it forward to now.  Are you not aware of the plethora of videos that memorialize her face plants.  Must I repost them all. 



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 15, 2017, 09:50:43 PM
You are rationalizing your rationalizations...

Deifying your deifinitons?


Dat spin:


QuoteA night after she was mockingly compared to Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone’s vault for her reveal of President Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow spent a segment on her program explaining why the document was significant and raised substantial questions.
Maddow acknowledged that the 1040 appeared to show the president in a “positive light” before stating that it was an “atypical year for his tax preparation strategy.”
“2005 is the year Mr. Trump married his lovely wife Melania,” Maddow said. “This was their first jointly filed tax return as a married couple.”
She then noted that at that time, Mrs. Trump was not a U.S. citizen but a green card holder. Maddow went on to point out that Melania Trump needed to bring that year’s tax return to get her citizenship interview she had in 2006.
“And that tax return would be used as a very important piece of evidence as to whether or not she should get citizenship,” Maddow noted. “So you better believe the 2005 tax return is going to be sterling, right? That it’s going to display excellent citizenship and no red flags whatsoever.”
Maddow would spend the rest of the segment detailing other reasons why the tax return would show that level of income and taxes paid.

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