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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


Since French Chefs are claimed to serve such small portions, maybe a way to help unite eastern and western civilizations is w/dish made w/sausage and clams.


Quote from: jazmunda on February 05, 2014, 12:19:38 AM

That reporter should be introduced to bobsled, ice skates, sleeping bag, or BC bud.


Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting their hilarious and gross hotel experiences

©Harry Reekie on Twitter: @HarryCNN

Amid continued debate over whether or not Sochi is prepared to host the 2014 Olympics reporters from around the world are starting to check into local hotels â€" to their apparent grief. Some journalists arriving in Sochi are describing appalling conditions in the housing there, where only six of nine media hotels are ready for guests. Hotels are still under construction. Water, if it’s running, isn’t drinkable. One German photographer told the AP over the weekend that his hotel still had stray dogs and construction workers wandering in and out of rooms.

Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/02/04/journalists-at-sochi-are-live-tweeting-their-hilarious-and-gross-hotel-experiences/

LOL at this tweet from Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7):
"Still waiting for 'preparations' on hotel room to finish. Hoping they're origami-folding toilet roll, rather than, say, putting the roof on."


Part 2:


Suddenly, my own squalid bedroom feels like The Four Seasons.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 05, 2014, 05:44:06 PM
Part 2:


Suddenly, my own squallish bedroom feels like The Four Seasons.

Sort of reminded me of:




Quote from: bateman on February 05, 2014, 06:01:08 PM
What. the. fuck.


I just looked at that, rubbed my eyes and thought, "Sheezus, I need to eat something, walk the dog and get some fresh air. The pics are starting to get all migraine-portending and wavy." Then I realized that's HIS FACE. Before the fire or did that happen IN the fire???


Haskins has lived there for more than a decade. Previously, his face was disfigured when he shot himself with a shotgun, police said. He didn't previously have a criminal history in Florida.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 05, 2014, 06:04:37 PM
I just looked at that, rubbed my eyes and thought, "Sheezus, I need to eat something, walk the dog and get some fresh air. The pics are starting to get all migraine-portending and wavy." Then I realized that's HIS FACE. Before the fire or did that happen IN the fire???

Right?? Blasted himself in the face with a shotgun, apparently.


If you can't masturbate by your window where can you masturbate?

That reminds me I need to buy some more windex.


Vending machines are dangerous. click to enlarge - that's what she said.


Quote from: jazmunda on February 05, 2014, 06:41:39 PM
Vending machines are dangerous. click to enlarge - that's what she said.

Hey, how did you do that?

Hippos kill 2,900 people annually???


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 05, 2014, 07:08:34 PM
Hey, how did you do that?

Hippos kill 2,900 people annually???

How did I do what? Organise for the Hippos to kill 2,900 annually? :)

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 05, 2014, 06:38:39 AM
wow maybe we should switch from base 10 to base 12 for our number system.

Fascinating article. I always liked base 16 for the convenience in computing,but I can see where base 12 would be great for learning fractions because of the larger sets of multiples. On the other hand, it would completely blow my sneaky learning approach to base 10 tactic of having everyone at a table put their hands on the table and tell me how many fingers there are. There are  3 kids per table and the first answer is invariably 6. I live for those moments.  ;)

One of my computer science teachers told me that in the good old, old, old days of launches, instructions were hand toggled in binary. The mind boggles.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 06, 2014, 10:17:44 AM
Oh my.


That isn't a menu, it's the title of a porn film. Apparently. So I was told. Or perhaps overheard.



All I know is, Russia is now in my travel plans.


Quote from: onan on February 06, 2014, 12:49:50 PM
All I know is, Russia is now in my travel plans.
Don't take any or your portable electronics, and if you do please have them in a EM/RF Shielded, TEMPEST certified, case, and don't connect to any networks.  Only use as a camera or dummy pc without internet.  infact i'd remove my own harddrives too, and hide them so they couldn't get my shit when I was out of the room either.

PS...this is similar setup to what I had to lug around to test for emanations, and to ensure my own emanations weren't being detectable.


Quote from: steelbot on February 06, 2014, 01:24:19 PM
Don't take any or your portable electronics, and if you do please have them in a EM/RF Shielded, TEMPEST certified, case, and don't connect to any networks.  Only use as a camera or dummy pc without internet.  infact i'd remove my own harddrives too, and hide them so they couldn't get my shit when I was out of the room either...

Wait, are we talking about Russia or the NSA's US?

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