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The 30 Days & Nights In The Desert Of Dolly Citrus

Started by Jackstar, August 15, 2020, 07:29:00 PM


Quote from: Jackstar on September 02, 2020, 08:07:00 PM
Day 14(?), 0222: I'm so bad at keeping a journal, I should be in detention. However, this short film, a brilliant piece of art and work in its own right, nicely captures the nuances of the latest adventures.


And, by the way, incidentally... when some of you people find out what you missed out on, why you did, who caused that to happen, what I tried to do about it, what I did do about it, how it was that I came to be thwarted, and how it all ended up, it's gonna be FUCKING PITCHFORKS IN THE FUCKING STREETS FOR YOU 24/7, PEASANTS. I'm just sayin'. Don't worry about it. I hope you enjoyed the flick! It was a little longer than 9.5 minutes, so I hope some of you didn't miscalculate your limits and brought enough juice boxes to make it all the way through to the credits. The credits are the BEST part of any movie, which is why they used to put them at THE BEGINNING.

#RubiniMagic #SparkleintheDream #AmericanMagic
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 02, 2020, 08:21:40 PM
All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony, not understood;
All partial evil, universal good,
And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite,
One truth is clear: whatever is, is right.
Know then thyself; presume not God to scan.
The proper study of mankind is man.

--Pope, Essays on Man I & II
Well proper has it's place, I don't pretend to "know it all". My opinion stays, however, it's concepts that really get the great gears turning. People are interesting, but at some point it all leads to gossip, which really annoys me at times. It's akin to when I discovered how perfect raw oysters and sushi can taste as opposed to fish sticks (this sounds exactly like fish dicks, a fact that may become important later) when I was a wee wdansewan.


My prison riot the other night was a big success. And my drinking days are over :*( But overall we are still rocking that House Arrest at Jackstar's Temple. King Triton is guarding the gates. Fuck I want to swim. It's really like clipping a bird's wings at this point. I don't mind if you cry, but save the tears for my ice plants, they contain DMT and that can seriously increase the potency. Thank you for shopping the Grapefruit Isle.

#RubiniMagic #AmericanMagic #SparkleInTheDream #TimeTravelwithUS


Quote from: albrecht on September 02, 2020, 09:18:10 PM
I know but I just had to do so. Because you said Pope (even though not those ones.) I think, the thing lacking, in our current Balkanization is the religious aspect. Likely because many/most don't have. Sure the BLMs/Antifada burns Bibles or burn some churches and there are few "Patriot Prayer" who get involved but, mainly, it is now a secular thing. Most churches (or whatever) accept no more services and even support odd flag movements and social changes. But  politics new religion. Seen in the apotheosis of Obama but also for some in Trump (vilified by Obama adherents as Orangeman, somewhat a 'lightbringer'  symbol even?) But, as we know, religion- especially sectarianism and internecine conflict, is best for violence and mayhem and "social change." And, often, the best fighters and adherent once things are truly polarized!  And money to be made, by some.



FTP, WATP.   ;)

Yeah it took us the better part of a millennium to agree that slaughtering each other over religion was a bad idea.  Ideology, whether religious or political, is the real threat, distracting people from the practical business of governance -- a pothole does not care whether it is filled by a conservative, a liberal, or a dyed-in-the-wool commie.  "Defunding the police" is a budget issue that would normally be the subject of interminable boring city council meetings that no one but a few hardy souls would pay attention to, but wrap it in ideology and people will march in the streets and throw bags of urine.  People like to fight.


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on September 03, 2020, 08:15:45 AM
#RubiniMagic #SparkleintheDream #AmericanMagicWell proper has it's place, I don't pretend to "know it all". My opinion stays, however, it's concepts that really get the great gears turning. People are interesting, but at some point it all leads to gossip, which really annoys me at times. It's akin to when I discovered how perfect raw oysters and sushi can taste as opposed to fish sticks (this sounds exactly like fish dicks, a fact that may become important later) when I was a wee wdansewan.

I don't think that gossip in the strict sense is possible without PMs, even less so on Azz's very public show where I imagine interested folks can hear what is said about them, and perhaps respond.  It is all attention, the currency of the internet, spent with a free and open hand.  In a free association of mostly interesting people it must be our bread and butter.   It is once we pull out our soapboxes and begin rhapsodizing on How Things Are that the bags of urine fly.


Boy is MY face red!  :-[ All this time I have been foolishly flushing my urine down the toilet. I had no idea I should be stockpiling.  :(


Quote from: Ciardelo on September 03, 2020, 12:41:49 PM
urine [...] stockpiling

My old job.

Quote from: Ciardelo on September 03, 2020, 12:41:49 PM

Look, just so we're clear--if James Caan comes on here and registers an account at BellGab and uses those fag-ass smilely-smelly icon shitsplats, I'm gonna tell him that he's a little bitch-ass kumquat for being so inspid as to use them incessantly, were he to do so. However, I would not expect James Caan to have to use little shitsplat icon code at all in order to make himself understood. James Caan is a man.* Hopefully, he will have buckets of his urine to heave at me at the ready, and I can cross yet another entry off my lifetime bags list.

*: I mean... last I checked. I'm not gonna lie, I've been undergoing a lot of portal involvement--with more quite forthcoming.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 03, 2020, 12:49:06 PM
I would not expect James Caan to have to use little shitsplat icon code at all in order to make himself understood. James Caan is a man.* Hopefully, he will have buckets of his urine to heave at me at the ready, and I can cross yet another entry off my lifetime bags list.

Got it! ;) ;)


Month 002, 0838: Confirmed time beacon deployment successful. Trust me, Gang, you're not going to have any problems finding the location at this time in this space, although, I'm not going to lie:
this really does remind me of that one time in Budapest.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 03, 2020, 12:49:06 PM
My old job.

Look, just so we're clear--if James Caan comes on here and registers an account at BellGab and uses those fag-ass smilely-smelly icon shitsplats, I'm gonna tell him that he's a little bitch-ass kumquat for being so inspid as to use them incessantly, were he to do so. However, I would not expect James Caan to have to use little shitsplat icon code at all in order to make himself understood. James Caan is a man.* Hopefully, he will have buckets of his urine to heave at me at the ready, and I can cross yet another entry off my lifetime bags list.

*: I mean... last I checked. I'm not gonna lie, I've been undergoing a lot of portal involvement--with more quite forthcoming.

I declare a holiday! Everyone should throw buckets of urine at Jackstar. That sounds like a perfect way to celebrate.


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on September 03, 2020, 10:44:19 PM
Everyone should throw buckets of urine at Jackstar.

Not only do I allow it, I liked it so much... I loved it so much, I bought the company.


Day 17, stabbed in the back by a dickless dbag. Good job JerkStar, I hope you have a long life full of all the bullshit and urine you can roll in. I'm really fucking disappointed.


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on September 04, 2020, 04:45:23 AM
Day 17, stabbed in the back by a dickless dbag. Good job JerkStar, I hope you have a long life full of all the bullshit and urine you can roll in. I'm really fucking disappointed.

Uh oh.



Month 002, 1033: The worst performance of her life and they never doubted it for a second--we're in. It helps that neither of us look anything like a unicorn.



WHAT MONTH IS IT?, 0317: These people are stupid.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 09, 2020, 08:36:55 PM
« Reply #106 on: Today at 19:36:55 »


Once again... Very highly difficult to overstate my satisfaction with how recent events of have unfolded... but not too high, U dig?

EDIT: typo not intended. I'm not on the move: it's just hard to type on my phone with these tiny little flippers. It's cool though, I was trained for this eventuality.

Trained in f****** public school, assholes, but--trained, nevertheless.



Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on September 04, 2020, 04:45:23 AM
Day 17, stabbed in the back by a dickless dbag.

That's really no way to talk about Jason. They meant well. They're retarded, but they meant well.

Someone like you should be more open to forgiving. That's just my opinion. What do I know? I clearly know NOTHING.


I am not going to lie; it is not always good to be The King... but it is still: Pretty Good.


[ You are not allowed to view attachments ]


Month 002, 1734: "I bet you losers think this is where the party is. Go sweep the pool."


Every word is the truth. Remember to tip your server, because S/He/It is almost assuredly a lying, violent, recalcitrant whore.

p.s. if she's not, give her my email address. Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 13, 2020, 04:56:43 AM


"O--are you kidding me? Bruce Willis is one of the most attractive men that ever walked the planet."

Yeah... I'm not gonna lie, I gotta allow that one. Mouthy whore speaking the truth--what do you want me to do? UPGRADE her? Yah right. Whatevah--no one gives a shit what a washed-up old broad like her thinks anyway--especially when they're a mouthy washed-up ancient broad. What is she in this video... like, forty-five? Holy Jesus shitballs, how can she even walk? Fortunately, she spends the whole of the screen time (that she is lucky to get) in this video sitting down, so we can't see how wide her bloated ass has gotten. Forty-five. Is she even still living at that point? Can we even call it that? Is that even legal lawful? What a dried up dried-out snatch. Fuck her, and fuck the horse she rode in on--like thirty twenty-seven fucking years ago. Loser! (btw: this is what /boldface is for, you animal) Also, she's probably fuckin' dead by now, so no one who is anyone gives a shit what she has to say. Spin in your grave, you trashy cunt.

Fictional daughter, on that one show... was nice though. What day of the week did they run that show? Was it a Thursday? Because it was JizzDay at my place, every fuckin' week. Someone tell her to come to my place. No advance warning--no empty pockets--no recalcitrant attitude: JUST SEND ME CYBILL SHEPARD'S DAUGHTER. RAWR. DO I LOOK LIKE I AM KIDDING? I AM NOT FUCKING KIDDING. I WILL SPLIT THAT FANCY BOX RIGHT IN TWO, BOTH AT THE SAME TIME--IF THEY INSIST. RAWR.

... aaand, SEEN.



Day (REDACTED), (CLASSIFIED TIME STAMP): HOWDY TROOPERS! do you think you're confused? Guess how confused the enemy AI is right now.

Somebody wake up Hicks. Spaceeba.



Quote from: Jackstar on September 15, 2020, 01:23:11 AMGuess how confused the enemy AI is right now.

Hicks is still pretty pissed about what they did to him in Alien^3, too.


That's Hudson, Sir--he's not Hicks.


Day 029.195, 0133:  [attachment=1]

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. But not as much as the smell of c** sweat.



She did NOT punch me. It is still early in the day here though. All y'all could still place bets. I'm just sayin'. Stay tuned.

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