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Minneapolis/St.paul riots

Started by nooryisawesome, May 28, 2020, 07:48:30 PM


Quote from: ItsOver on September 17, 2020, 09:58:51 AM
...  Whataburger is so gauche...

Yep, but that Hawaiian Burger, man who would've thought that pineapple on a burger would be delicious...  It has been a long time since I had a chance to visit a What-A-Burger, sort of wish they would open one up in Yankee-land so I could indulge in that guilty pleasure again...

Do they still have the Hawaiian Burger from time to time on their menu?  Last time I saw that was in the early nineties in Corpus Christi, and it was a seasonal thing then...


Quote from: pate on September 17, 2020, 11:28:14 AM
Yep, but that Hawaiian Burger, man who would've thought that pineapple on a burger would be delicious...  It has been a long time since I had a chance to visit a What-A-Burger, sort of wish they would open one up in Yankee-land so I could indulge in that guilty pleasure again...

Do they still have the Hawaiian Burger from time to time on their menu?  Last time I saw that was in the early nineties in Corpus Christi, and it was a seasonal thing then...

Ha, that’s a new one on me, although I'm admittedly not a big Whataburger fan.  I haven’t noticed it in their recent advertising.  I will say, they usually aim to please, so if you we’re to bring in a hunk of pineapple, they’d probably make something up for you, if you’re willing to wait.  The closest metro to me is Houston and the big thing there is the relatively recent arrival of In-N-Out.  H-Town has become a real foodie mecca, from junk food through haute cuisine.



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2020, 10:06:25 AM
You should probably vest up before arriving. ;)

Hiliary sold those to China too. You're fucked, Pal. We've got lasers that can go through your ROOF. You're not getting any more Wendies. On the bright side, all Wendy's are getting dramatic upgrades, and none of them have to change their names back to Heidi's if they don't care to. Also, Heidi isn't getting upgraded because I want to fuck her--she's getting one, because Grapefruit does. So it is shameless flattery, just not like you've been thinking. Hi. Hold me.
Now, I thought I told you to STAND DOWN. Just stand down. It's fine. You'll be fine. Start working on those apology letters--we're gonna collect them all into a book, sell them to the entire planet, and BellGab gets half.

I, JACKSTAR, LORD OF HIS NAME, ET*CETERA, HAS BROUGHT YOU... HALF. I'm telling ya, it's gonna be the coffee table book of the century. Everyone's gonna wanna copy. It'll be downloadable for free by torrent and only I will carry the encryption codes to print out the pages in order--which will otherwise be a highly laborious and time-wasting process. Yet when assembled, it'll be the book to end all books. Like, Constructicons merging to form Devastator, except more like a bag of dicks giving The People what they Insist is their right to make. (I don't know what that is. Is it purple there? Roll the dice to see if anyone is willing to play Chess with me.) Apparently "bag o'dicks" is the only item arriving from (CLASSIFIED) anymore and some hosebeasts are understandably upset.

Don't trust me because I appear mind-endingly powerful. Trust me because I know what I'm doing--and, there's God's Plan. It's pretty hot,* I'm not gonna lie down and let these Punylings take our guns stomachs. That being essentially the only qualification for this job, I can see why none of the rest of you abject pussies can soldier up against me. I've got friends in low places in every square inch of this swamp show. I was born here. This is MY plan-ET, so sayeth ET*Set-Era. I might actually be the last one around by a country mile. They're shipping them in from the Caspian Sea at this point--and they all love me. Who doesn't? This is exciting, isn't it? Unless it isn't. I really don't get it, you know? No one is going to miss out on anything--except me for awhile longer--so who could ever complain?

HOTFIX: Do what you want. It's all good. It's on your skin. Kneel before GOD. (not Me) Hi, Mom! ~SS*SF~


Quote from: Jackstar on September 17, 2020, 12:15:00 PM
« Reply #2494 on: Today at 11:15:00 »

D6 is code for "Six Pack of Keistered Drugs".

I don't need any D6 right now, but--thanks for offering. I got my cough syrup, I got my sippy cup--I'm f******' golden.

I'm not sure why I can't curse like a sailor yet, but I assume that has something to do with the flying car, that SHALL BE ARRIVING AT MY DOORSTEP DIRECTLY. THANKS IN ADVANCE, ELON. RAWR.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 17, 2020, 12:11:51 PM
Now, I thought I told you to STAND DOWN. Just stand down.

Only if you share some of your superspeed with me, buddy. ;)


Quote from: Jackstar on September 17, 2020, 12:18:00 PM
« Reply #2495 on: Today at 11:18:00 »

If I'm being offered 11,1800 kilos of D6, I'll have to decline: I can only take kilos of D6 in minimum quantities of 120 hundred million, and that can be extended out to a maximum of 5-20 years.

We're expecting the 5-year-anniversary pay-per-view event to be pretty spectacular. Those of you who are authorized to deal--and you know who you ARE, to the rest==NO DEALS. YOU MADE YOUR DEALS ALREADY.--should take the deal. It's not going to get this good for all y'all again. Meanwhile I have to wait two hours to deal. ME. WAITING ON PUNYLINGS. FUNNY. JACKSTAR LAUGH. HO HO HO. CAN I GET FRIES WITH THAT? OM NOM NOM.

Farmville has never been so engaging. Where are my jingles? Where are my acapellas? This is ridiculous shit. I don't get it. I thought I was clear. This is My planet. These people are under My aegis. It really isn't all that hard to blow up a Sinistar. Get the fuck outta here. ~SS*SF~~


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2020, 12:23:21 PM
Only if you share some of your superspeed with me, buddy.

You had your chance to be close to me.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2020, 12:23:21 PM

Were they gay at the Alamo too, I wonder? Obviously I would allow this. Can't push the fleeing!!! I suppose we can make them run with a Dog.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 17, 2020, 12:25:24 PM
You had your chance to be close to me.

Were they gay at the Alamo too, I wonder? Obviously I would allow this. Can't push the fleeing!!!

I don’t know. Was your great great grandfather gay?


Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 10:22:28 AM
Never!  These nipples will not be restrained.  If I go down shot full of lead, young and beautiful and shirtless on the streets of Laredo they will write songs about me as with other great heroes of the people like Che, Pol Pot and the Frito Bandito.

I'm glad you chose Laredo...

Beat the drum slowly and play the fife trumpet lowly
Play ANTIFA's march as you carry him along
Take Dubb to the valley, and lay the sod over him.
He's a young cowboy queerboy and he knew he done wrong

"I see by your bare chest, that you are a young boy"
These words he did speak as I boldly pranced by...



Quote from: WOTR on September 17, 2020, 08:36:24 PM
I'm glad you chose Laredo...

Beat the drum slowly and play the fife trumpet lowly
Play ANTIFA's march as you carry him along
Take Dubb to the valley, and lay the sod over him.
He's a young cowboy queerboy and he knew he done wrong

"I see by your bare chest, that you are a young boy"
These words he did speak as I boldly pranced by...


Haha yeah that's what I was thinking of!  Incidentally, Trumpet Man is marching on Bezos's house in Medina tonight -- "marching" in this case meaning a lot of speechifying, for which these people seem to have an insatiable appetite.  He says he has been speaking to a lot of right wingers and finds that they don't like a lot of the same people and predicts an anti-oligarch realignment that upends the current right/left paradigm.  Sounds like a fantasy but I saw doc post a Chomsky video earlier.  Strange stuff in the water these days.


Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
Haha yeah that's what I was thinking of!  Incidentally, Trumpet Man is marching on Bezos's house in Medina tonight -- "marching" in this case meaning a lot of speechifying, for which these people seem to have an insatiable appetite.  He says he has been speaking to a lot of right wingers and finds that they don't like a lot of the same people and predicts an anti-oligarch realignment that upends the current right/left paradigm.  Sounds like a fantasy but I saw doc post a Chomsky video earlier.  Strange stuff in the water these days.

While I don’t think Chomsky gives enough credence to the legit war against communism in the 20th century or the dangers of communism the atrocities of US expansionism he mentions are at least factual. Too many times we sided with strongman dictators for the sake of stabilizing regions throughout the world whose resources we wanted to exploit.

Big Chicken

Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
Haha yeah that's what I was thinking of!  Incidentally, Trumpet Man is marching on Bezos's house in Medina tonight -- "marching" in this case meaning a lot of speechifying, for which these people seem to have an insatiable appetite.  He says he has been speaking to a lot of right wingers and finds that they don't like a lot of the same people and predicts an anti-oligarch realignment that upends the current right/left paradigm.  Sounds like a fantasy but I saw doc post a Chomsky video earlier.  Strange stuff in the water these days.

Such alliances need to be formed in order to tear down existing institutions. For when the people are dirty, cold and hungry from swallowing only bitterness will they rally behind the Prophet pate.  Thus the hard theocratic state can rise in these United States under the watchful eye of the Lord. Not the gentle, lamb version but the wrathful, Elisha and the bears firebrand. 

Be true sinners as ye shall be put to the asp!


Quote from: Big Chicken on September 17, 2020, 09:59:04 PM
Thus the hard theocratic state can rise in these United States under the watchful eye of the Lord. Not the gentle, lamb version but the wrathful, Elisha and the bears firebrand. 



Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 09:43:08 AM
Have you not been paying attention?!?!  We have taken to the hills in our best tights like Robin Hoods armed with matchbooks to smoke the rats' nests of rural Trumpists out of their doublewides and set the western skies ablaze.  That accomplished, we have begun our cross-country odyssey of terror in huge air-conditioned Soros coaches, luggage compartments full of urine bags, on our way to DC.

On the way I have vectored a couple busloads of dumpy obese blue-haired trannies to Roy's Texas enclave where they will occupy every bathroom in town including his favorite Whataburger doing whatever trannies need to do in there so desperately -- change the dressings on their bleeding gashes, most likely.  And another squad of mouthy pinch-faced Jewish lesbians in black glasses to Asuka's place where they will wrap him like a babka and roast him in his own oven.  Soon the black flag will fly from the Washington Monument and every equestrian statue that looks kind of old will be sucking goose poop in the reflecting pools.
This post/plot didn't get the attention it deserved. We are waiting, with bated breath- (so we, also, can say "I can't breathe!


Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
Haha yeah that's what I was thinking of!  Incidentally, Trumpet Man is marching on Bezos's house in Medina tonight -- "marching" in this case meaning a lot of speechifying, for which these people seem to have an insatiable appetite.  He says he has been speaking to a lot of right wingers and finds that they don't like a lot of the same people and predicts an anti-oligarch realignment that upends the current right/left paradigm.  Sounds like a fantasy but I saw doc post a Chomsky video earlier.  Strange stuff in the water these days.
People should recall that the "left" was one of the first who used to complain about "deep state" and "deep politics." Peter Dale Scott especially out of Canada/Berkeley. And then, even more 'fringey' Mae Brussell. Now the "left" (established, not necessarily the ones in the street but in the Party) support it! And support the CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/etc/etc because "Orangeman Bad." Weird times.

ps: where was/is Chomsky on NLP and Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? Isn't his former background in linguistics before his political meanderings?


Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2020, 10:22:31 PM
People should recall that the "left" was one of the first who used to complain about "deep state" and "deep politics." Peter Dale Scott especially out of Canada/Berkeley. And then, even more 'fringey' Mae Brussell. Now the "left" (established, not necessarily the ones in the street but in the Party) support it! And support the CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/etc/etc because "Orangeman Bad." Weird times.

ps: where was/is Chomsky on NLP and Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? Isn't his former background in linguistics before his political meanderings?

I’m not sure about that but he also wrote a pretty influential book called Manufacturing Consent about how the deep state and media cooperate to just repeatedly lie and spin and respin until people accept the message in order to move political agendas forward. While this was certainly a clear and present danger in journalism back then we can see how it’s become standard operating procedure for all but a handful of news outlets now.


Quote from: Big Chicken on September 17, 2020, 09:59:04 PM
Such alliances need to be formed in order to tear down existing institutions. For when the people are dirty, cold and hungry from swallowing only bitterness will they rally behind the Prophet pate.  Thus the hard theocratic state can rise in these United States under the watchful eye of the Lord. Not the gentle, lamb version but the wrathful, Elisha and the bears firebrand. 

Be true sinners as ye shall be put to the asp!

Matthew 10:34

Luke 12:49

Hebrews 12:29


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2020, 10:28:18 PM
I’m not sure about that but he also wrote a pretty influential book called Manufacturing Consent about how the media just repeatedly lie and spin and respin until people accept the message. While this was certainly a clear and present danger in journalism back then we can see how it’s become standard operating procedure for all but a handful of news outlets now.
True. Limiting the debate parameters. He also mentioned the ideas of the "Overton Window" (though it is debatable like Hegel et al with other theories if original idea(s) is the same as used now. That is, some were describing ideas or process that would naturally happen versus a purposely driven systemic "plot" or intention.)


Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
Haha yeah that's what I was thinking of!  Incidentally, Trumpet Man is marching on Bezos's house in Medina tonight -- "marching" in this case meaning a lot of speechifying, for which these people seem to have an insatiable appetite.  He says he has been speaking to a lot of right wingers and finds that they don't like a lot of the same people and predicts an anti-oligarch realignment that upends the current right/left paradigm.  Sounds like a fantasy but I saw doc post a Chomsky video earlier.  Strange stuff in the water these days.

It's kind of funny... I have said before that there is a lot that a true "left" and a true "right" person agree on. Chris Hedges referred to himself as "conservative" in a recent talk as what he most wants is to bring back the rule of law. In his case, it is to force corporations to stop being fuckers. But he also talks about the decay of the nation and other very "conservative" topics. And he talks about those like a conservative.

Now, he and I probably disagree on universal basic income among other topics. (That said, I will say that I was recently pondering the idea and came to the conclusion that if corporations continue down the path they are on, it may be necessary. When they replace cashiers with self serve terminals, Burger flippers with robots, warehouse personnel with robots, taxi drivers and truck drivers with self driving cars, there may not be enough jobs. I know the argument is that it will produce "high value jobs" servicing the robots- but when you take 50 jobs away and create 1...)

Anyhow, Matt Taibi is another writer who I would say is one of my favourites. All the way back to his "vampire squid" article.

The fact is that while the left and the right do not completely align, more and more people are starting to see that they have no voice, and the corporations and oligarchs are the ones pulling the strings and holding all the power. (Call it deep state, if you like... Call it the ultra rich... Hell, blame the Rothchilds if it blows your hair back...)


There... I found it and am rewatching it now. Well worth listening to him as he talks about corporations, the cult of the self, religion, idols and a little on Trump. (He dislikes him. But to be fair, he despises Biden as well.) Throw in his hatred of the press (he hates the press as much as anybody here) as well as talk of how free trade gutted the working class.He talks of war and the decline of an empire and hope.

It's funny. I would say that I agree with around 80% of what he says. And I would certainly say that he and I are on what is portrayed as "opposite" sides politically. I think that we both want to "overthrow" corporations. I think that we differ in how to do it.


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