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Minneapolis/St.paul riots

Started by nooryisawesome, May 28, 2020, 07:48:30 PM


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 27, 2020, 02:23:18 PM
I never said I was eager for it or wanted it, only that it seemed inevitable given how intractably crazy and communist the global left have become. They’re going for it! Why aren’t American patriots?!

I'm not sure that's the right question.  Perhaps the question should be 'Why aren't more Americans Patriots?' or 'Where are all the American Patriots?' 


Quote from: paladin1991 on August 31, 2020, 12:30:13 PM

I'm not sure that's the right question.  Perhaps the question should be 'Why aren't more Americans Patriots?' or 'Where are all the American Patriots?'

Sure, why not?


That looks like it caused severe suspension damage to that little pussy mobile. Next time improvise a curb ramp first. No invisible basketball hoop mime after such a fuck up like that.


Quote from: ItsOver on August 31, 2020, 07:22:57 AM
Freaks on a street, in Uncle Duke’s area. 


Notice these inserts splitting the article up LOL

CRIME: Teens with Dayton, Kettering ties suspects in rash of thefts of BLM, Biden, LGBTQ symbols

Article continues until another pesky insert...

POPULAR: Theft spree of BLM, Biden, LGBTQ symbols called ‘hateful,’ condemned by Oakwood

It's as if they are hinting that sign theft will be punishable as a Hate Crime.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on August 31, 2020, 10:36:41 PM
niggers just looted a shoe store


They are going to have to fill that car with top end merchandise to pay for the suspension damage (if it's their car.)



Liberals are actually hunting conservatives now. What’s it going to take before patriots stand up and push back?! Do they have to fuck your mothers in the ass too?!

Asuka Langley

Records have been found for Joseph Rosembaum, the Jewish pedophile that Kyle Rittenhouse shot in the head. He sexually raped 5 boys between the ages of 9 and 11



Quote from: Asuka Langley on September 02, 2020, 11:44:02 PM
[Joseph] sexually raped 5 boys...

And here I was, under the impression that the rape was of a very unsexual nature.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on September 02, 2020, 11:44:02 PM
Records have been found for Joseph Rosembaum, the Jewish pedophile that Kyle Rittenhouse shot in the head. He sexually raped 5 boys between the ages of 9 and 11


Suddenly I feel like shaking Kyle's hand... It sure seems like you can neither swing a dead cat by the tail, nor fire off an AR in an Anitfa riot without hitting a piece of human filth.


Police officers worldwide quietly heave a huge sigh of regret as they realize that people don't recognize that "cops" and "police" and "law enforcement officers" and "economic groundbreakers" and "sects of Hashishim Assassinate" aren't the same thing.

Look for this post to appear on the Tweety exactly never.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on September 03, 2020, 10:13:44 PM

Watching video like that makes me think that the social workers that the defund movement wants to dispatch had better be trained auctioneers as well. There is no way that cop could have told the suspect how much he cares for him, respects him, and understands that the economic and social / political systems are oppressive and wants to work with him to deescalate the situation before being shot... Unless he could talk really, really fast.  ;)

It's not always easy to find musical accompaniment to these posts... But here you go.


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