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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Mask- especially the variety of masks/covering that are 'approved' - is like a rabbit's foot or, lest I blaspheme, a crucifix. Or even, maybe, like a six-shooter- when you are dealing with a whole band of wild Indians. A security blanket for child. A weird pet for a Millennial. Maybe not much real use but make you comfortable. But there could be some power or protection in it though. Whether psychological, supernatural. placebo effect, will to power, belief, or happen to get lucky and the 'mask' stops one of the bugs, etc.


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 08:31:18 PM
Mask- especially the variety of masks/covering that are 'approved' - is like a rabbit's foot or, lest I blaspheme, a crucifix. Or even, maybe, like a six-shooter- when you are dealing with a whole band of wild Indians. A security blanket for child. A weird pet for a Millennial. Maybe not much real use but make you comfortable. But there could be some power or protection in it though. Whether psychological, supernatural. placebo effect, will to power, belief, or happen to get lucky and the 'mask' stops one of the bugs, etc.

Of course the purpose is to protect other people in case you are contagious and unaware.   If the virus is suspended in your exhalations, theoretically the more that is trapped in your feedbag (or in my case, winds up on my glasses since I am not a creepy mouth-breathing sluggard like our Canadian friend), the better.  Even if WOTR"s chunky hungry-man dinner of a lung soup winds up dripping on some bread at the store, obsessive hand-washing by the receiving party should address it.

I thought the Dem mantra was they weren't gonna take no Trump vaccine? Well Pelosi took it today and GLP is saying she is in a bad way.
Only confirmation I could get is some missed meetings:


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on December 18, 2020, 09:36:36 PM
I thought the Dem mantra was they weren't gonna take no Trump vaccine? Well Pelosi took it today and GLP is saying she is in a bad way.
Only confirmation I could get is some missed meetings:

If true I hope she stays down. The botox industry will take a hit but I think it’ll be worth it. ;)


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 08:59:14 PM
Of course the purpose is to protect other people in case you are contagious and unaware.   If the virus is suspended in your exhalations, theoretically the more that is trapped in your feedbag (or in my case, winds up on my glasses since I am not a creepy mouth-breathing sluggard like our Canadian friend), the better.  Even if WOTR"s chunky hungry-man dinner of a lung soup winds up dripping on some bread at the store, obsessive hand-washing by the receiving party should address it.

I disgree. It is a talisman. A lucky charm. Even the dwarf said that the USA had nothing to worry about  Corona-Chan (when BG was!) and he was even against masks. At first. They STILL don't address other protection. It is a combo of triage, unknown circumstances, and politics. With some profiteering and sabotage. And inprecision (showing scam -not of virus but handling) homeless don't need mask. Protests and riots don't need distance. A haphazardly tied bandana is good as a N95 (or respirator even) made in China? Well, maybe, so.... but let's ban church and your local cafe or a beach or park because Lowe's and Walmart can't spread. So keep them open.

Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:36:18 PM
Well, maybe, so.... but let's ban church and your local cafe or a beach or park because Lowe's and Walmart can't spread. So keep them open.

..and the shore. Ban the beach and the shore. It's a cauldron of virus and literally a death trap.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 08:59:14 PM
Of course the purpose is to protect other people in case you are contagious and unaware.

Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 08:59:14 PM
the purpose is to protect other people


Also, tonight I was at a grocery, and as is my standard practice, as soon as I recognize that I'm heading for the door and about to leave, I immediately pull down the face diaper, as I typically don't mind if someone tells me to put on my mask as soon as I'm about to leave--"did I even notice someone asking?" is of course standard protocol--and I'm at a location I don't usually frequent, so I end up leaving out through the door marked "In", simply because I forgot which doors were which, somebody had just walked in, leaving the autodoor hanging open invitingly and I didn't think that I needed to avoid their atmospheric wake.

So here I am, already grossly & flagrantly violating directional orders, not wearing a face diaper, it's just draped around my neck I don't even care, and it's not even a face diaper, it's a neck warmer that just pull up to feign compliance. It of course has stars on it, and of course I care way more about the fact that the stars are black and white and not red white and blue that I do about whether it's going to block a germ or not. Painting this picture, I proceed to walk into the oncoming path of two uniformed police officers who are looking to enter the building through the door that I am walking out of.

I continue walking forward and breeze past them like I haven't done anything wrong--since I haven't. There's a momentary pause in everyone's stride as they recognize that I'm coming out and they should get out of my way, and then they do. One of them is wearing big white letters on the back of his black shirt that say "POLICE", but I'm wearing a kilt, so I clearly have the right of way. I suppose I'm on another watch list now. That's too bad.

I honestly don't understand how so many people have fallen for this horse dick garbage. I blame Google Analytics.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 18, 2020, 09:58:09 PM
If true I hope she stays down. The botox industry will take a hit but I think it’ll be worth it. ;)

Well. I don't wish harm for anyone but botox, apparently, is useful also for certain headaches. Maybe from icecream stashes and Marxist thinking?


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on December 18, 2020, 10:55:05 PM
..and the shore. Ban the beach and the shore. It's a cauldron of virus and literally a death trap.

The whore approaching?


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:57:56 PM

Well. I don't wish harm for anyone but botox, apparently, is useful also for certain headaches. Maybe from icecream stashes and Marxist thinking?

Hogwash! That’s like saying you wouldn’t kill certain historically evil people if you had the chance. Hoping evil people die but not actually killing them yourself is certainly less than than even that. ::)


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:36:18 PM

I disgree. It is a talisman. A lucky charm. Even the dwarf said that the USA had nothing to worry about  Corona-Chan (when BG was!) and he was even against masks. At first. They STILL don't address other protection. It is a combo of triage, unknown circumstances, and politics. With some profiteering and sabotage. And inprecision (showing scam -not of virus but handling) homeless don't need mask. Protests and riots don't need distance. A haphazardly tied bandana is good as a N95 (or respirator even) made in China? Well, maybe, so.... but let's ban church and your local cafe or a beach or park because Lowe's and Walmart can't spread. So keep them open.

You guys are bonkers.  You have the single largest instance of government overreach in living memory, an emergency taking, depriving millions of their livelihoods with an insulting pittance as compensation, and you still want to argue about masks which are largely symbolic?  I honestly expected Bonus Armies every month demanding restitution, whiffs of grapeshot on the Mall, chambers of commerce in open revolt, and all we get are a few brave barbers.  Maybe you'd really rather stay home and play video games.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 18, 2020, 10:56:37 PM

Also, tonight I was at a grocery, and as is my standard practice, as soon as I recognize that I'm heading for the door and about to leave, I immediately pull down the face diaper, as I typically don't mind if someone tells me to put on my mask as soon as I'm about to leave--"did I even notice someone asking?" is of course standard protocol--and I'm at a location I don't usually frequent, so I end up leaving out through the door marked "In", simply because I forgot which doors were which, somebody had just walked in, leaving the autodoor hanging open invitingly and I didn't think that I needed to avoid their atmospheric wake.

So here I am, already grossly & flagrantly violating directional orders, not wearing a face diaper, it's just draped around my neck I don't even care, and it's not even a face diaper, it's a neck warmer that just pull up to feign compliance. It of course has stars on it, and of course I care way more about the fact that the stars are black and white and not red white and blue that I do about whether it's going to block a germ or not. Painting this picture, I proceed to walk into the oncoming path of two uniformed police officers who are looking to enter the building through the door that I am walking out of.

I continue walking forward and breeze past them like I haven't done anything wrong--since I haven't. There's a momentary pause in everyone's stride as they recognize that I'm coming out and they should get out of my way, and then they do. One of them is wearing big white letters on the back of his black shirt that say "POLICE", but I'm wearing a kilt, so I clearly have the right of way. I suppose I'm on another watch list now. That's too bad.

I honestly don't understand how so many people have fallen for this horse dick garbage. I blame Google Analytics.

Haha as a protest that ranks right up there with doc going in the out door.  Spirit of Bunker Hill right here, folks!


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 11:20:30 PM
Haha as a protest that ranks right up there with doc going in the out door.  Spirit of Bunker Hill right here, folks!

Says the mouthpiece of the establishment. ::)


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 01:46:21 PM

ps. the expression is usually rendered "to toe a line", the illustration being one of people lining up as in parade rank with their toes even with an imaginary, or possibly actual, line on the ground.

Ah, but in modern usage I think you would actually "tow the line" as the lubbers might say...

Lettuce naut diverge into "trolling" vs. "trawling" now, hear?

Nautical Shore.



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 18, 2020, 11:29:30 PM
Says the mouthpiece of the establishment. ::)

No the establishment took away all those people's livelihoods for a nickel on the dollar and then laughed because the people were too busy fighting over masks to care.  Government would not be half so free with the regulations if it actually had to pay for them.


Quote from: pate on December 18, 2020, 11:47:12 PM

Ah, but in modern usage I think you would actually "tow the line" as the lubbers might say...

Lettuce naut diverge into "trolling" vs. "trawling" now, hear?

Nautical Shore.


By no means shall we diverge!  We should be trolling the ancient Yuletide carol instead.  Whichever one that is.  I always wondered which carol was meant.


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:36:18 PM

I disgree. It is a talisman. A lucky charm. Even the dwarf said that the USA had nothing to worry about  Corona-Chan (when BG was!) and he was even against masks. At first. They STILL don't address other protection. It is a combo of triage, unknown circumstances, and politics. With some profiteering and sabotage. And inprecision (showing scam -not of virus but handling) homeless don't need mask. Protests and riots don't need distance. A haphazardly tied bandana is good as a N95 (or respirator even) made in China? Well, maybe, so.... but let's ban church and your local cafe or a beach or park because Lowe's and Walmart can't spread. So keep them open.

Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 11:18:19 PM
You have the single largest instance of government overreach in living memory, an emergency taking, depriving millions of their livelihoods with an insulting pittance as compensation, and you still want to argue about masks which are largely symbolic? 

So too, appropriating poppy wearing on Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, a gesture of respect to the fallen in the Great War and acknowledgement of those who have survived or continue in the struggle. We are all in this together!


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 18, 2020, 08:19:36 PM
Yeah I am being facetious if you can't tell.  I don't think there is any good science or ever will be; there are too may variables.  It's just a cultural divide between half the population that views it as a minor inconvenience that might help and the other half squalling like toddlers with a booboo at the imposition.  I'm just glad people can't see my ugly mug.

I just think that, of all the things to bitch about, the mask thing is stupid.  Had you told me last year we'd see governors dictating what businesses can open I would have said hell no the chambers of commerce will riot but, no, people get more worked up over their dumb masks.
Thank-you for the explanation. I think that my already limited discernment has been shot to hell by the last week that I have had. I don't really care if I wear a face diaper. It is not a huge imposition. I just seem to be convincing myself that they are actually contributing to the chances of getting Covid.

Either way, I will be fine if I get it- so it does not matter. I will also add that I do enough other "dangerous" things each day that touching my face is probably the most minor risk. yesterday I grabbed the handrail on an airport escalator and then ate a sub without sanitizing first (the horror!)

But you do make a good point about our collectively allowing politicians to dictate every aspect of our lives.


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:36:18 PM

I disgree. It is a talisman. A lucky charm.

I will say that I think they can work. If they are used correctly. Put on properly, taken off properly. Have a N-95 rating. Have hands sanitized before opening up the sterile package that your new mask comes in... Are not reused, tossed in the glove box and dropped on the floor. My argument is more that we are all mask idiots and that is the reason that it amounts to a lucky charm.

You simply can not convince society to treat the world like a sterile operating room. So they become ineffective. And Dubb is actually arguing for the "right" side. There actually are bigger issues that get ignored and lost. I would like to see the mask laws done away with. But I would rather see them open the economy and not lock down every person in solitary confinement this Christmas in a police state.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 18, 2020, 10:56:37 PM
I suppose I'm on another watch list now. That's too bad.



Quote from: WOTR on December 19, 2020, 01:16:14 AM
I will say that I think they can work.

If you were any more of an NPC I would be collecting bear skins for you.



Quote from: Jackstar on December 19, 2020, 03:18:57 AM
Quote from: Silphion on December 09, 2020, 10:54:50 PM
Pushing it out, more likely; to self-congratulatory applause.

*she's right, you know


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on December 18, 2020, 09:36:36 PM
I thought the Dem mantra was they weren't gonna take no Trump vaccine? Well Pelosi took it today and GLP is saying she is in a bad way.
Only confirmation I could get is some missed meetings:

That’s just her weekly adrenochrome / powdered foreskin / Botox  / B-12 cocktail.


Quote from: Tootsie on December 19, 2020, 06:21:37 AM


That’s the guy that bungled everything with aids.  Real pro and servant of the people


Quote from: albrecht on December 18, 2020, 10:36:18 PM

I disgree. It is a talisman. A lucky charm. Even the dwarf said that the USA had nothing to worry about  Corona-Chan (when BG was!) and he was even against masks. At first.

This is one of the more baffling Trumptard talking points. Would you rather have someone prepared to change his mind based on the evidence, or someone who is more concerned with his reputation and will say the same thing whatever the facts are?


Quote from: Jackstar on December 18, 2020, 10:56:37 PM
...so I end up leaving out through the door marked "In"...


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