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Azzerae's World

Started by K_Dubb, October 01, 2019, 10:23:33 AM


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 18, 2020, 06:01:27 AM
I figured Jackstar was just a shady cunt anyways.

I believe he's harmless, really. As well as an upstanding citizen, to boot.

Don't tell anyone I sed that, though. It's just between you and me. K?


All right. Here we go Azz.

There's this guy. This guy who has been grifting for a long time and he became BellGab famous. His name is Anthony "George" Senda. He also goes by "Falkie" as a call-back to his Redbook days.

He has absolutely no self-awareness and much to the delight of his viewership applies his own brand of "Senda Logic" to various people, places, and things.

It was revealed this morning that the old SOB (his words, not mine) sold out some people's information for money.

That's right, just filthy money. The corker is he is ADAMANT that he be treated with privacy and RESPECT.

It's a story decades in the making, Azz.

It's impossible to sum up in a concise manner and it is time for my nap.

If you are interested in somebody other than yourself who makes a spectacle of themselves on the internet, I can share some links to fan sites of his later.

Ta ta.


Ha ha ha.  Triggered crybaby show still very entertaining.


Quote from: Ciardelo on August 18, 2020, 11:51:07 AM
If you are interested in somebody other than yourself who makes a spectacle of themselves on the internet, I can share some links to fan sites of his later.

I am the only thing that matters. Everything else is non-existent or irrelevant.


Quote from: AZZERAE on August 18, 2020, 12:04:22 PM
I am the only thing that matters. Everything else is non-existent or irrelevant.

Perception is reality, indeed.


Quote from: ZAZA on August 18, 2020, 12:00:15 PM
Ha ha ha. Triggered crybaby show still very entertaining.

Paging Dr. K. Dubb!


Your buddy Za Za's back...


Kiss kiss to K_Dubb.

Come help little Azzerae.


Quote from: ZAZA on August 18, 2020, 12:27:38 PM
Come help...Azzerae.

Whatcha need help with? A shove down a staircase?

Die in a fiery ditch, bitch.


Too many Red Bull again?  LOL


Nah, man.

Pass me another tin can.

I'm good for it.


VC, where the hell are you?

We have business to attend to.

Nothing can be more important than me.

Know that.


Quote from: AZZERAE on August 19, 2020, 09:51:43 AM


Truce! Truce!! Truce!!!

Sure thing. I'll put forth "here" a reasonable proposal within 24-48hrs. :)

Don't cut yourself in the meantime. That would be a BM too:



Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 15, 2020, 12:20:54 PM

What's my pt.?

I am not in the least scared about [...] or Enard Fuckwad (Sp.?) Fucknard ? calling the Feds because, guess what? Somebody already did apparently! And guess what? We [were] visited last night! LOL Almost 3.5 hours!

So, yesterday, around 9:30pm I received a text alert showing my wife, daughters, and my neighbor/attorney (we were sharing a bottle of wine and conversation) Federal agents being escorted by one Oklahoma Sheriff's vehicle - seen - driving on to my acreage / on my property via E-Mobile Home surveillance Video email alert on my Iphone.

The property is so large, with bumpy, hilly, winding, natural dirt-road pathways that do not all go to the same "source" location. So, I knew from experience I had at least a minimum of 18 minutes of "time" to "prepare" for whatever was "next" to happen; the good, bad or even the ugly if that was in the cards.


I was featured a few times over the years because of silly rumors that my property is haunted = IT IS NOT haunted. Believe me. It's a countryside oasis with the most polite neighbors and one of the Nations top public education systems still accessible in a rural American town.

Long story short, I ended up inviting the 3 men into my home. I had my wife prepare coffee and sweet rolls for the men, me and my atty and sent my daughters back to their room. My wife then soon went to listen to a podcast and sleep for morning Temple.

So AzzStab, IF you really did dox Enard's real name and started all this SHEEIT BITCHING, because you were outted long ago by your own artwork, dumb ass, AND what Rubini said above is TRUE, then you are one motherfucking piece of shit! Why? I'm certain Rubini did not know he was illegally doxxing someone by reposting your retarded fuckery of probable Felony Doxxing at your forum of Enard. I hope you realize what a real SHEEIT STIRRING asshole you are, Azzerae, IF what Rubini wrote is true. You are a true life dumb ass criminal that should pay for your sins, but you're going to walk free? Try visiting the USA IF you did create this sheeeit. Imagine Rubini having to explain all your fuckery to his wife and children, of course, IF Rubini's story is true. IF! Otherwise, well played Rubini, as he did do about Waco! :D

So AzzStab, you're in "brotherly contact" with Rubini by Skype, right? Just fucking with us again, Rubini's disappeared, so what's happening now since his disappearance here? You say you're brothers from another mother, or, rather, more like cluster-fucks from another mother. ;D

Tell us...

Btw, my proposal is still in the works and will be done within the time frame I mentioned.


I whistled as I walked away with exaggerated indifference, as though nothing on earth were any concern of mine.


Quote from: VC on August 20, 2020, 10:49:09 AM
Otherwise, well played Rubini, as he did do about Waco! :D

Please, illuminate us on the details of this Wondrous Tale of Waco!




I saw ME just a'few hhhh oney years ago, as you can see, and knew I was'a hhhh oney Wigger Meee! Bwahahahaha! LOL...


I'm gonna jump your ass. Just wait and see me do yo. More my AzzStab Wigger Rap Motherfuckers.



Yo Myyy ni ni ni Nigger Me! ::)


I'm gonna cut you and/or Me! Mthrfckrs!  :-*


You can't have a fight without an opponent. Swinging at air.

Probably good aerobics tho.


This is my within 48hrs Truce response:

Quote from: VC on August 20, 2020, 10:49:09 AM
So AzzStab, IF you really did dox Enard's real name and started all this SHEEIT BITCHING, because you were outted long ago by your own artwork, dumb ass, AND what Rubini said above is TRUE, then you are one motherfucking piece of shit! Why? I'm certain Rubini did not know he was illegally doxxing someone by reposting your retarded fuckery of probable Felony Doxxing at your forum of Enard. I hope you realize what a real SHEEIT STIRRING asshole you are, Azzerae, IF what Rubini wrote is true. You are a true life dumb ass criminal that should pay for your sins, but you're going to walk free? Try visiting the USA IF you did create this sheeeit. Imagine Rubini having to explain all your fuckery to his wife and children, of course, IF Rubini's story is true. IF! Otherwise, well played Rubini, as he did do about Waco! :D

Azzerae, I'm referring to my OP above for you to check-out AGAIN what Rubini wrote, see my OP, before reading and understanding my quote above, which you completely bypassed my purpose for that post and/or did not understand in your podcast today. Why? It's to your advantage for us to be on the level now, I hope. The point of my post is IS IF Rubini's story is true, then you've inadvertently, really stupidly, caused Rubini and/or his family A LOT of stress over what you did. I don't think Rubini knew he was doing anything illegal by reposting your illegal doxxing of Enard. Moron! WTF? ::)

Also, why do you keep playing sooooooooooooo butt hurt over anyone doxxing you, when this is what you and Metron2267 and other sock accounts deliberately engaged in at your forum long ago before Enard showed-up here recently? Seriously, you did already out yourself with your artwork here matching your A.L. nom de plume with your artwork posted elsewhere online. You were never anonymous online, retard. ;) You're gaming us now playing like a victim, but you're not.

Another willful fiction and falsehood of yours is it's just not believable by anyone that you would not be aware of whom anyone was doxxing at your forum, especially Metron and sock accounts, and, the fact, you have VERY FEW people that ever posted there. You could easily monitor and read your forum, and the proof is you did delete many posts from people you did not want online anymore.

We have a tentative truce for now IF you follow through with what you said you would do about the doxxing, so I've kept my word to get back with you within the 48hrs. Again, IF what Rubini said was true, quoted in my OP, then you should consider taking down your Enard doxxing at your forum, because this can be used for evidence against Rubini if that was the purpose of their visit... to investigate you and Rubini's posts. You say you're going to be working with Rubini and podcasting, so you don't want Rubini to be perceived to be acting in collusion with you to do illegal doxxing. Of course, this could all just be a spoof w/Rubini, well played Rubini haha, but you don't want to get him into further trouble inadvertently do you?! ::)


I wish to publicly distance myself from David Rubini, his actions, his views and his forthcoming network.

I will not detail the specifics here, but I want everyone to know I am not aligned with this person, his ideas or his behaviour.


I believe the reason people awaken, is because they have finally stopped agreeing to things that insult their soul.


Quote from: AZZERAE on August 22, 2020, 06:42:49 AM
I wish to publicly distance myself from David Rubini, his actions, his views and his forthcoming network.

I will not detail the specifics here, but I want everyone to know I am not aligned with this person, his ideas or his behaviour.

Good to have you back Azzerae.


Quote from: Ciardelo on August 22, 2020, 06:47:57 AM
Good to have you back Azzerae.

Great to read you too, Ciardelo.

Your summation beneath my most recent podcast illustrated my notions to a tee.

You're one smart cookie.


Quote from: VC on August 21, 2020, 11:12:33 AM

I address the contents of your post in today's podcast.

I won't be discussing any of the things you raised in written form, for a variety of reasons.

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