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Messages - FallenSeraph

Quote from: anon on April 22, 2018, 09:40:22 PM
i don't believe you and Heather are in the same boat.

Yeah, but she was living with him, right? So she'll have to find somewhere to go. And if the show goes on, she'll have to redefine it and make it her own. And he was maybe a mentor or even a fatherly figure or at the least, a very good friend -- who knows. All I know is big changes combined with loss can really mess you up.

I've never listened to her so I should probably just STFU. I liked her when she was Redacted though. In that respect, I care about her -- at least as much as you can on a faceless, anonymous forum.
I can relate to the Heather meltdowns. My dad just died and everything is horrible. It's not just the avalanche of grief and the sudden universe-shaped hole in your life, but it's also feeling lost and the harsh reality of having to redefine yourself.

So one weird side effect for me is the urge to just grab strangers in the grocery store and blurt out "MY DAD IS DEAD AND EVERYTHING SUCKS." (I haven't yet though.)

Or tonight, for instance, I'm supposed to be writing a bunch of stuff for a trucking company. I don't know why I even agreed to do it because my finances are fine and I still get severance pay from my last job for a few more months.

So all night, I've been about 2 seconds away from sending an email to this company that says, "I'm sorry. I just can't do this. My father is dead" or something equally inappropriate.

But that would be unprofessional as hell.

But yeah, I've been his caregiver for 5 years and now we have to sell the family house and my mom's getting a condo, so I'll have to get in my hoopty car and figure out where to go and what the hell I'm going to do. It's a scary feeling, not knowing who you are or where you're going. I'm beyond scared. Lost as hell.

I imagine Heather's feeling some of the same stuff. She should stay off social media for a while. This depth of fear and pain and loss can make you share too much and act irrationally.

Case in point: This long-ass post and my sudden delight in the gentle mocking of Senda. 😉 Therapeutic!

I thought MV's advice to her in Gabcast last night was excellent.
Quote from: albrecht on April 22, 2018, 08:12:46 PM
This will make you feel bright, Serapah. Amazing talents and what an aria and trumpet!


This is really beautiful. I never know if people here are being sincere or having a laugh at my expense, but if it's the former, thank you for sharing. :)
Quote from: ItsTelly on April 22, 2018, 05:56:19 PM
Yeah, I just listened to Ed's show while at the gym.  He never finished his story about Art's kidnapped son.  What happened?

I don't remember how it ended. Someone here who's more well-versed in everything Art could maybe answer this question.
Quote from: Tricky-D on April 22, 2018, 07:20:58 PM
I listened to that and I didn’t believe a fucking word. This shit about Art walking to Sheri's Ranch is bullshit. It’s well over a mile away. With Art’s fucked back he wasn’t walking over two miles round in the desert heat. His description of Pahrump as a such small town with nothing going on is not very accurate, there are 36 thousand people living there.

This made me feel better.
Quote from: jason.callan on April 22, 2018, 06:39:22 PM


YES. And this would be especially problematic for poor George, with his bad back and knees and hand and eyes and foot and all that. 

When he gets his Prius, I mean.

I don't even see enough room for that walker he "found" downstairs in his apartment complex.

Will the Heather Wade thread surpass the Falkie thread? He's so proud of the length of his thread. He will droop with defeat if hers gets bigger than his. 😥
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 22, 2018, 02:17:02 PM
I forget why I got my first ban, I think it was because I said I was Rally.

My second ban was for saying "Callan does not spit out food, that is just a lie"
Boom, instant ban. No more Archie Ate A Pickle

I got banned for yelling at him for posting a video of himself shoving a huge $5 pastrami sandwich down his face on the day we found out Art, his hero, was dead. It is now known as The Disrespectful Sandwich.

Any time he talks about "the abuse" he suffered for eating a sandwich, he's talking about me. 🤣
Quote from: FallenSeraph on April 22, 2018, 11:49:35 AM
I'm only 5 minutes in, but Ed is talking about David Oates driving around and having sex with female fans in a van and Art reporting him to the FBI.

U nasty, David!

The rest of it:
-- Many of Art's shows were scripted. ("This isn't a news show, Ed! It's just entertainment.") ... The thought of Evelyn Paglini being just some old-broad actress makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.
-- More lawsuit details, for those who are interested.
-- Alleged feud between Noory and Art, with Oates-as-C2C guest as a hard dig
-- Art's wealth and home decor
-- Stuff about how Art really met Aeryn that's none of my business
-- Allegations that Art was a frequent customer at the Cherry Ranch brothel, in walking distance from his house, which Ed said he gathered "based on phone conversations" with Art.
-- Art tried to get the West Memphis 3 crowd on his show, but they would only talk to "The Wiccan Ramona."
-- Stuff about Art's estranged son that's none of my business.
-- Everyone else who tried to do paranormal radio was just "jealous" of Art's success.

The fact that Ed started many sentences with "Get this: [gossip, gossip, gossip]" was like fingernails on a chalkboard. 

The show ended with Ed's plug for some "life-changing tea" he's selling, to which he attributes his date with a 25-year-old that night. KLASSY!

I need a shower now.
Quote from: ItsOver on April 22, 2018, 11:53:28 AM
Was Oates driving the van in reverse?

I needed this laugh.  😂🤣😂🤣
Quote from: FallenSeraph on April 22, 2018, 12:02:13 PM
9 or 10 minutes in: Art teamed up with trolls to harass David Oates and Ed; Art also worked with one of them to orchestrate the whole Mel's Hole thing.

OK, I guess I don't like Ed. I don't wanna know about the seedy side of Art's life. Shut your damn mouth, Ed.

Ignorance is bliss.

OK, so if you have time to kill when you're supposed to be doing laundry and writing a brochure for a trucking company *cough*, I guess I'd recommend listening to this interview (with a grain of salt). I wish Ed didn't sound so gossipy and gleeful about his knowledge, but whatever.

He talks about the Oates throwdown, some of Art's sketchy guests, the horrific thing that happened to Art's son, what a blast Ramona was, how shattered Art was after the Heaven's Gate thing, some notable stalkers, etc.

I'm only halfway through it. He has not yet mentioned Art's close and endearing friendship with Falkie and how much they corresponded.

Dwelling in Procrastination Nation right now. I never should've come over here.
Quote from: Original Larry on April 22, 2018, 11:30:45 AM

Ed Oppermann puts his two cents in. He was allegedly involved in one of Art's lawsuits. I haven't listened to this yet, so I don't know if it is positive or negative.

9 or 10 minutes in: Art teamed up with trolls to harass David Oates and Ed; Art also worked with one of them to orchestrate the whole Mel's Hole thing.

OK, I guess I don't like Ed. I don't wanna know about the seedy side of Art's life. Shut your damn mouth, Ed.

Ignorance is bliss.
Quote from: Original Larry on April 22, 2018, 11:30:45 AM

Ed Oppermann puts his two cents in. He was allegedly involved in one of Art's lawsuits. I haven't listened to this yet, so I don't know if it is positive or negative.

I'm only 5 minutes in, but Ed is talking about David Oates driving around and having sex with female fans in a van and Art reporting him to the FBI.

U nasty, David!
I've already apologized and reinvented myself once. I used to be a gleaming and joyous legion of hope, love and generosity. Now I am but one fallen seraph. Seek the light, friend. This is no place for those who fear the dark.

(CNN) Nashville police are asking residents to lock their doors and stay alert after a seminude gunman killed four people at an area Waffle House.

"Keep your doors locked, keep your eyes open. If you see this individual -- if you see a nude guy walking around this morning -- call the police department immediately," Metro Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron said.
Quote from: Happier Times are Coming on April 22, 2018, 01:51:19 AM
is Callan still “copying” George ?
(George doesn’t like being “copied”)

and don’t forget..,
Senda has a following !

Jason reviewed and drank a beer during his livestream. SCANDAL!
Callan is live right now. Great guy.
Quote from: Fyodor Gutman on April 21, 2018, 11:33:42 PM
This goes out to the great Art Bell... rather post it here - the true heartbeat of BellGab for years - than the eponymous thread of this forum.


Perfect. Cheers, Art! Thank you for all the joy.
Quote from: chefist on April 21, 2018, 05:39:58 PM
Martinez Tonight is live guys...check it out if you want!

Senda is live now too.

Shoot, how do I listen to Martinez Tonight? Still on BlogTalk radio? You're funny as hell, Chefist! Can you keep uploading them to YT too?
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
April 21, 2018, 02:17:09 PM
Quote from: Renegade Smurf on April 21, 2018, 12:10:02 PM
Ill do some résearch on him. He looks like somebody who should have his own encyclopedia dramatica entry.

YASSSSSSSS! That is GENIUS! I don't know you but I love you.
Quote from: brig on April 21, 2018, 11:15:06 AM
I'm sure George would make just as much, probably much more,  if he didn't ban all his Fans that would Donate.

He doesn't get how boring his livestreams are now that there's no friendly combative banter or "intellectual" debate. I miss the days when he yelled at people.
Quote from: Renegade Smurf on April 21, 2018, 08:42:33 AM
I looked at one of the vidéos.   I dont see the appeal of this falkie person. He just talks nonsense. Its like listening to the town drunk in a bullshit pub conversation. Maybe somebody should call à crises center. How are there 3500 pages in a thread devoted to him? Would somebody please explAin?

You just did. 🤣😂🤣
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 21, 2018, 08:22:59 AM
OMFG.   He had one job - wear that horrid green shirt for seven days in a row.  He had greatness in his grasp but
pissed it all away in the end.


I needed this laugh

I too was rooting for another green shirt day. I'm wearing my Incredible Hulk shirt (sexy 1978 Lou Ferrigno, not the lame CG version) in honor of what I thought would be a Falkie milestone. Now I'm crushed, as usual. Another letdown. Thanks, Senda.
April 21, 2018, 10:47:22 AM
Quote from: WhiteCrow on April 20, 2018, 09:15:54 PM
I seldom take exception with George's lifestyle choices but he really blew it. He had a sugar-mommy on a string... guess his love for sweet Kathy was to strong to string you along anymore.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"   
Sorry maybe next time  :-*

I like to sponsor interesting YouTubers much like the many poor unsuspecting people out there who sponsor stock photos of imaginary children in Third World countries.

Last night I was wearing my WhiteCrow hoodie and listening to old episodes of Martinez Tonight (can we please bring that show back?) while I played mahjong, and it jogged my memory: I WAS THE ONE who apparently financed the Apple TV that magically showed up right after George's hysterical "please send money - they're shutting off my internet" video. That was the tipping point for me.

So thank you Chefist and Martinez Tonight. Remembering my breaking point was very therapeutic. I had blocked it out. Also, I was crying laughing listening to those shows. It effed up my mahjong concentration and, as such, my game, but it was worth it.
Quote from: damon on April 20, 2018, 07:13:32 PM

Other Falkie video where he gets more cat food. BTW he is still wearing the same green alien shirt.

With the money he spent on cat food, thanks to a donation from "Zoa," he could've paid his electricity bill (oh wait, I forgot, he talked the state into paying that) or bought a T-shirt at AlienCon.
In which George buys more stuff on eBay.

At the end, he says he's already fed the "outdoor kitties" their dry food and now he's going back out to feed them their wet food.

I would like to file a restraining order on behalf of the cats of Martinez.

April 20, 2018, 05:57:05 PM
Quote from: chefist on April 20, 2018, 05:47:45 PM
How long was that before this?  ;D


Is he naked in this? 😱
Oh wait, I DID buy one of his AlienCon t-shirts before he got asked to remove "AlienCon" from them. So I guess it's a collector's item now.

Hilariously, my mom saw it and said, "Why are you wearing a shirt with a strange fat man on it???" 🤣

I got it in pink. And actually I got it in a huge size so I could wear it over yoga pants. If I find it, I'll send it to him to give us all some relief from that green "smells like preteen spirit" one he's been wearing for a month.
April 20, 2018, 04:34:35 PM
Quote from: Chine on April 20, 2018, 02:40:11 PM
Is there a Falkie ‘Cliff Notes’? It involves cans of cat food, garments with alien print, flashing glow ball toys, money, have no money, send me money, hurt my toe... ? Something to that effect?

Seraphim.. How long have you been sucked into the Falkie Vortex? Ha.

I got sucked into it back in the Seraphim27 days when my stance was "stop being mean to the poor man." I sent him an embarrassing amount of money because I thought it would help him pay his bills, get his stuff out of the pawn shops and get back on his feet. Then I gasped when I saw video after video of unboxings of toys and crap I didn't even know existed, followed by more video pleas for money to pay his bills and a regular stream of "can I have more money" emails, which I eventually blocked.

Then I got a huge tattoo that said "SUCKER" inked across my forehead.

Somewhere in all that, I got into a brawl with people here and had to change my login to FallenSeraph, which I deserve.

The real rage set in when he snatched a cat off the street, took it on a bus or a train or something, gave it to Kathy, scared the hell out of it, took it back and almost crushed it under his sofa bed. He finally let it go, but he's about to do it again with another one.

I laughed when I saw his $10K GoFundMe for AlienCon. Dude, I've been saving money for a trip to Tokyo for 2 years. I'm trying to imagine asking friends and strangers to pay for that. I CAN'T.

Dear George, here's how it works: I work and I put money in a savings account each month until I get to use it - but not until I first set aside about $3K for life's little emergencies, of which you seem to have many. I don't touch that emergency fund. Not even for a limited-edition life-sized Liam Neeson sexbot or whatever. It's called self-discipline and "you don't need that."

WOOOOOO! I don't know if it's the changing of my hormones or a misdirected stage of grief after the passing of my dad or what, but the man fills me with RAGE these days.
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