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Messages - FallenSeraph

Quote from: jason.callan on December 05, 2019, 07:02:36 PM
You & being there need to stop bugging my friend tiger kitty. She addresses this during my livestream at the 49 minute mark.



Who the f*ck is Tiger Kitty????
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 04, 2019, 09:57:26 PM
How do you know that Renee is a Bellgabber?

I don't. But this is the only place where I've been doxxed. But yeah, to BG's credit, if you can call it that, I know you guys can't stand me but I still didn't think anyone here was crappy enough to contact my editors.

I'll rephrase it: If it's one of you, I'm here literally begging you to please stop.

If it's not, GOD HELP ME, I don't know who this PSYCHO BITCH is but she's not playing. SHEEEEZUS. 😳
From another one of my freelance clients.

I am begging you guys to please stop. Mock me on YouTube and here all you want, but seriously, stop contacting my editors. I apologize for anything I've done to provoke you guys.
Quote from: AZZERAE on December 04, 2019, 11:43:33 AM
It isn't. I don't do YouTube. Too corporate. Plus you can't even minimize it while it streams. Major drawback.

My apologies for thinking you were a BGabber pretending to be a friend. Maybe he really is a friend. Or maybe everyone's a mummer and chaos is a ladder. It's best to trust no one.

Goodnight. I'm out of here.
Quote from: AZZERAE on December 04, 2019, 11:31:04 AM
I come bearing no answers to your questions, Erin. But I do seek an answer of my own. Who is Jaun-Vincent? And why do you consider me him?

This is not you?

Which one of you is Roger Smith? 😑

Apparently everyone I love over there is a wolf in sheep's clothing. My Jaun was an illusion.


Is there even ONE person subscribed to my channel who is NOT a Bellgab member? 🥺
Quote from: AZZERAE on December 04, 2019, 11:12:47 AM
Erin, have I made a mistake by assuming "TROLL" is you?

I'm a lot of things but I'm no troll. I've always been a Seraph, fallen or otherwise.
Quote from: ItsOver on December 04, 2019, 11:03:45 AM
Has AzzRat ever made a sane post?  Hey, we're talking psycho ladyboy.  ;D

He never promised you a rosegarden of sanity.

None of us did.
Quote from: AZZERAE on December 04, 2019, 10:08:42 AM
I am very much open to being the friend of someone with the values you describe. Qualities which are few and far between - in these parts, at least.

Your podcast is GOOD. Why are you wasting your time, talents and intellect talking about BELLGAB on it??? (No offense, BG.)
Quote from: Richard Groyper on December 03, 2019, 01:40:07 PM
"trolls got me fired from my job" - BWAHAHAHAHA!
Lame, considering you don't even HAVE a job. At least some of us are willing to SING for a couple of bucks.

I brought joy and laughter to 2.4K adoring fans on the daily. WHAT'LL THEY DO WITH THEIR LONG, EMPTY DAYS NOW? WHO WILL THEY SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH? 😫

Quote from: AZZERAE on December 04, 2019, 08:27:06 AM

Some of us need to seek the soulless gaze of the demonic before we can truly accept the embrace of The Holy.

You did and The Holy did not forsake you.

Don't blow it by being a dick among mere mortals.

Peace be your journey and thank you for your illusion of friendship. It helped me more than you know.
Quote from: MV on December 03, 2019, 11:06:39 PM
honey, your best friend Azz lives in South Africa

Azz is Jaun-Vincent 😑💔
Quote from: MV on December 03, 2019, 07:17:11 PM
or from South Africa

I don't even understand what that means.

Despite all the crap over here, I would never call any of your JOBS and say, "HEY, LOOKIT this filthy troll site this guy's running over here" or whatever.

Damn that is LOW. I don't LIKE any of you but I would never HURT any of you.


And yes, that had friggin HOWIE CAT written all over it. ASSHOLE.  >:(
Quote from: Pizzapunch on December 03, 2019, 10:03:15 AM
Save that one to vocaroo before she deletes. Her insurance company will appreciate it

I'm flattered by all the friggin attention. 😑
Radio and Podcasts / Re: TheErinnF YouTube Star
August 21, 2019, 10:19:00 PM
Quote from: Pizzapunch on August 21, 2019, 10:11:50 PM
Accent sounds similar to you. Maybe an ambien/wine induced fog and you called? [attachment=1,msg1349903]

Sounds plausible but no.

And damn you, I don't sound that old.  :'(
Radio and Podcasts / Re: TheErinnF YouTube Star
August 21, 2019, 10:04:30 PM
Quote from: Spookcat on August 20, 2019, 05:57:39 PM
Wouldn’t crazy lady consider merging with Falkie an honor?

Please don't. 😖

Did one of you guys call my mom last Thursday?

I'm just asking. There are enough women on YouTube who loathe me, so my guess is no.😑
Quote from: Kizuna Ai on August 13, 2019, 05:09:41 PM
Richard did a breddy good job except for cock blocking me when it came to taking out the cat ladies at the end.

ErinnF i am disappointed you promised that Rita would show her big fat juicy cock and she claims she dont have one, WTF?!

Gomen'nasai, senpai.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 05:03:16 PM
well, that was epic

You did a great job!
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 02:16:02 PM
everyone and their opinion is welcome to join the chat.

dont worry. you will get dunked on.

Did I miss it? I've been getting my face chemically frozen.

If I'm lucky, our friend Rita will make a triumphantly stupid mistake.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 12:34:12 PM
oh, don't be modest, Erinn. we all know that's not true.

my only communication with Rita is on YouTube, for all to see.

my apologies. should i find ceiling mold to showcase? the thing is, i dont have any. do you have any other suggestions?

I suggest a doll collection. They're usually a hit. Mine aren't inflatable though. Yours would probably still work.  ;)

Later, my sexy beast.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 12:06:01 PM
fwiw i might do a special livestream later today. we'll see. stay tuned.

I have appointments. Pity.

Ask the one who's so fond of using the word "piggy" why she's so fixated on deflecting with that particular word. Then call her Greinder the Giant and tell her to STFU.

Make sure all the Garnier hair styling products are out of your background this time.  :-*

Quote from: brig on August 13, 2019, 11:36:20 AM
I live in a building full of dying people Erinn. We all age sooner or later. My neighbor right next to me is in a wheelchair with no legs.  We all laugh together at our foibles.  The alternative is very bleak, but a choice that some do make unfortunately, I admit, but I wouldn't recommend to those types, to make a YouTube channel, or hang around on social media of any sort.

My legs work just fine for now and I also wouldn't recommend that anyone make a YouTube channel -- or hang around on social media of any sort.

Well, except for here, if we wanna call it "social." It's a great place for flogging, wallowing in self-loathing and flinging cow dung at each other, at least.

So I'll give you that point and drink to that. 🍻
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 11:26:32 AM
this is true brig.

for the record, Being There has made a lot of provocative posts in my YouTube comment section over the past few months, and she's also tried (and failed) to doxx me. i have no idea who she is or what her real life ailments are. also, it's not my responsibility to run a background check on every person that makes a video or comment directed to me.

All the womens wanna know who you are now that you've unmasked yourself.

What're you doing this weekend?  ;)
Quote from: brig on August 13, 2019, 11:01:36 AM
I dunno Erinn.  I don't know her at all, other than what I learned from you and Senda,  but so far, she seems the type that loves to create the Drama. 


His video upset the hell out of her. You think she likes being stuck in a chair like that? Just leave her in peace. You guys are a lot of things, but I really don't think you'd make sport out of a dying woman. I've never seen her make a video like that.  :-\

Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 10:22:32 AM
once flexible, always flexible

Erinn, tell Being There to create a BellChan account.

Leave her out of this cesspool of despair. She has enough problems. I'm sorry to speak like I have a heart over here, but seriously.

Leave the mockery for someone with a frustratingly long life and all the mobility ever. Meaning Senda.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 10:15:54 AM
and we all had such hope that you and "Scarf Guy" were meant to be. bummer.

Me too. He claimed to be "very flexible." Sigh.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 10:10:38 AM
i appreciate the friendly advice, Erinn. i suppose you would know best about basements, large men, and the like.

oh, before i forget, how are your Bumble dates going?

Losers, all of them. Whatever. At least I tried it.  :(
Quote from: Pizzapunch on August 13, 2019, 09:59:47 AM
So you'll be back in the "clown car that is youtube" within an hour? Then quit again next week and the week after?

It's gone. I'm done. I'm not a Senda. I have to get back to work. Despite what all of you think, when my life hits a certain low, no, I don't want the whole world to kick back with popcorn and watch it. And I don't have the energy to start from scratch. I did it for Brig for a hot minute because I'm fond of her.

But now I've run out of whimsical wall art and I'm tired. So very tired.

I guess I could take a page from Richard and just use a BIG WHITE POSTERBOARD. 🤣

Damn, Richard. Just slap some butterflies on a wall and call it WON.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 13, 2019, 09:53:56 AM
MILFs have too much baggage and their bodies are all used up.

we all waited for you to join the chat during my livestream the other day. maybe next time.

It looked like a great crowd. Watch out for the large man in the basement named Rita. He's livin' a BIG JUICY LIFE. 💧🤣

Never trust anyone who types mostly in emojis. It means they lack vocabulary skillz. That's my one wise lesson I'll pass on to you, my scrumptious little YTnoob nugget. #FRIENDSHIP
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