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Messages - anagrammy

Yes, haven't you heard of the Goldwater Standard?

Word is, we're going back to it...

Quote from: Michael V. on June 18, 2011, 11:54:21 PM
I'd rather shut a forum down than feel compelled to go that route just for some publicity from the very people who destroyed one of my favorite radio shows.

Sent from my DROIDX

It is a wee bit whorey, isn't it?  But it's amazing what people will do to feel like they have a personal relationship with a celebrity.

Welcome, bschott, you are definitely our kind of person.  Post often and enjoy!


PS.  Art - I haven't seen you posting yet...welcome!
Quote from: JustOneFix on June 18, 2011, 08:17:56 PM
She looks better in the left photo. The right photo looks like she was caught doing something she shouldn't have done.

That's a photo that needs this caption, "I'M NOT WEARING PANTIES!"

Quote from: JustOneFix on June 18, 2011, 08:24:59 PM
Did anyone else catch Noron's pronunciation of "futon"? He called it a "Footchieon" which I thought was hilarious. It took him 2 more tries to get it right. Unreal.

I did notice he seemed to be talking slower than normal, I guess so he wouldn't fuck up like usual. It didn't work.

His past mispronunciations have spawned an entire internet industry.  One of my personal favorites is when he tried to say "Sasquatch" and said instead, "Sauce-crotch", after a whole series of fumbled tries.

With few exceptions, Open Lines Friday is now the only time I listen.  I've got lots of unheard Art Bell shows and who needs the eardrum abuse of all the Aging Male and related ads.  Friday Night Countdown gives me a chance to catch up here on CoastGab....BTW, the "Countdown" refers to us counting down to when George Noory makes a the Big Gaffe.  I'm convinced that it will be on an Open Line Friday--being here on Countdown reminds me of folks gathering on the hills outside of Area 51, waiting for UFOs, cameras ready.

Do you think if Noory did a huge, say, anti-Semitic gaffe, that they would edit it out of the streamlink?  Does anybody know if they do or can edit the mp3?

MY TURN TO BE SHOCKED!  I noticed the chummy closeness of the above quoted photo myself and the thought popped into my head that maybe George is gay.  I noticed a distinct sense of revulsion in his voice when a caller last year suggested he and Linda Mountain Owl should hook up.  Perhaps it was not just Ms. Owl that revolted him, but ALL women....

At least he didn't weinerize his gym photo...


PS. And what grown man calls a coworker "Tommy" and goes everywhere together?  Previously, we suspected that Tommy was always traveling with George to make sure George didn't get attacked or get involved in answering questions.  But maybe not....maybe they're in love...anybody know gender preference info about Tommy?  If he's out of the closet, then it's a done deal....
Quote from: EgoFartSnooryBoy on June 19, 2011, 06:01:19 AM
Thanks Ana - my facebook page "george noory classics" now has over 160 people in it

It needs more mods to post jorch updates - add me on facebook and ill make u a mod of the page - facebook.com/dreamerrunningdry

Thanks, EFSB.  I'm a fan of your page and I've already added you long ago!  I'm happy to make occasional contributions but I can't be a mod due to lowtechitis.  Seriously, I just pruned my friend tree because I accidentally had a box checked that shouldn't be checked (who knew) which posted all my maggot comments re the Casey Anthony trial to everybody  who was my friend (and who I am sure is now going, "Ewwwww"). 

The less I do with Facebook, the better, for the greater good!


She looks fine - still good looking compared to most.  Is that a post lip lipo photo?  I don't think so.  Her lips look normal, not Melanie-Griffithized.

Quote from: EgoFartSnooryBoy on June 18, 2011, 01:10:15 PM
I actually think im missing out on a hoot - Maybe I should re activate my streamlink (or....COAST-INSIDER!!!)




go here and support Roy Turner who gives us a lovely streamlink replacement for FREEE!


It's been his hobby forever and he has the most comprehensive collection of C2C shows anywhere.  Spread the word. No more streamlink $$


Less talk, more photos.  Let's see that trout pout...

Good Bye to Marc!  I didn't see your farewell, but read Ev's reply above.  We will definitely miss you but understand the demands of parenthood.  Don't forget to buy "Go the Fuck to Sleep" for a preview of your new life.

My husband and I took turns getting up in the night.  It was hell, but at least i could nap during the day.  When my son had his first baby (premature, cried constantly) he shaved his head to eliminate a task.  Yeah, that bad but now that baby is five years old and the sun rises and sets on her little blond head.

Love to you....:)  C'mon back and visit once in a while. 

Quote from: haloedorchid on April 19, 2011, 11:21:59 AM
I have a friend who moved to Hawaii, and now she says "da" instead of "the". It's really annoying.

Just catching up here, but a big lightbulb went on in my head!  George Noory is moving to Hawaii and he ALREADY can't pronounce anything---is there, is there a chance he will lazy slide right into speaking Pidgeon?  Or is it Pijin?

Now dat be for makin' da day!

Sorry, folks, I'm going to bed.  I've heard this a thousand times already.
P-90 started with George's out of body experience as a child!!!!!  He actually has no P-90 experience to share so now we're going to hear this hoary old tale again.
This guy is an idiot
Nah, the women George talks about are young.  That is if he is really into girls.  I'm not a bad looking lady his age-ish and I did not see him interested in women at all.  He was surrounded by guys and did a lot of head-together whispering with Tommy. 
Is it my imagination, but didn't the bumper music used to last longer than 10 seconds?
It's always puzzled me that George does not listen to HIMSELF either, like Scully just pointed out.  You can kind of understand how a dufus could not pay attention  to the guest, but HIMSELF?

I dunno.
Then he'll have a diminuitive young Hawaiian bride and we'll all go, "Oh, so that's how he's rolling...."
It makes no sense until you remember that Art went to a tropical paradise.
Maybe they are moving him around and off to Hawaii because of protesters. LOL - now I would be so DOWN with that!
The Book of the Damned was the first published nonfiction work of the author Charles Fort (first edition 1919). Dealing with various types of anomalous phenomena including UFOs, strange falls of both organic and inorganic materials from the sky, odd weather patterns, the possible existence of creatures generally held to be mythological, disappearances of people under strange circumstances, and many other phenomena, the book is historically considered to be the first written in the specific field of anomalistics.
Regarding the fake articulation...some examples:

Guest says he's going to tell us X.  George raises his volume and says in a fake excited voice "After the break (pregnant pause) we are going to HEAR ABOUT X!!!!!


OK - the truth about Deseret Industries - it's the same with Goodwill, by the way.  They don't really employ people, they provide employment training under an 18 month program THAT IS PAID FOR BY THE GOVERNMENT.  Yes, even the charities are carefully phrasing their ads to make you think your toaster donation helps provide jobs.  Only indirectly.

ONce while shopping at Deseret Industries, I saw that a young girl with cerebral palsy was trying to work while crying.  I asked her what was wrong and she said they were making her leave to make room for other people.  Since she clearly would not find work elsewhere, I asked if  they were helping her find work, she said no, there are no jobs as good with kind people like at the DI.  She wanted to stay.  Her mother came in and told me her child was heartbroken. She had never had a job before.  The mangement said they actually had no money for salaries other than management.  Everyone else was paid for by the state program.   And the profits for the mammoth Deseret INdustries?  Yep, to the needy Mormon Church to pay for radio ads and all those bulletin boards and tv spots that say "I' m into sports and.....I'm a Mormon."

GOOD ONE!  Beachcomber - welcome, pull up a chair and we'll pass the popcorn.  George has on what I call the 'fake articulation' where he gives an exaggerated response thinking this represents enthusiasm.
I no longer consider myself a listener.  I canceled my streamlink in protest, biting the bullet.  I only drop in now and then.  IT's not like alcohol or drug addiction, you can still listen a little...:)
More and more they are trying to make the commercials sound like George has a "guest" he's interviewing about something really INTERESTING.....his listeners are IDIOTS, right?  They can't tell wut he's doin'

Hey, Jethro!  Thanks for adding some testosterone to Ladies Night here....:)
She and the boyfriend were probably arguing about what to do and he want s nothing to do with it and won't help her.  So she has no choice but to drag that stinking bag out into the woods until she finds soft enough ground, right by the water.  And it's shallowly buried, because she's a lazy piece of shit murdering monster.

OMG - Deseret Industries is advertising.  That's the Mormon Salvation Army!

What gives with that?  A nonprofit church advertising for donations on public media?

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