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Messages - steelbot

Random Topics / Re: Music
March 31, 2014, 09:40:17 PM
Hrmph! I figured at the end of a day I'd leave this for anyone that's a fan of Flaming Lips or Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.  It's a new Compendium 43 minute piece called Flaming Side of the Moon just released today and someone has already put it together for us on youtube...atleast for as long as it's up give it a listen or better yet, freemakevideo converter can also make mp3's ya know from url (youtube links) and it's completely ad-free no bloatware.

Random Topics / Re: Addictive Youtube Stuff
March 28, 2014, 02:09:36 PM
I know there are some fan's of this plane around here as am I so when I stumbled on this today I had to share!

This is awesome - I think the engines are LED lined for effect but it really helps visualize the plane while its in the air flying away from you too.

Very awesome!


Now I'm just curious if the same principles of design in engine work, could be made to make this plane the fastest even in R/C Scale...I would think without the heat stretching of the planes skin and the fuel leakage because of the design taking this into account that the scale model version could be a little superior in this respect   :D
Quote from: b_dubb on March 27, 2014, 09:09:29 PM

Chris Christie likes
Rob Ford would be proud.
if it hadn't been posted before...check it out...there's even a voice over from someone we all once knew...

Technology / Re: Oculus Rift and other VR
March 27, 2014, 03:38:49 PM
Well I brought up this point today during me and my cousin's early morning coffee and ...smoke breakfast.  He asked me what I thought about it, and I said, from what i've heard and seen/read.  I think the real cream of the crop that all these current vr goggles are shooting for is either adults in their 30's that want to really experience movies/games.  or the medical industry.  If you can get all super 3d scans of the body at super resolutions and walk thru it three dimensionally it can assist with pretty much all types of procedures.  Question raised, "yeah but they've been showing us that stuff for years with peeps in these rooms wearing goggles" counter - yes but now every doctor/'hospital can purchase 1 or 50 or however many is needed and do it right there on the spot as the scan is taking place.  (puts radio imaging techs probably out of biz)...or they'll be the one's using it too.  who knows, but I think it brings medical stuff to the front and center along side gaming/entertainment.  Reminds me of a mini holodeck without the physical stuff to it, or like that episode of next generation, when all the crew get hypnotized by that game that injects itself right into the cornea and occipital lobe or some shit, think wesley figures it out first or is the first to go, can't remember...
Random Topics / Re: Whats your drug of choice?
March 24, 2014, 08:57:06 PM

as promised.
Quote from: CampsieNP on March 22, 2014, 08:51:29 PM
I finally watched episode one of the new Cosmos last night after Seth MacFarlane spoke about it on Bill Mahr's Real Time.

Ok, is it me or does the host Neil DeGrasse Tyson remind you of a black version of Gnorge at all? Something about the mustache and the strange and kinda pompous way he narrates the show gave me a weird Gnorge vibe. I did like the show. But I started getting a Noory creep-out as the Tyson guy was all "amaaaaazing" and stunned at his own verbage. Had a GNS wiff to it.
If anything Gnooray copied it off of Neil, it's been his way and is his way of just over simplification of the 'science' so that anyone can understand it from 5 years old to 100.  He's been at it for years. Catch up on the Nova PBS and Universe seasons 1 and 2 for sure, he kinda became a little too famous for getting rid of pluto back in the day.  There's even a special about that on Nova.
Random Topics / Re: Whats your drug of choice?
March 23, 2014, 11:33:17 PM
Nicotine and Caffeine most assuredly first.
Women and MJ second.
None of the others had a lasting impression, coke as is said is a helluva drug, but I wouldn't ingest any anymore.  Way past my prime for that crap, or any others.  Would like to try some hallucinogens, but i've tried shrooms and lsd as well, and didn't have any earth shattering revelations or overly zealous trips.  A little bit of peyote too once, and it was pretty decent, but not enough of it was on hand for everyone.  So the divisions cut us all a little short on the experience. Oh well, it's the 2 up there...oh yeah, alcohol, once in a great while, about usually on my Birthday or a special occasion/dining out sort of thing. 

Peace out you hippies!
Quote from: b_dubb on March 22, 2014, 05:40:12 PM
I thought that HOC was boring at first but it gets really good. Francis J Underwood makes the devil look like a boyscout. His wife is a close second.

I wonder what percentage of deaths in DC are the result of operatives taking of loose ends.
So, I'm guessing your all caught up on Season 2 of HoC then, what a show the way it's went so far, I can't wait for season 3 already.

And I told a friend recently the same thing, that you just need to watch em all together for the show to make sense, kinda like Lost...
Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 20, 2014, 12:50:46 PM
At least Gutfeld makes you laugh.

Yeah i DVR RedEye too, it's a great show, and makes me laugh at the insanity of it all sometimes.
Quote from: b_dubb on March 22, 2014, 05:01:18 PM
House Of Cards is very Game of Thrones. Francis J Underwood makes the Boogeyman look like a pussy.
+1 HoC is great series, as is Vikings on History Channel.  Vikings is like pg rated Rome *old hbo series*, but with well Vikings.

Also recently watched Anchorman 2, 47 Ronin, and American Hustle.
All 3 deserve a watch if they sound interesting to you.

A2 - eh it's funny, not as good as the first to me.
47 Ronin - Samurai lord of the rings. It's good visual effects, guess the story was ok too.
AH - worth a watch.  It's not a comedy, it's about an FBI agent that gets in a little over his head trying to make a name for himself.

OH YEAH and then this 8 minute short  - very good...similar to a big budget movie that came out last year.
Random Topics / Re: Music
March 22, 2014, 04:47:13 PM
Aldous sent me a link to this today, and gotta say it's been some great music to lose myself into today!


Thanks man!
Technology / Re: Titanfall (PC)
March 16, 2014, 02:49:25 AM
Quote from: zeebo on March 15, 2014, 11:29:43 PM
Jeez these newbie games, so easy.  I'm playing Ultima IV, that's friggin ULTIMA IV, newbies!  So friggin hard and complicated and crazy keystrokes required.  Modern gamers can't deal with such madness. 

What, you didn't bring enough health elixir down to level eight of the dungeon?  YOU'RE SCREWED.

What, sea monsters nailed your ship even though you just spent hours getting across the sea?  YOU'RE SCREWED.

What, you got to that remote part of the forest, to find the fabled chalice, but you're an idiot and neglected to first talk to the old crone in that obscure village so now you don't know the secret word?  YOU'RE SCREWED!

(ok, but yeah, Titanfall looks pretty cool.)
Well as an Ultima Alum and UO Day 1 player lol you can indeed count me in on bringing enough herbal remedies to that dungeon with my elixir's lol, but it is cool, some people like playing older games.  I do too, but also enjoy some newer ones every few years.

Technology / Re: Titanfall (PC)
March 16, 2014, 02:47:42 AM
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on March 15, 2014, 10:14:16 PM
Titanfall reminds me very much of the role playing game company FASA (based in Seattle by chance) and their games Battletech (giant robot combat) and Mechwarrior (the associated RPG for pilots/characters).
Actually are you sure about FASA and being based in Seattle? I only ask because I know FASA Corp/Studios had an office in Chicago damn near right across the street from a Dave n Busters that I used to play Mechwarrior 2 and 4 at, they had Tesla pods set up.  But yes the game is similar in much the same way any mech game is similar to the original franchise that spawned the genre.  I too, played many a game of battletech and read a lot of the books about the universe, and have been a fan since the mid 90's when my 3dfx card came with a copy of Mech 2.  The mechs are not as big in this game as those in MW universe, and do not have jump jets, you can only dash or double dash in multiple directions, plus a sprint. 

There are pilot only modes too yes, capture the flag mode, last titan standing is my fav just because it's similar to MW games, and they have a mode called attrition, basically battlefront like ticket system.  They also have some developmental stuff in the works and some things to fix, but it's a solid title.  NO Singleplayer, it's online only. 
Technology / Titanfall (PC)
March 14, 2014, 01:41:26 PM
Well,  I needed a distraction and found it!!

Titanfall is a very fun mix of fast paced FPS with giant fricken robots thrown into the mix.   I got the game and have been streaming whenever I'm playing on twitch.tv - so if anyone is interested to see what this game is about check it out sometime. 

My pc hardware is old by today's standards but still runs this game smoothly.
core i7 2600k, 16gb ram, 1 Sapphire AMD Radeon HD6950 2gb card.  I can run on max settings and all buffers maxed out.

Here is just one of the games I played recently - http://www.twitch.tv/steelahlive/c/3885889
and the stream can be found here -

Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
March 14, 2014, 01:29:38 PM
Quote from: area51drone on March 14, 2014, 01:25:53 PM
Hit the road now and in a couple of days you'll be in what you'd call spring/summertime!   There's no time the like present if you need some change in your life.
#2 (lol nice pic), The weather has been very springtime like here with the occasional dip in temps and snow but the recent warmer weather has been very revitalizing.  A couple more months and the warmer weather will be here to stay for the while.  I'll wait for that to set in :)
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
March 14, 2014, 12:34:59 PM
Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 14, 2014, 12:28:04 PM
True enough, SteelBot... I have not met a whole lot of ascended masters in this world.  I take some comfort in the words of Sir Francis Bacon:  There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.
Nice, I am not seeking pity, just putting my thoughts out there.  I wish them to be taken for what they are, how I feel, not psychoanalyzed or seen as passive-aggressive, sometimes the little things we remember about the good times, when described can sound out of context, something altogether different to others in our lives.  I just wish I could get my fricken mouth, brain, heart, body all in the same place at the same time, instead of having emotion get in the way.  The little reminders of lost days has got a hold of me today.  I can't wait for spring/summer to get here.  I think I'm just gonna take off from Illinois this year and see where the road takes me.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
March 14, 2014, 12:21:46 PM
When you want to say something, but say it in a way that isn't clear, but still meant it in the most sincere way and it comes across as something else, because you're just so filled with emotion/confusion at not getting it right you ruminate on the mistake, and make another one! - Guess we need to let go those fears, and just put it out there, and accept that we all make mistakes, and you must own your own before you can move on. 
Random Topics / Re: Documentaries
March 07, 2014, 05:38:55 PM
Quote from: West of the Rockies on January 07, 2014, 06:10:53 PM
It's not new, but if you haven't watched Ken Burns program on our National Parks, it's very informative and engaging.  (It maybe is a bit long and could be trimmed, but it held my attention, especially the John Muir portions). 

I thought the Herzog documentary on the French cave was very interesting but a bit on the ponderous side.  It struck me that a lot of the images were repeated, telling me the film could have been shortened with no damage to content/tone.
All Ken Burns stuff is great! - I have been giving a watch thru on the Discovery Channels When We Left Earth series - it's great - and i've probably seen it a dozen times over, but I just love how it's put together.  ANything space gets my attention usually but real life documentary stuff on the space race - great - Speaking of "space race" if ever it can be found, there is a great NatGeo/or/History Channel 2 part miniseries called Space Race or The Space Race, but it's about an hour and a half per episode and deals with US and Russia's getting the German Scientists out of WW2 germany and using their skills for each countries nuclear arms proliferation.  Pretty good stuff.
Quote from: area51drone on March 07, 2014, 03:00:43 PM
"There's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up...  There's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up.. "

LOL - that is a common quote for pretty much anytime I holler at my cousin to come check out something on the TV, it's always - HEY HEY, THere's a donkey kong kill screen coming up! - it always gets a good chuckle as we've all enjoyed that movie.  Ole Poor Billy Mitchell and his Hot Sauce! - Video Tapetomfoolery I say!  - I wanted that sequel at the end - but didn't they both get knocked off by some other guy.
Quote from: wr250 on March 06, 2014, 08:31:13 AM
you can restore it, it still asks for the apple id to use the device. you can put the ipad into dfu mode, then restore it, asks for the apple id. in short apple has locked it down to the point where the device becomes useless if the apple id is lost/forgotten or in this case , goes to the grave.
unless you have the programmer the logic board is programmed with at the factory,  the only option is to get apple to change the password. apple wants a court order to do so.
I've never ran into this, I've always put my items in dfu mode and fresh wiped em before a jailbreak.  They've never asked me for my id until i tried to put my original purchases back on the device, but those I've sold they just put their new itunes info in and wala - worked for them.  The ones I sold were before ios7 so don't know if that has to do with it. 

iphone 3, 4, 5 - ipod 3,4, ipad 2,3,mini
So they can't figure out how to put it into restore mode? lol, um that's a problem.

this isn't news it's someone that should have sought out better answers. 
Quote from: area51drone on March 05, 2014, 10:04:11 PM
Yes, I'm assuming Casio does not work.  He could, and if he does, great, good for him.   However, looking at how often he is posting videos of himself in his apartment, it does not appear he holds down any regular employment.    So, for the sake of argument, and using Casio as merely an example, let's assume that he is not employed.

What I'm talking about is a free society where Casio can CHOOSE to work and live like the rest of us, and be fed.   If he can't find work, the government gives him options.   Are they great options?  Probably not.  But if he's not capable of doing more skilled labor, then he can either CHOOSE to do what is offered to him, or he can go at life on his own.   I don't see why that is so wrong.    That's not prison, it's an option.

Steelbot, you do not strike me as the type who isn't trying to better himself - aren't you going to school to retrain for something else?    You were gainfully employed by the military.  You have skills.  Although the job market sucks, I am sure you will eventually find work. 

I do agree that unemployment is a useful bridge for individuals who are willing to help themselves and really trying to find a job.   Welfare is appropriate in certain cases.

Handing people money for doing absolutely nothing other than they refuse to be productive members of society is something I do not agree with.

Now, as for taking jobs that are "beneath you", I do a job that is what I consider "beneath me."  I have done this job for the last 10 years.   At this point, I get paid very well to do what some would consider monkey work.   Occasionally, I get to do stuff in my work that falls into my professional skill set, and those times are rewarding.   But do you think I enjoy doing the day to day grind of mindless work?  Hell no.  But I do it because it puts food on the table for my kids, my wife and myself.   It pays the mortgage, for my car, and for the other things in life that we enjoy.    To say it stresses me out too much to do a job that's beneath me is a cop out.   Steelbot, I think you're better than that.  You do the shitty things until you can get yourself the job that is rewarding.

You all don't know, but there was a time shortly after I got married that I used to clean toilets to help make ends meet.  Yes, I literally picked up other people's shit.   Did I enjoy it?  No.  But I did it to get by until I was able to make my business succeed.    So excuse me if I don't feel sorry for anyone who isn't willing to do menial labor.
I was in school, but dropped out, it was becomming harder to focus on.  Beneath me jobs was more of the example a lot of people have that mindset.  I particularly have the benefit of a disabled retired veteran pension coming in, but it's not much.  And in no way a family supporter.  I am more stressed about trying to find a job and making said job work than I am being unemployed, and being unemployed is very stressful to me. 

Right now, I'm just looking forward, and take the future as it comes.  I'm done trying to make everyone else happy and going to worry about myself for a while. 
Random Topics / Re: Thoughts And Pics From The Road
March 05, 2014, 06:56:59 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on February 18, 2014, 05:52:05 PM
When the road gets weird, the weird get rode. Enough about my heh lovelife.

Weird week though seriously I tell you, it's weird out there.  Or is it just me?  Maybe it's the paths I travel.  Maybe it's just that weird is where the fun is, I dunno.  Anyhowever, Got pretty busy going pretty far, so far... Far enough to get into the more out there neighborhoods, far enough to not catch the Monday GabCast even.


So I guess the year of the horse is on to an off start because my morning ride today was to a dead one.  There are two horses minus one on our property as the old feller up and died.  I saw him down on the lower 40 walking his final approach in a way that was not right looking.  So much so that I kept my eyes on the old dude, a mustang BLM formerly, now way way past the prime.  Sure enough, he laid it down and I rode my bike down as he did. Talking softly in my brain he let me know this was it man, don't just stand there watching me die or do it's up to you.  Sadly, my second dangit was that I am embarrassingly out of the proper caliber ammo for a mercy-down.(having only my garden variety basic small cal and shotgun shells on hand)  So I got back on my bike to grab something from the neighbors, with their permission.  My Buddha Cowboy neighbor said he'd come right over and I rode back to the expiring horse rather than leave him to his own dying self.  He was gone by the time I got back.  Did you know there are people who offer horse carcass haul-off service?  I guess I did too but you never think about stuff like that until.  Technically, the horse was not mine, we just allowed it to pasture here as it's owner's property lacks the space to roam.  Therefore neighbor dude, being a 3rd generation downscale homesteader offered to repay me for the postmortem horse buggy ride but I am low on split stove wood so this is the advantage of country neighboring service bartering.  Happens almost every day around here.

One more strange- 2 days ago, riding my unit through a residential area while scouting some cross-town bike trails, I thought I heard a weird human call which just did not sound right.  I turned my head to look but saw nothing and rode on, but when I got to the corner I reconsidered it and turned around.  I heard it again and so was able to scope out the area where I found and older gentleman totally down on the driveway of his house.  He was kind of groaning loudly I guess to get someone's attention.  Jumping off my bike I was like holy crap sir what the, I mean do you need help??  So yeah, he was big but I pulled him onto his butt as he was trying to stand but it was no good, there was something wrong, and he was big, heavy, stiff, and disoriented too.  The across the street neighbors came running over to help  It was windy, cold, drizzling and this guy was cold, maybe laying out there for a while.  I grabbed the keys which were laying on the driveway but they didn't fit the door so while the neighbors stayed with dude I ran around, found an open door, and we brought him inside very slowly and layed him down.  I asked him if he had a wife or anybody and he gave me his in-town daughter's number.  Called her quickly, then called 911.  Ambulance, firetruck, the whole deal.  Keeping it real.

Anyhoo, afterwards on the lovely ride back home, I stopped on a high point in the sierras, looking out into the valley, filled with the stone cold awareness of what it is to be alove and if alive, to know what it is to love it, with every memory of your now adding up to tomorrow and, what it is and stuff.  And how lucky I am to live in a land where if you work your ass off you can ride your ass off, but you can only ride free if you know there is no free ride and things of this nature.  It reminded me of this moment, oh so long ago, before I was born.


Wait, what were we talking about?

Awesome man, you totally rock!
Random Topics / Re: Thoughts And Pics From The Road
March 05, 2014, 06:43:04 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on March 05, 2014, 05:44:57 PM
Taken today, NYC subway. This city is the motherload of material this thread so here's my opening salvo.
Technically this is a selfie, in the third eye.
That's fucking awesome!
Quote from: area51drone on March 05, 2014, 05:28:25 AM
I would never say to kill the mentally ill.  Sure, I don't know Casio's exact situation, but I do know that people like him are receiving government checks.  I know a couple (husband and wife) like this right now.   On top of getting hand outs every month, they sue people every chance they get.   These individuals worked before they learned how to game the system, they should be working now.

Yes, if I had a job that required some menial task that was appropriate, where Casio could be left to finish said task by himself, I would hire him.   But I'm not even asking individuals to hire him - the government could give him *some* kind of work.   Get him out picking up trash on the side of the road, or cleaning parks.  Picking up dog poop.  Something.
As someone who has been in mental health therapy in my life, I can only offer this, I've been unemployed since essentially November 2012.  I've had ONE off end job that didn't work out due to the company wishing to change their own ideals of hiring a disabled person.  (At the time i could only work 4 hours per day due to surgery.)  Once I started looking for jobs that "I could" do, it became a huge stressor on me in the fact that a lot of jobs are "beneath" me so to speak, and it would only offer more stress in hating that particular job.  So to say he could be "given" a job that he could do, come on, would you want to really pick up shit all day? 
Curious thing about that whole pirate radio thing....

Couldn't he go to another country?  And offer his show that way, much like he did when he moved to the Philippines?  Since he's not competing in a market that Sirius is (outside the US and the entire north/south american hemispheres?  - we'd get it, cause someone would stream it for us lol, but he's not competing at all in that market then.  He could do anything a 1 time a week show where he answers email for all i care.

Technology / Re: Frikin' PC Games!
March 03, 2014, 03:36:30 PM
Quote from: onan on March 02, 2014, 11:48:46 AM
Yeah, such a great premise with lots of promises that fell to the fickle subscriber.

In Ultima Online I never sold my account, but I did sell "real estate" I was paid a hundred dollars for every small home I could place. I made close to a thousand dollars in less than 3 months.

I was a theif and an exploiter back then lol (i was 18 hehe, but i didn't care so much as it was only a game) I had my own mining operation for my grandmaster blacksmith out on a boat with a forge and iron right next to a mountain out in the ocean somewhere, I could make suits of armor all day and make like 3500 gold per set.   Then when the selling things inside a bag return the item to your original bag hehe we got a castle deed and duped the gold for that one, but it wasn't a dupe in the sense that each gold piece had a unique identifier and could never be traced back then lol so they couldn't "detect" who had legitimately duped theirs and who hadn't.  Oh that game was fun for a time.
Quote from: area51drone on March 03, 2014, 03:37:27 AM
What really fucking sucks about Microsoft is that they keep your card on file for Xbox Live and keep charging you.  The only way I can find to stop them is to give them a card that's about to expire, let it expire and don't give them a new one.   I will never give them a card # again - from now on it's just bing rewards to pay for the gold account when I need to play with friends, and points cards purchased elsewhere.
1-800-4-my-xbox - they'll try and talk you out of it but they cannot prevent you from cancelling.  I have been on xbox live for 10 years now.  I don't particularly like that gold account is required for the netflix and party chatting and shit like that but at the then 49.99 a YEAR and now 59.99 a year it's an easily justifiable cost for the entertainment i've had over these years.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent playing games on there.  I admit I am winding down on my console game playing, but still enjoy seeing new games that may peak my interest.  I also agree, I don't like the company holding the keys to the servers and being able to shut them off whenever they feel like it.  However, by the time they've usually done that, I've fallen in line with their polling numbers, and have generally moved on to another game.
Technology / Re: Frikin' PC Games!
March 02, 2014, 11:34:08 AM
Quote from: onan on March 02, 2014, 10:58:46 AM
I don't know the techie stuff, but imo EA is the kiss of death to quality gaming. From my first experience, when they bought out Origin and took over Ultima Online, they sucked. With the inclusion into Star Wars the Old Republic, they continued to suck.
HA - I remember using my buddies IDSN Fax line to play at 128kbs on Ultima Online - played on Great Lakes server for about 5 years and sold 2 accounts for 2k each - that was the First true MMO - in my opinion - but yes and I played STTOR too, yes, that franchise died faster than Porkins!
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