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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM

Quote from: Uncle Duke on March 27, 2014, 06:53:01 PM
Back when I was in college (mid 70s), a guy who lived down the hall who became a vegetarian proudly proclaimed after he quit eating meat, his shit didn't stink.  We took his word for it.

Then I wonder what the hell Big Foot is eating, because his aromatic gifts are frightening the pigs and the children.

0 - 0 - 0

I'm trying to de-clutter my life. I swear to all the gods, moments ago, I received an email from a friend who asked if I wanted this table...

Must... resist.... this thoroughly enjoyable 1970s "zodiac kitsch"... must   resist....

(I love junk like this. This table is begging to prop up some modern electronic device. I have to wonder if it did not originally have a clear glass surface top to provide smooth sailing execution of object placement.)

Christ.  I'm getting pulled in....


Quote from: Uncle Duke on March 27, 2014, 06:53:01 PM
Ok, not so random, but certainly stupid:

Back when I was in college (mid 70s), a guy who lived down the hall who became a vegetarian proudly proclaimed after he quit eating meat, his shit didn't stink.  We took his word for it.
People claim the same thing happens when you put a cat on a raw-only diet. Being that the diet is all meat, it seems the smell would be worse. I guess an obligate carnivore's digestive system processes meat more thoroughly than a human's body does.
An odor free litterbox would be great, but I don't have the fridge and freezer room to store all that meat and bone, especially with four cats to feed. Plus, the idea of having raw organs and hunks of meat sitting out in dishes for hours kind of makes me nervous.
The health benefits are supposed to be fantastic, too. I have been seriously considering buying a chest style freezer so I can switch my cats over to raw, but I keep changing my mind.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on March 27, 2014, 06:33:10 PM
Reminds me of this internet debate from a year ago:
"McDouble is 'cheapest and most nutritious food in human history'
Describing the McDonald’s double cheeseburger as “the cheapest, most nutritious, and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history” might seem beyond fanciful, but according to the author of Freakonomics, it is not as absurd a suggestion as it appears. "




and the price is so low because of all the subsidies and tax dollars that goes into its production. Its Socialism in A Bun.

Chris Christie likes


Quote from: eddie dean on March 27, 2014, 10:53:16 PM
Oh please let this happen to the next asshat who tailgates me.
That's pretty satisfying. What a dick that guy was. And to flip off a woman too. Big man. Hope he got jail time.


I've been laid up in bed sick for two days and had nothing to do but watch tv and whatever movies channels I had available. I've learned nothing from the experience except for the flu sucks and Freddy Krueger is a bit of a sissy. I hope I feel better soon or this television is flying out of the window.


if it hadn't been posted before...check it out...there's even a voice over from someone we all once knew...



Quote from: coaster on March 27, 2014, 11:45:13 PM
I've been laid up in bed sick for two days and had nothing to do but watch tv and whatever movies channels I had available. I've learned nothing from the experience except for the flu sucks and Freddy Krueger is a bit of a sissy. I hope I feel better soon or this television is flying out of the window.
Still getting over a flu. Hoping I get my sense of smell and sense of taste back soon. Going ten days of feeling like hell.


Quote from: eddie dean on March 27, 2014, 10:53:16 PM
Oh please let this happen to the next asshat who tailgates me.

HAHAH.. that was awesome!   One time I was leaving home depot late at night right after they closed, and this asshole behind me raced to get around me in the parking lot and cut through the parking stalls instead of going through the regular driving area - because it was dark and he couldn't see, he promptly smashed right into one of those heavy duty loader flat carts and did some major damage to the front of his nice new truck.   If only I had that on video, it would have been nearly as classic as this.     

I don't understand why big truck drivers think they own the planet.  MV probably has some insight into this...

Quote from: eddie dean on March 27, 2014, 10:53:16 PM
Oh please let this happen to the next asshat who tailgates me.

LOL, sweet. I hope she flipped the bird as she passed.

A couple of years ago an idiot on the parkway was tailgaiting, weaving in and out, cutting people off, and speeding in excess. He got behind me and I got out of his way, but I did have the very satisfying moment five minutes later around a turn seeing him pulled over with the red trooper lights flashing behind him. I flipped the bird.  ;D

Quote from: b_dubb on March 27, 2014, 11:59:34 PM
Still getting over a flu. Hoping I get my sense of smell and sense of taste back soon. Going ten days of feeling like hell.

Feel better b_dubb! Try some tooomerick, maybe it'l help, lol.

As long as you don't have your sense of smell, you can listen to Noory.

analog kid

Quote from: onan on March 27, 2014, 06:06:17 PM
Broad statements about diet and aging, mental health, and other concerns hardly ever are true in the overall sense. Generally speaking more women are vegetarians than men. Women are more likely to have anxiety disorders. Those two statements are both true but they aren't connected.

Diet and aging / mental health are most certainly interconnected. The study is specific and focusing on excessive consumption of carbohydrates typical in a lot of those diets though.

analog kid

Quote from: steelbot on March 27, 2014, 11:45:44 PM
if it hadn't been posted before...check it out...there's even a voice over from someone we all once knew...


He apparently made the documentary with some hookers he picked up in Jersey.


Quote from: analog kid on March 28, 2014, 04:20:43 AM
Diet and aging / mental health are most certainly interconnected. The study is specific and focusing on excessive consumption of carbohydrates typical in a lot of those diets though.

I agree. I think where I got a bit bothered was the the two photographs. Although certainly dramatic, they didn't help the argument.

Quote from: analog kid on March 28, 2014, 04:20:43 AM
Diet and aging / mental health are most certainly interconnected. The study is specific and focusing on excessive consumption of carbohydrates typical in a lot of those diets though.

Just throwing a random observation about vegetarianism, since I followed a vegetarian diet for a few years. There are all kinds of vegetarian, including diets that eliminate meat, but are heavy on cheese, dairy, pasta and high carb white rice, etc. None of this is healthy, but it illustrates the difficulty of nailing down what a vegetarian diet is, because it varies so widely.  I followed the Diet for a Small Planet guidelines and relied on whole grain-bean combinations for full protein, plus fresh vegetables and fruit, and cheese, dairy, pasta and sweets in moderation. My blood work was great, and no depression, because my mental state didn't drive my diet, feeling more energetic did.

Today I follow a vegetarian diet during the day and have lean meat, chicken or fish at night. It's a compromise that works.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on March 28, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Just throwing a random observation about vegetarianism, since I followed a vegetarian diet for a few years. There are all kinds of vegetarian, including diets that eliminate meat, but are heavy on cheese, dairy, pasta and high carb white rice, etc. None of this is healthy, but it illustrates the difficulty of nailing down what a vegetarian diet is, because it varies so widely.  I followed the Diet for a Small Planet guidelines and relied on whole grain-bean combinations for full protein, plus fresh vegetables and fruit, and cheese, dairy, pasta and sweets in moderation. My blood work was great, and no depression, because my mental state didn't drive my diet, feeling more energetic did.

Today I follow a vegetarian diet during the day and have lean meat, chicken or fish at night. It's a compromise that works.

i could work with venison and elk meat.

Quote from: wr250 on March 28, 2014, 09:00:00 AM
i could work with venison and elk meat.

A friend once overnighted some elk steaks on dry ice from Idaho, where he hunts/lives.

To be clear, these were HIS processed steaks, not from a business. He dressed the animal himself, etc.

Easily some of the best meat I have ever tasted. Period. No cryptic weird red dyes and preservatives and who the hell knows what else, not to mention the animal not being subjected to slaughterhouse trauma etc. Steve's an excellent marksman.

One of the most remarkable gifts I've ever received via mail. Plus, dry ice is just so cool.  Loved that the pkg was outgassing clouds of CO2 when it arrived. Ha. Shades of Ghostbusters.


I wish this went on just a few seconds longer to see the disappointed look on #8's face.

I bet she never again lets up on the final stretch...  That's a rough lesson to learn in such a public way.

eddie dean

Quote from: area51drone on March 28, 2014, 12:59:39 AM

I don't understand why big truck drivers think they own the planet...

I've noticed this phenomena also. dudes who drive lifted trucks usualy act like maniacs on the road.



Quote from: eddie dean on March 28, 2014, 01:41:31 PM
I've noticed this phenomena also. dudes who drive lifted trucks usualy act like maniacs on the road.

For every truck like this sold a rocket launcher should be issued to a grandmother.  Yin and yang and all that.


Quote from: eddie dean on March 28, 2014, 01:41:31 PM
I've noticed this phenomena also. dudes who drive lifted trucks usualy act like maniacs on the road.


Quote from: b_dubb on March 28, 2014, 01:57:54 PM
For every truck like this sold a rocket launcher should be issued to a grandmother.  Yin and yang and all that.

i have a lifted truck,built a 1985 4runner (removable shell and all that) myself, i dont drive like a nooron. oh wait nooron uses a chauffeur . i guess i mean moron.


Quote from: wr250 on March 28, 2014, 02:08:11 PM
i have a lifted truck,built a 1985 4runner (removable shell and all that) myself, i dont drive like a nooron. oh wait nooron uses a chauffeur . i guess i mean moron.

That is a cool ass truck.


Quote from: wr250 on March 28, 2014, 02:22:28 PM
i didnt roll it there at least.

Is that a 2-door model? I didn't know they made those.


Quote from: bateman on March 28, 2014, 02:23:17 PM
Is that a 2-door model? I didn't know they made those.

84-89 with the removable top were all 2 doors.
this one is modified extensively more than i should post here, i suppose. mostly atermarket toyota parts , along with some GM parts tossed in for good measure.

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