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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 13, 2014, 06:57:37 PM
Yeah, I am surprised that SJParker gets so many magazine covers and starring roles.  I find her uninteresting and whiny.  (And she does look like she might just whinny, too.)

Agreed on all points and the horse face.  I can't understand what Ferris sees in her.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 13, 2014, 06:57:37 PM
Yeah, I am surprised that SJParker gets so many magazine covers and starring roles.  I find her uninteresting and whiny.  (And she does look like she might just whinny, too.)

I am surprised you can single her out. I am amazed that many celebrities get their faces on covers.

As to roles, probably because she works hard. Lots of actors have talent but seem to miss the work ethic part.


Quote from: Birdie on March 13, 2014, 06:19:41 PM
One of my cats has suddenly decided he is too good to use the litter box if there is anything in it. I scoop the damn boxes at least 3 times a day and do a quick scoop if I see any clumps in between my regular cleanings. I had to set something up in front of his favorite litter box so he doesn't go on the carpet, so he now pees on a double layer of paper towels, covered by a small trash bag, topped with a triple layer of paper towels. At least the pee is not getting on the floor and it is easy to clean up, but he is pissing me off. This has been going on for two weeks now. He is not sick and I have not changed brands of litter. If the box is perfectly spotless, he'll use it, so I think he is just being a picky little shit. Dude, I took you in off the street, nursed you back to health, love you, feed you, brush you, let you hog the bed ... the very least you could do is occasionally step over a single clump of your own pee on your way to the back of the litter box. I do have to sleep sometimes and cannot moniter litter box conditions 24 hours a day. Or maybe you could consider using one of the three other clean litter boxes in the house. He is lucky he is so cute.

Yeah I am dealing with something like that with one of our cats, when we are awake she will use the box, but once we go to bed she will poop on the carpet.  Thats just theing I want to do at 0730 when I am getting ready to work.
but she has thicking of the intestinal lining and has other issues I dont get too mad, but when she is gone I am going to have to eithier replace all the carpeting or just burn the house down.

Quote from: onan on March 14, 2014, 08:28:50 AM
I am surprised you can single her out. I am amazed that many celebrities get their faces on covers.

As to roles, probably because she works hard. Lots of actors have talent but seem to miss the work ethic part.

Hey, Onan... there are so many celebs who I cannot identify these days.  I don't believe I have ever actually heard a Justin Bieber song (or those of any number of random mega-stars).  I do recall SJ Parker's early career on Square Pegs and in Steve Martin's LA Story.  I thought that early on she did show potential and was cute in a girl-next-door sort of way.  I've never seen even a minute of Sex in the City (so my opinion on her current acting skills is pretty flimsy).  I've seen her in something with Hugh Grant and a couple other movies from the last ten years.  I just don't find her to be engaging anymore.  It's not so much her appearance as just some much more vague personality thing:  she seems somehow pleased with herself and whiny in the stuff I've seen her in.

You may be right about her being a hard worker.  Maybe she is a "generous" actor to work with now.  You hear actors describe each other as giving and generous and so forth, so maybe she is a true professional.  I am just surprised that there aren't other actors/actresses who are more talented and compelling on screen who would beat her out for some of her roles.  I feel the same about any number of other actors.  This is damn near blasphemy, I know, but to go old school here for a minute, Steve McQueen always looked pretty damn bored to me in anything I saw him in; he did not seem to have much range or emotion.  In that way, he reminds me of Adam West.  For some cosmic reason, Adam West ended up with an odd little career marked mostly by his role as the goof 60's Batman.  Steve McQueen, on the other hand, became a Hollywood icon.

It's all nonsense though, really, isn't it?  I'm just a random guy riffing here on the internet.  Sound and fury....


When you want to say something, but say it in a way that isn't clear, but still meant it in the most sincere way and it comes across as something else, because you're just so filled with emotion/confusion at not getting it right you ruminate on the mistake, and make another one! - Guess we need to let go those fears, and just put it out there, and accept that we all make mistakes, and you must own your own before you can move on. 

True enough, SteelBot... I have not met a whole lot of ascended masters in this world.  I take some comfort in the words of Sir Francis Bacon:  There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 14, 2014, 12:28:04 PM
True enough, SteelBot... I have not met a whole lot of ascended masters in this world.  I take some comfort in the words of Sir Francis Bacon:  There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.
Nice, I am not seeking pity, just putting my thoughts out there.  I wish them to be taken for what they are, how I feel, not psychoanalyzed or seen as passive-aggressive, sometimes the little things we remember about the good times, when described can sound out of context, something altogether different to others in our lives.  I just wish I could get my fricken mouth, brain, heart, body all in the same place at the same time, instead of having emotion get in the way.  The little reminders of lost days has got a hold of me today.  I can't wait for spring/summer to get here.  I think I'm just gonna take off from Illinois this year and see where the road takes me.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 14, 2014, 11:59:21 AM
This is damnnear blasphemy, I know, but to go old school here for a minute, Steve McQueen always looked pretty damn bored to me in anythingI saw him in;

That's exactly the point. SM was the epitome of cool.  He and Dino.....end of an era.

Dino was cool, absolutely -- I can see that.  McQueen just looked bored to me (in the way that James Dean did in that iconic photo of him leaning against a wall).  Just my opinion....


Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 14, 2014, 12:45:42 PM
That's exactly the point. SM was the epitome of cool.  He and Dino.....end of an era.

I want his Jaguar XKSS..


Quote from: steelbot on March 14, 2014, 12:34:59 PM
I can't wait for spring/summer to get here.  I think I'm just gonna take off from Illinois this year and see where the road takes me.

Hit the road now and in a couple of days you'll be in what you'd call spring/summertime!   There's no time the like present if you need some change in your life.


Quote from: area51drone on March 14, 2014, 01:25:53 PM
Hit the road now and in a couple of days you'll be in what you'd call spring/summertime!   There's no time the like present if you need some change in your life.
#2 (lol nice pic), The weather has been very springtime like here with the occasional dip in temps and snow but the recent warmer weather has been very revitalizing.  A couple more months and the warmer weather will be here to stay for the while.  I'll wait for that to set in :)

The claim is Spring travels north at the rate of 15 miles per day.  And climbs mountains at 100 feet per day.


Joe and Doug Hagmann.  I really wish Joe would study his 2nd grade reader a bit more and learn how to pronounce big works like C-R-I-M-E-A.  No Joe, Tucson, AZ is not pronounced "tuckson" I also wish Doug would just SPIT IT OUT already.  25 minutes of "Folks, this is absolutely unbelievable!  If you only knew...you won't believe what I am about to tell you.."  Then just hash up shit from last week.


Girl Scouts setting up tables in front of businesses to hawk their cookies. WTH? When I was a GS, we had to go door to door to every house in the neighborhood to sell cookies. We walked miles, dammit. And the girl who always won had a parent who worked in a big office building and took the order sheet to work.

Everyone pimped us out: candy bars for the midget football, christmas wrapping paper for the PTA ... we were always selling something. My friend and I even had a dog walking business in our neighborhood. $1 to take your dog for a 15 minute spin around the block. Now, I kind of feel bad for those neighbors without children, constantly having random kids knock on their door. But that is not the point.

I realize people feel it is not safe to have their kid knock on doors, but that underlines how messed up the country has become. No one knows their neighbors anymore. We couldn't get away with anything when we were kids because someone's parent woud see what you were doing and call your parents. And that is the way it should be. The other thing that kills me is trick or treating in the friggin' mall. Come on!

It is a shame what some families are missing out on in their communities. We used to have great neighborhood BBQ's, where the parents would get drunk and the kids would run wild, playing flashlight tag and catching lightning bugs. Someone was always ready to lend a helping hand or a sympathetic ear. They were not just neighbors, they were trusted friends. Everyone watched out for the kids (and no one wore a bike helmet, but that is a whole different topic).

Another word about GS cookies. I saw a segment on Dateline about them years ago. They said the home troop of the girl who sells the cookies only gets something like 5 cents per box. But the GS Council has a plush office on Park Avenue and pays huge executive salaries. Usually, the girls are selling the cookies to fund a trip or other activity and they are getting totally screwed by the Council. GS cookies are tasty, but I don't buy them for that reason. Or I try not to buy them. Plus, they keep jacking the price up each year and the amount of cookies in the box keeps getting smaller. I need some Trefoils.

Little Hater

Best Girl Scout cookie story of the year - the troop that stationed themselves outside the medical marijuana shop. Something like 117 boxes in two hours.

Best of all time - the scout whose 19-year-old sister put on her (the scout's) uniform and went down to the NY docks when the fleet was in.

Tell me you still have the uniform, Birdie.... 😉

Actually though, your words painted a clear picture of life for a lot of kids in America back in the sixties and seventies anyway.  I delivered an afternoon paper on my bicycle; Christmas always meant a dollar (and once even, FIVE dollars) from most customers.  That was a lot of money to a 14-year-old boy!  I was very conscientious and delivered the papers on the porch. 

As a child, I rode my bike all over the city and even into neighboring cities.   This was decades before cell phones, and my parents had no idea where I was... But that was fairly normal then, I suppose.  I am sure there were dangers then, bad people.  Perhaps we were naive; maybe the absence of constant news channels led to complacency.  I miss those days though.


Quote from: Birdie on March 15, 2014, 06:42:06 AM

I realize people feel it is not safe to have their kid knock on doors, but that underlines how messed up the country has become. No one knows their neighbors anymore. We couldn't get away with anything when we were kids because someone's parent woud see what you were doing and call your parents. And that is the way it should be. The other thing that kills me is trick or treating in the friggin' mall. Come on!

We went door-to-door as well. We lived in a sketchy area, and our family let us go from dawn to dark, which I guess probably wasn't the greatest idea, but we turned out okay. One time we were collecting money for the Jerry Lewis Telethon, and we went into an apartment bldg., knocked on a door, and interrupted a drug deal.  The guy was so impatient to get us out of there that he gave us a $100 bill.  This was in the late '70s, so that was a big deal then.  8)

Little Hater

'Annoy me' doesn't begin to describe it. There's probably a thread in Technology about this, but I had my first experience with Windows 8 today. Jesus. H. Christ. What a cluster. Took me half an hour to figure out how to send an email, and I didn't even try to explain it to my 86-year-old techno-newbie uncle who had asked me to help him use his new laptop.

All my computers and several I 'support' use XP, so I'm installing Elementary Linux as a dual-boot OS on them for when MS stops providing security updates next month. I hate to think I'll have to do the same on a brand-new laptop to make it usable.

I guess Windows 8.1 brings back the Start Menu. If it's free, I'll try that first.


Quote from: Little Hater on March 15, 2014, 04:09:39 PM
'Annoy me' doesn't begin to describe it. There's probably a thread in Technology about this, but I had my first experience with Windows 8 today. Jesus. H. Christ. What a cluster. Took me half an hour to figure out how to send an email, and I didn't even try to explain it to my 86-year-old techno-newbie uncle who had asked me to help him use his new laptop.

All my computers and several I 'support' use XP, so I'm installing Elementary Linux as a dual-boot OS on them for when MS stops providing security updates next month. I hate to think I'll have to do the same on a brand-new laptop to make it usable.

I guess Windows 8.1 brings back the Start Menu. If it's free, I'll try that first.

It is amazing to me that Bill Gates has any wealth. How anyone with a rational mind came to the conclusion that Win 8 was just what the average computer user wants is beyond my thinking.

And remember a few months ago when all the "hipster" ads were playing? You know, the ones with all the dancers doing free form gymnastics to show how cool windows 8 was.

I'm not a techie, but to me, there hasn't been a good reason to change an operating system for windows since XP. And the bastard that put this on the shelf deserves an ass beating.

Quote from: onan on March 15, 2014, 04:45:53 PM
It is amazing to me that Bill Gates has any wealth. How anyone with a rational mind came to the conclusion that Win 8 was just what the average computer user wants is beyond my thinking.

And remember a few months ago when all the "hipster" ads were playing? You know, the ones with all the dancers doing free form gymnastics to show how cool windows 8 was.

I'm not a techie, but to me, there hasn't been a good reason to change an operating system for windows since XP. And the bastard that put this on the shelf deserves an ass beating.

When my Toshiba died earlier this year, it was almost impossible to find a laptop without windows 8. Finally, I bought an Acer because it came with 7, and I didn't want to be bothered spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out windows latest 'improvement'. There are certainly better laptops out there and it pisses me off that I had to settle just to avoid another Microsoft clusterfuck.

And then, last month I had the tech guy in for the Smartboard I use in the classroom for a problem with the tools and he ended up taking my classroom laptop. When he brought it back, it had windows 8 installed.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on March 15, 2014, 05:47:00 PM
When my Toshiba died earlier this year, it was almost impossible to find a laptop without windows 8. Finally, I bought an Acer because it came with 7, and I didn't want to be bothered spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out windows latest 'improvement'. There are certainly better laptops out there and it pisses me off that I had to settle just to avoid another Microsoft clusterfuck.

And then, last month I had the tech guy in for the Smartboard I use in the classroom for a problem with the tools and he ended up taking my classroom laptop. When he brought it back, it had windows 8 installed.

easy solution is to get a macbook.note i said easy, i didnt say cheap.

Quote from: onan on March 15, 2014, 04:45:53 PM
I'm not a techie, but to me, there hasn't been a good reason to change an operating system for windows since XP.

The way Windows 8 indexes and lets you search your files is light years ahead of XP. This has been on linux and to a lesser extent Mac/BSD for a while but W8 now has it.

If you keep notes or data (or computer code) on your computer, it is a lifesaver.
I know you don't have much in the way of data/documents on your computer. I have got tons of little files from computer programs and being able to search them quickly is very important. Also if you sync websites to your local drive it is very easy to search through the sites-much more efficient than a google search.

Its also beautiful in a dual-monitor environment. I've put about 20 hours into books and tutorials learning how to use W8 well and I love it.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on March 15, 2014, 06:05:45 PM
The way Windows 8 indexes and lets you search your files is light years ahead of XP. This has been on linux and to a lesser extent Mac/BSD for a while but W8 now has it.

If you keep notes or data (or computer code) on your computer, it is a lifesaver.
I know you don't have much in the way of data/documents on your computer. I have got tons of little files from computer programs and being able to search them quickly is very important. Also if you sync websites to your local drive it is very easy to search through the sites-much more efficient than a google search.

Its also beautiful in a dual-monitor environment. I've put about 20 hours into books and tutorials learning how to use W8 well and I love it.

ill stick with Debian (KDE) thank you.


Quote from: wr250 on March 15, 2014, 05:55:07 PM
easy solution is to get a macbook.note i said easy, i didnt say cheap.
You can install Mac OS X on a PC



Quote from: b_dubb on March 15, 2014, 06:11:27 PM
You can install Mac OS X on some PCs


some devices are not supported such as wireless adapters and sound for example, some video cards are not supported,amd is not supoorted (yea i know theres a hack out there for amd, but it doesnt work so well)

Quote from: wr250 on March 15, 2014, 06:09:05 PM
ill stick with Debian (KDE) thank you.

I use Debian as well. I have to as I spend a lot of time with experimental software that is coming out of universities (newer languages like Haskell and Bloom). Almost none of that works on Windows (well it works but its not worth the performance hit). Windows compliance takes big development $$$ and time. Microsoft is always 5-8 years behind the curve. It took them 15 years to get a -grep in their OS.

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