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Quotes About The Uncool From The Coolest Person Around

Started by FightTheFuture, March 20, 2014, 08:44:00 AM

I read as much as I could before getting simply bored.  I am not a big fan of most humor writing; I thought, for instance, that much of Dave Barry's stuff was repetitive and obvious.  I am sure conservatives will eat up the book (the way libs would something by Bill Maher).  To me it just looks quippy, snarky and, ultimately, destructive.  This sort of book will beget something new by John Stewart, which will beget a new load of toxin from Coulter, which will beget....

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 09:16:47 AM
I read as much as I could before getting simply bored.  I am not a big fan of most humor writing; I thought, for instance, that much of Dave Barry's stuff was repetitive and obvious.  I am sure conservatives will eat up the book (the way libs would something by Bill Maher).  To me it just looks quippy, snarky and, ultimately, destructive.  This sort of book will beget something new by John Stewart, which will beget a new load of toxin from Coulter, which will beget....

You old fogey, you (lol). How ya doin`, Westie?

Quote from: wr250 on March 20, 2014, 09:20:14 AM
noory wasnt mentioned.

True. And I have brought that to Mr. Gutfeld`s attention.

Frankly, I enjoyed his previous book, http://www.amazon.com/The-Joy-Hate-Triumph-Whiners/dp/0307986969 far more.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 20, 2014, 09:22:10 AM
You old fogey, you (lol). How ya doin`, Westie?

Wait, how dare you play the "old white male" card on me, you ageist! 😉

I am fair to middlin'... And you?

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 09:29:15 AM
Wait, how dare you play the "old white male" card on me, you ageist! 😉

I am fair to middlin'... And you?

Good, good.

I`m just hunky-dory, my friend.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 09:16:47 AM
...  I am not a big fan of most humor writing; I thought, for instance, that much of Dave Barry's stuff was repetitive and obvious...

And I thought I was the only one.   I'm going to add most comedians, comedy TV shows and movies - with a few notable exceptions.  When the preview ads are wretched, the rest of it isn't going to be better.

I don't think you're alone, PB... Remember the old quote,"Dying is easy... comedy is hard"?  Genuine comedy isn't easy!  There is timing, phrasing, topic, tone... it's so easy to just come across as stupid or angry. 

I am no humorless drone.  Delivered correctly, fart jokes have been funny since Chaucer's day.  But political comedy, in particular is hard... everyone who is on your team is gonna chuckle and chortle.  Everyone else will feel insulted.  It's a real challenge to make "the other side" look bad in a way that they can actually recognize their own foolishness. 

Greg Gutfeld is the wittiest, snarkiest, and most intelligent person on TV.

He hosts the ONLY show on TV I never miss (Red Eye)


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 09:16:47 AM
This sort of book will beget something new by John Stewart, which will beget a new load of toxin from Coulter, which will beget....

Don't forget Michael Savage is working on a new book.

Quote from: McPhallus on March 20, 2014, 12:40:40 PM
Don't forget Michael Savage is working on a new book.

I think Savage is only doing nonfiction these days.

Oh, lovely... Just what we need:  more millionaires taking in cash by dispensing rage as argutainment.  Walk past the politics shelf at Barnes & Noble and you'll see loads of such books from both sides (though with a Dem in office, lots of those books are by cons).


Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 20, 2014, 12:45:00 PM

I think Savage is only doing nonfiction these days.

He's working on supposedly his last non-fiction book, but the guy's been known to change his mind.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 12:47:39 PM
Oh, lovely... Just what we need:  more millionaires taking in cash by dispensing rage as argutainment.  Walk past the politics shelf at Barnes & Noble and you'll see loads of such books from both sides (though with a Dem in office, lots of those books are by cons).

At least Gutfeld makes you laugh.

Well....maybe not a commie, like you.

heh heh..just kidding, WOR.

No offense taken, of course.

You know, the thing is, I DO absolutely believe in capitalism!  I saw a glow-in-the dark tee-shirt on Geek & Sundry today that I would like to buy.  I would love to sell what I write.  Kids putting up lemonade stands, mowing their neighbors' lawns, shoveling driveways?  I'm all for that -- teach 'em the value of a dollar and hard work. 

But there are things about aspects of capitalism (as practiced by some) that I do NOT like:  Don't make your product and pollute the rivers and land.  Don't put carcinogens in our food supply.  Do not shut down an American factory that has stood for 75 years because you can move it overseas and increase your profit margin by 7000%.  Pay some friggin' taxes.  Is there any talk in American university business classes about actual ethics?  Does "whatever the market will bear" always have to trump fairness?  If it costs me 19 cents to make a soda, should I sell it for $3.00 just because I can?  Don't pay fat-assed desk jockeys (CEO's) 27 million a year while shutting down factories and laying people off. 

According to MyBankTracker, "Many of America’s biggest and most profitable corporations pay little or no federal income taxes, a new study has found. Conducted by the Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the comprehensive five-year study of 288 highly profitable Fortune 500 companies found that 111 of them paid no federal corporate income tax in at least one of the last five years; one-third paid a U.S. tax rate of less than 10 percent over the same period, including 26 that paid nothing at all."


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 20, 2014, 12:47:39 PM
dispensing rage as argutainment. 
I love argutainment.  I'm stealing it. It's a perfect description.

Thank you, sir, but it's not original... I think I've heard the word for a few years now.  Credit someone else for that excellent word.


Quote from: McPhallus on March 20, 2014, 12:49:45 PM
He's working on supposedly his last non-fiction book, but the guy's been known to change his mind.

He kind of alternates. I don't think the second Jack Hatfield book sold as well as the first, so he may abandon fiction. In addition to reading extensively from his health-politics-memoir books, did you he read sex scenes from one of the fiction books on the air? Not as enjoyable as it sounds.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 20, 2014, 12:50:46 PM
At least Gutfeld makes you laugh.

Yeah i DVR RedEye too, it's a great show, and makes me laugh at the insanity of it all sometimes.


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