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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

Taco Bell

Quote from: mv on May 06, 2018, 06:13:38 PM
I guess I just don't give a shit anymore.

Ya get a little taste of fame...

Don't forget us when you're heading Coachella, Bonnarroo, Bumpershoot and Lockn' next summer.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on May 06, 2018, 06:16:27 PM
It's really hard to give a shit about any of it anymore, isn't it? Just good for laughs at this stage.
It's always been good for the laughs.


maybe HW will bring back toe goat soap!!!!


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 06:21:07 PM


For those who refuse to leave Heather's thread...

Quote from: mv on April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM
The following is a list of documented George Noory quotes. Known as "Nooryisms"... these non sequitur quips and half-witted, meandering ramblings serve only to exacerbate my feelings of disappointment over what has happened since Noory took over Coast to Coast AM. If you happen to know of others and you can document when they occurred, please post them in a reply to this topic.

"Could it be a portal?"


"I don't think there's any doubt."


"Let me tell you even I have learned some things here I didn't know about."
From Jul 19 2007. Following a round table discussion on trans-humanism.


"How 'bout a dramatic topic... trans-humanism... you know, when you just think of the word trans-humanism, you dudint think that it's that exciting but it really is!"
From July 19 2007. He really did say dudn't.


"If we all had our own solar system, we wouldn't have to worry about that."
From July 19, 2007. During a discussion on solar energy.

"Did you hear today they just found Saturn's 60th moon? I will give you one million dollars of the network's money, James, if you, in the next two minutes, can name all sixty."
From July 19, 2007.


George Noory: "Dr. Leir's website is www.alienscalpel.com. Ooh, that's scary sounding. Alien scalpel."

Dr. Roger Leir: "Well, you know me George, I don't try to scare people."

George Noory: "Yeah, with those fang teeth of yours?"
July 6, 2007.


"If you raised a baby and beat it and kicked it and yelled at it, it would turn out to be a mean baby?"
July 19, 2007.


"Jim, humanity has always been looking for ways to improve on our suffering and improve on disease, aging and involuntary death..."
July 19, 2007.


"You know, Ray, everytime I think of things in the future, I think of the Jetsons."
July 19, 2007.


"Well before too long we'll all be cyborgs won't we?"
July 19, 2007.


"I would guess your mind is part of who you are."
July 19, 2007.


"If you had a chance to go back to Skull and Bones right now, as a little fly on the ointment, so to speak, what would you be looking for?"




I've been fascinated by this my entire life.




"Things are never as they seem.


I should write a book. I've always wanted to write a book. I should write a book about kids who see dead people.


"Wouldn't it be amazing if one day they discover a buried UFO and flipped a switch and on it goes?" (Another non-sequitur.)


I don't believe in coincidences.


There are no coincidences.


Coincidences don't exist.


Have I ever mentioned that I don't believe in coincidences?


OK, Canadian. Don't knock our administration.


I really do believe 2012 is coming. What do you think about that?


"Well, the group mind experiments I've done on the show have been rather tentative because I don't know what the heck I'm doing.


George: "It would be great if Saddam just left Iraq, don't you think?"

Hal: "Yes, but he's not going to do that. Like last time, he's going to put his citizens in harm's way, use them as human shields, and wreak destruction on the oil fields."

George: "That's kind of selfish, isn't it?"


"Yeah, March 3rd is a full moon. When our boys go in that'd be the best time, because they'll really need the light to see." (On the Iraq invasion.)


"I truly believe there are other solar systems out there. I really do."


That'll make you want to think.


"Just let it go. Don't worry about it. If you screw up, no one will ever know." (George talking to his board operator during a break when his mic was accidentally left open.)


A story is worth a thousand words.


Richard C. Hoagland: So he used the Star Wars theme the night before the God damn war started! Can I say that on here?

George Noory: No.

Richard C. Hoagland: Oh. OK.


"That's got to be the worst luck I've ever heard of... in a very long time."


I was jumping over chairs and knocking them over with my back feet."


"Yeah. Pretty scary. But has anyone considered the people that live underground? (Referring to the Sounds From Hell clip.)


"Lex has done it again. I don't know how Lex does it." (Referring to listener-submitted photos on the website.)


"Oh, yeah."
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
That's right.
Uh huh.
Ha ha. That?s true.
I was just going to say...
Sure, yeah.
Gosh, he comes up with some great stuff.
(Noory's interactions with Michio Kaku in April of 2003.)


"He's dedicated to finding the 'Theory of Almost Everything.'"
(Referring to Michio Kaku.)


"Did he have.....Lamb Legs?"
(Referring to a half-man, half-animal thing a caller said was chasing her.)


"You know, you sound exactly like Don Johnson."
(Immediately following a lengthy monologue by guest Zeph Daniel.)


Are they called sand scripts because they were written on tablets of sand?
(To Michael Cremo, referring to the Sanskrit language.)




"Do you think asteroids have a brain and know which side of the planet to crash into?"


"You'll know how advanced they are by the amount of graffiti in the tunnels.
(Referring to Mars.)


Wagering war...


"I've got to ask you something, and this is going to be a very profound question. I want you to think for a moment, if you haven't already, and... oh, I guess you probably already have...


Can you add hydrogen to, say, gasoline... or does that defeat the purpose?"


"I want to go back to the dark ages and find out what the reason was. I think it was an asteroid or a meteor."


"Elderly Thomas Edison was elderly."
March 28, 2007.


"Bigfoot may well be an extraterrestrial, because... remember Chewbacca?"


"We're not talking about dead people. We're talking about the aliens... of their ghosts!"


"Well, with prophecy you got to see what happens."


"You do something annual every year, don't you?"


"What I do is create an aura of mystery."


"Sometimes I wish the aliens would abduct me and crown me as their leader."


"Who or what was the Great Pyramid?"


Quote from: Catsmile on May 06, 2018, 06:24:51 PM
# What Makes U Think He Wasn't Manipulated?
# As I Recall He Seen/Sees Heath Through... Rose Colored Glasses.
# Got Friendzoned, Cucked, Or Whatever The Kids R Calling It Nao.
# We Know 2 Men Who Met Her Became Enamored With Her.
# Men Who've Never Met Her Were/Are Air Hunching, White Knighting Hardcore Also.
# SheTwerksOffPoundSignsBB.
# $ 3.99Min.



Quote from: cyclosp214 on May 06, 2018, 06:15:46 PM
I buy All my musical gear From Sweetwater They even give you a bag of candy with every Order.

I buy gear for projects and usually sell it off as most of my resources are tied up and not quickly convertible to cash...

I frequently buy blowouts from them and sell it used for more than I paid... Sweetwater has a great business model.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on May 06, 2018, 05:18:49 PM
I think his behavior after Art's death was appropriate and him being emotional when he eventually broke the news seemed sincere.*

That said, yeah, its a disappointment, every time he posts here all his shit talkers roll over to get their belly rubbed by him.

*But I believed the stalker story for a few months too.

Fair enough but I do give the guy some credit for being a good sport and even showing up sometimes.  I mean we've got a 10-yr. long, nearly 3000-page thread about how much his show sucks lol.  Admittedly though I am partial to belly rubs.


Quote from: mv on May 06, 2018, 06:08:49 PM
By the way, you have my permission to play "In Nye" or "Don't Treat Keith This Way" on Coast to Coast.  I am an "emerging artist."  Good day, sir.

That YOU are....Praise MV...and George, I/we dare you to do it!!

Quote from: zeebo on May 06, 2018, 06:34:41 PM
Fair enough but I do give the guy some credit for being a good sport and even showing up sometimes.  I mean we've got a 10-yr. long, nearly 3000-page thread about how much his show sucks lol.  Admittedly though I am partial to belly rubs.



Quote from: brig on May 06, 2018, 12:33:34 PM
Awwww Ibby, that you for trying to make me feel better, while I'm really putting myself out on the line here LOL


I won't forget your kindness, ever.

# Ur Just Saying What Ur Thinking.
# Nothing Wrong With That.
# Will You Get Moar Or Less Points, If You Are Wrong Or Right?
# R-U-Trying2WinTheInternet?
# GoodLuck.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Gnoory on May 06, 2018, 04:34:25 PM
Hope you Bellgabbers are well....its been an unbelievable few weeks to say the least.

Hi George

Roswells, Art

Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 06:02:21 PM
I really haven't given his reaction to Art's death a whole lot of thought. I'll have to listen to it again sometime.
But I think after he announced Art's death on C2C one of the next things he said was how Art and him were not close and had differences but he wouldn't be where he is now if it weren't for Art.  True statement, but he thought of himself right away. The emotion was because he realized how lucky he was  to inherit what Art built and reap the benefits and rewards.
As for the belly rubs. I noticed  ::) The giddiness was afoot.

I got the impression, with his focus on news stories about babies and children dying in horrific accidents, that he likes the stories because he feels a sense of achievement, since he lived longer.


Quote from: El Chorro on May 06, 2018, 12:35:09 PM
Art is sending us a message from the other side in this photo.

(Hint: it's just to the right of the tree)

# GoodEyeNegro!
# LuLz
# Sprung!


Quote from: mv on May 06, 2018, 06:13:38 PM
I guess I just don't give a shit anymore.

Same. Besides, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal for a host of a show to be competitive.

Taco Bell

Who would you rather bang, Art or George? Talking when Art was alive, of course.


:o <pant, pant...> 20 pages just fly by <whimper> Art was right! It's the quickening!!<pant, pant, pant...> I can't talk long...<whimper> They're already triangulating my location. <pant, pant, pant...> It's all about Heather Wade...<whimper> Oh, God! She's not who you think she is!! She's <dial tone>...


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 06, 2018, 06:45:11 PM
:o <pant, pant...> 20 pages just fly by <whimper> Art was right! It's the quickening!!<pant, pant, pant...> I can't talk long...<whimper> They're already triangulating my location. <pant, pant, pant...> It's all about Heather Wade...<whimper> Oh, God! She's not who you think she is!! She's <dial tone>...



Quote from: trostol on May 06, 2018, 06:23:19 PM
you need to get back behind the scenes again..i need more Cthulhu shows

Maybe for someone else down the line.

Asuka Langley

Quote from: El Chorro on May 06, 2018, 12:35:09 PM
Art is sending us a message from the other side in this photo.

(Hint: it's just to the right of the tree)

He truly was a cuck


Quote from: Catsmile on May 06, 2018, 06:43:32 PM
# GoodEyeNegro!
# LuLz
# Sprung!

Oh good lord I was imagining something about the winepress of life and squeezing the grapes for all they are worth.



Quote from: Kolchak on May 06, 2018, 03:17:39 PM
A professional wrestler has now done a tribute show to Art before Heather. Let that sink in.
a really good one at that. Great listen.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on May 06, 2018, 06:43:08 PM
I got the impression, with his focus on news stories about babies and children dying in horrific accidents, that he likes the stories because he feels a sense of achievement, since he lived longer.

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