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20150831 - David Darling - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 31, 2015, 09:58:29 PM


Ah, Dr. Darling should be on this show more often. SCIENCE!


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on August 31, 2015, 11:38:10 PM
There becomes less of a reason to go the more technologically advanced you become. Within 10-20 years, the technology will surpass the ability of a human to do research. At that point it just becomes an expensive and dangerous vacation to go there personally. 10-20 years past that, humans begin to truly merge with their technology and space exploration stops being relevant.

That may be the case, however it doesn't matter what the state of the art is at the time the mission is launched, it is more a matter of the technology available when the mission is originally planned and given the congressional green light. The new MPCV (Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle) and Heavy lift Rocket are turn of the millenium technology are NASAs current technology - that will be the technology they will use.


Quote from: Sean92008 on August 31, 2015, 11:47:38 PM
And where do religions get their new members?  Places that the crazies and addicts go. 

A mass die-off is needed.

fema has the cure for that  ;D ;D


Quote from: Sean92008 on August 31, 2015, 11:47:38 PM
And where do religions get their new members?  Places that the crazies and addicts go. 

A mass die-off is needed.


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.


Definitely not random, 12 monkeys typing on a typewriter making Shakespeare maybe not how evolution works.


Quote from: JamesMcDonald on August 31, 2015, 11:46:50 PM
That's possible.  Not guaranteed.  You talk about it like it's a 100% given.  It's not.

We can choose not to, but then the computers hit the point of superintelligence and god knows what happens. Either way, it becomes pointless to explore the universe once you understand it fully. Better to just enjoy life in a virtual world.

Mars is just a rock. Worth exploring robotically in the short term, but the time to go there personally was directly after Apollo. Now, it will become less relevant as the robots surpass our ability to explore a planet.



Read that in Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory voice.


Caller: Please...
Stop believing!  THINK!


lol Art likes neither Planet X or Jade Helm lol


Someone's been listening to Steve Quayle!


Art: Jade Helm . . . .

I sense a disturbance in the Force . . . .


Art is 100% on the doomsday nonsense.  It's always disaster in the near future but it never seems to show up.  Sure, the world will end eventually, but after a while you get tired of the constant fear mongering bullshit.


In the words of Ronald McDonald.. "keep your eyes on your fries."


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on August 31, 2015, 11:49:34 PM
We can choose not to, but then the computers hit the point of superintelligence and god knows what happens. Either way, it becomes pointless to explore the universe once you understand it fully. Better to just enjoy life in a virtual world.

Mars is just a rock. Worth exploring robotically in the short term, but the time to go there personally was directly after Apollo. Now, it will become less relevant as the robots surpass our ability to explore a planet.

Of course rovers do these things well right now.  That does not mean humans will never visit Mars or even settle on Mars.  Absolutely not.   :)

By the way, Earth is also a rock.  You're living on a rock.

Juan Cena

Quote from: Sean92008 on August 31, 2015, 11:34:55 PM
Wow...  Bill is a local guy and he does a lot of ads for everybody, including an ad for a hospital system where he was talking about his "life being saved."  I totally thought "what a drama queen."

Thanks for your insight!

He did an interview with Sports Illustrated earlier in the year where he talked about his spinal issues, and how he considered suicide at the time because of the pain. Thankfully, he was able to get a surgical procedure to fix his back, and now he's calling basketball games again.

Quote from: Sean92008 on August 31, 2015, 11:47:38 PM
And where do religions get their new members?  Places that the crazies and addicts go. 

A mass die-off is needed.


We will see planet X in the next 6 months!

Seriously, they've been saying that since 1989....

Don't people learn anything from the folks who are constantly predicting the rapture?


"No offense to that guy . . . ."

No. Please. Offend the asshats!


Quote from: MichaelFromVA on August 31, 2015, 11:47:22 PM
Why would you call in to ask an astronomer about biology? ???

To prove you're smart at math?

Quote from: MichaelFromVA on August 31, 2015, 11:51:28 PM
Art is 100% on the doomsday nonsense.  It's always disaster in the near future but it never seems to show up.  Sure, the world will end eventually, but after a while you get tired of the constant fear mongering bullshit.

But wouldn't you rather be prepared instead of blindsided? Does it fear monger to buy insurance for your health, car and house? Just because something sounds outrageous doesn't mean it cannot happen....imagine if someone 10 years before 9/11 called into Art Bell and rambled some nonsense about planes being used as weapons and he cut them off before they could explain it, sometimes people have strange ideas and insights, and yes sometimes it maybe a repeat of something already going around, Art does as good job of letting it loose and reigning it in when needed....I give him credit where it maybe due.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on August 31, 2015, 11:45:45 PM
I am American and this continent is nothing like Mars and it's not 1492. You do not need to explore space when you reach superintelligence and post-humanity, and fully understand how the universe works and can model it, then there is no point in exploring it.

We won't be human in 50 years. We will be post-human.

I'm glad I won't be here to see that.

Juan Cena

Quote from: trostol on August 31, 2015, 11:50:27 PM
lol Art likes neither Planet X or Jade Helm lol

Jade Moon Afterglow > Jade Helm

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