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20150831 - David Darling - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 31, 2015, 09:58:29 PM


As most of you know, I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but damn if the last two pages of this thread didn't make me laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Coaster a troll?  Please. ::)


Kevin Sorbo makes Bruce Campbell look like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

I'm guessing someone blew his inheritance on making a movie and can't handle any feedback that isn't positive.

Btw - I like Bruce Campbell.

Btw - I'm Coaster.


Quote from: norland2424 on September 01, 2015, 07:55:36 PM
Alongside night a movie not even fit for a fema death camp

                              Sincerely yours coaster
That was a classic. Covered a lot of material in a brief statement and made me LOL, really.
Coaster wannabe


Looks like a b-movie made with a d-cast to me.  The trailer looks like a Lifetime daytime miniseries or something.  I'm surprised Kirk Cameron isn't in it. 

I've heard the book is ok albeit transparent.  I guess it's kind of the same value as those early music videos where the band actually acts out each verse of the song.  The reason I'm not interested in this film is the same reason I can't watch Syfy channel produced movies.  The script & execution just aren't stirring enough.  I'd rather stick to the book.

Quote from: coaster on September 01, 2015, 07:19:14 PM
I wonder what real world consequence he is talking about. Contact info? It's all fun and games until you hear a knock and open your front door to this.

Why does no one ever remember this one?

I can't even find a decent .jpg for it.

Since this thread is already off the skids, I would just like to say one of the hallmarks of liberty and free society for me is the right to anonymity: the right to anonymous travel within a nation's borders; the right to buy and sell anonymously; the right to vote anonymously; and the right to express myself anonymously. 

Now, technology has taken most if not all of those rights away.  Anyone could probably find out who I am if they really try.  But to have a liberty advocate (whatever that is) condemn our ability to post anonymously is, I think, a little hypocritical.

I would also like to take this moment to quote one of my favourite lines from a guest on Coast to Coast (I do not remember who):

"Your personal liberty to swing your arm ends where my nose begins."


Always with the excellent points, George for President 2216 - I hadn't thought about the relationship between freedom and anonymity until you pointed it out.  Insightful.  I've always enjoyed these anonymous chat boards because it's the ultimate democracy:  everyone starts off equally and rises or falls entirely on the merit of their own words (and to some extent their psionic fortitude, haha).  But the way we get to come and go without anyone cheking "our papers" so to speak, definitely contributes to the Wild West sense of a free-wheeling new frontier of expressive liberty.

I dropped by to see how others felt about the show last night.  Dr. David Darling is such a great guest for Art â€" I was riveted to every word of that interview, and for the first time I was annoyed by the handful of commercials on MitD.

I remember an old C2C interview that Art did with him, which was also marvelous and chock full of surprises.  It’s just So Damn Nice to hear a genuinely insightful scientist talking frankly about everything from ufos to extraterrestrial life to the nature of consciousness.  I wish more scientists had the clarity and courage to say sensible things like (paraphrasing) “there’s nothing unscientific about the possibility that ufos are extraterrestrial craft…but the evidence in hand simply doesn’t convince most scientists of the idea because anecdotal accounts and inconclusive photos are insufficient to prove it.”

Instead you see a lot of online scientist-posers leaving comments around the net ridiculing ideas like that, which creates the false impression that science has reached a consensus that ufos must be *anything other than ETs.*

And then that bit at the end about consciousness being a kind of universal field that our brains tune into like radio receivers â€" holy crap, I’ve been saying that exact thing for years and I usually get a tidal wave of grief about it, if any remarks at all.  But it’s precisely what the mystics/avatars have been saying (in effect) for eons, and it’s a delight to hear a deeply rational scientist like Dr. Darling speaking about it.

This guy has such a brilliant and provocative mind, what a treat to hear Art digging into all of his favorite topics with him.  Only Art Bell could delve so deeply into so many amazing subjects with a mind like Darling’s…this is exactly why I love to listen to Art’s interviews.

Btw, that was crazy for that guy to post here shilling his movie and getting super paranoid as you guys toyed with him, lol.  What an incredibly terrible idea for a director who’s using an annoying and disingenuous-sounding ad on Dark Matter News, to come here and hijack Darling’s live chat thread to accuse Bellgab members of being PSYOPS agents.  Whoosh!...that’s the sound of your last shred of credibility flying out the window, man…


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on September 01, 2015, 07:39:06 PM
Libertarianism in its basic form makes sense in societies that support individualism.  Who doesn't like to exercise free-will, enjoy personal liberties, practice voluntary association?  The irony of modern libertarianism is that too many of its most vocal adherents present themselves as angry and paranoid, while pushing their own rigid doctrines and narrow-minded agendas.  Most importantly, if you're looking for support or agreement with your viewpoints you might not want to lose your audience, as you've done here. 

Precisely because we at BellGab are not "sock-puppet trolls" but rather vaguely lovable individuals, you might have found a place to debate your ideas with others here, ad infinitum--in the (unmoderated) Politics threads.


Nichelle Nichols was the star and executive producer of my previous film, Lady Magdalene's. I'd be happy to engage in discussion with you.


Quote from: jneilschulman on September 01, 2015, 11:43:42 PM
Nichelle Nichols was the star and executive producer of my previous film, Lady Magdalene's. I'd be happy to engage in discussion with you.
2.4/10. Another winner.

Hard to believe a film as good as A Darkside Night came from this lunatic.


 It's also quite limiting to write within the parameters of an ideology like libertarianism  or really anything else for that matter.   It makes for really predictable material. Anyway, best of luck to the guy.


Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2015, 05:13:12 PM
Where are the British experts? He didn't sound Scots to me but maybe acquired a few ism living there? Or maybe like Connery, when he was trying to be sound English etc,but still had remnants? Connery seems to have developed his "own" accent that doesn't fit exactly where he was raised or what actor he is playing. But, as Hunter would say, "it works for me!" So I didn't get that impression with Darling. But don't know "Dundee" accent or Midlands accent where he was born and raised.) Certainly he wasn't from Glasgow! I know that!

Darling is a Scottish name, and one that always raises a smile from Americans. We used to have a Chancellor (Treasury Secretary) called Alistair Darling, and it always cracked people up for some reason. There was a comedy show called Blackadder Goes Forth where one of the characters is named Darling and they must have used up all potential 'darling' jokes during its six episodes. Even Art couldn't resist, with his 'hello, Darling!" remark at the start.

He sounded a bit more Scottish than Graham Hancock, but he wasn't Robbie Burns, for sure. You often get a lot of Scots who move down to civilization after a few years and lose most of the accent. Although it can also depend where you were raised, the accent from Glasgow being particularly thick, while those from Edinburgh (pronounced 'Edinburg' if you're Leo Asshat) can sound quite posh. He certainly sounded like a sweaty to me though, the way he retroflexed the tongue on his 'r' sound, and there was a trace of a burr as well. Just not 'hoots mon!' Scottish.

I thought this was a great show, one of the best Art has done and I hope he has him back soon because I don't think they did much more than scratch the surface. One thing I was going to ask people on here. Art, the pessimist, seems to think that the news of an asteroid hitting the earth in 5 years time would drive us all mad into a rape and looting frenzy. I tend to think the opposite, that it might be the best thing that ever happened to us and we might stop trying to kill each other if we knew that we had a fixed time when it was all going to be over.

I don't know if anyone else has an opinion.


Quote from: coaster on September 02, 2015, 01:09:48 AM
2.4/10. Another winner.
Thanks to trolls like you who used multiple sock-puppet accounts to trash the rating.without watching it.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2015, 07:33:49 AM
Darling is a Scottish name, and one that always raises a smile from Americans. We used to have a Chancellor (Treasury Secretary) called Alistair Darling, and it always cracked people up for some reason. There was a comedy show called Blackadder Goes Forth where one of the characters is named Darling and they must have used up all potential 'darling' jokes during its six episodes. Even Art couldn't resist, with his 'hello, Darling!" remark at the start.

He sounded a bit more Scottish than Graham Hancock, but he wasn't Robbie Burns, for sure. You often get a lot of Scots who move down to civilization after a few years and lose most of the accent. Although it can also depend where you were raised, the accent from Glasgow being particularly thick, while those from Edinburgh (pronounced 'Edinburg' if you're Leo Asshat) can sound quite posh. He certainly sounded like a sweaty to me though, the way he retroflexed the tongue on his 'r' sound, and there was a trace of a burr as well. Just not 'hoots mon!' Scottish.

I thought this was a great show, one of the best Art has done and I hope he has him back soon because I don't think they did much more than scratch the surface. One thing I was going to ask people on here. Art, the pessimist, seems to think that the news of an asteroid hitting the earth in 5 years time would drive us all mad into a rape and looting frenzy. I tend to think the opposite, that it might be the best thing that ever happened to us and we might stop trying to kill each other if we knew that we had a fixed time when it was all going to be over.

I don't know if anyone else has an opinion.
His bio said he was born and raised in Glossop, Derbyshire (I don't know what accent that would give.) I was just curious because to my untrained ears he didn't sound that Scots to me. But people can pick local sayings or accents to a degree. I really enjoyed the show. Great guest and interesting guy with a lot of curiousity about different subjects. I hope he comes on again every so often. As far as the "doomsday Asteroid scenario"- I don't know. I think mainly people who act as they do now but maybe more (the "baddies" would be worse and the "good people" would act even kinder?) It could be also that "bad people" would want to repent or make amends and hostile countries would cease? You see that natural disasters, more local than an Asteroid for sure, in some cases you see the best in people coming out- helping others, helping rebuild, sending aid, volunteering, etc. In others cases you see looting, and what-not. So I think the Asteroid would be likewise.


Quote from: jneilschulman on September 02, 2015, 12:50:10 PM
Thanks to trolls like you who used multiple sock-puppet accounts to trash the rating.without watching it.
I don't even have an imdb account. Even if I did have one, I wouldn't waste my time. But whatever helps you sleep at night..


Quote from: Bradsmith313 on September 01, 2015, 08:15:10 PM
-- another reason why I left -- and I'm ready to hear you pontificate on the wonders of the libertarian utopia, Somalia.

..and the Utopian socialist achievements of the Soviet Union, Pol Pot's Red Shirts and Mao...ah, the good old days... ::)


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 01, 2015, 09:35:13 PM
Since this thread is already off the skids, I would just like to say one of the hallmarks of liberty and free society for me is the right to anonymity: the right to anonymous travel within a nation's borders; the right to buy and sell anonymously; the right to vote anonymously; and the right to express myself anonymously. 

Now, technology has taken most if not all of those rights away.  Anyone could probably find out who I am if they really try.  But to have a liberty advocate (whatever that is) condemn our ability to post anonymously is, I think, a little hypocritical.

I would also like to take this moment to quote one of my favourite lines from a guest on Coast to Coast (I do not remember who):

"Your personal liberty to swing your arm ends where my nose begins."

If you'd watch Alongside Night you'd see anonymous masked traders. No problem there. But to trash someone else anonymously? That's just the cowardice of the poltroon.


Quote from: Auslandia on September 02, 2015, 05:55:05 AM
It's also quite limiting to write within the parameters of an ideology like libertarianism  or really anything else for that matter.   It makes for really predictable material. Anyway, best of luck to the guy.

One more review from someone who hasn't bothered to watch the movie. Do you also comment on Art Bell Shows you don't bother listening to?


Quote from: jneilschulman on September 02, 2015, 04:55:47 PM
One more review from someone who hasn't bothered to watch the movie. Do you also comment on Art Bell Shows you don't bother listening to?
Really? Anyone who challenges you is a sock-puppet?


Quote from: Chronaut on September 01, 2015, 10:11:10 PM
Always with the excellent points, George for President 2216 - I hadn't thought about the relationship between freedom and anonymity until you pointed it out.  Insightful.  I've always enjoyed these anonymous chat boards because it's the ultimate democracy:  everyone starts off equally and rises or falls entirely on the merit of their own words (and to some extent their psionic fortitude, haha).  But the way we get to come and go without anyone cheking "our papers" so to speak, definitely contributes to the Wild West sense of a free-wheeling new frontier of expressive liberty.

I dropped by to see how others felt about the show last night.  Dr. David Darling is such a great guest for Art â€" I was riveted to every word of that interview, and for the first time I was annoyed by the handful of commercials on MitD.

I remember an old C2C interview that Art did with him, which was also marvelous and chock full of surprises.  It’s just So Damn Nice to hear a genuinely insightful scientist talking frankly about everything from ufos to extraterrestrial life to the nature of consciousness.  I wish more scientists had the clarity and courage to say sensible things like (paraphrasing) “there’s nothing unscientific about the possibility that ufos are extraterrestrial craft…but the evidence in hand simply doesn’t convince most scientists of the idea because anecdotal accounts and inconclusive photos are insufficient to prove it.”

Instead you see a lot of online scientist-posers leaving comments around the net ridiculing ideas like that, which creates the false impression that science has reached a consensus that ufos must be *anything other than ETs.*

And then that bit at the end about consciousness being a kind of universal field that our brains tune into like radio receivers â€" holy crap, I’ve been saying that exact thing for years and I usually get a tidal wave of grief about it, if any remarks at all.  But it’s precisely what the mystics/avatars have been saying (in effect) for eons, and it’s a delight to hear a deeply rational scientist like Dr. Darling speaking about it.

This guy has such a brilliant and provocative mind, what a treat to hear Art digging into all of his favorite topics with him.  Only Art Bell could delve so deeply into so many amazing subjects with a mind like Darling’s…this is exactly why I love to listen to Art’s interviews.

Btw, that was crazy for that guy to post here shilling his movie and getting super paranoid as you guys toyed with him, lol.  What an incredibly terrible idea for a director who’s using an annoying and disingenuous-sounding ad on Dark Matter News, to come here and hijack Darling’s live chat thread to accuse Bellgab members of being PSYOPS agents.  Whoosh!...that’s the sound of your last shred of credibility flying out the window, man…

Ah, the beauty of accusing someone who responds as hijacking the thread. I merely responded to comments your beloved trolls posted. Apparently nothing is so democratic as the right to shoot spitballs from the shadows. How noble and uplifting.

You want to bitch at someone about the Alongside Night ads on Dark Matter News? Direct comments to Leo Ashcraft who wrote, narrated, and produced them.


Quote from: jneilschulman on September 02, 2015, 05:01:08 PM
Ah, the beauty of accusing someone who responds as hijacking the thread. I merely responded to comments your beloved trolls posted. Apparently nothing is so democratic as the right to shoot spitballs from the shadows. How noble and uplifting.

I swear to god this is really Michael Horn... 8)


Quote from: Bradsmith313 on September 02, 2015, 05:00:47 PM
Really? Anyone who challenges you is a sock-puppet?

Nope. But after you've seen Amazon reviews where twenty different accounts post the exact same text you learn to recognize the pattern.


Quote from: b_dubb on September 01, 2015, 08:53:48 PM
Kevin Sorbo makes Bruce Campbell look like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

I'm guessing someone blew his inheritance on making a movie and can't handle any feedback that isn't positive.

Btw - I like Bruce Campbell.

Btw - I'm Coaster.

Why don't you ask Bruce Campbell what he thinks about his pal Kevin Sorbo?

I didn't finance the production or distribution of Alongside Night so no "inheritance" was involved. But if anyone wants an example of trolling, you stepped up.



Yeah, another reason why I left the LP. I got fed with wild stores about thousands of body bags being stockpiled, guillotines, FEMA camps, all the asinine Obama allegations, gun grabs, the UN , Agenda 21 and Jade Helm. It got tiresome.


Quote from: chefist on September 02, 2015, 05:03:51 PM
I swear to god this is really Michael Horn... 8)
No, he's not Horn. He's just as enamored with himself as Horn is.


Quote from: Bradsmith313 on September 02, 2015, 05:19:07 PM
No, he's not Horn. He's just as enamored with himself as Horn is.

Let's see. The troll attacks in this thread started against Jake Busey and proceeded to Kevin Sorbo. And I'm a megalomaniac for coming here to defend their work.

What's predictable here is the pattern of denigration of a movie the troll has not watched, including the inevitable comparisons to people you have to Google to know who they are.

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