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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM


This is where the distinction between Art's and Richard's skills as an interviewer are thrown into sharp relief--I legitimately find this guy's work interesting, but Art needs to be throwing a "what are you talking about??" in there every... oh, forty-five seconds or so.

Meanwhile, Richard interrupts his guest's amazingly complex and inscrutable point with an aside about some unpronounceable French physicist, and then casually fails to explain it and lets his guest get right back into the flow of undiscernability. This is like Dennis Miller hosting my AP Astronomy class.

"we're talking about some pretty high-level stuff here" Well thanks, at least now I can be certain, this guy hasn't completely lost touch with consensual reality.


Alright, I'm done here.  I'm heading over to bellahaven to see what's shaking.



I Googled up some of the shiz this guy is slinging and I found this helpful diagram:

gonna go stab this into my upper thigh with a titanium fork, bbiab


QuoteThe artifact was recovered in 1900â€"1901 from the Antikythera shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera.

point: RCH
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism


Hahaha, poor Hoagie.  I listened to him a little last night.  Yep, my good 'ol crazy uncle, bumbling around, trying to figure out something without breaking it, while talking to himself.  He's still not as bad as I expected, though, when he wasn't pushing the wrong button or fumbling around.  His voice DOES sound different on DMN.  Yeah, Dave and the Premrat suits were messing with you Richard with July 20th.  You're now persona non grata to them as the reward.

Good luck, Hoagie!


The program actually put me to sleep last night. He is awful.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on July 22, 2015, 12:23:23 PM
The program actually put me to sleep last night. He is awful.

He seemingly can't control the urge to step all over his guest. Anything that flows through his brain must be vocalized. Also he hasn't figured out a way to simplify in-depth topics so that most listeners can follow along coherently.

I've heard Paul LaViolette on other shows, one where John B. Wells interviewed him, and it was much better. It seemed like RCH and Paul were having a private discussion and didn't really consider that most listeners do not have the scientific background or lexicon to fully grasp what they were talking about at times.

With that being said, it has only been a few shows into RCH's radio career as a host.  I'm still going to stick with his show and follow his progression, if any. But I figured his years of experience as a radio guest and listener would have translated a bit more easily than it has gone so far. Not sure RCH has prepared for a 2 hour show but rather a longer one because it seems like his interviews are just getting started when the show ends  :P

I just hope, with time, he can get his shit together  ;D

Quote from: HumanBeing on July 22, 2015, 12:39:44 PM
He seemingly can't control the urge to step all over his guest...

But I figured his years of experience as a radio guest and listener would have translated a bit more easily than it has gone so far...

I just hope, with time, he can get his shit together  ;D

Well he's 70, and from the way he's been described here by those who have listened to this show, he's the same as he's been all along

He isn't going to change, why would he?

Quote from: HumanBeing on July 22, 2015, 12:39:44 PM
He seemingly can't control the urge to step all over his guest. Anything that flows through his brain must be vocalized. Also he hasn't figured out a way to simplify in-depth topics so that most listeners can follow along coherently.

I've heard Paul LaViolette on other shows, one where John B. Wells interviewed him, and it was much better. It seemed like RCH and Paul were having a private discussion and didn't really consider that most listeners do not have the scientific background or lexicon to fully grasp what they were talking about at times.

With that being said, it has only been a few shows into RCH's radio career as a host.  I'm still going to stick with his show and follow his progression, if any. But I figured his years of experience as a radio guest and listener would have translated a bit more easily than it has gone so far. Not sure RCH has prepared for a 2 hour show but rather a longer one because it seems like his interviews are just getting started when the show ends  :P

I just hope, with time, he can get his shit together  ;D

I could have probably followed along, but my brain isn't really in the state where I want to listen to a monotone lecture in the wee hours of the night.  Especially when I know most of it is going to be bravo sierra.


Quote from: Meister_000 on July 22, 2015, 01:36:32 AM
Richard C's opening theme music was very goofy! Wonder if that's going to be his "official" track?
What was it?


Keep the shows coming RCH! Eventually it will all come together. I'm definitely enjoying the shows so far...tech issues and all. You don't get into orbit without blowing up a few test rockets  8)


Are any terrestrial radio stations carrying Hoagland's show? Or are they cutting the feed after Art's done?


Quote from: HumanBeing on July 22, 2015, 12:39:44 PM
...I just hope, with time, he can get his shit together  ;D
In the meantime, I may listen when I'm in the mood for watching a train wreck.  His bumbling and stumbling did lull me to sleep after Art last night, without pissing me off, like Dave.

Quote from: jjsmooth on July 22, 2015, 02:19:33 PM
Are any terrestrial radio stations carrying Hoagland's show? Or are they cutting the feed after Art's done?



Quote from: HumanBeing on July 22, 2015, 12:39:44 PM
He seemingly can't control the urge to step all over his guest. Anything that flows through his brain must be vocalized. Also he hasn't figured out a way to simplify in-depth topics so that most listeners can follow along coherently.

I've heard Paul LaViolette on other shows, one where John B. Wells interviewed him, and it was much better. It seemed like RCH and Paul were having a private discussion and didn't really consider that most listeners do not have the scientific background or lexicon to fully grasp what they were talking about at times.

With that being said, it has only been a few shows into RCH's radio career as a host.  I'm still going to stick with his show and follow his progression, if any. But I figured his years of experience as a radio guest and listener would have translated a bit more easily than it has gone so far. Not sure RCH has prepared for a 2 hour show but rather a longer one because it seems like his interviews are just getting started when the show ends  :P

I just hope, with time, he can get his shit together  ;D
Yeah.  I think that was a big part of it.  I'm not a stupid man,but I am just some guy, not a scientist.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: ItsOver on July 22, 2015, 12:17:21 PM
Hahaha, poor Hoagie.  I listened to him a little last night.  Yep, my good 'ol crazy uncle, bumbling around, trying to figure out something without breaking it, while talking to himself.  He's still not as bad as I expected, though, when he wasn't pushing the wrong button or fumbling around.  His voice DOES sound different on DMN.  Yeah, Dave and the Premrat suits were messing with you Richard with July 20th.  You're now persona non grata to them as the reward.

Good luck, Hoagie!

I feel the exact same way


Quote from: HumanBeing on July 22, 2015, 12:39:44 PM
It seemed like RCH and Paul were having a private discussion and didn't really consider that most listeners do not have the scientific background or lexicon to fully grasp what they were talking about at times.

I want to go on record as both expecting this, looking forward to it, happy to have paid for it, enjoyed it, and will enjoy again.

That said, the experience was far more... dense than I expected. It's like that time I ordered Gorgonzola cheesecake after dinner, thinking it was a dessert, but no, it's an entrée. Thud.

RCH will adapt to the realities of presenting to a listening audience, or he will stop doing the show. One way or the other. It's mathematical at this point--which is to say, of course, that it's in the data.

Quote from: Jackstar on July 22, 2015, 03:55:01 PM
... RCH will adapt to the realities of presenting to a listening audience, or he will stop doing the show. One way or the other. It's mathematical at this point--which is to say, of course, that it's in the data.

Why?  It's not really market driven, he was appointed to do that show for the Dark Matter Network by Art Bell.  In fact we do have another Bell appointee, who is hosting a show in what normally would be a market driven environment, who sucks rather badly at it, and he's still there over a decade later (2 of them if you also count Streiber on Dreamland).

Hoagie likely stays until either Art quits again or he gets tired of doing it.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 22, 2015, 08:02:21 PM
Why?  It's not really market driven, he was appointed to do that show for the Dark Matter Network by Art Bell.

Richard is driven to be heard. He'll adapt. It's his destiny.


RCH is always entertaining.  It could only be bettered if there was a  RCH POV cam, as well.  :D


Well RCH IS right about the night time....and the night people


the man is managing to babble about the time of night he is on lol


Wow 2 minutes in and we get a "CBS & Cronkite and all that ..."


He's sounding more peppier tonight, if that's even possible  ;D


Quote from: zeebo on July 23, 2015, 01:03:36 AM
Wow 2 minutes in and we get a "CBS & Cronkite and all that ..."

RCH drops more names than loads at a whorehouse  :o


he mentioned Long John Nebel..i had to look him up..sounds interesting..anyone know if there is anything out there in regards to his shows?

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