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The "I'm watching/just watched *movie title* thread....

Started by PhantasticSanShiSan, September 26, 2008, 04:58:26 PM


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 09, 2014, 11:37:24 PM
I know you are talking about the TV show The Killing. I just saw the old movie (1956) The Killing on the MGM channel about two Sundays ago. I enjoyed it and then later found out it was directed by Stanley Kubrick.

It is an all-time favorite of my film noir buff friend.  To add to the confusion, though, there is another one, based on a Hemingway story or something, called The Killers.


Oops, I was thinking of Killer's Kiss.  The Killers was Robert Siodmak.


Wolf of Wall Street 2014

I liked it a lot more than I expected to.


Krull (1983)- mainly for old times sake. Score is really good and a better movie than one would expect. I seem to recall they even made a video game out of it.


Finally saw Interstellar. Not what I was expecting.


Watched "Night of The Generals" last night on GetTV.  Not bad, especially if you're into well-dressed Nazi officers and Paris.  Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif put in some decent performances but I'd never seen such gay-looking Nazis.  They seemed to have their best Shep Smith Maybelline eyes going.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  It just detracted from the Tiger tank mayhem and usual SS terror.

Quote from: Gabor Sweden751110 on November 11, 2014, 08:36:13 PM
Is me ... I am flaying a UFO ship .... hahaha it me ... ;D ;D ;D ;D

With your mind? I approve of this post.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2014, 08:57:38 PM
Thumbs up, down, or sideways?
Sideways sadly. Maybe a second viewing would make it better. Who knows.

Eddie Coyle

       I will stop what I'm doing(usually nothing) whenever I stumble upon "Grizzly Man". Funniest movie of the past decade. The tragedy is that the bears didn't consume his dorky friends left behind to talk about him to Herzog.


Quote from: coaster on November 11, 2014, 10:39:03 PM
Sideways sadly. Maybe a second viewing would make it better. Who knows.
Unfortunately, I expected that assessment.  It strikes me as being too PC, after seeing the previews.  Too much Hollywood swooning.  All it's lacking is Paltrow too make it a sure give away.  Man, do I ever miss Bogie.


Didn't really just watch them, but they are the last two I watched:

Gran Torino, probably a week or two ago.  Excellent movie, & I always like to watch to the end of the credits to see if they sneak in a 'secret' scene at the end (this one doesn't have that) but I did really enjoy the song.

Tropic Thunder, just yesterday.  As a vet'ran, I suppose I should hate it, and also because it is a Ben Stiller movie, but somehow I don't.  I found the 'stolen honor' premise to be funny in some way, and the way it portrays just about every character with some sort of character fault.  I ust liked it.  I have probably re-watched the movie 8 to 10 times and could again (I may wait a bit though...) 


Why would you hate a movie because it's a "Ben Stiller" movie?


Quote from: b_dubb on November 13, 2014, 07:25:24 PM
Why would you hate a movie because it's a "Ben Stiller" movie?
mmmmm, yeah. 'Ben Stiller'.  Kinda explains it all with just that. 


Quote from: paladin1991 on November 13, 2014, 07:35:14 PM
mmmmm, yeah. 'Ben Stiller'.  Kinda explains it all with just that.

This makes me wanna ask, which modern actor/actress has the highest flop average?  I think Adam Sandler must be up there. 


Quote from: paladin1991 on November 13, 2014, 07:55:26 PM
Yeah, Sandler and Stiller....neck and neck.

Sounds like a new buddy cop flop in the making.


Working my way through the latest season of Falling Skies.  There is just enough to the series to keep me watching.
So far.

Yorkshire pud

Just been to watch 'Imitation Game'. I know it has Cumberbatch and Knightly in it...BUT..

PLEASE please don't watch it and think it's the story of how the Enigma code breaking (or indeed anything else of value at Bletchley Park) was conducted. It's almost all total bollox. I'm sorry, but I really wanted to enjoy this film, but it misrepresents at least two people. And the plot holes are huge...Bigger than the biggest plot holes you ever saw. It has massive factual inaccuracies. AS in, pretty much 80%.

Apart from that, go and watch it.

Quote from: zeebo on November 13, 2014, 07:54:38 PM
This makes me wanna ask, which modern actor/actress has the highest flop average?  I think Adam Sandler must be up there.

Rob Schneider has to be somewhere close to the top.


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on November 14, 2014, 05:13:10 PM
Rob Schneider has to be somewhere close to the top.

Haha yes, with the exception of course being Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, which being made in 1999, qualifies for the greatest movie of the 20th century.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 14, 2014, 04:34:38 PM
Just been to watch 'Imitation Game'. I know it has Cumberbatch and Knightly in it...BUT..

PLEASE please don't watch it and think it's the story of how the Enigma code breaking (or indeed anything else of value at Bletchley Park) was conducted. It's almost all total bollox. I'm sorry, but I really wanted to enjoy this film, but it misrepresents at least two people. And the plot holes are huge...Bigger than the biggest plot holes you ever saw. It has massive factual inaccuracies. AS in, pretty much 80%.

Was it as fun as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?

Anatomy of a Murder (1959)

Ben Gazzara, defendant: How can a jury disregard what it's already heard?

James Stewart, attorney: They can't, Lieutenant. They can't.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 15, 2014, 04:27:21 AM
Was it as fun as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?

It was as accurate as the Hollywood bollox that has a USN ship's crew finding a U boat enigma machine and code book. If you don't know the truth of either it's  good yarn; but when you do, you see the huge holes.


The Railway Man

About a WW2 veteran who survived brutal captivity in a Japanese labor camp. Based on a true story. Really good story and acting. Hollywood is so Nazi obsessed that we don't get to see other sides of what went on during the war.

Katyn is another good one- Polish with subtitles shows the brutality of the Soviets.

Also watched Sabotage, the Schwartzenegger action drama - DEA agents plotting their own heist. I didn't have high expectations, but it wasn't a bad film and we enjoyed it. They really tend to overdo the language, though, but some funny lines.

analog kid

Lucy. Maybe the stupidest movie I've ever seen. Luc Besson you have lost it sir.


21 Jump Street.  Although silliness was a given, there are some funny parts in it.  I loved the modern politically-correct high school scene.

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