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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


I dare not tell anyone close to me on the "outside", that I have this little thread I come to, in the middle of nowhere on the internet, where I am guaranteed a laugh on a shit day.  Made up of ppl I don't know, talking about a guy no one really cares about.

Thank you


Quote from: dipp on September 09, 2016, 05:51:07 AM
I dare not tell anyone close to me on the "outside", that I have this little thread I come to, in the middle of nowhere on the internet, where I am guaranteed a laugh on a shit day.  Made up of ppl I don't know, talking about a guy no one really cares about.

Thank you

post often.


Burp Girl is wife material. The act sure as hell beats Kathy's Korner.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on September 09, 2016, 07:50:07 AM
Burp Girl is wife material. The act sure as hell beats Kathy's Korner.

Yeah but Kathy may well be mounting a comeback.  Rumor has it she has recently shed 320 lbs. of dead weight.

Quote from: dipp on September 09, 2016, 05:51:07 AM
I dare not tell anyone close to me on the "outside", that I have this little thread I come to, in the middle of nowhere on the internet, where I am guaranteed a laugh on a shit day.  Made up of ppl I don't know, talking about a guy no one really cares about.

Thank you

It's our secret shame.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 09, 2016, 03:02:02 AM


Senda buys more tampons and a tape measure to see how big his fat pad has gotten. 

He also got a new ethernet cable "without cameras in it". I'm really happy he has money/taxpayer handout to spend on computer products. Screw bills and responsibilities. Some sucker will pay them for Senda.

It's funny how he "screams in pain" when the subject of work is mentioned, but there is no pain when he is out wasting taxpayer money.

What a fucking bore. I thought the video of the parking lot was dull. At least it had outdoor scenery. This one we're forced to look at his fat head and listen to him run his stupid mouth about nothing. The features of a measuring tape? It's a new low.

Hey fatso, find another hobby. This is just pathetic..

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 09, 2016, 07:59:01 AM
Yeah but Kathy may well be mounting a comeback.  Rumor has it she has recently shed 320 lbs. of dead weight.

Oh? Has Senda died?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Laurakinch on September 09, 2016, 09:59:44 AM
What a fucking bore. I thought the video of the parking lot was dull. At least it had outdoor scenery. This one we're forced to look at his fat head and listen to him run his stupid mouth about nothing. The features of a measuring tape? It's a new low.

Hey fatso, find another hobby. This is just pathetic..

I might post him a roll of bin liners, a bottle of bleach, a light bulb and a ten pack of paper plates and see how he copes with the excitement of that little lot. With any luck, he'll drink the bleach, stick the light bulb up his arse, and accidentally pull a bin liner over his head.

Paper plates? They're for the residents of the hovel he lives in to have a bite to eat as they gloat in his demise.


Quote from: brig on September 08, 2016, 05:44:39 AM
He says his mac and phone were infected, sounds like everthing was infected including extention cords and the like by something he calls "the evil MV Laptop".  The virus appears to have injected little cameras into the cords and eveything, and pictures of him are showing up everywhere.
I will bet that his unused Jack Lalanne juicer is infected.  I wonder if Our Sweet Kathy's vibro is infected.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 08, 2016, 06:53:03 AM
By this time, the virus has hit stage four, and has infiltrated every electronic device in the whole Bay area.  I'm thinking pulse bomb to stop the madness.
Nuke it from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.


Quote from: chefist on September 08, 2016, 11:12:39 AM
Hey Gunny! How's Idaho, man?

Thought of you on this one...

It'sSuper cool, Bro!  Let me know if you are on your way up.  You can stay with us.   I was having breakfast at 'The Breakfast Nook' a week ago.  A group of dudes were talking about 'things.' I was sitting at the next table.  One of the topics they were discussing was Trump/Billary and the effect on the Idaho panhandle.  One turned to me and asked, what do you think?  I responded with "Regardless of the outcome of the election, you must, as a reasonable man, acknowledge that Black Live Matter."

*Slow Blink fm around the table*

I broke out with ''Bwahahahahahahhahaha."  Laughter broke out at the tables around us and more coffee was poured.  I know, I know, it's just what I do.  Build bridges.

Dude!  Is that a real T-shirt?  I have to order like 12 dozen of those.  Where can I find them?


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 08, 2016, 01:38:54 PM
It was all cheap crap but a lot of cheap crap, at least twenty bucks worth.

Heeeey, didn't Falkie just get a donation of $20?
Not fm me.  senda would just spend it on Cinnabon.  And then taunt me for being cheap.

How much is Falkie charging to tool around WalMart with him on his cart begging, buying Halloween decorations, and hitting on ugly fat chicks?


Quote from: Keyser Söze on September 08, 2016, 08:18:22 PM
Hey Senda,

Did you register with the City of Martinez for approval to film and produce commercial (for profit) videos in your apartment?  Have you contacted them yet for the inspection?  I'm sure when they check out your apartment they will want to get the Martinez Fire Department involved too.  Better get right on this, its important, it a requirement.  It would be terrible to get caught without the permit.  :(  BellGab is watching  ;D ;D ;D

Hope nobody drops a dime to the city of MarPenis on senda's failure to get the proper permits.


Quote from: ONeill on September 09, 2016, 12:53:54 AM
I am trying to catch up a bit and I must say that seeing the cornholing the fat fuck got from Callan's Legion just doesn't feel right. Sure, Senda is shit, but you know what? He is our shit. Other people just aren't supposed to have all that fun.
You sound jealous.  There is plenty of senda to go around.

Someone else has been ripping off Falkie's ideas.  Will it never end?


Quote from: dipp on September 09, 2016, 05:51:07 AM
I dare not tell anyone close to me on the "outside", that I have this little thread I come to, in the middle of nowhere on the internet, where I am guaranteed a laugh on a shit day.  Made up of ppl I don't know, talking about a guy no one really cares about.

Thank you

The least I can do.  Are you sure you're having a shit day or is it a shit life?

How about tonight's video ?
(Falkie will NEVER get rid of all the cameras)

Donald Noory

On one of the few (mercifully) Falkie videos I watched, he said he has around 4000 books in his apartment. I'm just wondering how someone who seems to get by on assistance can afford to buy 4000 books. Maybe Jorch sends him all the guest's books he never bothers to read or even look at?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Donald Noory on September 09, 2016, 10:59:04 PM
On one of the few (mercifully) Falkie videos I watched, he said he has around 4000 books in his apartment. I'm just wondering how someone who seems to get by on assistance can afford to buy 4000 books. Maybe Jorch sends him all the guest's books he never bothers to read or even look at?

He complained about the fire officers who came around and pointed out the fire risk too. Not the amount of books per se; but the restricted access to the rooms and vitally the window to the outside. In Senda's words they were 'idiots' (Because let's face it, what do fire officers know about fires eh?) for pointing out the access problems.. He said that he couldn't get through the window if he tried...Naturally he ignored the comments about the window was for the fire crews access to the hovel, in case the stair wells were blocked with other residents and crew members. But the fucking know all couldn't grasp that, because he can't conceive of anyone else being important enough to be rescued, and as he can't get through the window anyway, why the fuck does it matter?

Has he been arrested yet


Quote from: Sasha on September 09, 2016, 10:47:26 PM
How about tonight's video ?
(Falkie will NEVER get rid of all the cameras)
The "unauthorized" videos of Senda's are the only ones that I will watch.  It's too bad that MV has not found a way to monetize them (yet.)  Can you imagine the rage if MV started making more $$$ on Senda videos than Senda makes on them?  :D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: WOTR on September 10, 2016, 12:30:13 AM
The "unauthorized" videos of Senda's are the only ones that I will watch.  It's too bad that MV has not found a way to monetize them (yet.)  Can you imagine the rage if MV started making more $$$ on Senda videos than Senda makes on them?  :D

It was inspired that MV managed to have infinitesimally small cameras/mics moulded into the plastic of the Windows laptop that inspirationally passes its viruses on to Apple devices. Fortunatly the poor sod on the phone who had to field the 'cameras in my ethernet cable' call from Senda, won't post it on YT for the world to learn that lesson. I bet he wondered why he deserved that day in his life.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 08, 2016, 03:39:07 AM
Well Senda did make a video, here is a partial summary.

He tried to trim his cats nails and got cut because he does not know how to care for cats.
To clip a nail you gently hold the cat and just do one nail, and just the very sharp tip. Then you let the cat settle them self and do another later. Cats are fussy and you will get cut if you are an insensitive oaf.

Also he bought a brand new router to try to foil us, it even has an Ethernet cable that is not filled with tiny cameras. Time stamp 3 minutes on is gold.

And he will finally get his care giver.

Lastly he says he will not con a church out of BIG, just small cons.


Somehow I'm in this twilight zone and cant get out tonight.  I stopped by for a quick minute or two before bed and now 3 hours have gone by "SHAKES my fist at MV!!! DAMN YOU AND YOUR SITE!!!" :) but more so, Failkie's still around? So for a good laugh, I decided to watch the video...from 3 minute mark as suggested, I swear he stole my entire disability story Memoirs :) :) i mean 2 crush discs, legs numb, cant sit or stand, yada yada yada :)) come on man no way someone can have all the "stuff you do" and be begging for help.  Stop spending every last dime on new shit to get rid of the cameras in your TP and go get things fixed!!  Lobotomies are cheap I hear these days ....ok maybe that was harsh...maybe...


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 10, 2016, 12:34:47 AM
...Fortunatly the poor sod on the phone who had to field the 'cameras in my ethernet cable' call from Senda, won't post it on YT for the world to learn that lesson. I bet he wondered why he deserved that day in his life.
I would imagine that a lot of people in customer service have asked that same question after dealing with George.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 10, 2016, 12:34:47 AM
It was inspired that MV managed to have infinitesimally small cameras/mics moulded into the plastic of the Windows laptop that inspirationally passes its viruses on to Apple devices. Fortunatly the poor sod on the phone who had to field the 'cameras in my ethernet cable' call from Senda, won't post it on YT for the world to learn that lesson. I bet he wondered why he deserved that day in his life.

The devastating Micrapple Virus?  I see the virus  has disabled Falkie's blender too.  He therefore cannot blend his meal replacement shakes and begin his diet as a result.  And since the microwave is on the fritz, kielbasa must be eaten straight out of the package.  Yes, times are hard in the Falkie household (as we all know, because we see it all unfolding before our very eyes).


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 10, 2016, 06:36:09 AM
Oh Oh, looks like the gauntlet has finally been thrown. 

I left a nice note, letting him know his bellgab friends are still here if he needs to talk about the breakup with Kathy.

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 10, 2016, 06:36:09 AM
Oh Oh, looks like the gauntlet has finally been thrown. 

Falkie says he's saving for a car and will be able to buy one next year, or maybe the year after that.

Falkie, you don't have 2 years left


He's gotten mad at me when I say he wastes his money on junk.  Look at the crap he's bought lately, as he mumbles through this one.

What is that red mark on the lower right side of his face? 

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