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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 05, 2016, 05:12:59 PMOl' Gerry will be there in George's corner, backing him all the way. 
Wow, will you be practicing for your upcoming role as "groom of the stool" while assisting him in any manner possible?  You can do it from behind while "backing him all the way." 


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 05, 2016, 02:45:47 PM
True, but at least it stops his 'friends' going out and flashing in front of children or running over the elderly for kicks.
The truth in that statement made me laugh...


Jason is actually a really good guy.I've watched his videos for almost 2 years now and he is not anything like him.That mental case senda is going to F himself up with this one.Don't drag Jason into this,he's been ignoring senda just like a good person would. I knew senda would shoot himself in the foot eventually.Just glad I'm going to see it happen.What a Delusional,POS he really is!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Mizak on September 05, 2016, 10:17:48 PM
Jason is actually a really good guy.I've watched his videos for almost 2 years now and he is not anything like him.That mental case senda is going to F himself up with this one.Don't drag Jason into this,he's been ignoring senda just like a good person would. I knew senda would shoot himself in the foot eventually.Just glad I'm going to see it happen.What a Delusional,POS he really is!

The only person Senda has to justify whatever he does (as far as he's concerned), is Senda. Not even his so called friends register in his consideration; they're just useful when the time comes to mention he has 'supporters' and 'friends'. He couldn't care less who or what they may think of him. He said on air that if Kathy died he'd be 'upset I guess'...is that the natural reaction to losing your lifelong partner? He has to guess because he's completely devoid of empathy, compassion or human emotion involving anyone else. He knows indignation; feigned or real. He knows how to play the victim, each and every time. Any reference to how real suffering goes on with people (young and old) through no fault of their own is met with silence because he has no answer. He can't actually imagine let alone relate to anyone but him having needs, without which their quality of life would be severely compromised or non existent. He's basically a selfish, sociopathic narcassist. He's also a criminal and should be arrested; hopefully soon.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 05, 2016, 11:09:58 PM
... He's basically a selfish, sociopathic narcassist. He's also a criminal and should be arrested; hopefully soon.
Is it safe to assume that you have fallen behind on your monthly financial gift to the grifter?  ;)

Quote from: Mizak on September 05, 2016, 10:17:48 PM
Jason is actually a really good guy.I've watched his videos for almost 2 years now and he is not anything like him.
What are the chances he wants his own, ready made thread with fans?  I promise to play nice so long has he does not defraud MV, beat his girlfriend, steal from others (or his dead mother) and promises not to solicit funds to attend woo woo con.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: WOTR on September 05, 2016, 11:48:42 PM
Is it safe to assume that you have fallen behind on your monthly financial gift to the grifter?  ;)


What are the chances he wants his own, ready made thread with fans?  I promise to play nice so long has he does not defraud MV, beat his girlfriend, steal from others (or his dead mother) and promises not to solicit funds to attend woo woo con.

Yeah, but no-one on this forum would be like that anyway, so its irrelevent.

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 05, 2016, 06:27:30 PM
He may not have ever mentioned the Circle of Trust to you or the other posters on BellGab, but that doesn't mean that he does not talk about or acknowledge us.  The Master sends us multiple audio inboxes a day.  Does callan do that for his "my Legion" fans and supporters?

George has a mountain of evidence regarding callan's virtual plagiarism of his YouTube commentary style and content, and it will all be on display shortly in a forthcoming video.

As usual for Senda, the video was too hard or it was too hot and he did nothing. Another failure from Senda.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 06, 2016, 03:16:49 AM
As usual for Senda, the video was too hard or it was too hot and he did nothing. Another failure from Senda.

Senda doesn't know what success and failure is. His life is just one dump truck of garbage falling down a landfill cliff after another, and he can't and won't learn about anything.


I like to picture Falkie as a giant jellyfish of sadness floating in the sea of laziness directed by a tide of ineptitude.  He only becomes dangerous when "friends" lob him at unsuspecting bathers.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 04, 2016, 05:14:11 PM
Jason Callan has an entire channel that he talks about snack foods.

One day Jason talked about a video of a man fucking a McChicken sandwich and Senda felt that he was being copied.

Now Senda has decided to taste test snack foods, BUT HE IS NOT COPYING ANYONE because it is not a flavor of chip that he  has tried. Even though he completely adopted Jason's tone HE IS NOT COPYING ANYONE.


I wonder if senda bought only one bag.  With his EBT card.

Quote from: paladin1991 on September 06, 2016, 10:17:41 AM
I wonder if senda bought only one bag.  With his EBT card.

Of course not, he bought at least two bags.

Honey BBQ and Garlic. And you see the empty bag in the second video. He sat there in Starbucks and devoured 2 bags of chips.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 06, 2016, 10:27:15 AM
Of course not, he bought at least two bags.

Honey BBQ and Garlic. And you see the empty bag in the second video. He sat there in Starbucks and devoured 2 bags of chips.


Why had they run out and only had two left?

And 'Lays' are known as 'Walkers' in the UK. And they're crisps, not chips. Chips are served with battered cod from a fish and chip shop. Chips are known as fries in the colonies.


I think, when you compare Senda with Callan, Senda's  total lack of charm is apparent. He never really connects with other people, and that's why most people find him so unappealing. He lives in his own little world of excuses and paranoia, and Callan's a breath of fresh air by comparison. That said, I think even Senda is preferable to this oily bastard. Every so often, I look at this guy's channel to see if he has succumbed to a massive heart attack/ fatsplosion, but he's still going. A prize to the brave soul who can get through this video without vomiting on the screen.



Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 04, 2016, 08:17:23 PM
Remember, just because Falkie found a type of video to make it is all original because he never tasted this flavor.


Guess he purchased two bags of chips with his EBT card.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 05, 2016, 06:19:52 AM
He's sure teasing his 'new information'.  I wonder what it costs to visit him now?  I drive past Martinez twice a day M-F, I've been sorely tempted to stop by Starbucks to, you know, get a glass of water, sponge off their free Wi-Fi... and ask about Falkie.

Looks like he may have a new hangout:

4.55  ''When I walked in here earlier, there were a ton of people in here... and they're all gone.''  Yeah, probably back to Starbucks.


WTF Chuck?  Beers and Burgers are not on the food plan I have developed for you, senda.  Do they accept EBT at the MarPenis Monkey's Creek?


How do "food reviews" by fat fucks even count.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: dipp on September 06, 2016, 11:45:53 AM
How do "food reviews" by fat fucks even count.

I'm assuming they're counted in kilo calories rather than in the tens. As for the validity; well, I suppose its just a question of scale.

Falkie apparently has an axe to grind with Jason C.   This should be interesting.  He is also back to scrubbing every comment section and deleting posts.  Our boy NEVER changes does he?   

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 06, 2016, 10:27:15 AM
He sat there in Starbucks and devoured 2 bags of chips.

That's how he keeps his girlish figure.

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 06, 2016, 12:28:13 PM
Falkie apparently has an axe to grind with Jason C.   This should be interesting.  He is also back to scrubbing every comment section and deleting posts.  Our boy NEVER changes does he?

He has been working on that Jason video for a few days now, it should be epic. Flash animation and a power point presentation.
In the end we will understand how Falkie invented putting things on your head.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 06, 2016, 03:32:32 PM
I love how this fat fuck has money to eat out every night but has no money to feed his cat.

That is because the "eat out" fund is kept in his back pocket while the cat food fund is in PayPal.

He can not use cat food money to eat out and he can not use eat out money for cat food. That is just how Falkie finances work.

Icy Nothing

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on September 05, 2016, 05:55:01 PM
What about Kathy and Kathy's Corner?  I might be going out on a limb here but I would imagine Kathy can burp with the best of them.

Thank you for the best laugh I've had in ages!

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 06, 2016, 03:32:32 PM
I love how this fat fuck has money to eat out every night but has no money to feed his cat.

Area51drone once stated that Senda considered suicide once and was going to off all of his cats. Area51drone stated Senda couldn't go through with it after burning Orangey the cats back.

I have no clue of any of that is true. But I hop Senda either got some help or gets some help in all seriousness.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on September 06, 2016, 06:41:40 PM
Area51drone once stated that Senda considered suicide once and was going to off all of his cats. Area51drone stated Senda couldn't go through with it after burning Orangey the cats back.

I have no clue of any of that is true. But I hop Senda either got some help or gets some help in all seriousness.

The master should martyr himself at the BellGab meet up. Can someone send him some c4 and det. cord, please? Falkie's running low on funds supporting Kathy's unhealthy habbits. Thanks!

-ole rekcuf


Quote from: nooryisawesome on September 06, 2016, 06:41:40 PM
Area51drone once stated that Senda considered suicide once and was going to off all of his cats. Area51drone stated Senda couldn't go through with it after burning Orangey the cats back.

I have no clue of any of that is true. But I hop Senda either got some help or gets some help in all seriousness.

Burned Orangey's back?  WTF?  Was he going to kill Orangy in a hot sautee skillet with new potatoes, baby carrots and a nice bottle of 2 buck Chuck (that he shoplifted at Trader Joe's)?


Here, Jason show's an injury he suffered from WORKING! Take note, George...


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 06, 2016, 03:32:32 PM
I love how this fat fuck has money to eat out every night but has no money to feed his cat.

Since he isn't paying for Kathy's car insurance, gas, saving fund for a car, ''helping her out'', etc, shouldn't he have plenty of extra money these days?

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 06, 2016, 12:49:01 PM
That's how he keeps his girlish figure.

Just in case this showdown between internet morons comes down to weight, I encourage Falkie to bulk up and be ready.

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