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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 17, 2015, 02:39:28 AM
Too busy

Number one contender in the 'Most Unlikely Things Falkie Would Ever Say' contest.

Other contributions welcomed.



Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 18, 2015, 05:49:28 AM
Number one contender in the 'Most Unlikely Things Falkie Would Ever Say' contest.

Other contributions welcomed.

Oh no!  I overslept!

Here's a quiz for you.  Don't cheat and use Google.

Name the well-known person who said the following:  "There is no substitute for hard work."

a) Anthony George Senda
b) A Sloth at the San Diego Zoo
c) Thomas Edison



Quote from: Who on August 18, 2015, 05:59:32 AM
Oh no!  I overslept!

WRONG, WhoGivesAShit!!

Sweet Kathy accidentally sat on my face in the night while I was asleep. I had nightmares that I was Jonah stuck in the whale again.

You know nothing, you MORON!!!


Quote from: Who on August 18, 2015, 05:59:32 AM

Here's a quiz for you.  Don't cheat and use Google.

Name the well-known person who said the following:  "There is no substitute for hard work."

a) Anthony George Senda
b) A Sloth at the San Diego Zoo
c) Thomas Edison

I think I'll ask the audience.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 18, 2015, 06:13:57 AM
I think I'll ask the audience.

STFU Shredded Wheat!! I never said I knew Edison. I knew Mr Benz of Mercedes fame. Only the car was named after the daughter of one of their French drivers. Video later. I need to give the sheets a good scrape.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 18, 2015, 06:13:57 AM
I think I'll ask the audience.

Wrong AGAIN Dorkshire Plod!

My sheets are relatively clean considering the amount of dust that accumulates in this hovel. You try dusting in this heat with the amount of felines I have as well as the amount of stuffed toys that I have accumulated over the years. And STFU to all the detractors that claim I have more toys than a kid. Most of these stuffed toys were won fair and square at county fairs. You detractors can also STFU if you say that those county fair games are for kids. You try tossing rings over oversized milk bottles in this heat with lame wrists and gammy knees. Swim soon and then videos later. Trading in some old computer magazines and copper coins for money to buy a second-hand waterproof GoPro so I can film Kathy and I kissing awkwardly underwater. Video later.


Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on August 18, 2015, 07:58:31 AM

Thanks Six. I will never be able to wash that image out of my head. This gif should be used as a form of birth control.


Is it just me or has the fat guy stacked on a shit load of weight. He must consume a shit ton of food to gain weight.


Quote from: weeberwubber on August 17, 2015, 09:28:23 PM


Did you get your hair cut or gain a little more weight?

I know it's been hot, but wasn't Episode #474 the Watsonville Strawberry Bore Fest?  I really wish Kathy's Korner episodes had used the Fibonacci numbering sequence, rather than the traditional counting sequence. 

And I can't get enough of the "Say hello Kathy", "Hullo Kathy" exchanges, she's such a card, please continue to include them in every video.


Stop making me crack up at work, y'all.


Good morning, Falkie. 

Two questions:

1)  Is Kathy still spending nights at Casa Falkie?  Did she play a trumpet solo for you last night?  Does she enjoy being artist in residence at Casa Falkie?

2) Is it true KFC has hired you to be the new Colonel Sanders?  If so, will they be adding your favorite entree to their menu (two whole partially cooked chickens)?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on August 18, 2015, 09:23:04 AM
Good morning, Falkie. 

Two questions:

1)  Is Kathy still spending nights at Casa Falkie?  Did she play a trumpet solo for you last night?  Does she enjoy being artist in residence at Casa Falkie?

2) Is it true KFC has hired you to be the new Colonel Sanders?  If so, will they be adding your favorite entree to their menu (two whole partially cooked chickens)?

Right apple pie, you should do your homework (instead of peddling your lies), I did not excavate my nostrils with Kathy's false nails. I used a cut down tongue depressor to make sure I got a good scoop. Not that it is any of your business. So STFU okay?

Kathy is getting to me today, she's laying there snoring and her pendulous floor resting udders are vibrating in time. It's disturbing the cats and the dust I carefully collated into relevant piles is now all mixed up. I'll make a video later to explain it better, and Kathy can explain AGAIN how her sweat dosen't stain the bed. Why do people NOT mind there own business?

Noory is still trying to get my name out there, which is more than can be said for so called Retracted. What is he doing now? Not so good eh?

Quote from: twiki on August 18, 2015, 08:02:36 AM
Thanks Six. I will never be able to wash that image out of my head. This gif should be used as a form of birth control.

She's just making sure she's still got the goods on her. It's nice to see the girls riding high today. Well, higher than usual, anyway.


"Everybody knows where I live.  Just knock, walk in and announce yourself but not before noon because Kathy and I sleep nude."

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Bart Ell on August 18, 2015, 11:20:11 AM

If that is what I think it is I'm going to chuck up violently and copiously.


Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on August 18, 2015, 07:58:31 AM

WTF, check out her eyes black & blue cheeks on both sides, right eye half shut and she is wobbling around like she is f-en hammered.  I thought she was slow not a drunk, guess I would drink a lot as well if I was getting the shit kicked out of me.

cosmic hobo

Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on August 18, 2015, 07:58:31 AM

I think this salacious show by Kathy might be a secret message to a special admirer at bell gab, possibly Drone or Open Lines Gerry. Falkie has competition. Better lift your game Big Guy.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: cosmic hobo on August 18, 2015, 12:06:47 PM
I think this salacious show by Kathy might be a secret message to a special admirer at BellGab, possibly Drone or Open Lines Gerry. Falkie has competition. Better lift your game Big Guy.

Okay Mr Cookfoot; I haven't hit Kathy on video nor does she drink booze on video. How many more times? If she wanted to drink I'd tell her she wanted to okay? And if I hit her on video WHICH I DO NOT, I wouldn't need to ask her permission. I'm JOKING!!

Not that will make any difference to the liars and those who lie. When Kathy has her open chat room to lure her admirers to her web of rampant and abandoned passion, it is done tastefully. Not that anyone will believe that, because they can't mind their own business!

She never EVER lays back and flashes to any random desperate man who pays the 50 cents to get on her web page chat room. No, she makes sure that I approve them first. They have to have liked at least one of my t shirts and approve of at least two of my videos, but the liars won't say that! WHICH I DO NOT LIKE, so knock it off okay?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 10, 2015, 01:38:05 PM
Everyone KNOWS where I PHYSICALLY reside but IF you can't find out, ask Paperboy to tell you. He's been IN my apartment.
Just knock first and announce yourself as a nude Kathy is sleeping next to me and kindly not before noon. We are NOT morning persons.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 18, 2015, 05:27:38 AM
I think he actually played the pink oboe. At least, that's what paid his way through college.

Sorry, Georgie. Nothing personal, just couldn't resist!  ;)

No problem.  No, actual slide trombone.

Jocko Johnson

All you haters know NOTHING, so STFU and mind your own business.
Washed ourselves and some laundry in the community pool. They have added a ton of chlorine to counter the non Caucasian swimming there so we did the whites/non-colored today. The added extra chemicals do wonders for the shit skid marks, jizz stains and sweet kathy's horrific sweat stains and body fluid run off...but it's NO ones business so go and STFU.
Went back to my private knee surgeon and was told if I lose weight I'd feel much better and wouldn't need the surgery. This doctor stinks, I  know their game as I did 2 years pre med at Johns Hopkins.  Left there after I killed my father as I needed to skip town in a hurray. They think if I lose weight I will be able to avoid surgery and save the gov't the money as well can get off disability.  I am wise to that game and it's none of Obama's business or SS Admin either so they need to STFU too. Instead with my extra unreported income from my tee shirt sales, (thx Art!) -[LITTLE CHRIS, since I  was once your friend and mentor, you should be advertising my merch on the unauthorized and unofficial LMAO Falkie page, it only seems fair as you get more hits than all my stuff added up] have been going to the all you can eat buffets and have upped my weight from 721lbs to 823lbs in a few short weeks...video on that and maybe a "how to" on my blog after a nap and cleaning.
And pud pudding I never said I went to MIT, it was the Zurich Polytechnic Institute where my Uncle Albert also graduated...so again PIG ass breath you are all wrong and it's none of ANYONE'S business so f--k off and STFU.
Just had a dozen donuts, (all part of the plan palidin sent me to keep pounding on the lbs so I can stay unhealthy and ck the gov't cheese and cheques rolling in!) so I  need a nap so the fat cells can grew correctly.
Went for a haircut asked the barber for the german army heer hair cut like the afrika korps because it is africa hot here now and as he was cutting I asked if he took food stamps which he said, NO and that pissed me off so I  left before he finished and now have only half the Field Marshall Rommell haircut and look I was going for. Video on that later as I expose this barber who refused to take food stamps from a retired disabled senior citizen as payment!!
Got a YouseTubeses payment of .42 cents, that is now a total of $5.87 so far since TGFP(tm) began this money making venture so to all the haters you can go to HELL with my mother, but video on that later.

P.S. A51D is OLG okay...? If not see if his wife would give me his stuff? Does he have any Apple products or frozen food, just the high fat, high sodium unhealthy stuff. If anyone else around here had anything like that or CA$H they should just drop it off at my hovel, it isn't anyones business but somehow you all have my address. You know the routine, DON'T show up till after noon, don't knock, and do NOT ck out my babes ankles as that is where her tits will be. Leave the stuff, STFU and get OUT.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 02, 2015, 08:22:31 PM
And my freezer is full of food. I have coffee, chili and toilet paper and am ok for the month.
Unlike Palm-O-Liver who IS a dick, I do have a dick. And have 2 credit cards.

Thank you for that update, Falkie.  I'm sure we'll all sleep better tonight knowing you have a month's supply of toilet paper.  No detail is too small for you to share is it?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 18, 2015, 12:12:05 PM

Okay Mr Cookfoot; I haven't hit Kathy on video nor does she drink booze on video. How many more times? If she wanted to drink I'd tell her she wanted to okay? And if I hit her on video WHICH I DO NOT, I wouldn't need to ask her permission. I'm JOKING!!

Not that will make any difference to the liars and those who lie. When Kathy has her open chat room to lure her admirers to her web of rampant and abandoned passion, it is done tastefully. Not that anyone will believe that, because they can't mind their own business!

She never EVER lays back and flashes to any random desperate man who pays the 50 cents to get on her web page chat room. No, she makes sure that I approve them first. They have to have liked at least one of my t shirts and approve of at least two of my videos, but the liars won't say that! WHICH I DO NOT LIKE, so knock it off okay?

Aussie Dave

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 18, 2015, 02:30:59 PM

I have never lifted a finger to Kathy Timelord for brains. That would be way too much work and I'm not prepared to do such tasks that should be left to people with a darker tone of skin than I. Not that it's any of your business. Even if I did, which I do not, I would never tell the likes of you. I would do a video about it which I will do later. Too hot in here at the moment to do much of anything. Even if I wanted to do a second of actual work I could not and neither would Kathy. She's exhausted from napping and do you even know how much effort it takes to throw litter all over the floor. Of course you do not. Why don't you come here and try for yourself. I bet you won't just like you wouldn't come here to help me clean this hovel. Joining Drone in a Google hangout in a few minutes. Hopefully he has word about his alter ego Open Lines Gerry who I miss dearly. Video about this later on if I can find the cord to the stupid camera that connects to the computer which is mixed in with the collars of my kitties so I'll never find it. Kathy said that I should keep them separate but what does she know and no I'm not going to hit her so STFU. She says she'll do a video about it later. And STFU about the shade of purple on her face. It does look like she is battered but she is not. She just bumps into a lot of doors. She is very clumsy. Video later once it cools down in here. Then I will bitch about how cold it is one the sea winds hit. I could have been a weatherman if my mom had let me. I once met the guy from The Weather Channel. I told him this gag about high pressure systems and he asked if he could use it on the air. He promised to buy me lunch but I'm still waiting. Video much later if my internet connection is running a bit faster today. Might have to walk 16 blocks to Starbucks and order a water so I can leech their internet. It will be hell on my knees but then I can do another video complaining about the pain and perhaps gain some sympathy. Hopefully they spell my name right this time. Stupid foreigners can't spell George or Anthony or whatever my name is. Video later.


Ant-Man, A Movie review.

I Liked Ant-Man, it was very good. I liked the plot, it was very good. I liked the characters, they were very good. I liked the special effects, they were very good.
The End

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