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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 18, 2015, 11:03:50 AM

She's just making sure she's still got the goods on her. It's nice to see the girls riding high today. Well, higher than usual, anyway.

And you can fuck off as well, CRETINOUS SNATCH!!!

Just remember, Sweet Kathy's looks won't last forever; I might have to go prowling for some new sweet sweet tail. Howdya like to find me wheezing up to your front door with nothing but a bunch of flowers and 3 inches of raging boner? You might just get to be my new concubine if you play your cards right. Don't forget, I like my women the same way I like my eggs: well beaten and covered in ketchup.

Just to make you WET I am going to show you a picture of me sunbathing in the nude. I don't give a SHIT if it's NSFW, MV can suck my DICK, the philoprogenitive PUTZ!!!!

Start saving those Hellmans coupons, woman, and make with the purty mouth!!!


Quote from: brig on August 19, 2015, 03:13:01 AM
Good to hear from you 'Ol Gerry!  Be Well Soon!!!

Can we keep all this diabetic I love you shit on the Bella Haven thread? LOL, just my 2 cents worth, for what its worth, just saying, Hug Hugs etc. etc. PS Old Gerry is a Dick Head   

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on August 18, 2015, 11:12:23 PM
Hello everyone - your ol' buddy Open Lines Gerry here.  Thank you to those of you who have expressed concern about my condition.  I sent George a brief update last evening.  My surgery went well, and my outcome was better than I could have ever reasonably expected.  I'm still dealing with extreme dizziness and balance issues as they had to sever the balance nerve on my tumor side, but I think I am making progress each day.  The other side of my brain should eventually take over, and it's pretty amazing that I am doing as well as I am given that the surgery was only 2 weeks ago.  It takes a lot of concentration and effort to read and post things, so I won't fully be back in the fray to stand with my friend George for a while yet, but hopefully I'll be up to the task soon.

People like Rally Squirrel shouldn't be so quick to side with Patty.  It's great that George and Kathy have taken to YouTube again (finally!) to discuss the matter, but the real fireworks show is still coming.  George Senda, of course, informed me that events are still to unfold in September, and then the full measure of Patty's treachery will be revealed.  Falkie - I still believe in you and Kathy!

I don't believe a word of this brain surgery bullshit.  It smells like A51D to me.


Quote from: MAX on August 19, 2015, 05:51:16 AM

Can we keep all this diabetic I love you shit on the Bella Haven thread? LOL, just my 2 cents worth, for what its worth, just saying, Hug Hugs etc. etc. PS Old Gerry is a Dick Head   



Falkie's Diary (cont.)

"At last! I finally get some peace around this place to recharge my batteries. Sweet Kathy's new career at SeaWorld is going swimmingly, ha ha ha! (I haven't heard from her for a couple of weeks, so its all good â€" she's either doing well or dead), where I tell people (although not many give a shit) that she is a 'Senior Marine Biologist'. Now that 'Diaper' is safely out of the way (I call her that because she's full of crap and hangs around my ASS!), I can finally start to spread my wings and be the person I want to be. I begin by falling asleep for three straight days. Eventually spring out of bed (leaving a foot-square piece of skin attached to the sheets) and decide to kick-start my new career as a go-getting entrepreneur.

Arrange a business meeting with those two fags Ben & Jerry, where I want to discuss the 'Yummy Mommy', an innovative new idea for breast-milk ice cream. I explain to those butt-tickling IDIOTS that I already have it fixed up from the supply side (a warehouse full of lactating homeless Mexicans) and “just need the go-ahead from you pair of fruits to sort out the cash and get this bitch on the rails”. They give me some BS about it being 'too weird' and I notice that one of them is cradling a baseball bat, while the other (Ben, or possibly Jerry) has pressed a small button on the desk. The door suddenly bursts open and I find myself being lifted out of the chair by two illegal immigrants and propelled out of the office. Barely manage to shout out my idea for Plan B (in case that one didn't fly): a chain of McDonalds-style quick-service brothels (“E-Zee-Cum, E-Zee-Go!”) that just needs a bit of seed money, before they hurl me out the door and tell me to hit the bricks. BASTARDS!!!

The experience left me so shaken that I had to visit the doctor for a check-up. I nearly ran out the door screaming when I entered the surgery â€" I thought the doctor was Puerto Rican - but they explained that the tan was because he had just come back from holiday (phew!), so I okayed him to give me the once-over: stethoscope plus additional ass-fingering. It's a fact that I don't often tell people, but I have a bad knee, which gives me a lot of pain and caused me to lose several lucrative business opportunities in the past. The doctor prescribed me 200 Oxymorons but told me to be careful because they are very addictive. I don't think he knew who he was dealing with, as the Samurai Sendas are storied men of blood and iron, and I once sat through an entire Coast AM Turmeric Special without homicidal thoughts. The doctor informed me that I had the heart of a 25 year-old man. I immediately began to panic and thought that Sweet Kathy had been opening her big fat yap. Dammit, I always tell the stupid slut to keep the freezer PADLOCKED; and anyway, unemployed Guatemalans don't count, do they? It turns out the doctor is another HATER and was mocking the fact that my bad knee has made me slightly overweight. I decide he must be a lousy spic after all, trying to humiliate whitey, and get up and march out the door, disgusted!! The ugly bitch at reception tries to stop me by saying that I have a large bill to deal with. What the fuck is George Senda? A proud American, or a goddammed PELICAN?!!

I knew it was too good to last. Those MORONS at SeaWorld have 'phoned me and said that Sweet Kathy's contract has been cancelled. They claim that finding a hoop big enough for her to jump through “is beyond the reach of God or man”. They have also been insinuating that she has had something to do with the mysterious disappearance of half their dolphin population. Dammit, I've studied law; just because your cage apartment is littered with bloody fins, and Sweet Kathy has gained an extra 400 pounds, is circumstantial evidence and doesn't mean SHIT. Fuck all those pricks who call me lazy and selfish, too. I was resting from my labours and watching Columbo when SeaWorld called, and decided to go and pick the bitch up before the episode ended. I was shaking with anxiety the whole drive â€" did Columbo catch that murdering bastard Robert Culp or not? If that's not Love I don't know what is! Arrive at SeaWorld.They hand a naked Sweet Kathy over by catapulting her over the walls, where she lands with a wet flopping smack on the tarmac at my feet. Suddenly realise that I have missed her after all - although the smell of fish is rather overpowering, even by her standards. 

I think she may need some little time to adjust to humanity again after spending so long with marine wildlife. She seems like she has forgotten some of our customs. When I waddled over to embrace her she kicked me in the balls and punched me in the face, which I understand is an authentic greeting in the walrus community but hasn't caught on with us yet, thankfully. Her voice has also changed rather alarmingly. What has happened to the sweet, lulling accents of my little Blueberry Muffin of yore? O! Many's the time I can recall the seductive way she would explain, with cadences of softest velvet, how she “couldn't be bothered to flush the shitter”. Those honeyed tones have now changed to a kind of soggy howl and she has temporarily lost the use of speech. The only sound she is capable of making at present sounds like a warthog drowning in glue, and her inarticulate ramblings are limited to something that sounds a bit like “youtreacherousnogoodfuckingpieceofshit”, although I am sure I must be mistaken.

Home sweet home! I just have time to write this entry before turning in, because if I don't get my 20 hours sleep a day I can barely function. We managed to get Sweet Kathy in eventually (a complicated process involving a crane and a hole in the roof), where she has taken up short-term residence in the bathroom. I have just been correcting Stephen Hawking's homework (that dopey spazz would be nothing without me) while listening to the sound of the shower on 'full' - Sweet Kathy's joyous farts ricocheting off the bathroom walls.

The family is back together!"

(To be continued...)

Coming next: “The Haunting of Casa Senda”.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2015, 07:31:50 AM
Falkie's Diary (cont.)

"At last! I finally get some peace around this place to recharge my batteries. Sweet Kathy's new career at SeaWorld is going swimmingly, ha ha ha! (I haven't heard from her for a couple of weeks, so its all good â€" she's either doing well or dead), where I tell people (although not many give a shit) that she is a 'Senior Marine Biologist'. Now that 'Diaper' is safely out of the way (I call her that because she's full of crap and hangs around my ASS!), I can finally start to spread my wings and be the person I want to be. I begin by falling asleep for three straight days. Eventually spring out of bed (leaving a foot-square piece of skin attached to the sheets) and decide to kick-start my new career as a go-getting entrepreneur.

Arrange a business meeting with those two fags Ben & Jerry, where I want to discuss the 'Yummy Mommy', an innovative new idea for breast-milk ice cream. I explain to those butt-tickling IDIOTS that I already have it fixed up from the supply side (a warehouse full of lactating homeless Mexicans) and “just need the go-ahead from you pair of fruits to sort out the cash and get this bitch on the rails”. They give me some BS about it being 'too weird' and I notice that one of them is cradling a baseball bat, while the other (Ben, or possibly Jerry) has pressed a small button on the desk. The door suddenly bursts open and I find myself being lifted out of the chair by two illegal immigrants and propelled out of the office. Barely manage to shout out my idea for Plan B (in case that one didn't fly): a chain of McDonalds-style quick-service brothels (“E-Zee-Cum, E-Zee-Go!”) that just needs a bit of seed money, before they hurl me out the door and tell me to hit the bricks. BASTARDS!!!

The experience left me so shaken that I had to visit the doctor for a check-up. I nearly ran out the door screaming when I entered the surgery â€" I thought the doctor was Puerto Rican - but they explained that the tan was because he had just come back from holiday (phew!), so I okayed him to give me the once-over: stethoscope plus additional ass-fingering. It's a fact that I don't often tell people, but I have a bad knee, which gives me a lot of pain and caused me to lose several lucrative business opportunities in the past. The doctor prescribed me 200 Oxymorons but told me to be careful because they are very addictive. I don't think he knew who he was dealing with, as the Samurai Sendas are storied men of blood and iron, and I once sat through an entire Coast AM Turmeric Special without homicidal thoughts. The doctor informed me that I had the heart of a 25 year-old man. I immediately began to panic and thought that Sweet Kathy had been opening her big fat yap. Dammit, I always tell the stupid slut to keep the freezer PADLOCKED; and anyway, unemployed Guatemalans don't count, do they? It turns out the doctor is another HATER and was mocking the fact that my bad knee has made me slightly overweight. I decide he must be a lousy spic after all, trying to humiliate whitey, and get up and march out the door, disgusted!! The ugly bitch at reception tries to stop me by saying that I have a large bill to deal with. What the fuck is George Senda? A proud American, or a goddammed PELICAN?!!

I knew it was too good to last. Those MORONS at SeaWorld have 'phoned me and said that Sweet Kathy's contract has been cancelled. They claim that finding a hoop big enough for her to jump through “is beyond the reach of God or man”. They have also been insinuating that she has had something to do with the mysterious disappearance of half their dolphin population. Dammit, I've studied law; just because your cage apartment is littered with dorsal fins, and Sweet Kathy has gained an extra 400 pounds, is circumstantial evidence and doesn't mean SHIT. Fuck all those pricks who call me lazy and selfish, too. I was resting from my labours and watching Columbo when SeaWorld called, and decided to go and pick the bitch up before the episode ended. I was shaking with anxiety the whole drive â€" did Columbo catch that murdering bastard Robert Culp or not? If that's not Love I don't know what is! Arrive at SeaWorld.They hand a naked Sweet Kathy over by catapulting her over the walls, where she lands with a wet flopping smack on the tarmac at my feet. Suddenly realise that I have missed her after all - although the smell of fish is rather overpowering, even by her standards. 

I think she may need some little time to adjust to humanity again after spending so long with marine wildlife. She seems like she has forgotten some of our customs. When I waddled over to embrace her she kicked me in the balls and punched me in the face, which I understand is an authentic greeting in the walrus community but hasn't caught on with us yet, thankfully. Her voice has also changed rather alarmingly. What has happened to the sweet, lulling accents of my little Blueberry Muffin of yore? O! Many's the time I can recall the seductive way she would explain, with cadences of softest velvet, how she “couldn't be bothered to flush the shitter”. Those honeyed tones have now changed to a kind of soggy howl and she has temporarily lost the use of speech. The only sound she is capable of making at present sounds like a warthog drowning in glue, and her inarticulate ramblings are limited to something that sounds a bit like “youtreacherousnogoodfuckingpieceofshit”, although I am sure I must be mistaken.

Home sweet home! I just have time to write this entry before turning in, because if I don't get my 20 hours sleep a day I can barely function. We managed to get Sweet Kathy in eventually (a complicated process involving a crane and a hole in the roof), where she has taken up short-term residence in the bathroom. I have just been correcting Stephen Hawking's homework (that dopey spazz would be nothing without me) while listening to the sound of the shower on 'full' - Sweet Kathy's joyous farts ricocheting off the bathroom walls.

The family is back together!"

(To be continued...)

Coming next: “The Haunting of Casa Senda”.

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on August 18, 2015, 11:12:23 PM
Hello everyone - your ol' buddy Open Lines Gerry here.  Thank you to those of you who have expressed concern about my condition. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on August 19, 2015, 07:22:47 AM
I don't believe a word of this brain surgery bullshit.  It smells like A51D to me.

STFU Jocky jock jock. Kathy has never given head without mayo, but the lying liars won't post that will they? So hot here but no-one will come help me move my bulk onto the toilet so I'll have to stay in bed and wait for the heat to bake things dry. Video later.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 19, 2015, 08:08:22 AM
STFU Jocky jock jock. Kathy has never given head without mayo, but the lying liars won't post that will they? So hot here but no-one will come help me move my bulk onto the toilet so I'll have to stay in bed and wait for the heat to bake things dry. Video later.

The baking and scraping of infectious bodily fluids.

One continuous never ending cycle for the man.




Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 19, 2015, 08:08:22 AM
STFU Jocky jock jock. Kathy has never given head without mayo, but the lying liars won't post that will they? So hot here but no-one will come help me move my bulk onto the toilet so I'll have to stay in bed and wait for the heat to bake things dry. Video later.


You've been telling us the temperature has been 100 degrees Fahrenheit the past few days.  According to the Weather Channel this is simply not true. In fact, they are predicting highs in the mid to upper 60s  (18 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the next ten days in San Francisco.

I submit that you are either telling us tall tales or your mental mayo has curdled.  Which is it?


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on August 18, 2015, 11:12:23 PM
Hello everyone - your ol' buddy Open Lines Gerry here.  informed me that events are still to unfold in September, and then the full measure of Patty's treachery will be revealed.  Falkie - I still believe in you and Kathy!


Dude!  Great to hear fm you.  Heard the surgery went well.  Cool.  You are doing well?  Cool.  Eat as healthy, clean and as much as you are allowed by your Docs.  Rebuild your nutritional base.  (plenty of unwanted advice, right? :D)  I am thrilled that you will be back and at odds with me! ;D
My best to you and your family.  Stay strong, brother.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2015, 04:29:32 AM
And you can fuck off as well, CRETINOUS SNATCH!!!

Just remember, Sweet Kathy's looks won't last forever; I might have to go prowling for some new sweet sweet tail. Howdya like to find me wheezing up to your front door with nothing but a bunch of flowers and 3 inches of raging boner? You might just get to be my new concubine if you play your cards right. Don't forget, I like my women the same way I like my eggs: well beaten and covered in ketchup.

Just to make you WET I am going to show you a picture of me sunbathing in the nude. I don't give a SHIT if it's NSFW, MV can suck my DICK, the philoprogenitive PUTZ!!!!

Start saving those Hellmans coupons, woman, and make with the purty mouth!!!
Bastard!  I'm eating my Proats and now I have shit to clean off my screen.  As Felchie might say, 'You foreign fuck!'


Quote from: MAX on August 19, 2015, 05:51:16 AM

Can we keep all this diabetic I love you shit on the Bella Haven thread? LOL, just my 2 cents worth, for what its worth, just saying, Hug Hugs etc. etc. PS Old Gerry is a Dick Head in my mouth. 



Quote from: paladin1991 on August 19, 2015, 09:10:57 AM

Aha.. Eat shit Sarge Mind your own business and go back to jerking off old Gerry give him another kiss for me  while your at it for me


Quote from: paladin1991 on August 19, 2015, 09:10:57 AM

Also understand why you got your head blown off in full metal jacket


Quote from: MAX on August 19, 2015, 10:33:22 AM

Aha.. Eat shit Sarge Mind your own business and go back to jerking off old Gerry give him another kiss for me  while your at it for me

I think I have just spotted the Paladin compound on Google Earth shortly after that post.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MAX on August 19, 2015, 10:33:22 AM

Aha.. Eat shit Sarge Mind your own business and go back to jerking off old Gerry give him another kiss for me  while your at it for me

Okay Mr Apple Pie (stale no doubt), when have I ever said Area 51 was making overtures to see Kathy? His dirty phone calls don't reach her delicate ears so mind your own business. Even if they did WHICH THEY DO NOT I'd make sure she had her flippers over her ears if she had ears.

Noory has made progress with a big film maker, he hinted it was maybe Scorsese but the line was bad (phone lines buckled in the heat), it could have been Scumbag. Either way it will make me money, especially if I introduce Kathy and her aquatic acrobatics. As long as she doesn't take the attention from me it will be fine, so STFU with any comments about me being jealous of the attention she'll get.

Video later when I'll revue 'Kathy, Mayo and me; the manatee years'.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2015, 04:29:32 AM
  Howdya like to find me wheezing up to your front door with nothing but a bunch of flowers and 3 inches of raging boner?

Sounds to me like someone is cruisin' for a bruisin'.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 19, 2015, 11:00:03 AM
Okay Mr Apple Pie (stale no doubt)
I don't think stale pie has ever proved an issue for our Falkie.


Old Gerry, rest and recuperate because Falkie needs a strong backstop.  It seems that he has diminished his appearance since you left. 

He needs those cheers in the bleachers while he fumbles.


How about renaming the thread to the Falkie Café, All You Can Eat Thread?


Quote from: Dateline on August 19, 2015, 11:58:38 AM
How about renaming the thread to the Falkie Café, All You Can Eat Thread?

Like this?


Quote from: MAX on August 19, 2015, 05:51:16 AM

Can we keep all this diabetic I love you shit on the Bella Haven thread? LOL, just my 2 cents worth, for what its worth, just saying, Hug Hugs etc. etc. PS Old Gerry is a Dick Head   

Screw you my dear Max.  . I'll post my love letters anywhere I want.

Glad you're doing better Gerry and best regards!

From the jaws of defeat this thread is souring to new heights.

Sure we can all praise that lovable arrogant rant-a-holic MV but the real man pulling the strings is the Fabulous MudKing.
Praise the MudKing!


Quote from: Who on August 19, 2015, 08:40:21 AM

You've been telling us the temperature has been 100 degrees Fahrenheit the past few days.  According to the Weather Channel this is simply not true. In fact, they are predicting highs in the mid to upper 60s  (18 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the next ten days in San Francisco.

I submit that you are either telling us tall tales or your mental mayo has curdled.  Which is it?
The law of biothermogenesis.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: aldousburbank on August 19, 2015, 02:33:55 PM
The law of biothermogenesis.
Have to disagree with you my friend. It's the law of flackie just being a lying sack of shit. Plan and simple. Just another excuse for him not to do what is expected or required. Also he believes it helps in his never ending quest for unearned sympathy.  So if it's  80° expect him to add 20°'s to that etc.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on August 19, 2015, 12:47:13 PM
Screw you my dear Max.  . I'll post my love letters anywhere I want.

Glad you're doing better Gerry and best regards!

From the jaws of defeat this thread is souring to new heights.

Sure we can all praise that lovable arrogant rant-a-holic MV but the real man pulling the strings is the Fabulous MudKing.
Praise the MudKing!

A carrion crow sat upon a dead oak.
Sing high, sing cold. It sang about an arrow's mark and terrible woe.
A man took offense to the song so bitter and cold.
"Don't you know that I walk upon the highest road?"
Go fetch me my old bent bow.
So I may shoot you, carrion crow.

Full Song Lyrics: http://www.lyrster.com/lyrics/carrion-crow-lyrics-across-tundras.html#ixzz3jIZJvNCf

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: bateman on August 18, 2015, 03:12:59 PM
Is she doing the review from a closet?
Those eye lids have been so beaten in and scared, she needs a top ranked cut man in her corner to be able to see out of those opaque, glazed over eyeballs. Besides she can barely speak a sentence that makes sense from her brains, what little she had, being scrambled by the beatings and booze. She gets all tanked up, looks like she has for yrs on and off 38 yrs maybe & then flackie has his way with her, for 38yrs give or take, on and off.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2015, 04:20:32 AM
FUCK YOU, Jackoff Dongson!! Stop pretending to be me!!

Shouldn't you be at work arresting and beating the shit out of Mexicans? (Not that I have anything against that).

Why don't you admit the only reason you wanted to be a cop was to get hold of a night stick. 'Cos it reminded you of your boyfriend's big black DICK!!!
Look here Shakespeare,  this jacko must have hacked my site because I don't NEED no stinkin badges to crack nobody up side their head. So mind your own business and really, really  just go and STFU. Because I beat up all kinds of people regardless of the color of their skin. Unlike you, here in America that's how we roll. It's equal opportunity smack downs.  So STFU,  video later as it's as hot as the face of the sun here. So go write a sonnet and STFU.  Time to dust and nap, video much, much later. Mind your own business,  how in the hell do you haters get all my personal info anyway, STFU.

Quote from: Who on August 19, 2015, 08:40:21 AM

You've been telling us the temperature has been 100 degrees Fahrenheit the past few days.  According to the Weather Channel this is simply not true. In fact, they are predicting highs in the mid to upper 60s  (18 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the next ten days in San Francisco.

I submit that you are either telling us tall tales or your mental mayo has curdled.  Which is it?

Falkie is a freckle punching liar but on this one he tells the truth. I live in the same county as Falkie and it hit 106 on Saturday. San Fransico is on the other side of the bay and it tends to be 20 or more degrees cooler over there.

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