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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM

Transcribed some choice Art Bell quotes from the Gabcast (in chronological order.)

"You know I said a long time ago, that if George Knapp, who is a great guy, was the host of Coast to Coast, I wouldn't have even tried to come back with Dark Matter."

"For anybody who thought I wanted to quit, boy is that wrong."

"There was not a viable future with the streaming problems we had."

"Someone did make a comment on Bellgab that I did take to heart, and that was about the Halloween show, but it wasn't because of that comment, it was because that comment was true."

"The reason it was a weak show, is because at that point, my base had pretty well gone, my call screener was unable to call the people who had sent in emails, he called quite a number of them, and then after a while was unable to get through, and you know so yes it was a weak show, and that comment did hit me as being true."

"The non compete covers streaming, the non compete covers virtually every form of communication invented and some of those not yet invented."

"I don't want to go back to terrestrial radio... I just, I don't want to.  No I've had many many offers to do that. I really don't want to do it.  I want to do it on my terms... Right now my terms... I would like to stream, that's number one."

"(Regarding pirate streams) How come everyone else can stream but me?"

"Money I have, my motivation in being on air, is I love it...  And you know I'll say this... My motivation in being on air, is because what's on air now. I really love a quality product... I'm trying to be careful in what I say here.  My goodness, you know I did turn on the radio for a few moments last night at the beginning of the other show, and the first thing I heard is the others show's host suggest (laughs) that a typhoon that was over in Vietnam might be the cause of rain in Hawaii.  And I just kind of shook my head."

"The paranormal deserves better."

"You know I have to admit, I'm the one who laid down the law and said look if we can't stream, if we can't get to my base, if we cant see the future growth of this program then I can't continue with it, and that was on Monday."

"I could have stuck it out, and when I do a show, whatever show it is, I give it 110 percent, I mean I really  work my butt off, and I was willing to continue to do that, but only if we had a way forward, only if we could continue to grow it, and under those conditions we could not continue to grow it.  So I'll put forward that effort trust me guys, I will keep plugging away with all my heart and and all my soul but I want to see that I have a road I can go down that's going to lead somewhere."

"(On the ArtBell.com streaming test) We could have handled as many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands as would care to stream it."

"I received a message from the management person who enticed me to come to Sirius in the first place which
suggested that the streaming was wide open available in America, Canada, and world wide, and you know that wasn't exactly true."

"I really want to say this. I originally thought you know what George Noory is a nice guy, I really thought that, and I thought that was George's main attribute, that he was a nice guy I have absolutely changed my opinion, and that began about a week prior to the program, when they put on a guest who had said horrible things about me, and then continued to get worse and worse and worse. So my opinion of George Noory is that
he lost his main attribute in my opinion."

"I'm here big enough to admit I made a big mistake by getting involved with another large company, what I should have done is go to streaming in the first place.  but I thought here's SiriusXM, I thought gosh you know they came at me and said Art we've got satellite radio all over the US and Canada, it was very tempting, we've got streaming that covers the US, Canada, and the world, which turned out not to be quite so true, and I thought it was a good opportunity away from terrestrial radio, so I'd give it a shot, my mistake I should have gone directly to streaming."

"No I did not (have legal representation)."


Art is all for Pod Casting. I think it will be soo cool when he streams his show and then post the old episodes! I listen to podcast very often.


Quote from: dortmunder on November 13, 2013, 02:23:15 AM
Well, he might be on the air but we already know that he's asleep.

Who's he after here?
Last Active:   Today at 03:36:27 AM

Someone should tell his guests they are talking to themselves and he's over here.


George Knapp should quit hosting C2C altogether and team up with Art.. Art can start streaming but Knapp can be the host until Art's NC is over then they can share duties or do whatever they see fit.


Quote from: eddie dean on November 13, 2013, 12:31:12 AM
You are the man MV! Thanks
I hope you edited out that crazy Australian guy!
Hi jazmunda!  ;D

Yay I've been exonerated by the man himself.

Does my GabCast call count as a call in to Art?


Quote from: malachi.martini on November 13, 2013, 02:44:32 AM
"The reason it was a weak show, is because at that point, my base had pretty well gone, my call screener was unable to call the people who had sent in emails, he called quite a number of them, and then after a while was unable to get through, and you know so yes it was a weak show, and that comment did hit me as being true."

Perhaps he ran into a bunch of people like my mother. A woman who rushes over to the phone every time it rings, reads the caller ID and then says "I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS IS. WHY ARE THEY CALLING ME? WHO ARE THEY? THEY'VE CALLED ___ TIMES BEFORE". Never once considering she should actually pick up the phone and find out.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 13, 2013, 02:52:08 AM
Who's he after here?
Last Active:   Today at 03:36:27 AM

Someone should tell his guests they are talking to themselves and he's over here.
Noory probably has an intern or Tommy using his account to browse here at times, just to mess with ya...  8)


Quote from: Mastodonkey on November 13, 2013, 02:53:12 AM
George Knapp should quit hosting C2C altogether and team up with Art.. Art can start streaming but Knapp can be the host until Art's NC is over then they can share duties or do whatever they see fit.

That's my dream.
Art Bell and George Knapp on the air together.


Quote from: Mastodonkey on November 13, 2013, 02:53:12 AM
George Knapp should quit hosting C2C altogether and team up with Art.. Art can start streaming but Knapp can be the host until Art's NC is over then they can share duties or do whatever they see fit.

EW! you said "...they can share doodies"

(runz away giggling like a 6 year old)  :D


Quote from: Morgus on November 13, 2013, 02:56:21 AM
Noory probably has an intern or Tommy using his account to browse here at times, just to mess with ya...  8)

I do believe it's him for the chatter about his PMs.
Kinda weird he runs to an Art Bell fan forum every chance he can get a break from his show.

Last Active:
    Today at 03:58:54 AM

Last Active:
    Today at 04:00:08 AM



since your in contact with Art now, maybe you can use his new studio to do your show from since he wont be using it for a while :D


Quote from: zeebo on November 13, 2013, 02:26:13 AM
You mean better than a guy who wants to "broaden the show" because you "can't do paranormal all the time" so he brings up lame daytime talk show topics like bullying and trans-fats and schlocky depression cures?  Yep I'd agree.

And Shirley Jones, Pat Boone, Marty Ingalls and Billy Mumy, none who have any particular connection to the paranormal.

Art said once " George Gets It. "

Just when was that Art ?

You can't do paranormal all the time ?

Why not, $noorge ?

Art managed to do it successfully for years as did Ira Blue, Hilly Rose and Long John Nebel.

And Frank Edwards when he was on Mutual.


Quote from: Étouffée on November 13, 2013, 02:22:15 AM
This is all kind of exhausting, yes?  But Art threw us another bone today and I will gladly join yous and gnaw on it.

Stupid tech Q:  on an iPad2, how do you insert a photo into your comments on this thread?  Copy and paste does not work.

Thank you, and FREE ART BELL!
Click "Attachments and other options", under "Attach:", click "Browse", . . . You might get a "false path" error with Safari but, it works on Firefox.

Chad Jacobs

I like the plan of Knapp broadcasting with Art being a regular "guest" until his non-compete is cleared. I would subscribe to a Knapp program and gladly pay what I pay double what I pay for C2C insider right now.  Also, although he's not about the money I don't think Knapp is a multimillionaire and this could easily make him one.  Then again I wonder if Knapp is subject to a non compete from C2C/Premier.

Quote from: WildCard on November 13, 2013, 03:02:10 AM
Click "Attachments and other options", under "Attach:", click "Browse", . . . You might get a "false path" error with Safari but, it works on Firefox.

Thanks, WC.  But in the jungle, the mighty jungle, Safari sleeps tonight.  All "attachment" options are greyed out and I don't have another browser on this iPad.

Damn you, Steve Jobs!

To sleep, perchance to dream.

Paruhmp to dream.

Thanks again, bellgab bud.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 13, 2013, 02:52:08 AM
Who's he after here?
Last Active:   Today at 03:36:27 AM

Someone should tell his guests they are talking to themselves and he's over here.

I agree. We should ask Jazmunda to call and let them know  ;)


Quote from: jazmunda on November 13, 2013, 02:53:23 AM
Yay I've been exonerated by the man himself.

Does my GabCast call count as a call in to Art?

I think you still hold the record.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 13, 2013, 02:56:51 AM
That's my dream.
Art Bell and George Knapp on the air together.

I'm not sure how much of a relationship Art and Knapp have but there is some hint of a mutual respect. I would like to see this happen.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 13, 2013, 02:52:08 AM
Who's he after here?
Last Active:   Today at 03:36:27 AM

Someone should tell his guests they are talking to themselves and he's over here.

Your avatar suggests you are keeping a watchful eye on him so dont try to pull anything


Quote from: dortmunder on November 13, 2013, 03:18:00 AM
I agree. We should ask Jazmunda to call and let them know  ;)

Yeah. This is rude.
Last Active:   Today at 04:08:17 AM

I'd love to know what's so important here. sNoory's a snake and he's up to something.
No posts...


Quote from: Suzeca on November 13, 2013, 03:19:22 AM
Your avatar suggests you are keeping a watchful eye on him so dont try to pull anything
Maybe he enjoys lurking? I know I usually do. ^^


Quote from: Redwolf on November 12, 2013, 09:28:15 PM
I have been talking to my friend who is an entertainment atty that has been working in LA for over 25 years and in that time he has represented many 'top names' in the 'biz'. His words to me have been...Non Competes are VERY HARD to enforce for the full duration (in Art's terms 2 full years). In a court of a law a judge will deem that to be too long to be 'reasonable' for Art to be able to do what he does i.e. broadcast radio. The only way they can BE ENFORCED is if Art received full compensation or extra compensation for the full term (buyout) of his contract. This is what happened when he left Premiere and thus had to stay off the air. That being said, he forfeited his SXM salary and has not had full or extra compensation from SXM. My Ent. atty friend said that the most any judge would hold him too would be no more than 6 months and probably given that he was on the air for 6 weeks and cited 'streaming' problems that were never addressed by sxm...a judge would rule he would be free and clear of any NC. A good Ent. atty would be able to litigate this in a few weeks and Art would either have to sit and wait a few months or could get right back to work immediately.

The fact that sxm replaced his show with c2c (I know the times slots differ a bit) and c2c streams their show from their site as well as archives their shows on their own apps...this is enough reason for an atty or judge to rule in favor of Art being able to begin work right away and not have to wait 2 FULL YEARS! Art offered sxm the same thing that c2c does...non-exclusive content streamed from other sources. sxm said NO to ART and YES to c2c. No judge in the land would make Art sit on the sidelines for 2 full years.

This is not conjecture...this is full disclosure from a very reputable entertainment atty who knows his stuff! Big time!

All Art needs to do is fight it and he will be able to 'win his freedom!'

I hope he wants it!

I hope he wants back on the air!

Fingers crossed!

Go get 'em Art! The law is ON YOUR SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!


Artie, with all due respect sir, dont pussy out and NOT fight  it!!!!!!  I think you can beat this!!!!!!!!!!


After the week we've gone through and all that's been happening in my life away from the radio, I go into the kitchen and turn on $noory to see what he's talking about.
He's got a guy talking about psychopaths, sociopaths, rapists, animal abusers and just plain killers.
Just what I need after a long day to relax.
It's so refreshing to hear yet another " you can't talk about the paranormal all the time " subject.
Made me want to kill my radio.

>:( >:( >:(


Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 13, 2013, 03:33:25 AM

After the week we've gone through and all that's been happening in my life away from the radio, I go into the kitchen and turn on $noory to see what he's talking about.
He's got a guy talking about psychopaths, sociopaths, rapists, animal abusers and just plain killers.
Just what I need after a long day to relax.
It's so refreshing to hear yet another " you can't talk about the paranormal all the time " subject.
Made me want to kill my radio.

>:( >:( >:(

Nooron killed the radio star...


Anybody notice C2C is having a shit-ton of split shows these days? Must be to benefit Jorch since he can't interview anybody no matter who it is for a full show without it becoming boring as hell due to his overall dull nature and interviewing skills.


Damn I just woke up and didn't have my heater on so I could listen to Dark Weekend and now its fucking COLD!

Have any of you noticed that cold coffee tastes a little like chocolate? I wonder if coffee and chocolate are related? Maybe they evolved from the same animal, like how dogs and cats both evolved from the rat.


Quote from: Mastodonkey on November 13, 2013, 03:36:41 AM
Anybody notice C2C is having a shit-ton of split shows these days? Must be to benefit Jorch since he can't interview anybody no matter who it is for a full show without it becoming boring as hell due to his overall dull nature and interviewing skills.

With the split show and all the infomercials, how much time does a guest actually get?

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