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The GabCast (A podcast about BellGab)

Started by onan, October 22, 2013, 06:30:19 PM


Who cares anymore?  The deed is done. Id rather talk about the actual gabcast than this ass clown any further. 

Does anyone know if Art has posted lately, or plan on calling up close to when his NC is up?

Bart Ell

Quote from: Khameleon808 on July 26, 2014, 07:08:03 PM
Me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I better than fudgit me me me I I I I

The GabCast - Some Mondays at 8


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 26, 2014, 07:10:45 PM
Me me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I better than fudgit me me me I I I I

Now you're getting the idea.  And what's great is that you can insert anyone's name for that quote and you would still be correct.     

Bart Ell

Quote from: Khameleon808 on July 26, 2014, 07:12:04 PM
Now you're getting the idea.  And what's great is that you can insert anyone's name for that quote and you would still be correct.   
Yeah, no.
Most people do not point at someone, say they have mental issues and then go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how much more they have accomplished than said mental case. When that is not enough, they do not then go on to defend themselves against "attacks" from the person they say needs professional help.

The GabCast - A step above Fake To Black. 8pm
Or 5pm.... or whatever month it is in Australia.


"and everywhere Fidget surely went a stink of shit was sure to go" - old bellgab.com folktale


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 26, 2014, 07:17:53 PM
Yeah, no.
Most people do not point at someone, say they have mental issues and then go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how much more they have accomplished than said mental case. When that is not enough, they do not then go on to defend themselves against "attacks" from the person they say needs professional help.

Did you completely ignore the beginning parts of his thread when he was inserting random pictures of things he "accomplished" lonnnnnng before I even entered the discussion?  or how in recent posts he's bragged more and more about them in effort to 'one-up' mine? (which I still have not even mentioned by name)   I only mentioned my involvement with Tron because he felt he needed to.  Digital Domain for those who dont know, is an fx company at Venice Beach, just a few blocks from teh boardwalk. Bragging about hanging out with an fx department when I am dealing with people that contracted THEM, holds no weight to me.  Other than me mentioning that.  I dont feel i went ON and ON about shit. Other than professing to know more about business than he does, which I do.  And if you are not smart enough to recognize that he has some mental issues by holding on to a 17 year fuck up that he was the cause of, then I feel sorry for your perception and observational skills.   I among MANY others here have detected that this guy has several screws loose. And short of us paying for a "professional" to sit him down and make that official, of course its conjecture on our part.  But I am 99.9% sure this guy did/does/or needs to take medication for his 'condition'.   The violence, the denial, the inability to move on in life.  Its obsessive and the only therapy he can seem to find to cope with his failed past, is coming here to explain his story.   

He has done that.    Correct?   (pls dont dodge this question)

The response he got was not what he planned or anticipated? Correct? 

If you make a claim that all you are here for is to explain something, and you have, doesnt it stand to reason that when you are done, there is no further need for you here.  Especially if almost all the people do not want to hear what you have to say? (and spare me the "right to be here" crap) I am asking if you personally would hang out where you werent welcome after your objective was complete?

He painted the picture I am responding to.  How is it that all these people come to the same conclusion of "move on with life" as advice, but he seems to shoot holes in every suggestion and still be considered sane?      Look at his some of his random posts, you can see where people offered good advice *maybe in a bad form*  but generally tellin him to move on.  And this guy gets a pissy attitude about it and explains with moer excuses how he 'cant just move on' and needs to 'make things right'   Its too fuckin late buddy. 

So yes, he has a problem.  Just like I have a problem typing too much. At least I admit it.  Ill have to keep my responses about this issue more succinct. Or just hit me up in the gabcast chat room if you don't wish to clutter the forum any longer with either walltext or one-liners.   Drop it or Go there please.  Noting that I am making an effort to talk about the cast now instead of this shit.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 26, 2014, 07:33:29 PM
That's the best offer I've had this week!

Walked right into that one, didn't I? lol

Bart Ell

Quote from: Khameleon808 on July 26, 2014, 07:35:58 PM
But he started it Daddy it's not me you can't make me stop all these words I HAVE TO SHOW THE WORLD I AM BETTER THAN FIDGNIT come on see my point don't ignore it

THE GABCAST - You may get muted... you may be a mute already
SoMeONDAYS at 8PM real world time.
Other times for losers in lesser places.

Mr. Fidget

   A suggestion for the Gabcast: A "wise and scholarly" poster, once said "less is more" in this thread.
   It should become gabcast canon. The idea "apparently in style today" that more is more, is going nowhere... like the location of my respect for all this personal derision... nowhere.
   Being a creative who prefers to build as opposed to destroy that's my suggestion for the Gabcast.

ps. And in the spirit of walking the walk, you'll certainly be seeing less of me more often, rejoice amongst your potty mouth selves.


Quote from: Mr. Fidget on July 26, 2014, 07:44:02 PM
   A suggestion for the Gabcast, a "wise and scholarly" poster, once said "less is more" in this thread. It should become gabcast canon, the idea "apparently in style today" that more is more, is going nowhere. Being a creative who prefers to build as opposed to destroy that's my suggestion for the Gabcast.


Do you really wanna compare post counts, princess?   As I said all issues regarding your opinions of me, fudgeit, or the situation can be addressed in the chat room as it is currently by myself and other users. I am done feeding trolls on the forum. 

And Mr. Fidget, your posts while a greater number than mine, had less to say in actual content when added up.  But you're welcome to the room to discuss further.  Or beat the deadhorse here.  Either way I am done.   Seeya

Bart Ell

Quote from: Khameleon808 on July 26, 2014, 07:08:58 PM
Who cares anymore?  The deed is done. Id rather talk about the actual gabcast than this ass clown any further


Quote from: Khameleon808 on July 26, 2014, 07:48:35 PM
Either way I am done.   Seeya

THE GABCAST - Hopefully not taking calls
Maybe tomorrow? 8 Pee M some places, other times elsewhere


What a fucked-up thread .....

'My dick is bigger than your dick ....'
On and on, on and on .....


It was just fine until MF derailed it.

Quote from: b_dubb on July 26, 2014, 08:33:07 PM
It was just fine until MF derailed it.

b_dubb, is this a gap week coming up and b. where will I get my Taintco fix?


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on July 26, 2014, 08:42:33 PM
b_dubb, is this a gap week coming up and b. where will I get my Taintco fix?
We have a super secret meeting tomorrow. We will discuss ways to get you through this trying time.

I would've thought last weeks show would have kept you floating on a GabCast high for a while. Are you developing a tolerance?


Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on July 26, 2014, 07:56:52 PM
What a fucked-up thread .....

'My dick is bigger than your dick ....'
On and on, on and on .....

Oh no you don't.... MY DICK blah blah blah blah blah blah... your dick blah blah blah... MY DICK blah blah blah blah.

can you guys call in the next gabcast, have phonesex, and make up?


monday MONDAY MONDAY.... the gabcast cock-off brought to you by taintco!!

Quote from: b_dubb on July 26, 2014, 09:00:19 PM
We have a super secret meeting tomorrow. We will discuss ways to get you through this trying time.

I would've thought last weeks show would have kept you floating on a GabCast high for a while. Are you developing a tolerance?

Yes, I am on a Gabcast poop joke/Noory soundboard high. In fact, I break out into random laughter which scares my dog, but I don't care. However, withdrawal symptoms may happen and I may need professional help from the medical subsidiary of Taintco.

Quote from: b_dubb on July 26, 2014, 09:03:08 PM
Backed into it?

Forgot to check the rear view mirrors.


Mr. Fidget

   I really wanted to help Gabcast pick up it's game, to give it's nose a rest, so I went to see how to nominate it for a podcast award.
   There are so many categories, I could not decide which was correct, and the "potty award" area was clearly in a wikipedia elite zone, so... a little "speck on the Clydesdale of Bellgab" like me could not get to the "private area" *sniffle *sniffle to nominate you.
   IMAGINE my surprise when I saw it WAS ALREADY a podcast award winner from 2005! I thought "I knew you guys could be winners, I'm sure glad to be on the winning team!"
   Then, after couple minutes, when the natural effect of Gabcast's content wore off... my eye's uncrossed... and shockingly... for the first time in my adult life... I REALIZED I WAS WRONG.
   It was the "CAGcast," in the Gaming Category for 2007. I was TRULY SHOCKED! What a fool I WAS!
   I have to go now, and contemplate what this all means. It is as little fun to find out the WINNER you THOUGHT you were backing... was not even in the race... as it is to discover the *sniffle *sniffle sad truth that you've been idolizing a niche also ran, my beloved *sniffle *sniffle whaaaaaa! GABCAST!

pps. My target... creative writing, creative editing, and pure original creative thought... what I don't hear or see from the GABCAST often enough.



Quote from: Mr. Fidget on July 26, 2014, 07:44:02 PM
ps. And in the spirit of walking the walk, you'll certainly be seeing less of me more often, rejoice amongst your potty mouth selves.

...that didn't hold up. :(

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on July 26, 2014, 06:31:02 PM
pps. but I'm done with gabcast so there will never be another appearance and you guys can go pound sand!

Let's hope this one does.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on July 26, 2014, 11:43:15 PM


If you were so fucking smart you wouldn't need so many postscripts.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on July 27, 2014, 01:23:00 AM

If you were so fucking smart you wouldn't need so many postscripts.

HAHAHAHAHAHA  this the best thing I have seen all week......better then that guy outside the wire beating the shit out of that goat.....


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