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20131007 - Ghost Investigator Society - Paranormal Matter

Started by MV/Liberace!, October 07, 2013, 04:07:11 PM


Ok never have these guys on again. Art may cut the show off early I can hear it In his voice he isn't buying it...



Quote from: CRM 114 on October 07, 2013, 09:46:19 PM
I wormholed Art my Auschwitz questioned.

Its a good comment, and frankly the image in my mind while reading it is far more terrifying than anything im gonna hear tonight..


This is not a GIS show.  This is Brendan Cook trying to hang out with his buddy and creating fake EVPs for reasons unknown.  SO FAKE it's frustrating.


Oh man I picked the wrong time to switch to headphones.


Quote from: CRM 114 on October 07, 2013, 09:46:19 PM
I wormholed Art my Auschwitz questioned.

i don't think the people who take care of  Auschwitz would be into that...


OH MY~! EWWWWWW super creepy! I was about to say all this talk about demons on chunga's part is making me want to sick some hell raiser cenobites his way... seems others feel the same even on the other side.

I thought ghosts don't have lungs? How come this one you can hear breath?

Yeah, that was definitely human.  That wheeze at the end.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 09:47:08 PM
I still haven't smoked anything. Now I find out there was a falling out... you could tell there was something weird when Brendan said "She's getting too old"

That was a rude thing to say, period.

Yeah I thought that was weird. She probably *was* kicking the radio, like Art said LOL.


That was totally Chonga on that last EVP sipping the last of a Double Gulp


Quote from: awguy on October 07, 2013, 09:44:37 PM
I can't believe Art is surprised by the plastic eyes thing...  they told that same story when on with Art years ago. In fact, that's the one EVP that I will never forget... "Plastic eyes"

It's odd because Art was fascinated and creeped out about the plastic eyes at the time.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 09:47:08 PM
I still haven't smoked anything. Now I find out there was a falling out... you could tell there was something weird when Brendan said "She's getting too old"

That was a rude thing to say, period.

Yes - very odd ... thinking the falling out had to do with this chumba wumba motormouth. She likely didn't like him coming onboard with such a lack of paranormal investigative background.

Chunga is too fucking loud  that's why there's some breakup! Fucking club kid wannabe chump motherfucker dance music playing piece of shit. I know why Barbara left your dumb asses, because these EVP's are fake as your bullshit "EDM Career"

Chunga you fucking piece of shit!

EVP, not EDM!!!

One of the charm of the old GIS shows was that despite disbelief, it was perhaps SOME kind of unknown noise that was recorded, be it vent systems or creaking floors or old plumbing or whatever. These are just dudes that recorded themselves and then announce "GHOSTS!"

There is a lot missing. And Chunga is really annoying.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 09:51:58 PM
Chunga is too fucking loud  that's why there's some breakup! Fucking club kid wannabe chump motherfucker dance music playing piece of shit. I know why Barbara left your dumb asses, because these EVP's are fake as your bullshit "EDM Career"

Chunga you fucking piece of shit!

EVP, not EDM!!!

Go ahead and spark that bowl buddy =D

CRM 114

Quote from: casioson on October 07, 2013, 09:50:00 PM
i don't think the people who take care of  Auschwitz would be into that...

You can go there and walk around, I went. no one would comment if you had a small digital recorder on in your pocket. Its a sad  sad place. Whast super freaky is they re used a lot of the bricks and stuff from the camp in the town. If ghosts where real, it would be the most haunted place on the planet.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 09:51:58 PM
Chunga is too fucking loud  that's why there's some breakup! Fucking club kid wannabe chump motherfucker dance music playing piece of shit. I know why Barbara left your dumb asses, because these EVP's are fake as your bullshit "EDM Career"

Chunga you fucking piece of shit!

EVP, not EDM!!!

All of this.


Quote from: nofAcedAgent on October 07, 2013, 09:46:05 PM
Well they said in the begining that they are using digital recorders now, and you are listening to sirus and not radio - those two things are going to change sound significantly.

I agree though

They were using digital recorders in the last few shows they did with Art and they were a lot clearer but these sound crystal clear and I'm not buying that it's because it's on Sirius as the reason.


I just wormholed Art about the quality being too good.


Holy crap! That last one made me wanna light up the old smudge stick, lol.

I think I am done here. Enough bullshit and bullshitters on Art's shows. I see where this is going. A trainwreck. I"m going to bed night all...

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