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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: (Redacted) on December 13, 2015, 03:03:04 AM
Art deserves to do his show in peace.

Good to see you back around bellgab (Redacted) !   ;D

For me,  I'll be listening!  Will I subscribe?  I dunno yet. For me, it's going to be about the guests.  I would love to see you make the show "Your OWN"  with interesting guests I haven't already heard for the past 20 years, and that aren't making appearances on all the other free and/or subscription shows every other month.

eddie dean


It has just sunk in for me after reading this ^
It's sad that it has to end like this for Art, DMDN and everyone involved with the show.
Tough situation for Keith and Red as well.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 13, 2015, 01:18:39 PM
Ok I resubscribed to Hoagie -- though he's still an ass -- just cuz I want Keith's network to stay up.  The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

Assuming Heather's 30 days aren't just to fulfill some contracts' requirements and keep the lawsuits at bay, at this point I'd love to see her crank out some businesslike, quality shows with Art hovering in the background.  Nothing will silence the critics and ease the disappointment but that will do wonders.

Here's some unsolicited, and possibly unwelcome - sheesh - , advice:

Making the show about the veracity of a guest's claims is pointless and self-defeating cuz most of 'em are making it up.  They're tale-spinners; just draw it out of them, make them go dancing out on that limb.

Relax and have fun.  This is mindless entertainment for most of us, and if you're having fun we probably are, too.

Be strong and confident but keep the posturing for the mirror at home.  You can't afford to alienate anyone actually engaged with the show.  Putting out a quality product is the only rejoinder you need.

Good luck, I hope for all of us this is a star-is-born moment.

I think this the "bargaining" stage of grief.

Relatively new her. But, I have some advice. Whoever is the guest, hold their feet to the fire and make them squirm. Nothing is better than listening to a charlatan get their comeuppance!


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 13, 2015, 01:18:39 PM
Ok I resubscribed to Hoagie -- though he's still an ass -- just cuz I want Keith's network to stay up.

I think I'm going to do the same thing, even though I can't generally stand to listen to RH butcher the field of physics with his hair-brained theories.  He did have a really good guest on recently explaining the history of the Middle East, and RH mostly let him talk, mostly.  America needs a smarter alternative to ClearChannel/Premiere/Fox corporate brainwashing, and the DMRN is just what the doctor ordered.


Quote from: eddie dean on December 13, 2015, 01:26:19 PM

It has just sunk in for me after reading this ^
It's sad that it has to end like this for Art, DMDN and everyone involved with the show.
Tough situation for Keith and Red as well.

Unfortunately, Art will be stewing in his own fear for awhile. If the stalking is true, people like this just don't quit. Their joy comes from their victims fear.


Quote from: grizpsych on December 13, 2015, 01:33:13 PM
Unfortunately, Art will be stewing in his own fear for awhile. If the stalking is true, people like this just don't quit. Their joy comes from their victims fear.

Not if the police catch and prosecute the shooter.  I'm still hoping this happens, whether Art stays or goes. 


Quote from: grizpsych on December 13, 2015, 01:31:21 PM
Relatively new her. But, I have some advice. Whoever is the guest, hold their feet to the fire and make them squirm. Nothing is better than listening to a charlatan get their comeuppance!

Haha yeah Art did that on rare occasions; mostly he let the callers do it, or did it himself in the last half-hour.  But you gotta let the bs bloom first.

Rick Deckard

I'm hoping Art will host on weekends.


Quote from: flimflam384 on December 13, 2015, 01:41:29 PM
Not if the police catch and prosecute the shooter.  I'm still hoping this happens, whether Art stays or goes.

According to the police, they aren't looking. The case is, apparently, closed.


Quote from: BellBoy on December 13, 2015, 01:47:10 PM
According to the police, they aren't looking. The case is, apparently, closed.

What the police are saying publicly, and whatever theoretical investigations may be going on behind the scenes, may be two entirely different things.  And besides, there are more than one agency that may be looking at this.  Maybe the Sheriffs stepped aside so the Federal authorities can handle it?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: flimflam384 on December 13, 2015, 01:49:46 PM
What the police are saying publicly, and whatever theoretical investigations may be going on behind the scenes, may be two entirely different things.  And besides, there are more than one agency that may be looking at this.  Maybe the Sheriffs stepped aside so the Federal authorities can handle it?

Or perhaps the MIB turned up, scared the shit out of the locals. Brought in ET's from Sigma X1 and combined with Bigfoot and black eyed children the whirlwind of paralysing fear was brought down on Chaise Bell?


Quote from: flimflam384 on December 13, 2015, 01:49:46 PM
What the police are saying publicly, and whatever theoretical investigations may be going on behind the scenes, may be two entirely different things.  And besides, there are more than one agency that may be looking at this.  Maybe the Sheriffs stepped aside so the Federal authorities can handle it?

Sheriff's Office: "Yeah, we drove out there and had a look around, didn't find anything to substantiate further investigation. The old guy was pretty shook up though."

The FBI: "Well, we have credible sources on BellGab that say otherwise. Step aside!"


Quote from: Chronaut on December 13, 2015, 01:25:13 PM
This is great news; thank you Heather.  And Keith is on board to see if we can get through this crisis too; wonderful - this is exactly what I was hoping to find when I signed on today.  Well, I was also hoping to hear that the smoldering remains of the cowardly stalker were found after he  peed on an electrical fence, but there's time.

A lot of people keep complaining that Art has quit something like five times, but nobody's mentioned that he's also cracked open the mic five time times.  The man loves broadcasting.  I trust that one day he'll be back, if only as a guest host from time to time, once he and his family are safe and secure again.

When Art left Coast to Coast AM, we got saddled with that feckless corporate puppet Noory.  This time we've got one of our own at the helm, and Keith working his mojo behind the scenes.  That's a HUGE improvement.   I'm all in.

Give 'em hell, Heather.  Not only do I think that your genuine and long-standing interest in the show's topics and your classy intelligence offer great hope for an intriguing program, but keeping the show alive is a direct blow against the cowardly creeps behind these despicable acts of terrorism.

All in all, it's a damn good fight, and we're lucky to have both you and Keith standing up for what's right.
I couldn't have said it better, myself.

actually fuck that it's +infinity


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 13, 2015, 01:54:51 PM

Or perhaps the MIB turned up, scared the shit out of the locals. Brought in ET's from Sigma X1 and combined with Bigfoot and black eyed children the whirlwind of paralysing fear was brought down on Chaise Bell?

Maybe even things with red eyes!


I've wondered if this isn't a government spook doing this terror....


Quote from: eddie dean on December 13, 2015, 01:26:19 PM

It has just sunk in for me after reading this ^
It's sad that it has to end like this for Art, DMDN and everyone involved with the show.
Tough situation for Keith and Red as well.
I agree with you Eddie.  But right now, we need to pull together to keep the show alive.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.  This is my return missive to Keith regarding subscription cancellation:

Hi Keith.

Not only do I NOT want a refund, I want to keep my subscription going.  I think Heather stepped up and handled the show in a very professional manner, considering the situation was thrown at her at the very last minute.  This shows me that she has the great potential to make MITD and DMDR quite successful in the future.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.

So, I'm not going to jump ship.  I'm going to stay on board, help to shore up the old gal, and ride the high seas with the rest of you.


Quote from: BellBoy on December 13, 2015, 01:55:56 PM
Sheriff's Office: "Yeah, we drove out there and had a look around, didn't find anything to substantiate further investigation. The old guy was pretty shook up though."

The FBI: "Well, we have credible sources on BellGab that say otherwise. Step aside!"

Hey, I haven't even made that episode of GabbingNow yet!  :P

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: brig on December 13, 2015, 01:56:55 PM
Maybe even things with red eyes!

Red? That's crazy talk!


Quote from: slippingaway on December 13, 2015, 01:57:17 PM
I've wondered if this isn't a government spook doing this terror....

i had thought of that...cause since his return he really hasnt had anything..overly controversial ...save the hubrids thing i guess..but to me that was just flat out..crazy


Quote from: starrmtn001 on December 13, 2015, 01:58:12 PM
I agree with you Eddie.  But right now, we need to pull together to keep the show alive.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.  This is my return missive to Keith regarding subscription cancellation:
Hi Keith.

Not only do I NOT want a refund, I want to keep my subscription going.  I think Heather stepped up and handled the show in a very professional manner, considering the situation was thrown at her at the very last minute.  This shows me that she has the great potential to make MITD and DMDR quite successful in the future.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.

So, I'm not going to jump ship.  I'm going to stay on board, help to shore up the old gal, and ride the high seas with the rest of you.

I've posted my new avatar as a show of support for (redacted). "Horns Up For Heather". 

Let's rally together to support one of our own and show solidarity for Team Art Bell.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: slippingaway on December 13, 2015, 01:57:17 PM
I've wondered if this isn't a government spook doing this terror....

<sigh>  It's aliens! It makes sense, the guests don't lie!


Quote from: (Redacted) on December 13, 2015, 06:12:09 AM
How was that interview a slap in the face to Art's fans?  I go by Heather Wade, and my balls are solid steel, thank you.

Dearest Heather, please pay no attention to these type of posting, that prompted your reply.
Most of  understand, the importance you play in "Keeping the Dream Alive"... It's all in your very capable hands!

Love Art.. Praise MV..  Adore Heather..


Quote from: starrmtn001 on December 13, 2015, 01:58:12 PM
I agree with you Eddie.  But right now, we need to pull together to keep the show alive.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.  This is my return missive to Keith regarding subscription cancellation:
Hi Keith.

Not only do I NOT want a refund, I want to keep my subscription going.  I think Heather stepped up and handled the show in a very professional manner, considering the situation was thrown at her at the very last minute.  This shows me that she has the great potential to make MITD and DMDR quite successful in the future.  Heather can do this.  Give her a chance.

So, I'm not going to jump ship.  I'm going to stay on board, help to shore up the old gal, and ride the high seas with the rest of you.

Hey Keith, if your reading this count me in


Quote from: trostol on December 13, 2015, 01:59:25 PM
i had thought of that...cause since his return he really hasnt had anything..overly controversial ...save the hubrids thing i guess..but to me that was just flat out..crazy
Bill Birnes broke the news that Malichi Martin was an agent...maybe the shadow government is upset.

I hope Jazmunda & the Mud King are going to be OK tonight...just saying...


Quote from: (Redacted) on December 13, 2015, 02:51:10 AM
I will be hosting Midnight In The Desert starting on Monday night.  It pains me a great deal to have my dream handed to me like this; Art should be the one on that mic.  It is his rightful place.  Anytime he wants to return, the seat is his.  For now, I will keep that fire lit for him.
Got your back (Redacted).  I just emailed Keith to tell him to keep my subscription active.  I'll support you in any way I'm able to, to keep you on the air kiddo.  Chops?  You got 'em! ;) ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Ciardelo on December 13, 2015, 02:04:07 PM
Bill Birnes broke the news that Malichi Martin was an agent...maybe the shadow government is upset.

I hope Jazmunda & the Mud King are going to be OK tonight...just saying...

It's okay, they're only allowed wax crayons and no belts or laces.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on December 13, 2015, 02:05:22 PM
Got your back (Redacted).  I just emailed Keith to tell him to keep my subscription active.  I'll support you in any way I'm able to, to keep you on the air kiddo.  Chops?  You got 'em! ;) ;D
We have to email to keep our subscriptions? I never even considered dropping mine. Do I have to opt in now?


Quote from: serenity on December 13, 2015, 02:03:43 PM
Hey Keith, if your reading this count me in

me too.  I will back Heather til she tells us to go away. She is a bellgabber!

Roswells, Art

If Red stays afloat Art will do some shows occasionally. That is a good reason to support her.


Quote from: slippingaway on December 13, 2015, 01:57:17 PM
I've wondered if this isn't a government spook doing this terror....

Eh, that really doesn't make sense to me.  Art doesn't have anything on his show that other hosts don't, he isn't saying we need to attack the government or doing anything (in my eyes) illegal.  Nothing is really said on Art's show that isn't said on other shows pretty regularly, and people like Jorch aren't being attacked.  As far as shady three-letter-agency folk that may or may not exist go, I still don't see what they'd have to gain by shutting Art up.  Art is not a whistleblower, he is an entertainer.  It's not like he's even interviewing real actual whistleblowers like Assange or Snowden.

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