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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on December 02, 2015, 04:24:44 PM
There's a difference between voicing an honest opinion as you do, and trolling to get a rise out of people. You're no troll, you're just a cranky old Art Bell listener  :D

I don't know what "rise" you are even referring to. If your ideal is a place where we have total consensus and no other opinion is tolerated then we have very different attitudes to life. People who usually take these sorts of positions are almost always unsure of what they believe, and don't like to have anything tested because it seems threatening. It's the similar sort of attitude that over-protective mothers take: they try to avoid anything even remotely harmful for their little darlings, and the kids ends up growing up into hypochondriac milksops. If you had your way this place would be one huge claque and would die on its arse, with all the interesting people having long since buggered off somewhere more entertaining. Be careful what you wish for.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 07:37:41 AM
We've been through this, dear. I've sat on chairs whose opinion I value more than yours. You can say whatever you like, but unless you back it up with something substantive then it is worth precisely bugger all. By calling someone a "troll" you are indulging in the sort of labelling that gets confused for intelligent debate these days. It seems that anybody who has an opinion that is not mainstream ends up finding themselves the subject of a personal attack; it is lazy bullshit, and allows the attacker to respond while not actually addressing the argument itself. So, you are "racist", "homophobic", "transphobic" (god help us!) or whatever, if you happen to mention something that falls, however tangentially, into those areas. And, no, for all you idiots out there, I am not calling Art Bell a black, gay shemale! Although, now you mention it...

Pretty much.

I think it's interesting that the two people who have been called trolls have one thing in common (not simply that they are both charming and handsome, and possessed of awesome sexual stamina): they are both Brits - or, if you prefer, Limey trolls.

Who he?

I think this is where we have an advantage over you. If you had a monarchy you'd be much less likely to fall into the trap of worshipping people. It seems that a lot of you have to bow down to someone or other, whether it's Almighty Lord Jaysus, or some pop culture celebrity. I am pretty sure the cult of celebrity originated from over there. Because we have a bunch of flap-eared morons called the Royal Family who, supposedly, demand nominal respect, we often see through stuff like this and aren't afraid to tell the Emperor that he's hanging it out in the breeze. That tends to be what sets us apart, for better or worse, from most other countries. We could never have someone like Hitler come to power here because we'd be too busy laughing at him. On the other side of the coin, it means we don't always take things as seriously as we should. And, no, once again, I am not calling Art Bell a racist genocidal maniac. Although, now you mention it...

Bang on, absolutely bang on. But we can spot a twat a mile off, and usually declare war on him. Hey ho...

I keep trying to think the best of people, but I am always falling into the same trap of overestimating people's intelligence. Art's a big boy. He also knows that it is far better to be talked about, in his profession, than not. The sort of stuff we see here reminds me of a child with a bunny rabbit who loved it so much she squeezed it to death. These self-appointed arbiters don't realise how silly they are, because all they do is stifle anything interesting or amusing. My idea of a troll is someone who goes around being deliberately unpleasant. It's boring and destructive. Trying to pose alternative points of view is neither of those things. You can choose to disagree, or you can ignore it, but calling somebody names just makes you look an idiot. The same goes for those bloody fools who go on about thread derailing - if you don't like it then come up with something of your own and, if it's interesting, people will talk about that instead, problem solved!


And, yes, I continue to be hot for you. You remain one of the few females on here with whom I haven't made the beast with two backs. Although I detect a noticeable waning of sales resistance if those PMs you keep sending me are to be believed.  ;)

At least your southern charm, sophistication and premature ejaculation hasn't gone un-noticed. Good luck with the TL seduction. Tiger Lilly; be gentle with him please, he's from south of Watford Gap.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 07:51:50 AM
I don't know what "rise" you are even referring to. If your ideal is a place where we have total consensus and no other opinion is tolerated then we have very different attitudes to life. People who usually take these sorts of positions are almost always unsure of what they believe, and don't like to have anything tested because it seems threatening. It's the similar sort of attitude that over-protective mothers take: they try to avoid anything even remotely harmful for their little darlings, and the kids ends up growing up into hypochondriac milksops. If you had your way this place would be one huge claque and would die on its arse, with all the interesting people having long since buggered off somewhere more entertaining. Be careful what you wish for.

If I may be the lone voice of dissent and reason, from the stony shores of this dour, grey isle, I'd just like to add these two, brief comments:

        Great show, Art!   You da man, Art!


i was out cold last night.... so... Looking forward to last nights show RIGHT NOW!!


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on December 02, 2015, 02:39:43 PM
Filled it with 25 pages of trolling and put Art Bell on the defensive because Falkie apparently has become boring.

Bull (to coin a phrase) shit. Nobody has Art on the defensive. These so-called "defenders" seem to think Art is a moron. And what does "defensive" even mean in this context? He either denies it or, more sensibly, he ignores it totally. Just because someone suggests an alternative explanation doesn't mean Art's life is affected one iota.

Oh, I almost forgot...

Great show, Art!

You da man, Art!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 07:37:41 AM
... I think it's interesting that the two people who have been called trolls have one thing in common (not simply that they are both charming and handsome, and possessed of awesome sexual stamina): they are both Brits - or, if you prefer, Limey trolls. I think this is where we have an advantage over you. If you had a monarchy you'd be much less likely to fall into the trap of worshipping people. It seems that a lot of you have to bow down to someone or other, whether it's Almighty Lord Jaysus, or some pop culture celebrity. I am pretty sure the cult of celebrity originated from over there. Because we have a bunch of flap-eared morons called the Royal Family who, supposedly, demand nominal respect, we often see through stuff like this and aren't afraid to tell the Emperor that he's hanging it out in the breeze. That tends to be what sets us apart, for better or worse, from most other countries. We could never have someone like Hitler come to power here because we'd be too busy laughing at him. On the other side of the coin, it means we don't always take things as seriously as we should. And, no, once again, I am not calling Art Bell a racist genocidal maniac. Although, now you mention it...

I could mention Cambodia had a monarchy and that didn't prevent Pol Pot from taking over.  But I won't, because there can't be more than a few thousand other examples of less than stellar events, ranging from questionable hero worship to horribly bloody changes in power, that somehow occurred in monarchies down through history.

I knew something was missing over here, and it's a bit embarrassing that it took a BellGab poster from jolly old England to put his finger on it - we need a monarchy in order to set things straight!  Now all we need to do is find a suitable family willing to take on the job - do you think we could borrow one of your royals to help us get pointed in the right direction?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 03, 2015, 08:50:07 AM
I could mention Cambodia had a monarchy and that didn't prevent Pol Pot from taking over.  But I won't, because there can't be more than a few thousand other examples of less than stellar events, ranging from questionable hero worship to horribly bloody changes in power, that somehow occurred in monarchies down through history.

I knew something was missing over here, and it's a bit embarrassing that it took a BellGab poster from jolly old England to put his finger on it - we need a monarchy in order to set things straight!  Now all we need to do is find a suitable family willing to take on the job - do you think we could borrow one of your royals to help us get pointed in the right direction?

You could have Chuck and Camilla...It solves the problem with Brenda abdicating (which she won't) or waiting for her to die (that might be another ten years). We then jump straight to Billy and Katherine. Win win...

I should warn you though, Chuck is BIG on environmental issues and grouse shooting. Just saying. 


Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 03, 2015, 08:50:07 AM
I could mention Cambodia had a monarchy and that didn't prevent Pol Pot from taking over.  But I won't, because there can't be more than a few thousand other examples of less than stellar events, ranging from questionable hero worship to horribly bloody changes in power, that somehow occurred in monarchies down through history.

I knew something was missing over here, and it's a bit embarrassing that it took a BellGab poster from jolly old England to put his finger on it - we need a monarchy in order to set things straight!  Now all we need to do is find a suitable family willing to take on the job - do you think we could borrow one of your royals to help us get pointed in the right direction?

Do I have to go over every post I write so that it is clearly comprehensible to a retarded 5 year-old? Christ on a bike, man! I said that because you don't have a group of unelected morons in a position of power, you tend to see (more than us, anyway) that people in positions of power and influence are worthy of respect, even exempt from criticism. I wasn't advocating you have a bloody monarchy, I was pointing out why I thought we had such different viewpoints. And rather insightful it was too, if I say so myself.

If you posted that in a deliberate attempt to piss me off, however, then well done, sir.  :)


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 09:13:03 AM
Do I have to go over every post I write so that it is clearly comprehensible to a retarded 5 year-old? Christ on a bike, man! I said that because you don't have a group of unelected morons in a position of power, you tend to see (more than us, anyway) that people in positions of power and influence are worthy of respect, even exempt from criticism. I wasn't advocating you have a bloody monarchy, I was pointing out why I thought we had such different viewpoints. And rather insightful it was too, if I say so myself.

If you posted that in a deliberate attempt to piss me off, however, then well done, sir.  :)

But wait, you're confusing the issue. If 'Merica now has to have a monarchy, will Art Bell still be able to do great shows? Will he still be da man?!


Get off the lawn!  You leave spots!   :P

p.s.  It's easier to find photos of male dogs urinating


Quote from: BellBoy on December 03, 2015, 09:20:05 AM
But wait, you're confusing the issue. If 'Merica now has to have a monarchy, will Art Bell still be able to do great shows? Will he still be da man?!

Let me assure you, BellBoob, that even if I may suspect Art of being unsound when it comes to mice, he is still "da man" in every other respect. He might be even better - with King Charles's big flappy ears all over the news media he might be able to claim a mothman sighting as well!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 07:37:41 AM
I am pretty sure the cult of celebrity originated from over there. Because we have a bunch of flap-eared morons called the Royal Family who, supposedly, demand nominal respect, we often see through stuff like this and aren't afraid to tell the Emperor that he's hanging it out in the breeze.

I dunno about that.  Everyone over there fawned at the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde and Shakespeare was revered so I'm thinking you may be wrong.

Not that they weren't worthy of being fawned over. 


Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 03, 2015, 09:38:39 AM

I dunno about that.  Everyone over there fawned at the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde and Shakespeare was revered so I'm thinking you may be wrong.

Not that they weren't worthy of being fawned over.

Oscar Wilde was hounded and thrown in prison for being gay, the fall-out from which led to his premature death, and Shakespeare certainly wasn't particularly revered in his lifetime. It was only in the 18th century that we started to get what was known as "bardolatry". WS was one of the boys, really, which has led to all sorts of speculation that he didn't write the plays after all. I am sure there are flaws in my argument, but I am talking about the tendency of people to put famous figures on a pedestal. It's one thing to claim Shakespeare as a great writer, but it's another to claim that he was beyond any sort of criticism. In Shakespeare's case there are all sorts of suggestions that he was rather vain about certain things and didn't treat his wife very well, and was a bit sharp in his financial dealings.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 09:49:31 AM
Oscar Wilde was hounded and thrown in prison for being gay, the fall-out from which led to his premature death, and Shakespeare certainly wasn't particularly revered in his lifetime. It was only in the 18th century that we started to get what was known as "bardolatry". WS was one of the boys, really, which has led to all sorts of speculation that he didn't write the plays after all. I am sure there are flaws in my argument, but I am talking about the tendency of people to put famous figures on a pedestal. It's one thing to claim Shakespeare as a great writer, but it's another to claim that he was beyond any sort of criticism. In Shakespeare's case there are all sorts of suggestions that he was rather vain about certain things and didn't treat his wife very well, and was a bit sharp in his financial dealings.

I knew that about Wilde but there was a segment of society that revered him as well as Shakespeare.  Arthur Conan Doyle was widely respected in his day as was Dickens. I am sure that I can think of others given time.  I think you are correct that America is largely responsible for the cult of celebrity what with hollywood, tv and the internet but it is not an American creation.  Sarah Bernhardt, Lilly Langtry had their followers as well.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 03, 2015, 09:57:04 AM
I knew that about Wilde but there was a segment of society that revered him as well as Shakespeare.  Arthur Conan Doyle was widely respected in his day as was Dickens. I am sure that I can think of others given time.  I think you are correct that America is largely responsible for the cult of celebrity what with hollywood, tv and the internet but it is not an American creation.  Sarah Bernhardt, Lilly Langtry had their followers as well.

Dickens is the closest I can think of to a celebrity as we'd define it today, with his book tours and so forth, even taking in the States, which he hated. But whether he was a sort of substitute god for people, I don't know. I think there is a difference between liking/esteeming/loving a figure, and claiming that that they are virtually immune to any sort of criticism. There is a childishness to that kind of thinking. Eventually you reach a point when you realise that your parents are just the same as other people and don't have any special powers - it's called "growing up" - but some people regard their celebrity of choice as without any flaws at all. It's an odd way of thinking.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 10:10:04 AM
Dickens is the closest I can think of to a celebrity as we'd define it today, with his book tours and so forth, even taking in the States, which he hated. But whether he was a sort of substitute god for people, I don't know. I think there is a difference between liking/esteeming/loving a figure, and claiming that that they are virtually immune to any sort of criticism. There is a childishness to that kind of thinking. Eventually you reach a point when you realise that your parents are just the same as other people and don't have any special powers - it's called "growing up" - but some people regard their celebrity of choice as without any flaws at all. It's an odd way of thinking.

Look up Lillie Langtry on Wiki.  She was one of the first celebrities to publicly endorse commercial products.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 10:10:04 AM
Dickens is the closest I can think of to a celebrity as we'd define it today, with his book tours and so forth, even taking in the States, which he hated. But whether he was a sort of substitute god for people, I don't know. I think there is a difference between liking/esteeming/loving a figure, and claiming that that they are virtually immune to any sort of criticism. There is a childishness to that kind of thinking. Eventually you reach a point when you realise that your parents are just the same as other people and don't have any special powers - it's called "growing up" - but some people regard their celebrity of choice as without any flaws at all. It's an odd way of thinking.

I suppose it's why I'll always be a philistine as far as 'celebrity' is concerned. You see I admire great engineers, scientists, astronomers, people who really changed the physical world. I do admire great writers, musicians and artists, and creating stuff and working out how things work is my thing. Isambard Kingdom Brunel pretty much built the world to form the basis to what it is today. Bridges, railways, ships, tunnels, more bridges, buildings. He was phenomenal, and in his day was quite a celebrated man; sure he was no saint, and a bit reckless with people, but his brilliance can't be overestimated.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 09:27:24 AM
Let me assure you, BellBoob...

Words hurt, sir. That kind of behaviour may be acceptable in some other threads, but this is the Art Bell thread, for christ's sake and we expect a higher level of discourse within its confines. Your cynically referring to me as 'Bellboob' in no way serves to elevate he, whom we are all here to venetate... MV.

Praise be to MV!


Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 03, 2015, 10:16:11 AM
Look up Lillie Langtry on Wiki.  She was one of the first celebrities to publicly endorse commercial products.

My grandfather was from Fulham and there is a Lillie road there, and a pub called the Lillie Langtry. That sounds like celebrity to me, although whether it is the same as we would see it today I am not so sure.


Quote from: MichaelFromVA on December 03, 2015, 06:37:06 AM
I've never used marijuana but I'm in favor of legalizing it as well as the other drugs people abuse.  The drug war is a failure.
I agree.  I read that book "Chasing the Scream", which advocates legalizing.  Portugal is legalizing, and supposedly doing it right, with the taxes and the money saved on the prison system they are opening up a lot of aid for addicts and ex-addicts.  They relocate ex-addicts in new neighbourhoods so they avoid old friends.  They train them for jobs and get jobs for them.  The book did not mention the dangerous designer drugs, though. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 03, 2015, 10:25:08 AM
My grandfather was from Fulham and there is a Lillie road there, and a pub called the Lillie Langtry. That sounds like celebrity to me, although whether it is the same as we would see it today I am not so sure.

I think there was a TV series in the 70's about Lilly Langtry. It was very good I seem to remember.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Segundus on December 03, 2015, 10:40:32 AM
I agree.  I read that book "Chasing the Scream", which advocates legalizing.  Portugal is legalizing, and supposedly doing it right, with the taxes and the money saved on the prison system they are opening up a lot of aid for addicts and ex-addicts.  They relocate ex-addicts in new neighbourhoods so they avoid old friends.  They train them for jobs and get jobs for them.  The book did not mention the dangerous designer drugs, though.

I agree the 'war on drugs' isn't working, and in some cases counter productive; BUT, those partaking should do so with the full knowledge in what it is they're doing and not bleat if and when it goes tits up...Take cannabis for instance...teenagers taking it can stay teenagers mentally, because there's plenty of research to suggest it prevents brain development in their mid 20's. As long as they know, fair enough.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 03, 2015, 10:46:04 AM

I agree the 'war on drugs' isn't working, and in some cases counter productive; BUT, those partaking should do so with the full knowledge in what it is they're doing and not bleat if and when it goes tits up...Take cannabis for instance...teenagers taking it can stay teenagers mentally, because there's plenty of research to suggest it prevents brain development in their mid 20's. As long as they know, fair enough.
I'm a perfect example... I lived life like a college student far past my "college" years.  Some would say even now I'm still listing aimlessly in adolescent bliss

Quote from: BellBoy on December 03, 2015, 08:11:12 AM
        Great show, Art!   You da man, Art!

Don't listen to the complainers Art! They don't understand and are just mean people. You da man, Art!


Last night's show was excellent.  I am so glad Art decided to do Open lines.  As usual Art, great job!  Thank you.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on December 03, 2015, 12:11:02 PM
Don't listen to the complainers Art! They don't understand and are just mean people. You da man, and love the show Art!



Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 28, 2015, 03:41:24 PM
Yes, that man has an uncanny ability to suck all of the oxygen out of a room. He must work for the fire department.

I don't suck anything... But you can suck it.


I belong to an email group that just welcomed a new member with the email of (redacted).  LOL I must me on BellGab a little too much when the first thought I had was "what is she doing here?"

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