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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: anagrammy on May 02, 2011, 10:53:43 PM
Noory's on in 7 minutes.  We have a faux chat under HOSTS-- NOORY APOLOGY COUNTDOWN.  Join us.

Gah, SOOOO wish I could stay up for this... !


Quote from: anagrammy on May 02, 2011, 10:53:43 PM
Noory's on in 7 minutes.  We have a faux chat under HOSTS-- NOORY APOLOGY COUNTDOWN.  Join us.


well, I've been up this long, I'll try to stay with it a bit longer. 


I made a point of listening to most of the major talk radio shows in the last 24 hours, starting with last night's Coast, to see the reactions of both hosts and callers. (I'll be ending my sampling shortly when Stewart and Colbert his the west coast, though I usually watch those guys anyway.)

It's been fun hearing the extreme right gnash its teeth as they grudgingly acknowledge the president they don't like accomplished something THEIR guy (W) couldn't do. It's been just as fun to hear the whackjob callers bringing out the inevitable conspiracy theories--he's not really dead, it's a hoax, why the burial at sea, etc. (Not to say there aren't some legit questions, but really, sometimes, I believe things can be taken for face value; this is one of those times.)

Of course, Coast beat them all with the single wackiest caller. About 2/3rds of the way into the second hour, who also happened to be the first caller on tonight's Savage Nation (though Savage cut her off before she could get her whole spiel out).

This was a woman who claimed that Osama was actually killed by Bush several years ago, but the information was suppressed, Osama's DNA was cloned, the clone has only just now matured, and, with the aid of plastic surgery, was able to stand in for Osama, and THAT'S who Obama killed--just in time to give him a much needed political boost for an election that's still 18 months away.

Needless to say, this also means that President Obama is stealing credit for something that President Bush actually accomplished but suppressed for unknown (but doubtless sinister) reasons.

I can only imagine the fun Art would have had with this caller. All that Noory could do was hem and haw and grant this moonhowler a modicum of legitimacy by asking, in a "reasonable" voice, "Now, why is it that you believe this? Why don't you believe the official story?"

I can't *wait* to hear Noory interview Alex Jones about this.

And I would LOVE more than anything to hear what Art's thoughts on all this. But then, wouldn't we all?


I forgot to list "the timing" of this among the conspiracy theories, but also, most importantly, I forgot to mention that the woman with this wonderful theory cited her SOURCE for this information:

Her spirit guide.

I'm surprised Noory didn't keep her longer....maybe she'll be a first hour guest later this week.


Whoooaa..... This roller coaster is getting me tripped up! Talk of Quantum mechanics....weed... Fake Art Bells replicating....Osama killed...Osama cloned....weed....excommunication...Strange adds of hybrids dog clones popping of on my Wunderground....I'm getting dizzy now.....Sonic Youth lyrics running through my head

sonic youth - titanium expose
Waking up I see you dreaming of a drive in
Open yr eyes to see TV-set on blue
I've been waiting for you to smile, I'm the great head freezin'
Wintertime comes summer, you are why it's happenin', to me

Sugar babe, sugar babe do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe can't you see me?
Sugar now, sugar now do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe can't you see me?

I feel the morning slip in sights into your mirror
Now I see what might see it's pretty clear
I been looking just to feel that funny feelin'
I don't know but it's a mystery to reckon, right you

Sugar babe, sugar babe do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe can't you see me?
I'm sugar now, sugar now do it to me
Take me babe, take me babe can't you see me?

At the same time... Nitzer Ebb is playing in my headphones...

Nitzer Ebb - Lightning man

Somehow all the random insane inputs are making sense to my neurons.....like I almost glimpse some kind of meaning or coherence.....

OK ....I might need some sleep...been up waaay to long on a project....

But this is thread has been a long strange trip....


Art Bell made the following post on the Fantastic Forum:

I sure hope the ship stays on the high seas. I also would like to mention the Arthur w Bell lll site is bogus on FB and I have put a message on it stating such. What do idiot's like that get out of it?


This post came from the recognized, acknowledged, verified Art Bell account that he's been posting from since 2000. It's on page 8 of the "From Art" forum. Here is the link.


Here is the comment he referred to, which I've already posted:

This is the real Art Bell, The picture lower on this site as well as this site itself are frauds. I have contacted my Lawyer and will contact Facebook as well. Expect to be in court soon.


I also got a private message with an email address in it that I was told I can send a message to for confirmation that this is the real Art Bell. It's not one of the "famous" email addresses, and I won't make it public, but--anything is possible at this point.

Why he should have singled out ME for contact, I've no idea. Perhaps he messaged others as well. Regardless, I'm going to send an email to that address and see where it takes me.

So much for my forum retirement.

The General

So, morphiaflow, are you the one that has the "People who miss Art Bell" page on Facebook?  Wondering why Art contacted you.  Also, thanks for the update.

George sucks

Yes, thanks for the update morphiaflow. It's good to get info from Art. And glad to see he is squashing that/those FB page/s. He has the same question I have, what's in it for these loons that do this? FR, etc. Nutcases.


I'm actually a member of too many groups on Facebook, so I can't join anymore. But I still read the "people who miss Art Bell" group, and I've had contact with its moderator. She's as mystified by all this as all of us are.

Once it was clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that the "Arthur W. Bell III" page was a fraud, I made a number of comments on that page to that effect...which the page's owner saw fit to delete in under 24 hours.

But I still don't know why I should have been contacted, out of everyone there; but then, I don't know that I was the only one. I'm absolutely not trying to set myself up as someone with sources! I remain somewhat skeptical at this point about the validity of ANYONE claiming to be Art Bell, even though this time it finally seems to be legit.

I've sent a message both to the "real" Art fb page and the private email address he provided to me.  The email seems to have gone through--it has not bounced back.

As I said, at Art's request (assuming it's really him), I won't make that email address public. I WILL say that the domain it's from is not a common one in the USA but very big abroad, and lends credence to it being real.

I basically wished him and his family well and told him we miss him and hope to hear from him again. I also let him know that he or his lawyers might want to keep an eye on a certain gentleman who seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Art, and I pointed him to this particular thread.

We shall see what happens, and if there's anything else I can share, I will.

George sucks

Quote from: morphiaflow on May 03, 2011, 02:06:21 PM
I basically wished him and his family well and told him we miss him and hope to hear from him again. I also let him know that he or his lawyers might want to keep an eye on a certain gentleman who seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Art, and I pointed him to this particular thread.

Good !! I just logged back on to mention that he should be given a heads up about this joker. Good, he needs to know. There are strong indications that the fake FB page/s are FR's, Douglas H. Stingley's, whatever he calls himself. 

Quote from: George sucks on May 03, 2011, 02:13:48 PM
Good !! I just logged back on to mention that he should be given a heads up about this joker. Good, he needs to know. There are strong indications that the fake FB page/s are FR's,<redacted>, whatever he calls himself.
Hi George Sucks,

This may seem like hair splitting, given I have posted lots of bread crumbs to FR's real identity.  But that is a bit (a tiny bit) different than posting his name here, which I don't believe he gave permission to do.  I would recommend you edit your post to remove his real name.


Quote from: morphiaflow on May 03, 2011, 01:32:53 PM
... I also got a private message with an email address in it that I was told I can send a message to for confirmation that this is the real Art Bell...
Wow, pretty cool - Art's personal e-mail address.  Please keep us posted, Morphiaflow - and welcome back to the thread that will not die!

George sucks

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on May 03, 2011, 02:24:03 PM
Hi George Sucks,

This may seem like hair splitting, given I have posted lots of bread crumbs to FR's real identity.  But that is a bit (a tiny bit) different than posting his name here, which I don't believe he gave permission to do.  I would recommend you edit your post to remove his real name.


Your recommendation has been considered. I will not remove the name tied to the Fort Rock poster in this thread. Art needs access to the info, IMO. The name tied to Fort Rock has been posted in this thread already by Mike V. I have Douglas Stingley's address, phone number, photo of his residence. Anyone can find them on the net, Art.

Send a PM to Mike V. if you feel strongly enough that the name tied to Fort Rock should not be posted. I understand your position. I will live by whatever happens. This Fort Rock, Douglas Stingley character needs to be outed. He needs to be known for what he is, what he does, and what he has done. Just my opinion.


I included Fort Rock's screen name here and a link to his Facebook profile under the DS name. Art, if it is Art, now has that information.


Michael V, our moderator did not out Fort Rock.  I did and I take full responsibility for that. I copied a post here from Facebook wherein he used my real name and his.  It was not Michael Vandeven.


Quote from: George sucks on May 03, 2011, 02:38:51 PM
Your recommendation has been considered. I will not remove the name tied to the Fort Rock poster in this thread. Art needs access to the info, IMO. The name tied to Fort Rock has been posted in this thread already by Mike V. I have Douglas Stingley's address, phone number, photo of his residence. Anyone can find them on the net, Art.

Send a PM to Mike V. if you feel strongly enough that the name tied to Fort Rock should not be posted. I understand your position. I will live by whatever happens. This Fort Rock, Douglas Stingley character needs to be outed. He needs to be known for what he is, what he does, and what he has done. Just my opinion.
I know the distinction between pointing someone at a bunch of websites that contain FR's info, posted by him, and directly posting that information here seems like a fine line.  But the way I see it, HE posted that information on those other sites, and not this one.  I know I wouldn't want someone here publishing all my personal info, and I suspect you don't either.

Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 02:53:02 PM
Michael V, our moderator did not out Fort Rock.  I did and I take full responsibility for that. I copied a post here from Facebook wherein he used my real name and his.  It was not Michael Vandeven.

FR was outed here on Coastgab about a month ago, before your post Ana.  I was the only user who saw the post, quickly pinged MV and the forum member, and the forum member had removed the offending post before I even finished my IM.

An exhange between FR and myself a while back here on Coastgb alludes to my knowledge of who he was, but like MV, I only posted clues, not his details.  A fine line, but I feel an important one.


I believe Douglas Stangley forfeited his right to privacy by violating the Terms of Service here and faking up support for himself from himself.  He showed no respect for the very minimal rules we have here.  We have all been to over-moderated forums and CoastGab works because we voluntarily keep the rules and keep it civil, despite strong beliefs.  Otherwise, it would be just too much work for Mike and FR/DSOM has already cost him hours of valuable time.

Since Douglas Stangley is openly seeking a relationship, it is only fair that women who may be considering him be fully informed.  By identifying him, it makes it possible for a woman seeking information about the handsome, pleasant man she has been dating (lol) to see his antics here and esp his duplicity.



Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 03:24:04 PM
I believe Douglas Stanley forfeited his right to privacy by violating the Terms of Service here and faking up support for himself from himself. 


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on May 03, 2011, 03:02:01 PM
FR was outed here on Coastgab about a month ago, before your post Ana...

...clues, not his details.  A fine line, but I feel an important one.

Ft rck was a jerk, yes dishonest too. But I would err on caution. God forbid anyone of us takes a slide off the deep end.

I am not sure how we better any situation by sharing info that will only cause discomfort. To the point of others needing to investigate for safety, I find that a tenuous position. I am not a big fan of what if arguments but what if someone does cause FR harm? where would we stand then?

Quote from: onan on May 03, 2011, 04:22:57 PM
Ft rck was a jerk, yes dishonest too. But I would err on caution. God forbid anyone of us takes a slide off the deep end.

I am not sure how we better any situation by sharing info that will only cause discomfort. To the point of others needing to investigate for safety, I find that a tenuous position. I am not a big fan of what if arguments but what if someone does cause FR harm? where would we stand then?
Good points.  I'm probably equivocating, so that I can sleep at night, but I just feel it is different to point people to Google to find out the truth about the fellow, versus posting it here.  The difference between seeing someone in a gay bar, versus putting up big billboards of someone making out with a member of the same sex, to go with the "outing" theme.  I don't think violating the terms of service of a website, or being a wingnut, or a creep, means you forfeit your right to privacy.


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on May 03, 2011, 04:35:25 PM
Good points.  I'm probably equivocating, so that I can sleep at night, but I just feel it is different to point people to Google to find out the truth about the fellow, versus posting it here.  The difference between seeing someone in a gay bar, versus putting up big billboards of someone making out with a member of the same sex, to go with the "outing" theme.  I don't think violating the terms of service of a website, or being a wingnut, or a creep, means you forfeit your right to privacy.

Perhaps I did not make myself clear... I have this habit of thinking everyone has the same thoughts I do.

I agree with you, the name should be gone.

Quote from: onan on May 03, 2011, 04:51:12 PM

Perhaps I did not make myself clear... I have this habit of thinking everyone has the same thoughts I do.

I agree with you, the name should be gone.
Re read your post, you were clear, my bad. :-[

Quote from: onan on May 03, 2011, 04:51:12 PM

I agree with you, the name should be gone.

Me, too.  People like that can devolve so quickly into something horribly dangerous.
Also, they're experts at pushing those little buttons that make one react not so nicely and BOOM, who's the bad guy now.............
Besides, it's just feeding into his need for attention.  I say let him quietly disappear into the nobody that he is.


just as an FYI - we have had people here in the past who have done some serious damage - and in fact were the primary causes of the old side shutting down for a while.  i don't recall, even after that, any full names, addresses, etc . . being posted.

I think it's a bad idea, for many reasons, and not all of them having to do with courtesy or concern for the privacy of whatever wing-nut may have caused the ruckus.


PAGE 80 .... COME ON PAGE 80!!!!

George sucks

Douglas H. Stingley, aka; Fort Rock, aka; Dark Side Of The Moon, has committed fraud against Art Bell with his fake Facebook page or pages. He has committed slander against Art Bell before it was deleted from this thread. He has made it known he is a psychopath by his games, continual and intricate lies, delusional scenarios that don't exist, multiple personalities, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc... there is no ambiguity regarding Douglas. He is a psychopath.

The fact that this psychopath is fixated on Art Bell is threatening. I'm not taking his name down. Anyone that encounters him needs to know what and who he is. With any luck, an internet search will return these pages. 

scumbag Douglas H. Stingley, scumbag Doug Stingley, scumbag Douglas Stingley

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on May 03, 2011, 02:56:24 PM
I know the distinction between pointing someone at a bunch of websites that contain FR's info, posted by him, and directly posting that information here seems like a fine line.  But the way I see it, HE posted that information on those other sites, and not this one. 

The way you see it is wrong. HE didn't post his info on "other sites", unless he posted it on Spokeo.com. That statement was made to let Art know he can find the info on the guy. And to let him know I had it. Had nothing to do with your argument, or your opinion regarding my posting his name. While I understand your opinion, I don't care. 

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on May 03, 2011, 02:56:24 PM
I know I wouldn't want someone here publishing all my personal info, and I suspect you don't either.

If I did the things that Douglas Stingley has done, I would run the risk of having my personal info published. If you were to do the things he has done, I would publish your name without hesitation.

Quote from: anagrammy on May 03, 2011, 02:53:02 PM
Michael V, our moderator did not out Fort Rock.  I did and I take full responsibility for that. I copied a post here from Facebook wherein he used my real name and his.  It was not Michael Vandeven.


I stated that Mike V. had posted his name already to point out that he evidently wants his name posted. Meaning, this is his forum, he has posted his name, doubt he would have a problem with me doing it.


People that want his name removed are entitled to their opinion. I don't care that you want his name removed, to put it bluntly. I care not one iota. Doug Stingley needs to be held accountable in every way. Not have his hand held. He's a psychopath who is cyber stalking and cyber harassing Mr. Bell with his antics and actions.     


Sounds like it's MV's call to leave it or pull it.  I have confidence in his wisdom either way.


Quote from: George sucks on May 03, 2011, 08:31:48 PM
Douglas H. Stingley, aka; Fort Rock, aka; Dark Side Of The Moon, has committed fraud against Art Bell with his fake Facebook page or pages. He has committed slander against Art Bell before it was deleted from this thread. He has made it known he is a psychopath by his games, continual and intricate lies, delusional scenarios that don't exist, multiple personalities, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc... there is no ambiguity regarding Douglas. He is a psychopath.

The fact that this psychopath is fixated on Art Bell is threatening. I'm not taking his name down. Anyone that encounters him needs to know what and who he is. With any luck, an internet search will return these pages. 

scumbag Douglas H. Stingley, scumbag Doug Stingley, scumbag Douglas Stingley

The way you see it is wrong. HE didn't post his info on "other sites", unless he posted it on Spokeo.com. That statement was made to let Art know he can find the info on the guy. And to let him know I had it. Had nothing to do with your argument, or your opinion regarding my posting his name. While I understand your opinion, I don't care. 

If I did the things that Douglas Stingley has done, I would run the risk of having my personal info published. If you were to do the things he has done, I would publish your name without hesitation.

I stated that Mike V. had posted his name already to point out that he evidently wants his name posted. Meaning, this is his forum, he has posted his name, doubt he would have a problem with me doing it.


People that want his name removed are entitled to their opinion. I don't care that you want his name removed, to put it bluntly. I care not one iota. Doug Stingley needs to be held accountable in every way. Not have his hand held. He's a psychopath who is cyber stalking and cyber harassing Mr. Bell with his antics and actions.     
Dude, I gotta say, this post makes it tough to tell you and Fort Rock apart.

Just saying...

George sucks

Just saying? Not saying anything relevant as usual.

You're posting it here to protect Art, how?

Who's fixated on whom?  :-\

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