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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Oh come on! I thought this was a big Bellgab family. Now it's the Have's and Have not's. Them and Us.

Alienating the fans?

Big Brother is being mean.  :o :-X ::)


Quote from: Bonanza Pilot on March 07, 2015, 09:33:03 AM
The fact that Dave sent Falkie those comments is almost unbelievable. Dave is surely coming back as a dung beetle.

Well... something related to dung, anyways...


Mind is utterly blown. Art is a genius! Trust no one. Long live Mr. Bell!

analog kid

Quote from: Danger!UFO on March 07, 2015, 11:13:15 AM
Oh come on! I thought this was a big Bellgab family. Now it's the Have's and Have not's. Them and Us.

Alienating the fans?

Big Brother is being mean.  :o :-X ::)

No special treatment here, I've just been here a looong time, and I'm barely vaguely lovable.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on March 07, 2015, 11:14:03 AM
Mind is utterly blown. Art is a genius! Trust no one. Long live Mr. Bell!

These comments are very hurtful to those that are not involved.


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 10:51:42 AM
For anyone who would like to receive the PM containing the secret message from Art Bell concerning his master plan to dominate George, just send me a PM and I'll get it to you.

Funny. You know , if I were a terrorist I just might...


Quote from: Danger!UFO on March 07, 2015, 11:20:11 AM
These comments are very hurtful to those that are not involved.

don't worry.  the secret PM will also be revealed on the next gabcast in the form of morse code through a series of sub-audible tones.


I missed out on the news but judging by everyone's reaction it's going to be an awesome show! July can't come soon enough.


Quote from: jimbo50 on March 07, 2015, 11:22:52 AM
Funny. You know , if I were a terrorist I just might...

and i will point out that you said IF you were a terrorist, just so nobody loses their mud.


Here Art, start the show with Classical Glass. None of this Crystal Gayle shite.

san miguel

I don't post often, but I've been registered here since 2009. Can someone please send me the PM? Thanks.


Quote from: san miguel on March 07, 2015, 11:24:27 AM
I don't post often, but I've been registered here since 2009. Can someone please send me the PM? Thanks.

but how many times have you told me i look nice?


You look Nice! You look nice! There I said it!  ::)

Any chance I can get the PM? Did I mention that MV is the prettiest person in the worlds?


Quote from: Turning Down My Radio on March 07, 2015, 11:30:43 AM
Any chance I can get the PM? Did I mention that MV is the prettiest person in the worlds?

and tell me how much everybody likes me.


I'm putting a positive spin on not knowing myself. I know I'm not a fan of Jorch, nor would I ever be a spy for him. He has he eye pad for such things after all.

Would I like to know Art's cool plans for his return? Most definitely. However, I want nothing to scuttle his plans to return and give Dave & company the ending they've earned for themselves over the years. So if I have to wait for the public announcement I gladly will. That's my fault for being a lurker for years and not bothering to come out of the shadows.

I've also worked for the Government through a former employer and am used to not knowing what others do. I've been in the know and out of it. Eventually in Art's case, everyone will know and that's more than we can say about Aliens, J.F.K etc...


Quote from: Lightning on March 07, 2015, 11:33:11 AM

I've also worked for the "Government" through a former employer and "am used to not knowing what others do".

I call BS here...

Needle woman

Quote from: Lightning on March 07, 2015, 11:33:11 AM
I'm putting a positive spin on not knowing myself. I know I'm not a fan of Jorch, nor would I ever be a spy for him. He has he eye pad for such things after all.

Would I like to know Art's cool plans for his return? Most definitely. However, I want nothing to scuttle his plans to return and give Dave & company the ending they've earned for themselves over the years. So if I have to wait for the public announcement I gladly will. That's my fault for being a lurker for years and not bothering to come out of the shadows.

I've also worked for the Government through a former employer and am used to not knowing what others do. I've been in the know and out of it. Eventually in Art's case, everyone will know and that's more than we can say about Aliens, J.F.K etc...

Well said, but MV you are really nice! :)


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 11:23:02 AM
don't worry.  the secret PM will also be revealed on the next gabcast in the form of morse code through a series of sub-audible tones.

Good. My dog knows how to decode morse.
Oh and Heh heh.


Quote from: Lightning on March 07, 2015, 11:33:11 AM
I'm putting a positive spin on not knowing myself. I know I'm not a fan of Jorch, nor would I ever be a spy for him. He has he eye pad for such things after all.

Would I like to know Art's cool plans for his return? Most definitely. However, I want nothing to scuttle his plans to return and give Dave & company the ending they've earned for themselves over the years. So if I have to wait for the public announcement I gladly will. That's my fault for being a lurker for years and not bothering to come out of the shadows.

I've also worked for the Government through a former employer and am used to not knowing what others do. I've been in the know and out of it. Eventually in Art's case, everyone will know and that's more than we can say about Aliens, J.F.K etc...

OK, I guess. Agreed.

By the way, did I forget to mention how much I like and respect MV? He's a man's man if you know what I mean. He's Brilliant, dashing, and handsome. Someone to look up to.  ;)

Pale Horse

Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 11:23:02 AM
don't worry.  the secret PM will also be revealed on the next gabcast in the form of morse code through a series of sub-audible tones.

Forward me the PM or I'll dump all my secret knowledge of 9/11, 7/7, MH17, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Bombing on to your website. Plus, I'll sky-write it over your house, using Chemtrails while wearing a TinFoil, WiFi hat during the Gabcast. I need that PM. Either that or a good BM.

P.s. You're so pretty and everyone likes you more than the others.


Don't be sad people if you're not part of the informed Illuminati crowd.
99% will always be followers and only 1% the elite.
now go watch this video.


And somebody send me the PM! Art wills it!

Needle woman

Ok, still an outsider, its's cool, can't have insiders without outsiders, right?  It's all good, because you guys are vaguely loveable. :)


So Falkie, what's your deal exactly man.  Why do you take this site so seriously?


Quote from: zeebo on March 07, 2015, 03:10:01 AM
For those who didn't make it past the beanie babies segment, George just played Dancing Queen (after going on about how successful the show is these days).

Thanks, zeebo. I can't listen to the show anymore. I do enjoy these updates you brave souls post. George can play any songs he likes but it doesn't help at all. I only like Dancing Queen when it's played in connection to Art- it reminds me of Art. He may be helping Art when he does that as it reminds people of how great it was listening to Art Bell! See, George is doing his part to help.  ;)


Team Redacted!
And I have noticed a lot of people take this site way too seriously.

My favorite request for the PM so far, goes to Zeebo!

Stay Golden y'all.

And pyewacket love your avatar!


Ass of Clubs AND Faggit,
Now tell the truth....Does Tommy KNOW you are posting ????
(Sad as you are revealing yourself as the "only" DAVEBOT....very sad you are unable to find someone to help you... Very Sad)
Go back to your hole Jorch, the DAVEBOT


Quote from: jimbo50 on March 07, 2015, 11:37:16 AM
I call BS here...

You can call B.S all you want. I'm not fishing for anything. Ever heard of non-disclosure agreements? I have and have had to sign them. I'm sure Art may have as well in his lifetime.

I'm not a bot or a troll and I plan to be here long after Art's return.

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