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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Pale Horse on March 07, 2015, 11:42:47 AM
Forward me the PM or I'll dump all my secret knowledge of 9/11, 7/7, MH17, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Bombing on to your website. Plus, I'll sky-write it over your house, using Chemtrails while wearing a TinFoil, WiFi hat during the Gabcast. I need that PM. Either that or a good BM.

P.s. You're so pretty and everyone likes you more than the others.

Funny, Pale Horse.

To go a bit off this topic, but on the Paranormal topic - the reason I've been so missing Art (listened since probably '94) is that every other show out these seems to be only lame conspiracies.  I love conspiracies, look at my screen name.  :)  But if I hear one more boring theory about the chlorine in my water, GMOs, Sandy Hook (I live in CT, saw this up close), Boston Bombings, etc.  Apparently EVERYTHING we have witnessed since I don't know when has been a false flag event.

Art knows how to do conspiracies.  I could listen to the most unlikely scenario and suspend disbelief.  But the same old tired conspiracies with the same old "experts" that every paranormal host recycles bores me.  Is it just me ?

Can't wait for July and Art's return !!!


Quote from: Diabhal on March 07, 2015, 11:24:25 AM
Here Art, start the show with Classical Glass. None of this Crystal Gayle shite.
Classical Glass? Heh heh. I think it's going to be Midnight in the Dessert.


Quote from: Ms. C on March 07, 2015, 08:40:49 AM
U.C., I wholeheartedly agree with you 1,000% ... I'm just about in tears after listening to that video ... it is the most rude, crude, nasty (and totally unnecessary)  assault on any female BellGab family I have ever listened to. 

So ... take it to the political threads or your own Falkie thread .... because enough is f**king enough ....

Shame!  Shame!  Shame!

Respectfully submitted!    Ms. C


Quote from: Curandero81 on March 07, 2015, 12:09:37 PM
Ass of Clubs AND Faggit,
Now tell the truth....Does Tommy KNOW you are posting ????
(Sad as you are revealing yourself as the "only" DAVEBOT....very sad you are unable to find someone to help you... Very Sad)
Go back to your hole Jorch, the DAVEBOT



Quote from: ponyboysunset on March 07, 2015, 11:53:05 AM
Team Redacted!
And I have noticed a lot of people take this site way too seriously.

My favorite request for the PM so far, goes to Zeebo!

Stay Golden y'all.

And pyewacket love your avatar!




Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 07, 2015, 08:18:33 AM

The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Redacted from Bellgab Can Go To Hell ! !!!
Well, that is about as sad as it gets.  I had nothing to say about you prior to now aside from the fact that I though you were probably a little lonely.  Now I will add a sad, angry little man who perhaps has very little in the way of social skills or the ability to respond appropriately to those thoughts.

I still find you more of a creature to be pitied than hated.

***Apologies to all for continuing to dilute and pollute the AB thread.***


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 10:51:42 AM
For anyone who would like to receive the PM containing the secret message from Art Bell concerning his master plan to dominate George, just send me a PM and I'll get it to you.

MV you are really nice etc etc. (I really mean it honest) Can I have a PM please.   :P 


Quote from: VegasI15 on March 07, 2015, 12:51:46 PM
MV you are really nice etc etc. (I really mean it honest) Can I have a PM please.   :P

you have to PM me to get the PM.


Quote from: Lightning on March 07, 2015, 12:22:37 PM
You can call B.S all you want. I'm not fishing for anything. Ever heard of non-disclosure agreements? I have and have had to sign them. I'm sure Art may have as well in his lifetime.

I'm not a bot or a troll and I plan to be here long after Art's return.

Lighten up Lightning. I never meant to suggest you're a bot or a troll. really.
I did mean to suggest that Big Brother ( da US guvment)  knows everything about everyone these days.


Let's get this thread back on track, long live Midnight In The Desert! Off to enjoy some of my archives now! And MV, you should enjoy yours too. Nothing better than some Art Bell on a Saturday!


Quote from: jimbo50 on March 07, 2015, 01:00:46 PM
Lighten up Lightning. I never meant to suggest you're a bot or a troll. really.
I did mean to suggest that Big Brother ( da US guvment)  knows everything about everyone these days.

Thanks very much for the clarification. You are very correct in that belief. Privacy has become an illusion at best, and at worse a way to mollify the people who don't like to see the forrest for the trees.

One reason I enjoy Art is that normally he's not afraid to shake things up. Well except maybe for his stance on 9/11 events.


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 12:54:04 PM
you have to PM me to get the PM.

I tried twice but it says you don't accept PMs.    ??? 


The finger...
Seems to be growing....


Quote from: trust_no_one on March 07, 2015, 12:25:52 PM
Funny, Pale Horse.

To go a bit off this topic, but on the Paranormal topic - the reason I've been so missing Art (listened since probably '94) is that every other show out these seems to be only lame conspiracies.  I love conspiracies, look at my screen name.  :)  But if I hear one more boring theory about the chlorine in my water, GMOs, Sandy Hook (I live in CT, saw this up close), Boston Bombings, etc.  Apparently EVERYTHING we have witnessed since I don't know when has been a false flag event.

Art knows how to do conspiracies.  I could listen to the most unlikely scenario and suspend disbelief.  But the same old tired conspiracies with the same old "experts" that every paranormal host recycles bores me.  Is it just me ?

Can't wait for July and Art's return !!!

It's not just you. Well said.


I haven't got the PM. Could someone hit me with it, please?


Could it be this whole forum is actually a honey-trap for Art Bell,
and was started by the real Davebots to get Art's trust?
I mean, Noory could be behind all this and secretly pay the bellgab staffers
only to get information to sabotage Art and prevent him from ever coming back.


You might have nailed it. Lets get Dr Doom to Remote View and confirm it... After all he has been so accurate in the past.


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 11:23:02 AM
don't worry.  the secret PM will also be revealed on the next gabcast in the form of morse code through a series of sub-audible tones.

But you must be facing the pyramids of Giza* and have your decoder set to 19.5 degrees to receive such transmission.

*As opposed to the elusive pyramids of Gaza which Dave frequently speaks of.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 07, 2015, 08:18:33 AM

The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Redacted from Bellgab Can Go To Hell ! !!!
See, I told you guys Falkie was true blue!  Ironic he had to hear our doubts from George Noory himself.

The anger at Redacted is a little MUCH though, Falkie.  Especially since I was the first one to worry you might share Art's master plan with George.  (Just like I was the first one to suggest MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT as Art's new show name... why does Redacted keep getting the credit/blame for everything I say?!  I should record a hollering video about this.)  Yet I don't even get a shoutout from you for that or my "true blue" comment.  Sheesh!

Pale Horse

Quote from: trust_no_one on March 07, 2015, 12:25:52 PM
Funny, Pale Horse.

To go a bit off this topic, but on the Paranormal topic - the reason I've been so missing Art (listened since probably '94) is that every other show out these seems to be only lame conspiracies.  I love conspiracies, look at my screen name.  :)  But if I hear one more boring theory about the chlorine in my water, GMOs, Sandy Hook (I live in CT, saw this up close), Boston Bombings, etc.  Apparently EVERYTHING we have witnessed since I don't know when has been a false flag event.

Art knows how to do conspiracies.  I could listen to the most unlikely scenario and suspend disbelief.  But the same old tired conspiracies with the same old "experts" that every paranormal host recycles bores me.  Is it just me ?

Can't wait for July and Art's return !!!

I agree. We need some fresh ideas and new voices out there. Some of these subjects will never be solved, never go away. But that doesn't mean we should stop talking about them.  Chemtrails, 9/11, GMOs, I say Beat that Dead Horse until it's shiny new again.

Did you know that GMOs really are banned in many first-world countries because their scientists doubt our corporate scientists' reassurances about the safety of this type of food production methods? How can we not continue to talk about that fact?  Are we only to speak of Aliens and the supernatural?

Skunk Ape

Did anyone catch that tonight's SIT isn't in the Ultimate Collection? Haven't had to use Audio Hijack since the DM days, but I may have to run it tonight to add on to the archive.


Quote from: VegasI15 on March 07, 2015, 01:08:57 PM
I tried twice but it says you don't accept PMs.    ???

You need to PM 3 times for it to work.  ;D

Just heard the news. That is the biggest art bell story ever. Just wow.


Quote from: MV on March 07, 2015, 11:25:33 AM
but how many times have you told me i look nice?

You sure have a purty mouth. .. how's that? Now can I get a PM bitch?  ;D

Art Bell

Just to set the record straight I am 69 and I am pretty sure Dave is 64. Beyond that I guess I should be upset about a couple of songs Dave played? Give me a break, who cares? With what I have coming and I can see some of you know, well it's like worry over a firecracker when a Nuke is about to go off.

Also, as I mentioned, all I have to do is do a good show, everything else will take care of itself.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 07, 2015, 01:23:42 PM
Also, as I mentioned, all I have to do is do a good show, everything else will take care of itself.


I have no doubt.  Hopefully you can break Adam Carolla's record for most listened to internet show. 


Quote from: Art Bell on March 07, 2015, 01:23:42 PM
Just to set the record straight I am 69 and I am pretty sure Dave is 64. Beyond that I guess I should be upset about a couple of songs Dave played? Give me a break, who cares? With what I have coming and I can see some of you know, well it's like worry over a firecracker when a Nuke is about to go off.

Also, as I mentioned, all I have to do is do a good show, everything else will take care of itself.


Look what you've started! ;D


Quote from: Pale Horse on March 07, 2015, 01:20:51 PM
I agree. We need some fresh ideas and new voices out there. Some of these subjects will never be solved, never go away. But that doesn't mean we should stop talking about them.  Chemtrails, 9/11, GMOs, I say Beat that Dead Horse until it's shiny new again.

Did you know that GMOs really are banned in many first-world countries because their scientists doubt our corporate scientists' reassurances about the safety of this type of food production methods? How can we not continue to talk about that fact?  Are we only to speak of Aliens and the supernatural?

Yup - exactly.  I am more than happy to revisit topics.  Just don't want the same 'ol "experts" we hear on every other show.  I'd like Art's take as well as some new voices on the topics.


Can I get the secret PM now please? I promise to make the funniest Noory picture ever then.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 07, 2015, 01:23:42 PM
Just to set the record straight I am 69 and I am pretty sure Dave is 64. Beyond that I guess I should be upset about a couple of songs Dave played? Give me a break, who cares? With what I have coming and I can see some of you know, well it's like worry over a firecracker when a Nuke is about to go off.

Also, as I mentioned, all I have to do is do a good show, everything else will take care of itself.


Exactly!  After reading your master plan even Dave would say "there's no doubt about it."

You can get him to say that about ANYTHING, but still... he would actually MEAN it in this case!

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