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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on July 27, 2012, 03:40:29 AM
LMH just snapped at Noory after he kept mentioning the movie The Fourth Kind in her segment.
yep, Noory keeps thinking that The Fourth Kind movie was real and was a great movie.
He was fooled, that was a real stinker and was fake, as Linda pointed out several times, but he kept bringing it up as evidence of alien abductions in Alaska.
I watched that movie recently via streaming on Vudu and it was obviously fake, starred the girl from the Resident Evil movies. It tried to emulate the low budget Blair Witch movie trying to be like a video taped documentary.


His intro, delivery, interviews and handling of open lines are identical, boring, and proves he himself has no interest in the show and is just going through the motions....listen to the start of every show

from the city of angels off the pacific blah blah blah boring boring
next hour, more boring horse****
but first, here's whats happening..insert more horse****

Art Bell and even some of the other co-hosts are so engaging, they add animation and interest to their commentary, offer opinions that make you think, make you want to call in to either agree or debate.

I understand that Noory has been around, he has a certain standing in the broadcast industry, has done some great things in years gone by, but I seriously think he has reached an impasse with C2C, or to put it another way..he's jumped the shark.

Quote from: Morgus on July 27, 2012, 01:24:21 PM
He was fooled, that was a real stinker and was fake, as Linda pointed out several times, but he kept bringing it up as evidence of alien abductions in Alaska.

Noory is such a tool.

This clip reminds me of Noory.

Bad teacher sharks


Quote from: Morgus on July 27, 2012, 01:24:21 PM
yep, Noory keeps thinking that The Fourth Kind movie was real and was a great movie.
He was fooled, that was a real stinker and was fake, as Linda pointed out several times, but he kept bringing it up as evidence of alien abductions in Alaska.
I watched that movie recently via streaming on Vudu and it was obviously fake, starred the girl from the Resident Evil movies. It tried to emulate the low budget Blair Witch movie trying to be like a video taped documentary.
My first viewing of the fourth kind I really liked it... second time around like a month ago it was still good but I didn't like as much as when I had first watched it.  It is obviously a fake but if you do a little searching on it all that bobbly filming and use of a somewhat unknown actress playing the "Doctor" actually had a lot of people fooled... no surprise Snoory is one of em.

Quote from: malfador on July 27, 2012, 01:26:11 PM
... I understand that Noory has been around, he has a certain standing in the broadcast industry, has done some great things in years gone by...

I would guess George Noory is a running joke within the broadcast industry, to the extent people even know who he is.  Tommy is probably in that category too by association and truly lousy call screening.

As far as George having done great things, I see no sign of any talent or ability at all, although I've heard him claim several times to know exactly what makes and does not make for a good show.


Quote from: oracle on July 26, 2012, 11:48:03 AM
Jesse Ventura killed it last night! Excellent middle two hours.
I listened to these 2 hours today.  Jesse was excellent.  Most of the callers  (and the call screener who let them on) sucked, IMO.   If I heard correctly:   First, some guy saying Tom Danheiser is the best, then the next guy, who was an electrician, asking an irrelevant question to Jesse about forces (Jesse said he can't comment because he knows nothing about the subject), and then a question about wrestling (what was better?  WWF or alternative or something like that).   
For those of us who enjoyed Jesse, he said he'd be happy to appear again on C2C in September, so I hope they book him.


Quote from: Sardondi on July 26, 2012, 11:52:05 AM
Let's take a moment to let it sink in: Jesse Ventura...JESSE VENTURA...intellectually embarrassed George Noory. I'm speechless. Damn, George - the only one left you might mentally outrank is Dog The Bounty Hunter. That's just sad.

JV isn't just a dumb wrestler.  He was a little unorthodox as a modern politician in that he told people what he actually thought, didn't get run by polls, lobbyists or special interests, and did what he thought was right.  Obviously the media isn't going to be fair with anyone like that.   


I really liked the segment with Jesse, despite Norrys dumb questions. Although I don't agree with his 911 stance, I think he makes more sense than most of the C2C guests who talk about these kind of subjects.

I was a little confused that he did not answer George about Alex Jones though. I thought he and Jesse were good friends since he does do shows on InfoWars.


Quote from: Rico999 on July 27, 2012, 12:35:02 PM
The down & dirty of it is there's simply no comparison to be made other than a really great radio professional to a phony, wanna-be "Big Media Star" schmuck! 

By the way, I'm no "hater" -- I just know a high quality, professional product  from a piece of shit.

George Noory is a schmuck. SCHMUCK. SCHMUCK.

Look at that numbnuts jackass. Har har, could it be angels? I've been fascinated by this my entire life. A story is worth a thousand words. Gee. Sure. Haha. Uh huh. Fascinating. GASSSH.

All I can hope for is that fate will lead him into yet another "eight foot" puddle or kidnapping situation. I think if I ever get the chance to see him, I'll tell him his shoes are untied then give his shoe-polish mustache a good rearranging. Maybe just a tickle.


Quote from: Grimace on July 27, 2012, 08:59:01 PM
George Noory is a schmuck. SCHMUCK. SCHMUCK.

Look at that numbnuts jackass. Har har, could it be angels? I've been fascinated by this my entire life. A story is worth a thousand words. Gee. Sure. Haha. Uh huh. Fascinating. GASSSH.

All I can hope for is that fate will lead him into yet another "eight foot" puddle or kidnapping situation. I think if I ever get the chance to see him, I'll tell him his shoes are untied then give his shoe-polish mustache a good rearranging. Maybe just a tickle.

What was George like in high school?  Wait, I'd rather not think about that.


"two waters for my friends here, and ill take a half a bottle of wine in your biggest wine glass please."

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 25, 2012, 12:00:51 PM
A couple of recent Moments Of Zenoory to share......
1. What is it with ancestry.com? First The Nooron tells us he can trace his family back to nearly the beginning of time, as I noted in an earlier post The night before last, we get this. Set your BS sensors to maximum...

Apparently the Nuri clan has lived in the same cave for 85,000 years


Quote from: Grimace on July 27, 2012, 08:59:01 PM

i have to say, george looks pretty good for a guy his age... but that's not to say he looks young.  i guess my point is, george should stop dying his hair.  he's obviously not 28, and jet black hair is quite distracting on someone of his years.


Quote from: coaster on July 27, 2012, 09:16:04 PM
"two waters for my friends here, and ill take a half a bottle of wine in your biggest wine glass please."
LoL... that's the 40oz wine glass


Noory will probably cut out early with an old replay in the last hour or half-hour tonight since according to his appearance schedule at the c2c website he has to be in Philadelphia tomorrow for some event.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 27, 2012, 06:18:45 PM

I would guess George Noory is a running joke within the broadcast industry, to the extent people even know who he is.  Tommy is probably in that category too by association and truly lousy call screening.

As far as George having done great things, I see no sign of any talent or ability at all, although I've heard him claim several times to know exactly what makes and does not make for a good show.

yeah I guess your right, tried to pump his tires a weee bit there I suppose, based on the fact I did prefer him over Mike Siegel years ago.

This is my first post here.I found this place by goggling "George Noory sucks".Low and behold a city of people with similar views of Noory and his show appeared.I finally figured out what George is.He is a mid afternoon radio announcer.Hes into losing weight,and charities,and all the other fat housewife bullshit.Unfortunately he is hosting a show where most people who listen want info on a) The unknown b) Life after death c)Government cover ups of everything )d) ndaa 28 etc etc. I think most Patrons of the show that Art started must wonder how this chowderhead got to host this show.I certainly do.He sucks.If he had a bit of pride he would resign and turn the show over to Linda Moulton Howe or George Knapp or...here's a thought.. how about Jessie Ventura a guy who never is afraid to give his opinion.I would give anything to have Jessie as host and I would like to ask the thousands of others on this blog if they agree. DO YOU THINK PRIEMIER RADIO NETWORDS SHOULD ASK JESSIE VENTURA TO BE THE PERMENANT HOST? Can we set up a site and have people sign up to have Jessie host the show.Or will black ops prevent it as they prevented his conspiracy show from airing.Look at Jessies pedigree.Only Ron Paul can I think of who is as direct and will not BS.Ask him a question you get a REAL ANSWER!!!!!


Quote from: Rico999 on July 27, 2012, 12:35:02 PM
I never listen to the show anymore because -- hell, give me one good reason why I should?
Because George Noory is the Mt.Everest of suck.  If you do not acclimatize yourself to his suckage and stay acclimatized by listening to the odd show you will be absolutely shocked and disgusted when you tune in to hear a guest like Ventura.  The low levels of oxygen on Everest cause problems in your brain if you do not acclimatize yourself and hearing George without taking the precaution of slowly weening yourself back onto coast or never really completely descending from mount suck WILL do permanent damage to your brain, your ability to reason and your faith in human kind when you tune in after too long a break.


Quote from: lindahoweishot on July 28, 2012, 01:50:43 AM
This is my first post here.I found this place by goggling "George Noory sucks".Low and behold a city of people with similar views of Noory and his show appeared....DO YOU THINK PRIEMIER RADIO NETWORDS SHOULD ASK JESSIE VENTURA TO BE THE PERMENANT HOST?
First, welcome.  While I found this place through googling Bell, you are in good company as there have been numerous posters who googled Noory sucks to arrive in our midst.

It is an interesting idea to have Venura host... I just cannot imagine that he would be interested.  From what I have read the hours do not really work for him.  While he did great as a guest I do not know how he would work out as a permanent host 5 nights a week.

If you search some of the past posts here you will find that it is pretty much a given that the executives want somebody with no backbone in that chair.  Somebody who will read what they are told to read (commercials) and who is so busy counting their lucky stars for the cheque that they will not ask questions.  Ventura does not seem like a natural fit from the little I have heard of him...


Quote from: WOTR on July 28, 2012, 05:11:55 AM
Because George Noory is the Mt.Everest of suck.  If you do not acclimatize yourself to his suckage and stay acclimatized by listening to the odd show you will be absolutely shocked and disgusted when you tune in to hear a guest like Ventura.  The low levels of oxygen on Everest cause problems in your brain if you do not acclimatize yourself and hearing George without taking the precaution of slowly weening yourself back onto coast or never really completely descending from mount suck WILL do permanent damage to your brain, your ability to reason and your faith in human kind when you tune in after too long a break.
This is why you should NEVER EVER EVER listen to Snoory right after listening to Art... the resulting state of shock can cause heart attack and/or stroke. It's like being instantly transported to Everest's peak or instantly plunged to the bottom of the Marianas trench.  The change in pressure is NOT compatible with life.


Coming up on Friday - Angels.
Ha.  Suckage guaranteed.


Quote from: ziznak on July 28, 2012, 06:09:40 AM
This is why you should NEVER EVER EVER listen to Snoory right after listening to Art... the resulting state of shock can cause heart attack and/or stroke. It's like being instantly transported to Everest's peak or instantly plunged to the bottom of the Marianas trench.  The change in pressure is NOT compatible with life.

It was in doing this that I first began to realize what a lame jabroni Noory is. I found some of Bell's stuff from way back in the early-mid nineties on Youtube and was instantly reminded why I began listening to what I had referred to back then as simply "the Art Bell show" or "Art Bell." Interesting, strange, a little creepy, and wholly entertaining. I love how with the way Bell handled calls, guests full of BS would often have to pony up and try to back up their claims. It was great when things got heated.

Now in Noory's playground things are kept slow and stupid. If the guest is full of BS the show can sometimes be so horrible it does wind up being entertaining in a roundabout way... but if its a guest one actually wants to hear, then Noory becomes obnoxiously annoying. A man who can't speak, doesn't listen and who is effortlessly befuddled by anything but the most basic concepts sits in the host's chair. Oh well, at least he's always doing things to keep his off-the-charts suckage fun to talk about. Each week brings about more turds from Noory's mouth, mainly spoken but hopefully more sung in the time to come. C'Mon Noory, you've got a good singin' voice. Let's her some more Elvis!


Quote from: ziznak on July 28, 2012, 06:09:40 AM
This is why you should NEVER EVER EVER listen to Snoory right after listening to Art... the resulting state of shock can cause heart attack and/or stroke. It's like being instantly transported to Everest's peak or instantly plunged to the bottom of the Marianas trench.  The change in pressure is NOT compatible with life.

I like that graphic imagery in words up there, ziznak.   Very vivid!

Quote from: MV on July 28, 2012, 12:11:13 AM
i have to say, george looks pretty good for a guy his age... but that's not to say he looks young.  i guess my point is, george should stop dying his hair.  he's obviously not 28, and jet black hair is quite distracting on someone of his years.

At least it seems like he finally did sumpthin' about that droopy eye


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 28, 2012, 04:03:04 PM

At least it seems like he finally did sumpthin' about that droopy eye

Shame about the droopy brain, though.


Anyone who listens to Coast to Coast AM knows Stupid GEORGE talks against vaccines. 

This is from the August 6 edition  of TIME: "18,000 whooping-cough cases diagnosed in the  U.S. this year, despite the existence of a vaccine, likely because too many people are refusing to be immunized."  Whooping cough can be fatal to babies. Could some of these idiots be influenced by Stupid George?

Some people AGREE with Stupid George.  Also from August 6th TIME: "The Taliban banned polio vaccinations in tribal areas it controls, setting back a global campaign to  eradicate the disease.  Roughly 250,000 children in North and  South Wazirisatan may not be innoculated against the infectious, debilitating disease that remains endemic in Pakistan and two other countries.  The Taliban's ban poses a threat to children all over the world because of the highly contagious nature of  the disease. As long as a single child is infected, children everywhere are at risk."

See why I can't tolerate this first-class ignoramus?


     Last night when masochistically forcing myself to suffer through another George Noory Bore Fest,  I heard him mention something about having to "catch an early morning flight to Philadelphia" to participate in some sort of Ghost Hunt... We all know the man has no real interest in the paranormal and that his "lifelong interest" and "fascination" with the paranormal is all just for show in an effort to bolster his status as a "seeker of truth"... GAG!!
     So since we can rule out "genuine interest" as being his motivation for going, does anyone care to speculate on what his true motivations may be? Paid appearance perhaps? Or maybe just another chance for George to go to an event where he expects his "adoring fans" will clamor to merely be in his presence and all tell him how "great" he is and what a "wonderful singing voice he has" blah blah blah, which will help feed George's giant ego and also reinforce his delusions of being some sort of "celebrity"...
     Anybody have any other possible motivations they'd care to share?                 


Had to be a paid apperance. There were thirteen other 'featured guests' and I have never heard of any of them.

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