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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Frys Girl on July 25, 2012, 11:45:23 AM
I believe there's also someone posting Coast to Coast each day on youtube. I'm not sure if Premiere is taking this crap seriously..... you know how they are, but if you search by date, you can probably find it.

Thanks for the "find C2C on line" tips, Frys and Ziz!  I actually do have a site I can visit that posts a lot of shows, sans commercials, and I've grabbed a few C2C shows when there is a guest I like (i.e., LMH -- and I do like her a lot, she's like the Energizer Bunny -- can't stop her and I think that's admirable). Anyhow, even she will have to go on line or listen to a distant station, as will RCH, if they want to hear C2C at all. At least RCH, being up in the mountains, may get better reception of San Antonio or Los Angeles (KFI).  Me, I'll probably be listening and falling asleep to Mike Malloy.

edit: post 15001... so close yet so far! :)  Congrats, Sardondi!

Quote from: Sardondi on July 25, 2012, 03:06:32 PM
My question is, does George really believe ancestry.com when it tells him his ancestors include Michelangelo, Charlemagne, King Arthur and Jesus, or is he perpetrating one of those frauds that he's so careful to protect his listeners from?

George would be better referring himself to the programme, Who Do You Think You Are?


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 25, 2012, 12:00:51 PM
A couple of recent Moments Of Zenoory to share......

My only question for myself is: Why the hell do I keep listening?

That's kind of like asking why you still buy albums from that musician you used to like back in high-school/college, even though the new stuff isn't very good.  It's diluted, self-indulgent, unmotivated, derivative, and makes you feel like its creator is sitting around fat, dumb, happy, and just doesn't care anymore.

You're hoping for that occasional glimmer that reminds you of the good old days and maybe if you just stick around enough things will get more like they were when you were there out of excitement rather than mere habit.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 25, 2012, 12:00:51 PM
A couple of recent Moments Of Zenoory to share......
1. What is it with ancestry.com? First The Nooron tells us he can trace his family back to nearly the beginning of time,

I've done a bit of genealogy research and can tell you that the 1930 Census forms DID state whether the person could speak English.   So Noory is probably telling the truth on that point.

However, he can't trace his ancestors back very far.  His father died recently and was in his late 80's; meaning he was born in the 1920's.  Noory often says it was in Egypt.  I doubt that he can trace his family in the Middle East, especially on the Ancestry site.  It's all bull.  If he claims he's Lebanese, what was his father doing in Egypt?  Noory would have to know when his family left Lebanon, where is his ancestral town, what church?  etc.  Given that records, if they exist, were written in Arabic, I doubt that Noory knows anything about the family apart from what his "famous" aunt,  Shafica, told him. 


I just did a cursory check of the Ancestry Site and they don't have records from Egypt or Lebanon.  Doubt if Ancestry.com could give him any info on his family prior to coming to the U.S.

What's really interesting is doing DNA deep ancestry research, going back to the Ice Ages and beyond.  It's expensive but fascinating.  If Noory did a DNA test, they'd probably tell him that his DNA is pure Neanderthal, or maybe he's the missing link!


Quote from: Tara on July 25, 2012, 04:56:00 PM
I just did a cursory check of the Ancestry Site and they don't have records from Egypt or Lebanon.  Doubt if Ancestry.com could give him any info on his family prior to coming to the U.S.

What's really interesting is doing DNA deep ancestry research, going back to the Ice Ages and beyond.  It's expensive but fascinating.  If Noory did a DNA test, they'd probably tell him that his DNA is pure Neanderthal, or maybe he's the missing link!

I don't doubt at all that the Noory line is an evolutionary dead end, or at least it should be.  Most amoeba and paramecia have more going for them.


They added the last minute main guest info scheduled for tonight's c2c.
They are listing Jesse Ventura again, who was scheduled a few weeks ago but wouldn't pick up his phone since he sleeps during the time c2c airs.
Will be interesting to see if Jesse manages to wake up and answer the phone this time and stays up past midnight.

More likely, Jesse answers and asks who is calling at this hour? Noory?
I thought you said the interview is at 11 o'clock - call me in the morning, not in the middle of the night you moron<click>  ;D


I'm going to take a dip in the stew tonight for a much needed dose of crypto... it's been a while since I actually planned to listen to C2C so... here I am again rolling the dice!! 

Wait is Ventura the main guest??? I did want to hear him the last time he should have been on.  He's forever been in my heart since his appearance in the first predator not to mention being one of the original wrestlers from when I was wee.

"I ain't got time to bleed!!"


Yet another demonstration of George’s quick wit and awe inspiring ability to think fast on his feet:
George was talking to the earthquake predictor guy in the news segment and at the end of the interview the earthquake guy was giving out the address people could send self addressed stamped envelope if they wanted to receive a copy of his newsletter (or something like that)… Anyways, the city he lives in named Glen Helen, CA (which is somewhat unique) . He went on to make a comment on how he had recently found out that there’s apparently another “Glen Helen” somewhere, to which Ol’ Georgie, Mr. Quick Wit himself, responded…

“Oh sure, well you know they always make sure to have a couple of those...”  :o :o :o WHAAA? HUH??

Good God, the depths of this man’s stupidity apparently knows no end…



P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to add that I’m not sure if that’s a verbatim quote of what he said , but if not it was something very close and very similar to that…   


I find it a little odd and suspicious that George's interview with Jesse Ventura ended early and the final hour of the show being "Open Lines"... Since we all know that George isn't a big fan of open lines because it requires more "effort" to (somewhat) pay attention , not to mention that he also runs the risk of having to think off the top of his head (scary thought) and not just rely on his beloved "cue cards"... So why go to open lines instead of keeping Jesse Ventura for the final hour?? My gut feeling is that it is probably due to one of two reasons.
1) Jesse didn't want to be up too late and agreed to only come on for a specified amount of time
2) George wanted to try and be slick and leave a lil' early tonight so he plans on just popping in a tape of old open lines calls from a prior show for either all or part of the last hour...



Quote from: MDL5676 on July 25, 2012, 11:53:32 PM
Yet another demonstration of George’s quick wit and awe inspiring ability to think fast on his feet:
George was talking to the earthquake predictor guy in the news segment and at the end of the interview the earthquake guy was giving out the address people could send self addressed stamped envelope if they wanted to receive a copy of his newsletter (or something like that)… Anyways, the city he lives in named Glen Helen, CA (which is somewhat unique) . He went on to make a comment on how he had recently found out that there’s apparently another “Glen Helen” somewhere, to which Ol’ Georgie, Mr. Quick Wit himself, responded…

“Oh sure, well you know they always make sure to have a couple of those...”  :o :o :o WHAAA? HUH??

Good God, the depths of this man’s stupidity apparently knows no end…



P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to add that I’m not sure if that’s a verbatim quote of what he said , but if not it was something very close and very similar to that…   

It's Glen Ellen, but that's exactly what Noory said. Guy is incapable of thinking on his feet.

My guess is that Ventura only wanted to do two hours at that time of night.


sNoory said at the beginning that Ventura would only be on for two hours.

Ventura - You know who would be proud of our government? Mussolini.
CueCardGeorge - You know what I want to know about?  Your T-shirts.

I don't know why I'm still amazed at his, his, his - I don't even know what to call this idiocy.
sNoory sucks - even more than that one thread that had to be locked.


That was one of the best interviews I have heard.  Ventura made George look like a kindergarten drop-out.  He talked over George and managed to ignore Georges stupidity to continue his thoughts. George spent the entire interview kissing the ass of a man who obviously is not into having his ass kissed.  The only thing Noory really managed to add were a few comments such as " that's right" and "absolutely... without a doubt."

I have to say that I really never gave the guy credit.  I thought he was just an ex-wrestling Republican die hard (I really never knew a thing about him.)  While I cannot say that I am right into his conspiracy side I was impressed with the politician who refused to even see a lobbyist during his time in office (if what he said was true.)  I also like his idea of not putting the party name beside the candidate.  I always wondered up here why that was necessary.  If you do not even know what party which candidate is representing (let alone their views) you should not have a cheat sheet to help you out as though you were voting for what you assume is a party ideology and not a person.

Finally, when George brought up "our great friend" Alex Jones there was just silence on the other end of the line.  It was great!  Ventura said he was positive that there have been discoveries far better than a jet engine in the last number of decades (implying that the government and military keep those for themselves.)  George really made an effort.  He agreed saying he was positive they were killed or buried (in the mean time the idea was not that they were NOT made... just that they are not for public consumption.)  No acknowledgment of the stupidity came from the other end. 

By not addressing the asinine comments and ass kissing Jessie managed to make George look stupid.  Either I have seriously underestimated the guy- possible being as my entire impression is based on the idea that he was a wrestler (I never really cared for wrestling or those connected with it) or he is a fairly smart man.  When comparing him to George it is very difficult to know which answer is correct.


Not only does Mr. Noory look stupid, but he IS stupid -- even with the way he hosts and runs Coast.  8)


Boy page 500 didn't last long at all. Do you think Noory/Noory's career will survive to page 1000?


Jesse Ventura killed it last night! Excellent middle two hours.


Quote from: WOTR on July 26, 2012, 05:35:02 AM
That was one of the best interviews I have heard.  Ventura made George look like a kindergarten drop-out.  He talked over George and managed to ignore Georges stupidity to continue his thoughts. George spent the entire interview kissing the ass of a man who obviously is not into having his ass kissed.  The only thing Noory really managed to add were a few comments such as " that's right" and "absolutely... without a doubt."...

Let's take a moment to let it sink in: Jesse Ventura...JESSE VENTURA...intellectually embarrassed George Noory. I'm speechless. Damn, George - the only one left you might mentally outrank is Dog The Bounty Hunter. That's just sad.

analog kid

In Norry's defense, he stopped even trying long ago. He thinks he's Elvis and Magnum PI now, and more concerned with his imagined celebrity, than his job.


Quote from: UFO Fill on July 26, 2012, 03:22:56 AM

Ventura - You know who would be proud of our government? Mussolini.
CueCardGeorge - You know what I want to know about?  Your T-shirts.

How embarrassing.


It was funny last night to hear how many different ways Noory could manage to mangle the title of Jesse Ventura's new book trying to pronounce it.  ;D


Quote from: Morgus on July 26, 2012, 01:29:18 PM
It was funny last night to hear how many different ways Noory could manage to mangle the title of Jesse Ventura's new book trying to pronounce it.  ;D

what's the title?  "the"?


Quote from: analog kid on July 26, 2012, 12:08:06 PM.....Magnum PI...

"Okay, George, we're ready on the Ferrari engine sound, and the least-prissy John Hillerman voice-clip available. We've got the stunt eyebrows ready for the double-tap; and the short-shorts you wanted are standing by, but they're really not your size, so if you'll take my advice.....Aaaand 5, 4, 3, 2, cue disco guitar and strings...."


Noory is having another of his month long Shape Up America weight-loss infomercial guests for the first hour tonight.
Thankfully, its the last one for this month.


I caught most of the Ventura interview and what I did hear was very interesting.  I'm downloading this show for a closer listen.  As for ol' Snoor-aye, he's a douche,  the man doesn't seem to stand for shit other than his belief in angels, aliens, and lack of coincidences.  Had Knapp or Punnett done this interview we would have heard them press Ventura to flesh out his theory's more... such a shame we've been douched again!!!


George "Sushi Boy" Noory sucks and Coast needs to dump this blowhard jackass. Get JB Wells hell even Ian "Fagboy" Punnit is better! Bring back Art from his PI obsessed sex slave wife teen induced coma to coast to revive the show!


Quote from: ziznak on July 26, 2012, 06:41:10 PM
I caught most of the Ventura interview and what I did hear was very interesting.  I'm downloading this show for a closer listen.  As for ol' Snoor-aye, he's a douche,  the man doesn't seem to stand for shit other than his belief in angels, aliens, and lack of coincidences.  Had Knapp or Punnett done this interview we would have heard them press Ventura to flesh out his theory's more... such a shame we've been douched again!!!

I agree: Ventura was interesting and unusually engaging that night.

LMH just snapped at Noory after he kept mentioning the movie The Fourth Kind in her segment.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on July 27, 2012, 03:40:29 AM
LMH just snapped at Noory after he kept mentioning the movie The Fourth Kind in her segment.
hahaha yeah man she hates his guts!!  Every time I hear her I listen for those little moments when her disgust oozes through.


I never listen to the show anymore because -- hell, give me one good reason why I should?

No, I can't do it -- not even the "news" segment, which I did listen to occasionally for shits and grins, but I think I suffer from "Mitch Battros overload," and had to quit that too.  I heard that dork Battros whine about sunspots one time too many.  It was all I could handle of the Snooron in any case.

I did make an exception the other night and listened to Jesse Ventura.  Ventura's got a lot more going on than most politicians and he's never afraid to tell it like he sees it, letting the chips fall.   Needless to say, he does have some controversial opinions and I appreciate his willingness to voice those opinions whether or not I agree with all of them. 

That said, Snooron did his usual shit job of interviewing, never following up when Ventura's statements begged a serious response, asking his usual, mumbling nonsensical questions, etc.   I swear, if anything, he's getting worse.   Lazier, if that's possible.  And I know damn well that Ventura was saying things that probably weren't popular with Georgie's PremRat managers (or The Snoornon himself), so maybe that's why the plug got pulled one hour early. 

On the other hand, I really enjoy listening to the Art Bell stream -- you listen to Art conducting amazing interview after amazing interview -- acting as his own producer, handling unscreened open lines and generally putting together a great program night after night -- and then compare it with what Noory's done with that same program.    The down & dirty of it is there's simply no comparison to be made other than a really great radio professional to a phony, wanna-be "Big Media Star" schmuck! 

By the way, I'm no "hater" -- I just know a high quality, professional product  from a piece of shit.

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