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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Eddie Coyle

Quote from: McPhallus on June 02, 2012, 09:41:45 PM

But the comparison to hitler is a bit much.  I'm sure some people are going to hate the new Dallas series.  Are they nazis, too?
Well that's just silly. They're clearly communists.

Okay. Nazis. Communists. What about Social Lists?

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 01, 2012, 03:56:24 PM
I'm beginning to wonder if Noory exists...
Sardondi already invoked Godwin's Law on Alejandro, but I sure as shit don't want to verify Rule 34 for Noory.


Quote from: Frys Girl on June 02, 2012, 05:49:29 PM
Did you watch the video I posted?

I did - and it was painful.  The Johnny Carson of Coast to Coast?  Uh...no.


Quote from: Sardondi on June 02, 2012, 09:20:38 PM
Well, Mr. Godwin, I think that qualifies as a comparison to Hitler. Other than your desire to stifle the exercise of free speech by attempting to embarrass its practitioners into silence by comparing their expression of opinion to beastly and odious conduct that ultimately led to the murder of 6,000,000 humans, I'd say this was a spot on analogy. Except that it's not.

I've never responded well to attempts at bullying or blackmail, whether physical or emotional.

I hope the 6 Million you mention weren't the same 6 Million who were mentioned in 1902 Encyclopaedia Britannica being tormented in Russia, or the 6 Million that the American Hebrew Newspaper mentioned in their 1919 article.
Gee I wonder how many times 6 Million Jews died until the Zionists finally got what they were after - racially cleansing Palestine and occupying "their land". Man, even Hitler tried to help them in their plans to move all the German Jews down to Palestine, but England somehow didn't like that. So they just came up with their teary eyed 6 Million number once again, and used the UN to make it happen.



here's the scan of the other article

Frys Girl

Quote from: MV on June 02, 2012, 01:59:51 PM
he's done well for himself.
how can you say this? just because he get a paycheck? doing well means doing with with pride and dignity. George Noory cannot claim either of these things when it comes to C2C.


Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 12:46:27 AM
I hope the 6 Million you mention weren't the same 6 Million who were mentioned in 1902 Encyclopaedia Britannica being tormented in Russia, or the 6 Million that the American Hebrew Newspaper mentioned in their 1919 article.
Gee I wonder how many times 6 Million Jews died until the Zionists finally got what they were after - racially cleansing Palestine and occupying "their land". Man, even Hitler tried to help them in their plans to move all the German Jews down to Palestine, but England somehow didn't like that. So they just came up with their teary eyed 6 Million number once again, and used the UN to make it happen.

When the Jew-haters slither out of their holes, I figure the intelligent discussion's over.

Frys Girl

Quote from: stevesh on June 03, 2012, 08:41:22 AM
When the Jew-haters slither out of their holes, I figure the intelligent discussion's over.
I don't think he's a Jew hater. His claim about cleansing is actually correct. Most of these evangelical nuts who support Israel's settlement building have no idea that they are supporting the cleansing of Arab Christians out of the holy land. Oh who cares, they are Arab.....

Funny enough, 60 minutes did a nice segment on this a month or so ago. The Israeli ambassador, asshole that he is, actually tried to have 60 minutes censor the show. I loved it when the interviewer demanded an answer for that. "Sir, in all my years at 60 minutes, no one has ever done that to us. What are you afraid of?" Beautiful.

Netanyahu is like Al Charplatan and Jesse Jackson. Bunch of phonies.

Quote from: Frys Girl on June 03, 2012, 09:25:05 AM
I don't think he's a Jew hater. His claim about cleansing is actually correct. Most of these evangelical nuts who support Israel's settlement building have no idea that they are supporting the cleansing of Arab Christians out of the holy land. Oh who cares, they are Arab.....

Funny enough, 60 minutes did a nice segment on this a month or so ago. The Israeli ambassador, asshole that he is, actually tried to have 60 minutes censor the show. I loved it when the interviewer demanded an answer for that. "Sir, in all my years at 60 minutes, no one has ever done that to us. What are you afraid of?" Beautiful.

Netanyahu is like Al Charplatan and Jesse Jackson. Bunch of phonies.

Just want to be clear here - you agree with Alejandro's implication that the holocaust was a scam because there is evidence that millions of Jews were persecuted before they were exterminated?  Is that about right? 

Seems to me that years of persecution before the holocaust makes for pretty fucking compelling evidence that it occurred, not the other way around.


Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 12:46:27 AM
*usual tiresome attempt at antisemitic diatribe*

Well, well, well. Isn't it interesting what we're willing to reveal about ourselves in the comfortable anonymity of the interwebs? You've clearly done this a few times before, haven't you? Oh, you forgot to use The Protocols of The Elders of Zion as a source - it's usually thrown in about this point by folks who post what you have. Maybe you've got a copy nearby.

You've certainly caused some excitement by gratuitously injecting antisemitism into the topic, like throwing a diamondback into a closed room full of people. And you've smoked out a little support, and even got the hate list expanded to include "evangelical nuts". Yep, you flung some hatred, provoked some ill-will, maybe permanently destroyed some relationships. Way to go, man.   

Now, let's see. Didn't there used to be an "Ignore" button around here somewhere?....

Frys Girl

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on June 03, 2012, 11:31:39 AM

Just want to be clear here - you agree with Alejandro's implication that the holocaust was a scam because there is evidence that millions of Jews were persecuted before they were exterminated?  Is that about right? 

Seems to me that years of persecution before the holocaust makes for pretty fucking compelling evidence that it occurred, not the other way around.
Oh lord. Did you read? I said what I agreed with. I don't think he's a Jew hater.


of course I'm not a Jew hater. I'm a big fan of the Beastie Boys, Leonard Cohen, ... and a mile of other names.

Anyway, my understanding of what really happened with the rise of Hitler to power is that he was funded and raised up by Zionists, and in turn promised them to throw out German Jews and make them migrate to Palestine in order to create a Jewish state. Of course emigrating to Palestine would be like if the Government asked you to migrate to the Northpole - kinda - you know leave the green beautiful Germany and move to a dry land full of Arabs... That was one motivation to round up Jews - to get them "motivated" to move out. Even the German Jewish Race laws were modeled exactly after what the Zionists wanted - keep THEIR race clean.
here's a nice video about this:
Jim Condit - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler (Adolph Hitler)
it's pretty interesting.

Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 01:36:54 PM
of course I'm not a Jew hater. I'm a big fan of the Beastie Boys, Leonard Cohen, ... and a mile of other names.

Anyway, my understanding of what really happened ...

Don't care, troll


Quote from: Frys Girl on June 03, 2012, 09:25:05 AM
I don't think he's a Jew hater. His claim about cleansing is actually correct.
which claim? I just want to make sure I understand what you mean

holy crap has this thread gone of the rails


My really big problem with snoores is the stupid... "hey so when you were a kid... blah blah blah howd ya get into whatever" and then followed right away with some stupid childhood ramble about when he was a kid and how what he did remotely relates to the guest... It's really just the need to constantly talk about himself and especially his childhood that bothers me most.


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on June 03, 2012, 11:31:39 AM

Just want to be clear here - you agree with Alejandro's implication that the holocaust was a scam because there is evidence that millions of Jews were persecuted before they were exterminated?  Is that about right? 

Seems to me that years of persecution before the holocaust makes for pretty fucking compelling evidence that it occurred, not the other way around.

you saved me a lot of typing. 

whenever the topic of jews or israel come up on this forum, there are always a select few users who are only TOO happy to explain why jews are the cause of the world's problems. 

oh my... the poor poor palestinians.  aren't these the same people who place rocket launchers in residential neighborhoods so that when israel blows the shit out of it, the maximum number of old ladies and children can be killed for anti-israel propaganda purposes?  even the arabs THEMSELVES don't give a shit about the palestinians.  they're viewed as the filth of the arab world.  this whole palestinian "cause" is just used to shield the true antisemitism behind certain viewpoints.  i'm not saying israel is right in everything they do, but on the whole i think you can see where my sympathies lie.  oh, and congrats to the palestinians on putting hamas in charge of everything a few years back.  nice move, there.


Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 01:36:54 PM
of course I'm not a Jew hater. I'm a big fan of the Beastie Boys, Leonard Cohen, ... and a mile of other names.

One of the funnier things you've said in a while, Alejandro.


Quote from: Frys Girl on June 03, 2012, 08:11:43 AM
how can you say this? just because he get a paycheck? doing well means doing with with pride and dignity. George Noory cannot claim either of these things when it comes to C2C.

i didn't say he's done well for the show or for us.  just for himself.


Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 01:36:54 PM
of course I'm not a Jew hater. I'm a big fan of the Beastie Boys, Leonard Cohen, ... and a mile of other names.

Anyway, my understanding of what really happened with the rise of Hitler to power is that he was funded and raised up by Zionists, and in turn promised them to throw out German Jews and make them migrate to Palestine in order to create a Jewish state. Of course emigrating to Palestine would be like if the Government asked you to migrate to the Northpole - kinda - you know leave the green beautiful Germany and move to a dry land full of Arabs... That was one motivation to round up Jews - to get them "motivated" to move out. Even the German Jewish Race laws were modeled exactly after what the Zionists wanted - keep THEIR race clean.
here's a nice video about this:
Jim Condit - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler (Adolph Hitler)
it's pretty interesting.
I'm sorry but really man?  You seemed to be an intelligent thinker to me but I REALLY think yer shit is twisted here... no offense and I'm not jewish but cmon... keeping RACE "CLEAN" thats like the first philosophical error that leads down the road to final solutions.... there are none... we are all human beings... there are no clean races we are all essentially mutts and even thinking of entertaining the thought that there EVER existed a PURE race is totally WRONG... humans all of us... we all deserve HUMANE treatment... no matter what political BS "science" or justification says otherwise... why do you even look at that shit?


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on June 03, 2012, 11:31:39 AM
Alejandro's implication that the holocaust was a scam 
I am not implying that the holocaust never happened, my friend, I am merely showing you where the 6 Million number comes from. It was the Zionist view that they needed some kind of sacrifice to end the Jewish Diaspora, and 6 Million was their preferred number for some reason always.


Quote from: ziznak on June 03, 2012, 03:12:50 PM
. keeping RACE "CLEAN" thats like the first philosophical error that leads down the road to final solutions.... there are none... we are all human beings... there are no clean races we are all essentially mutts and even thinking of entertaining the thought that there EVER existed a PURE race is totally WRONG... humans all of us... we all deserve HUMANE treatment... no matter what political BS "science" or justification says otherwise... why do you even look at that shit?
I totally agree with you. Unfortunately that's not what's happening in Israel, you know, just like the German race laws that forbade marriage between Jews and non-Jews they HAVE THE SAME LAW today in Israel because the Zionists believe in race and want to keep it clean, you know "the chosen people" must not intermingle with goyim (Zionist's view).


Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 03:18:16 PM
I totally agree with you. Unfortunately that's not what's happening in Israel, you know, just like the German race laws that forbade marriage between Jews and non-Jews they HAVE THE SAME LAW today in Israelm because the Zionists believe in race and want to keep it clean, you know "the chosen people" must not intermingle with goyim.
Well... I havent checked that out in its entirety but I can agree with you on the fact that ISRAEL/PALESTINE are FUCKED... have been since the biblical shit went down... and that wont ever change... but even the thought that any RACE can be deemed "CLEAN".... cmon totall BS... I get it there's people that think otherwise BUT they have other motives and dont understand that HUMANITY is a species... we are all the same.... except for the hatred passed down from thousands of years of religious and philosophical dispute.

The General

So, Alejandro, you think that the Jews themselves were ultimately behind the holocaust?  That's fucked up.  Also, you think there is ethnic cleansing going on in Israel today?  Also fucked up.


Quote from: The General on June 03, 2012, 03:36:10 PM
So, Alejandro, you think that the Jews themselves were ultimately behind the holocaust?  That's fucked up.  Also, you think there is ethnic cleansing going on in Israel today?  Also fucked up.
Not quite. the ethnic cleansing pretty much happened after 1947. you know driving out whole populations of their ancestral hometowns, etc...
And the thing is, not "the Jews" were behind the holocaust. The Zionist "Elite" pretty much sold them out to Hitler in a deal to get them to move to Palestine (in trains). That was the whole point of rounding them up. Afaik the British didn't allow Germany to move the Jews out, probably because Palestine was their protectorate or something like that. So they got stuck in the camps.


I think I'll go to some neo-nazi forum and start talking about how george noory sucks  ::)

Quote from: alejandro on June 03, 2012, 03:44:00 PM
Not quite. the ethnic cleansing pretty much happened after 1947. you know driving out whole populations of their ancestral hometowns, etc...
And the thing is, not "the Jews" were behind the holocaust. The Zionist "Elite" pretty much sold them out to Hitler in a deal to get them to move to Palestine (in trains). That was the whole point of rounding them up. Afaik the British didn't allow Germany to move the Jews out, probably because Palestine was their protectorate or something like that. So they got stuck in the camps.
I uh... I mean...


Holy fuck...

It's just that...

You really believe this shit, which is pretty damn scary.  If I follow this "train" of thought (sorry guys, couldn't resist),  some nebulous Jewish elite volunteered their people to be jammed into cattle carts to make some cross Europe train ride to the Middle East, all while Europe was embroiled in the bloodiest of wars, where entire nations had fallen under the jack booted control of the vile Third Reich.  Simultaneous to this, the British, who were under daily bombardment from Luftwaffe air strikes, who had sent their women and children (my Grandmother among them) to be billeted with strangers in the countryside while what was left of their fighting forces valiantly tried to liberate their European brothers and sisters, were secretly engineering to prevent the Nazis from liberating their captive Jewry in the Palestinan desert because they had suddenly decided that Palestine was a vital strategic asset worth protecting? Rather than fight to save their very existence, with the Germans having already captured the Channel Islands, Churchill somehow got word to Hitler that they better not ship those Jews to Palestine, or their would be hell to pay. 

Well, thank goodness the Germans had all those concentration camps ready to go.  What a stroke of luck.  They might have had to put all those Jews in fancy train station adjacent hotels when the cease and desist message came from the Brits, not to mention the catering costs.

Jesus wept.

Frys Girl

Quote from: The General on June 03, 2012, 03:36:10 PM
So, Alejandro, you think that the Jews themselves were ultimately behind the holocaust?  That's fucked up.  Also, you think there is ethnic cleansing going on in Israel today?  Also fucked up.
I agree with your first sentence, but the last one... nope.


Quote from: Frys Girl on June 03, 2012, 04:57:17 PM
I agree with your first sentence, but the last one... nope.

The only sense that they were "behind" the holocaust was when then they were left "behind" after being shot, gassed or starved to death.


 WTF?? I thought this was the George Noory Sucks!! thread? Hey Alejandro, do these goyim or Zionists have any connection to the Unversity of Alabama? I think Alabama should be investigated forthwith. I sense a master plan afoot in Tuscaloosa.
A Disgruntled Tiger Fan

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