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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Lovely Bones

Quote from: Jasmine on May 28, 2012, 05:36:20 PM

Sounds familiar. I'm rather intense and can quite easily ease towards edge of night (not the old soap opera!) myself, but thankfully (and hopefully like yourself) am not bipolar. I saw the edge of the abyss with my ex, and the very thought of tumbling down deeper than my usual depth was a scenario I was not willing to entertain. If I dove to the bottom with him, I'd eventually have to call upon my inner resources and survival mechanisms in order to quickly surface, and would then no doubt suffer from the bends. I'm perfectly content to often times float on the tranquil surface of the Sea of Me...which has a depth of countless meters.

My fiance is an architect, so I can absolutely see where your head is at in terms of committing to the long haul. You did indeed "Get Smart" (sans Don Adams). He's deep, he's brilliant, but thankfully is also a very rational human being.

I agree, sister - just the mere remembrance of ex musicians past is enough to keep a girl in check.

And that's the rub, getting dragged to the bottom along with them while giving in to their insanity. 

Many moons ago when I first met Mr. Science Guy, he painted a picture for me of a future together and how content it would make him feel.  Content.  Nothing about that sucks. 

But to keep from derailing the thread, everything about George Noory sucks. 


I have to say I'm most suitably impressed with you gentlemen (and the lovely Lovely, of course) and all of your very penetrating and perceptive takes on the human psyche. Exceptional. I feel as if I'm back in my university campus pub, sitting with all of you in a booth - drinking pints of beer and engaging in true "Paper Chase" dissertation, sans legalities and Charles Kingsfield.

...I also can't help but feel as if I'm out on a surreal date with with Woody Allen, and he's really, really probing my brain. I'm just waiting for the classic Allen hypochondriac element to enter this discourse!  ;)

On the lighter side, tonight, sexy-as-hell Georgie Porgie, Pumpkin Pie (3.14159) will be interviewing Robert Zubrin, who will spread his unique brand of sunshine across the airwaves and create rainbows as he discusses the elites and world population control (planned genocide)...according to the Coast site.

This happy talk will be followed with an interview with one Ptolemy Tompkins, who will be discussing the afterlife and how it is viewed by religious faiths and philosophers. I really dig death-rebirth, I really do, but the main reason I mention this second interview is that I really dig the name Ptolemy...it would have been so cool to date a guy with this name.

"Everyone, meet my latest conquest, Ptolemy, from Sacramento."


Quote from: Lovely Bones on May 29, 2012, 08:53:22 AM...How many of us were/have been "fixers," consciously or unconsciously riding in our white horses to save these damaged souls and crazies from themselves and from their demons?
"Not I", said the little piggie. Well, at least not for those women who I knew pretty much from the get weren't "the one". And here is an essential difference between men and women. I think women are much more likely to want and be willing to "fix" in almost every case. Whereas when I saw the craziness come out, my initial reaction was an overwhelming desire to escape. I wanted away, right then. Remember, this was in my early and mid-20's, and I was not looking for life-partners in these particular women. Also, my escape reaction probably had something to do with the fact that these women's craziness exhibited as extreme jealousy in which they publicly or semi-publicly attempted to embarrass me and destroy non-romantic relationships with one or more other women (although one I had dated in the past). I didn't want to fix anything with those harpies after they had played out a Gotterdammerung scene. 

Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 11:53:32 AM...I'm just waiting for the classic Allen hypochondriac element to enter this discourse!  ;)...

Does it count that I felt my heart rate go up just thinking about those crazy beeyotches and how insane they had to be to believe that if they publicly humiliated  me I would love them forever?


Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 11:53:32 AM

On the lighter side, tonight, sexy-as-hell Georgie Porgie, Pumpkin Pie (went on the air and made all the girls cry) will be interviewing Robert Zubrin, who will spread his unique brand of sunshine across the airwaves and create rainbows as he discusses the elites and world population control (planned genocide)...according to the Coast site. The perfect way to end a stressful day.

If that's not a misprint, Zubrin has gone off the rails. He has always been a pretty straightforward space and energy (flex-fuel in his case) guy. A real shame if he's teetered over to the paranoid lunatic side.


Quote from: Sardondi on May 29, 2012, 12:08:40 PM
Does it count that I felt my heart rate go up just thinking about those crazy beeyotches and how insane they had to be to believe that if they publicly humiliated  me I would love them forever?

It only counts if you follow that psychosomatic affliction with announcing, in a breathless voice (thanks to the beeyotches) that you just know you have a brain tumor in your head (where else, I ask?) the size of a basketball.

Quote from: stevesh on May 29, 2012, 12:12:48 PM
If that's not a misprint, Zubrin has gone off the rails. He has always been a pretty straightforward space and energy (flex-fuel in his case) guy. A real shame if he's teetered over to the paranoid lunatic side.

I know. I'm curious to hear what he has to say.


Quote from: Sardondi on May 28, 2012, 03:20:04 PM
Looks like a lot of people have experience with relationships with crazy/scary people. As did I in my wastrel days. And the question arises: why would anyone stay for a minute when the craziness peaks its little head around the corner for the first time? And it's a good question. So let's be honest: because with crazy people (at least the 2 truly crazy women I was with) the sex was just miles better...
So I'm not advocating sex with crazies, because it's simply not worth it: I'm just explaining why in my opinion people put up with them.
This is true, but Ido not believe it to be the whole story. We all know that there is a give and take in each relationship.  None is perfect, and each person and situation has flaws.  Until you have been through a relationship with a truly crazy person I believe that you are likely to just accept it as part of the game; as the flaw and downside of an otherwise great situation.  It creeps up the first time and you find yourself wondering if it is normal.  When the craziness peeks its head around the corner the first time you chalk it up to a bad day, the second time you are becoming conditioned to accept it as a part of the package.  And so it goes until one day you wake up and take honest stock of where you are and the cost associated with continuing in the direction you are heading.

Well, that was my excuse the first time... I really do not have an excuse for any that followed, and I now steer clear of any romantic relationship with people who I can identify as being beyond damaged.  I suppose for a number of years I recognized that I have flaws of my own and knew that a mate had to put up with them.  As such, I was more willing to attempt to turn a blind eye to their flaws; even if that flaw was a certifiable untreated mental condition.  It was years before I realized that while I come with flaws, they are not so serious that I should have to accept abuse in return (or as self-imposed punishment) for them.


Quote from: Sardondi on May 29, 2012, 12:08:40 PM
"Not I", said the little piggie. Well, at least not for those women who I knew pretty much from the get weren't "the one". And here is an essential difference between men and women. I think women are much more likely to want and be willing to "fix" in almost every case. Whereas when I saw the craziness come out, my initial reaction was an overwhelming desire to escape. I wanted away, right then. Remember, this was in my early and mid-20's, and I was not looking for life-partners in these particular women. Also, my escape reaction probably had something to do with the fact that these women's craziness exhibited as extreme jealousy in which they publicly or semi-publicly attempted to embarrass me and destroy non-romantic relationships with one or more other women (although one I had dated in the past). I didn't want to fix anything with those harpies after they had played out a Gotterdammerung scene. 

I'm simply too exhausted today to tackle and engage in this very intriguing discussion. Besides, I have to get to the hair salon for an estimate and to get my nails done...jungle red.

Here is a short video which will explain how a man's brain is very different from the brain of a woman.

Women: Know Your Limits! Harry Enfield - BBC comedy


say it right... its get yer nails "did" lol

Ahhhh what would life be without the "fixers" there?  I've always had a place for those women in my life that would make me their little pet project.  What they are really disguising is their own selfish motivations.  It's rather sick actually.  The "help" was more for show than anything else.  When I was unable to "see" what a wonderful person they were for stepping in and saving me from myself they would bounce on down the curb defeated just like many a girl before.  It's one thing to save puppies and kittens and another to take on humans.  The real love comes from those who can accept you the way you are and not fall in love with you after a few choice renovations.  It's not primarily a female thing to "fix" people although that's the only side I've ever seen for myself.  Being permanently "broken" I've run into quite a few of these types.  What has always amazed me is that they all tend to check back in every few months or years... is he still broken? let's see!! damn... ah well try again next year.


Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2012, 01:42:14 PM
say it right... its get yer nails "did" lol

I was one step ahead of ya, Buckaroo. Oh, you men! You always feel the need to dominate and control a woman and how she expresses herself, eh?  ::)

Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2012, 01:42:14 PM
Ahhhh what would life be without the "fixers" there?  I've always had a place for those women in my life that would make me their little pet project.  What they are really disguising is their own selfish motivations.  It's rather sick actually.  The "help" was more for show than anything else.  When I was unable to "see" what a wonderful person they were for stepping in and saving me from myself they would bounce on down the curb defeated just like many a girl before.  It's one thing to save puppies and kittens and another to take on humans.  The real love comes from those who can accept you the way you are and not fall in love with you after a few choice renovations.  It's not primarily a female thing to "fix" people although that's the only side I've ever seen for myself.  Being permanently "broken" I've run into quite a few of these types.  What has always amazed me is that they all tend to check back in every few months or years... is he still broken? let's see!! damn... ah well try again next year.

Thank BUDDHA I am not one of those dames...I'm serious. I have not the time nor the slightest inclination to be a man's nurse, mother, and shrink. Spare me.

But there's a flip side to all this. Uh huh...the countless men who subconsciously (and consciously) seek a nurse, a mother, and a shrink to take care of them, as many of them never quite grew out of childhood or adolescence and their attachment to mommy. There's more of this type of man around than I care to think.  Of course, many, many men are in denial about this.


Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PM
I was one step ahead of ya, Buckaroo. Oh, you men! You always feel the need to dominate and control a woman and how she expresses herself, eh?  ::)

Thank BUDDHA I am not one of those dames...I'm serious. I have not the time nor the slightest inclination to be a man's nurse, mother, and shrink. Spare me.

But there's a flip side to all this. Uh huh...the countless men who subconsciously (and consciously) seek a nurse, a mother, and a shrink to take care of them, as many of them never quite grew out of childhood or adolescence and their attachment to mommy. There's more of this type of man around than I care to think.  Of course, many, many men are in denial about this.
This is very true.  I have many friends that have given in and become in a way enslaved although I guess it's kind of a mutual enslavement if you really look at it.  I don't know why I've attracted the fixer type in the past I do nothing but send them packing after the honeymoon.  The greatest relationships a person can have are those that happen accidentally.  It's that person thats in your life already that you might not even see.  "ah she's just a close friend that spends the night sometimes."  I tend to find my closest relationships with the girls I didnt even realize I cared about til they were gone... and there's the rub!... go gecher nails did


I think you lot are subconciously trying to process the trauma of your 'relationship' with noory... think about it, we're like battered wives who don't know when to quit... ok, battered partners... even though I stopped 'sleeping with' noory months ago he still dominates my life... must be the tumeric.

analog kid

Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PMthe countless men who subconsciously (and consciously) seek a nurse, a mother, and a shrink to take care of them, as many of them never quite grew out of childhood or adolescence and their attachment to mommy. There's more of this type of man around than I care to think.  Of course, many, many men are in denial about this.

My brother-in-law is the embodyment of this - the type that feigns helplessness to get people to do things for them. What's worse tough, is the fragile male ego. Or the way these guys suffer so much. They moan and groan at the slightest discomfort, and a cold appears to have the same effect on them as malaria does to the elderly. I'm a guy myself, and I always thought that was an older generational thing, though.


Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PM
Oh, you men! You always feel the need to dominate and control a woman and how she expresses herself, eh?  ::)

Apparently your experiences with men are limited to the needy types. You recall that old saying that went something like, "you will find it if you look for it"? All you've done is verify that basic truth. Perhaps if you look for a man who is mature you might find you are the one drawn to him as a woman, whether she is into motherhood or not, has a genetic wiring to be attracted to males who will be intelligent, protective, kind and loving and a provider. Not all women so I'm not making the same type of blanket statement it appears you made.

Wild Card Guy

Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PM
I was one step ahead of ya, Buckaroo. Oh, you men! You always feel the need to dominate and control a woman and how she expresses herself, eh?  ::)

Quote from: Zircon on May 29, 2012, 03:33:06 PM
Apparently your experiences with men are limited to the needy types. You recall that old saying that went something like, "you will find it if you look for it"? All you've done is verify that basic truth. Perhaps if you look for a man who is mature you might find you are the one drawn to him as a woman, whether she is into motherhood or not, has a genetic wiring to be attracted to males who will be intelligent, protective, kind and loving and a provider. Not all women so I'm not making the same type of blanket statement it appears you made.

Uh, Dude, I truly think she was jesting when she made that statement. Chill.  ;)

Wild Card Guy

Wow, this thread has morphed into Dr. Phil...but an interesting topic, it is.

There are so many layers and sub-layers to both people and relationships that this could be discussed until the cows come home.

All I can say is that this old quote perhaps says, not all, but a lot:

Men enter a relationship with a woman with the hope that she will never change.
Women enter a relationship with a man with the hope that he will change.
Both are inevitably disappointed.


Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2012, 02:00:56 PM
This is very true.  I have many friends that have given in and become in a way enslaved although I guess it's kind of a mutual enslavement if you really look at it.  I don't know why I've attracted the fixer type in the past I

I once knew someone like this.  She had this bizarre compulsion to help everyone in a little group I was in with all their problems.  She was utterly unqualified to do so, and her help amounted to quick fixes, and she always blamed the other person when they didn't work.  It was all a big fucking mess of a victim/martyr complex.  I fell for it, of course, and it's taken me years to untangle all the stupid ideas she put into my head.


Ah, the fixer uppers.  Look at the human condition here.  Are many not trying to fix George and make him not suck?  Both men and women posters have engaged in this project.  It has been a decade now.  A decade devoted to the rehabilitation of suckdom.  All the pages in this Definitive Compendium contain comments that any human host could adopt or not. 

Just accept George.  He is as he is, no suck intended.  For those who continue on their reformation quest, many pages and posts await you. 


Quote from: tmock00 on May 26, 2012, 09:03:17 PM

According to this article, Coast may be moving to AM 910 KKSF.


Not sure if it is posted elsewhere on this forum, but C2C home page confirms this...

'C2C is very happy to welcome our new affiliate in San Francisco and the Bay Area, KKSF-910 AM, which will begin carrying the show live nightly etc.'


Quote from: CoastCanuck on May 29, 2012, 04:30:45 PM
Not sure if it is posted elsewhere on this forum, but C2C home page confirms this...

'C2C is very happy to welcome our new affiliate in San Francisco and the Bay Area, KKSF-910 AM, which will begin carrying the show live nightly etc.'

And Noory promoted that news in the last hour last night on the air as well.
Funny how he doesn't seem to count all the stations that have dropped c2c, so the net total is either the same or lower.  :o


Quote from: Wild Card Guy on May 29, 2012, 03:56:09 PM
Wow, this thread has morphed into Dr. Phil...but an interesting topic, it is.

There are so many layers and sub-layers to both people and relationships that this could be discussed until the cows come home.

All I can say is that this old quote perhaps says, not all, but a lot:

Men enter a relationship with a woman with the hope that she will never change.
Women enter a relationship with a man with the hope that he will change.
Both are inevitably disappointed.

I just skimmed the thread earlier, but have now gone back and reread it.  Yes, it does read like Dr. Phil with just a touch of Oprah.  I like your quotes.  I agree with the quote Women often enter a relationship with a man with the hope he will change.  I was bad on that one, but I realized that was a problem and just when I entered by current relationship was watchful.  Now, I hope my fiance' never changes.  Of course all men or women change over time, but I did not enter and stay in the relationship with that anticipation.  It must work, we became engaged yesterday.


I'm not sure that it is really fair to judge the audience of C2C just by the stations that carry the show.  For sure, that is a significant part of the equation, but these days anyone with internet access or a smart phone or tablet with 3G, 4G, etc, can stream the show from almost any station that carries it, regardless of geographic location.  I live in Alabama but having previously lived in SoCal I listen to KFI via iHeart Radio most of the time.  I don't have any idea what the numbers are for the streaming audience are, maybe the average Noory fan is not smart enough to stream the show?? 


Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on May 29, 2012, 05:26:18 PM
we became engaged yesterday.
Congrats!! Everybody deserves to be happy... then again... "ain't no body above a beat down"

Frys Girl

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on May 29, 2012, 05:26:18 PM
I just skimmed the thread earlier, but have now gone back and reread it.  Yes, it does read like Dr. Phil with just a touch of Oprah.  I like your quotes.  I agree with the quote Women often enter a relationship with a man with the hope he will change.  I was bad on that one, but I realized that was a problem and just when I entered by current relationship was watchful.  Now, I hope my fiance' never changes.  Of course all men or women change over time, but I did not enter and stay in the relationship with that anticipation.  It must work, we became engaged yesterday.

Ben Shockley

Quote from: fysisist on May 29, 2012, 05:30:03 PM
...I live in Alabama but having previously lived in SoCal I listen to KFI via iHeart Radio most of the time. ...
I can relate.  The thing about KFI I don't like (late-night, because I wouldn't even think of listening to their daytime line-up) is how their newsreaders are apparently told to be sarcastic with the news-- like they are just too cool to be reading that stuff; like they don't understand why they have to be reading that mundane crap about non-Ellay mortals;  -- surely some of you have noticed it.

Quote from: fysisist on May 29, 2012, 05:30:03 PM
I don't have any idea what the numbers are for the streaming audience are, maybe the average Noory fan is not smart enough to stream the show?? ...
The thing I don't understand is how so many people who are smart enough and interested enough to find a forum like this are simultaneously ignorant of how to listen to "Coast" online (or by using the phone technology you mentioned) AND -- more importantly-- how to do so (and download shows) without paying the goons who employ Noory.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Ben Shockley on May 29, 2012, 05:50:29 PM
I can relate.  The thing about KFI I don't like (late-night, because I wouldn't even think of listening to their daytime line-up) is how their newsreaders are apparently told to be sarcastic with the news-- like they are just too cool to be reading that stuff; like they don't understand why they have to be reading that mundane crap about non-Ellay mortals;  -- surely some of you have noticed it.
The thing I don't understand is how so many people who are smart enough and interested enough to find a forum like this are simultaneously ignorant of how to listen to "Coast" online (or by using the phone technology you mentioned) AND -- more importantly-- how to do so (and download shows) without paying the goons who employ Noory.
They're trying to be a bit like Paul Harvey. It's a big fail.

Wild Card Guy

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on May 29, 2012, 05:26:18 PM
I just skimmed the thread earlier, but have now gone back and reread it.  Yes, it does read like Dr. Phil with just a touch of Oprah.  I like your quotes.  I agree with the quote Women often enter a relationship with a man with the hope he will change.  I was bad on that one, but I realized that was a problem and just when I entered by current relationship was watchful.  Now, I hope my fiance' never changes.  Of course all men or women change over time, but I did not enter and stay in the relationship with that anticipation.  It must work, we became engaged yesterday.

Congratulations! All I can tell you is that my beautiful wife of ten years is my lover and my true friend. We make each other laugh each day, and if there are any codependency issues that arise, we take them to the mat and wrestle them. Above all, communicate! Oh, and we both expect each other to change with the times...change is good if both are on-board with it. One more thing...continue to date your husband after the marriage. I'm serious. Date at least once a week or twice per month. Romance each other long after the vows.

Best of luck!


Thanks everybody!!!!!.  I don't normally post a lot personally, but well, relationships were just being discussed and it just wrote out.


All this relationship stuff makes me very, very tired. Although I loved your BBC clip, Jasmine - it's so seldom we see good self-help videos these days.  ;)

Anyway, Noory Sucks.


I haven't seen this on here anywhere, but a guest--Marrs I think--said something like he knows it has been a tough year for George, and that he is going through a lot work-wise deciding if he wants to continue when his contract is up soon. Hopefully Noory has been telling others that he might not continue on C2C when his contract ends.

I don't believe it for a second, but plleeeeaaaasssseee let it be true.

HAL 9000

Quote from: jinwicked on May 25, 2012, 02:27:38 AM
"You're a vegetarian?"


"Do you eat chicken?"

Fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuu George Noory.

I just had to listen to the original... presenting the One-Neuron Nooron (see attached mp3 below)

[attachment deleted by admin]

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