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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



I agree this was one of Noory's better shows in a while. I made it much longer than the usual 2-20 minutes average I can stand at a time. I think it would have been nice if Noory had shown a little less interest in Gacy's homosexuality and pederasty though. I also think it would have been an interesting conversation if Noory had asked the guests whether he thought it was appropriate for a defense lawyer to talk about killing his clients, or if the guest thought it was appropriate for an ex-judge to talk about going outside the law and killing anybody that did anything to his family, or whether being old school or Italian made it ok. 

James G.

George Noory claims to have been a reporter? Ha! he'd have gotten his behind sued for defamation of character, and reckless disregard for the truth in any major U.S. daily newspaper as I worked for in those years.

Noory is a craphead. If he'd ever turned in a supposed story over to me as an editor that he'd write, I'd fired his worthless ass like a cannon. Then pitch a fit in the newsroom and warn my staff about being socially responsible.

Noory has never grasped the concept that socially responsible journalists and historians identify people by their full names and addresses to avoid confusion with other people with the same first and last names, and noting town or city of residence.

Noory would be sued. And sued big. Exposing a newspaper open to a civil lawsuit it can't possible win. Damn fool! He is an ignorant fool. He's just someone who sits behind a microphone. mouthing off.

One day, all, Noory will broadcast a defamation of character or reckless disregard for the truth statement that will get Premiere Radio Networks sued severely!  Severely!

That network will have to settle, because it will lack the evidence needed to proceed with a trial.

Noory is a fool, and one day he will cost Premiere millions of dollars for his foolishness.


"when we come right back, in just a moment"
Several times in every show.

Duh George, "come right back in just a moment" means a minute or less not 10 minutes. You suck George!


Quote from: valdez on August 10, 2011, 04:26:55 AMSomebody named Marshall Klarfield was also on pushing his plan to end the Afghan War.  I downloaded the plan.  It's 18 pages, but the actual plan is all of three lines.

This would never be approved. The U.S. needs to secure its opium supplies.


     And Roger Leir was on because why?  Another alien implant?  Really?  Johnathan Emord on the over reaching had of the government, and our right to drink raw milk.  He started the interview with a list of federal agencies and programs that he would do away with, and how much each would save us.  I was impressed.

r  a  w

M Knight

Quote from: Art Crow on August 10, 2011, 11:27:17 PM
This would never be approved. The U.S. needs to secure its opium supplies.

#4 should state:  "Afghanistan will forfeit 50% of its GDP to the United States for the next 100 years to compensate for the 9/11 murders and infrastructural damage, as well as reimbursement for kicking your ass for 10 years."


Quote from: valdez on August 11, 2011, 05:36:09 AM
     And Roger Leir was on because why?  Another alien implant?  Really?  Johnathan Emord on the over reaching had of the government, and our right to drink raw milk.  He started the interview with a list of federal agencies and programs that he would do away with, and how much each would save us.  I was impressed.

r  a  w

I live in a big dairy state in the Midwest, and the raw milk issue is often brought up here.  I wouldn't drink it; I was once offered milk fresh from a cow, Ugh, it was still warm.  Guess I'm a city girl.  Anyway, let people drink raw milk, BUT, absolve the farmer from any liability if the drinker get sick.  Buyer beware!


Quote from: Morgus on August 10, 2011, 05:24:49 PM
Noory has the only ultra-G rated late night program.
He even says "heck" instead of "hell"  :-*

Sunday night, Dr. Charles Tart, when Noory asked what he thought of Uri Geller, replied, in so many words, "Not much", but attempted to give Geller the benefit of the doubt about his obvious sleight-of-hand on the Tonight Show by asking Noory how he (Noory) would do if he appeared on the Tonight Show and was asked to produce an erection. Noory was furious.

He does have a very strange prudishness for a man his age. Any mention of anything sexual seems to fluster him.

Quote from: stevesh on August 11, 2011, 07:17:51 AM
Sunday night, Dr. Charles Tart, when Noory asked what he thought of Uri Geller, replied, in so many words, "Not much", but attempted to give Geller the benefit of the doubt about his obvious sleight-of-hand on the Tonight Show by asking Noory how he (Noory) would do if he appeared on the Tonight Show and was asked to produce an erection. Noory was furious.

He does have a very strange prudishness for a man his age. Any mention of anything sexual seems to fluster him.

Furious, how? Like what was his reply?


Quote from: stevesh on August 11, 2011, 07:17:51 AM
Sunday night, Dr. Charles Tart, when Noory asked what he thought of Uri Geller, replied, in so many words, "Not much", but attempted to give Geller the benefit of the doubt about his obvious sleight-of-hand on the Tonight Show by asking Noory how he (Noory) would do if he appeared on the Tonight Show and was asked to produce an erection. Noory was furious.

He does have a very strange prudishness for a man his age. Any mention of anything sexual seems to fluster him.

christ, now I'm going to have to go listen to it!


Quote from: valdez on August 11, 2011, 05:36:09 AM
     And Roger Leir was on because why?  Another alien implant?  Really?  Johnathan Emord on the over reaching had of the government, and our right to drink raw milk.  He started the interview with a list of federal agencies and programs that he would do away with, and how much each would save us.  I was impressed.

I don't listen to noory. I don't know what programs and agencies this guy wanted to cut. Anytime someone tells me how much I am going to save I consider what costs will increase. Black and white statements are hardly ever accurate or well thought out. And sorry to be skeptical but any shit for brain that noory has on looses any credibility.


Quote from: onan on August 11, 2011, 09:51:12 AM
I don't listen to noory. I don't know what programs and agencies this guy wanted to cut. Anytime someone tells me how much I am going to save I consider what costs will increase. Black and white statements are hardly ever accurate or well thought out. And sorry to be skeptical but any shit for brain that noory has on looses any credibility.

Yes, Onan, let's not forget the brilliant economic move they made in the 70's when they closed the mental institutions and the mentally ill filled the streets and the "crazies" became the "homeless."  After great suffering, starvation, inability to get/take medication regularly and being victimized by criminals, laws were passed to prevent them from sitting on the sidewalk.  They protested, were arrested, diagnosed, given pills and released until they did property damage, which often happens when the mentally ill do not have their meds.

The mentally ill now live in prison in a cycle of incarcerations punctuated by short periods of time on the streets or briefly in "transitional" housing.  One person told me he liked prison because he felt safer locked in a cell. 

In California there was a brief flurry of interest in the huge amount of dollars, a political transfer of wealth, that took place when a huge budget moved from the column called "Mental Health" to the column called "Prisons." The prison system is one large sector which is robust in the present recession.

Yes, we saved money when we closed the residential mental hospitals because they said the new drugs could make people so functional they could be "out in the community," a euphemism for our society's new "plan" for the mentally ill "homeless, hungry, hopeless." Think you have trouble finding/affording a place to live?  Try it with several felonies on your record.

I've never met a doctor who thought closing the hospitals was a good idea. And you guessed it, the prison budget increase is many times more than the savings gained from closing the hospitals. 

Wardens +1, Doctors -1



Quote from: Tara on August 11, 2011, 06:30:02 AM
I was once offered milk fresh from a cow, Ugh, it was still warm. 
bleh... i just threw up in my mouth a little.


Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on August 11, 2011, 07:47:51 AM
Furious, how? Like what was his reply?

Furious might have been a little exaggeration, but he wasn't happy and kind of sulked for a while afterwards.

Quote from: HorrorReporter on August 09, 2011, 06:10:04 PM
just make your own Miracle..

I keep looking at this picture waiting for a long line of drool to drip off of Noory's bottom lip.   :D


Quote from: James G. on August 10, 2011, 10:15:53 PM
George Noory claims to have been a reporter? Ha! he'd have gotten his behind sued for defamation of character, and reckless disregard for the truth in any major U.S. daily newspaper as I worked for in those years.

Noory is a craphead. If he'd ever turned in a supposed story over to me as an editor that he'd write, I'd fired his worthless ass like a cannon. Then pitch a fit in the newsroom and warn my staff about being socially responsible.

Noory has never grasped the concept that socially responsible journalists and historians identify people by their full names and addresses to avoid confusion with other people with the same first and last names, and noting town or city of residence.

Noory would be sued. And sued big. Exposing a newspaper open to a civil lawsuit it can't possible win. Damn fool! He is an ignorant fool. He's just someone who sits behind a microphone. mouthing off.

One day, all, Noory will broadcast a defamation of character or reckless disregard for the truth statement that will get Premiere Radio Networks sued severely!  Severely!

That network will have to settle, because it will lack the evidence needed to proceed with a trial.

Noory is a fool, and one day he will cost Premiere millions of dollars for his foolishness.

Snorge was a local TV news editor.   OK, you're all aware of what a joke local TV news is anyway, right?  It's not news, it's the crime of the day, the weather, some chat, more weather, chat, sports, weather, etc.  This was the kind of "reporting"that the Snoornon specialized in.   You can tell with his "news" segment where his head's at.   There's always some gruesome event -- usually happening to a child more often than not -- and some kind of cute animal story.  Then his 'canned' interviews, which are a springboard for his own weird, paranoid opinions about the state of the world.  For example, this guy, this so-called "earth changes expert," Mitch Battros?  I've never heard a less articulate moron in my whole life.  And Jerome Corsi?  He's about as discredited a "journalist" as there is.   

Don't even get me started on Stephen Quayle.... But on the topic,  I have only one question to ask about Quayle:  Does he guzzle about 10 Red Bulls before his guest appearances or does he does he get down with crystal meth?  I'm thinking the meth because he's usually "spitting cotton" about halfway into the first hour.  He probably keeps the edge going with lotsa Red Bull, though....

I think the Snoron is good for one thing and one thing only:  Comic relief.   You can't possibly take him seriously because he's almost never prepared for his "interviews," asking stupid, obvious questions and he NEVER has anyone that might successfully contradict his own worldview.   His constant verbal malaprops (last night he said "SAH MOE Leeya"  instead of "Somalia") indicate to me that he's probably dyslexic to some degree -- and his reading of the news is straight from the wire --  he just can't seem to get through one night without screwing something up.  So clearly, he doesn't rehearse at all.   And we're all well aware that he obviously doesn't read anything at all that might prepare him for his guests, either.  He leaves that up to Lisa Lyin' or some other producer- flunky.

Finally, he's a fearmonger -- and he damn sure knows who his prime demographic is -- the dumbbells and dopes out there in the USA -- and he feeds their paranoia and fear with all the crap he spews.   I love it when he says he's trying to find the "truth."  The mouth breathers eat that up though, don't they?

Listen, this guy might be a little slow, but he's a good little corporate hack.  He definitely has an agenda and he's following orders from his PremRat superiors, believe me. 

But god, does he SUCK!

That was one Hell of a first post fellow member. When my Streamlink was still being used, they had a commercial on there saying.."Want the truth, you'll find it on C2C with George Noory".
Who in their right mind is going to believe that.


Quote from: Mister Coincidence on August 11, 2011, 01:29:25 PM
I keep looking at this picture waiting for a long line of drool to drip off of Noory's bottom lip.   :D
lol, now that you mention it...


Quote from: valdez on August 11, 2011, 05:36:09 AM
     And Roger Leir was on because why?  Another alien implant?  Really?  Johnathan Emord on the over reaching had of the government, and our right to drink raw milk.  He started the interview with a list of federal agencies and programs that he would do away with, and how much each would save us.  I was impressed.

Seriously, I'm really getting sick of Emord.  He's like the Steve Quayle of libertarian lawyers.  And isn't being a libertarian lawyer like being a Jewish Nazi?  I've enjoyed it when he discusses the law, but really got turned off when he started pretending to be an expert on predator drones.  He appears to be fond of drones, which is also a turn-off.  The only thing cool about him is his name.  If I had a pet alien, I'd name him Emord.

r  a  w


Quote from: James G. on August 09, 2011, 11:19:10 PM

Only fooling listeners that are dumber than they are. If you can imagine that!

I write comedy and satire, but nothing is more hysterical than the supposed seriousness of George Noory's Coast-To-Coast AM.

Ha! Ha!
I don't think that the Premier Radio Network is going to suffer from Noory's mis-truths.  If so, Limbaugh would've bankrupted 'em long ago. 

I still kind of enjoy Noory, even though my late term Bell fandom has educated me.  Unlike a lot of radio talk show hosts, at least Noory isn't seething with anger and hatred.  I therefore find him wonderful to fall asleep to.

I also give Noory a 1/2 thumb up for not running a pro-gun apology show the day that the Norwegian maniac killed all of those kids.  Formerly, the day of the VCU murders and on the day of the Giffords shooting, Noory had on 2nd Amendment fan John Lott.  I enjoy hearing Lott's arguments, but not on the day of massacres. 


Quote from: fabucat on August 11, 2011, 08:49:54 PM
I don't think that the Premier Radio Network is going to suffer from Noory's mis-truths.  If so, Limbaugh would've bankrupted 'em long ago. 

I still kind of enjoy Noory, even though my late term Bell fandom has educated me.  Unlike a lot of radio talk show hosts, at least Noory isn't seething with anger and hatred.  I therefore find him wonderful to fall asleep to.

I also give Noory a 1/2 thumb up for not running a pro-gun apology show the day that the Norwegian maniac killed all of those kids.  Formerly, the day of the VCU murders and on the day of the Giffords shooting, Noory had on 2nd Amendment fan John Lott.  I enjoy hearing Lott's arguments, but not on the day of massacres.

Damn, Fab, you are making me reconsider my position on noory.


Quote from: Rico999 on August 11, 2011, 01:40:35 PM
Snorge was a local TV news editor.   OK, you're all aware of what a joke local TV news is anyway, right?  It's not news, it's the crime of the day, the weather, some chat, more weather, chat, sports, weather, etc.  This was the kind of "reporting"that the Snoornon specialized in.   You can tell with his "news" segment where his head's at.   There's always some gruesome event -- usually happening to a child more often than not -- and some kind of cute animal story.  Then his 'canned' interviews, which are a springboard for his own weird, paranoid opinions about the state of the world.  For example, this guy, this so-called "earth changes expert," Mitch Battros?  I've never heard a less articulate moron in my whole life.  And Jerome Corsi?  He's about as discredited a "journalist" as there is.   

Don't even get me started on Stephen Quayle.... But on the topic,  I have only one question to ask about Quayle:  Does he guzzle about 10 Red Bulls before his guest appearances or does he does he get down with crystal meth?  I'm thinking the meth because he's usually "spitting cotton" about halfway into the first hour.  He probably keeps the edge going with lotsa Red Bull, though....

I think the Snoron is good for one thing and one thing only:  Comic relief.   You can't possibly take him seriously because he's almost never prepared for his "interviews," asking stupid, obvious questions and he NEVER has anyone that might successfully contradict his own worldview.   His constant verbal malaprops (last night he said "SAH MOE Leeya"  instead of "Somalia") indicate to me that he's probably dyslexic to some degree -- and his reading of the news is straight from the wire --  he just can't seem to get through one night without screwing something up.  So clearly, he doesn't rehearse at all.   And we're all well aware that he obviously doesn't read anything at all that might prepare him for his guests, either.  He leaves that up to Lisa Lyin' or some other producer- flunky.

Finally, he's a fearmonger -- and he damn sure knows who his prime demographic is -- the dumbbells and dopes out there in the USA -- and he feeds their paranoia and fear with all the crap he spews.   I love it when he says he's trying to find the "truth."  The mouth breathers eat that up though, don't they?

Listen, this guy might be a little slow, but he's a good little corporate hack.  He definitely has an agenda and he's following orders from his PremRat superiors, believe me. 

But god, does he SUCK!

Well said, Ricco, all of it, but I've highlighted my "favorite" paragraphs.  Please post often. You speak the TRUTH!   :) :) :)


Quote from: fabucat on August 11, 2011, 08:49:54 PM
I don't think that the Premier Radio Network is going to suffer from Noory's mis-truths.  If so, Limbaugh would've bankrupted 'em long ago. 

I still kind of enjoy Noory, even though my late term Bell fandom has educated me.  Unlike a lot of radio talk show hosts, at least Noory isn't seething with anger and hatred.  I therefore find him wonderful to fall asleep to.

I also give Noory a 1/2 thumb up for not running a pro-gun apology show the day that the Norwegian maniac killed all of those kids.  Formerly, the day of the VCU murders and on the day of the Giffords shooting, Noory had on 2nd Amendment fan John Lott.  I enjoy hearing Lott's arguments, but not on the day of massacres.

Who really cares if Premier suffers from Noory being an idiot? It's the listeners that suffer from the bullshit that spews from his mouth. Like Rush or not it was him who put talk radio back on the map and it's due to his show that asshole Noory even has a show.

Noory is evil.


Quote from: valdez on August 11, 2011, 05:36:09 AM
     And Roger Leir was on because why?  Another alien implant?  Really? Johnathan Emord on the over reaching hand of the government, and our right to drink raw milk.  He started the interview with a list of federal agencies and programs that he would do away with, and how much each would save us.  I was impressed.
r  a  w

When Louis Pasteur developed pasteurization many people, mainly children, were spared from the miserable diseases that can come from drinking raw milk where fastidious hygeine has not been followed.

When I was a child my aunt who lived in a rural area had a cow from which her family drank raw milk.  When my family went to visit them, though, we always stopped at a local grocery and bought our own pasteurized milk to drink while visiting. (My dad loved milk.)

It strikes me as amazing that all these years later the cycle has come back to the "right" to drink raw milk.  George Noory strikes again -- first and foremost in tutoring knuckle-dragging Americans who believe his every word.

James G.

We can use ration and reason and write until we're blue in the face.

The thread title says it all: "George Noory Sucks!"

He sucks! He's a joke to radio! A real joke! But he thinks he's serious and intelligent! Ha!


Quote from: Scully on August 11, 2011, 10:12:42 PM

When Louis Pasteur developed pasteurization many people, mainly children, were spared from the miserable diseases that can come from drinking raw milk where fastidious hygeine has not been followed.

When I was a child my aunt who lived in a rural area had a cow from which her family drank raw milk.  When my family went to visit them, though, we always stopped at a local grocery and bought our own pasteurized milk to drink while visiting. (My dad loved milk.)

It strikes me as amazing that all these years later the cycle has come back to the "right" to drink raw milk.  George Noory strikes again -- first and foremost in tutoring knuckle-dragging Americans who believe his every word.

WHen I was  a tree-hugger in the 70's, raising a lot of little kids, I thought I would jump on the raw milk bandwagon.  My eighteen month old boy developed diarrhea that lasted for days.  It almost killed him.  The right to raw milk means you are trusting your children's LIVES to the hygiene practices of people you have never met.  You are trusting the government and when I reported this harrowing situation to the health department, they told me to leave a message on the machine.  Never heard a word back.


I think George is more on the dumb and paranoid side.  I doubt he had many friends growing up or now.  Being somewhat isolated socially, he's gullible and susceptible to conspiricy theories and fear mongers.   And he thinks that was what Art's show was about.

The personal stories - George just wants to have stories to tell like his guests.  He doesn't realize how creepy they are.  The mangled animal and horrific news stories - George sees those as 'entertainment', him doing news no one else is doing.  He thinks people like to be 'scared' and 'grossed out'.

I'm sure he doesn't quite get why people say he's evil or malignant, and just writes it off to 'haters'. 

And yet it doesn't matter what his motives are for filling the airwaves with fear, just the fact he does means he's on the side of evil.


Noory's ugly mug showed up again on tonight's new episode of Ancient Aliens.
As usual he only spouted some quick generic sound bites, they probably just edit them into several different shows.


          I add this note with trepidation, both because I would rather not open a certain can of worms and because, invariably, some people either misunderstand or simply refuse to believe, but here, in brief, it is.
          Once, many years ago, Art Bell interviewed a little known pseudo-documentary film maker whom Art knew nothing about. It wasn't long before this disgrace to the great country of Australia, one David Icke, began waxing poetic about what a grand old world it would be were it not for those pesky Jews. Art, promptly, hung up on him, and never spoke to him again.
           Today, David Icke--whose cinematic triumphs include enactments of Jewish people cooking and eating their own children--is a regular guest on Coast.
           He is also a regular and honored guest on Alex Jones' show--Alex being another of the world's great admirers of Jews and himself a regular guest on Coast.
           Is it possible that Noory and his producers are unaware of what these two guys are about? No. Do they continue to have both of them on Coast regularly? Yes. It isn't even necessary to speculate as to reasons nor draw conclusions, but one hopes we can all agree that at the very least, this is simply unacceptable.
            But hey, I'm sure it generates great ratings. Oh, and whenever I eat my children I use a cast iron skillet and some fava beans.

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