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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: valdez on July 28, 2011, 05:06:12 AM
     The "Egypt/pyramid/who built them?/weren't they such fine folks" subject usually gets on my nerves, but Carmen Bolter has a strong personality, and carried the show, and I think I even heard her laughing at some of George's bombs.  The big controversy of the night was whether glass decomposes (George was wondering why we don't find million year old skyscrapers of past civilizations).   Bolter thought it didn't, George said it does, and Richard C. Hoagland sent George a message (he was on at the start of the show talking about the dark side of the moon) saying it didn't.  When I got home I looked it up.  It doesn't decompose, but it can disintergrate into tiny pieces.

I've heard Noory say it before, and he said it again last night:  "Even I learn things on this show!"  :P


Quote from: Scully on July 28, 2011, 02:48:56 PM
I've heard Noory say it before, and he said it again last night:  "Even I learn things on this show!"  :P
but Noory's problem is that he forgets what he learned right after the show is over.
the next time he interviews that same or a similar topic guest he asks the exact same questions and appears to know nothing from the last time.  :o
he must be getting early dementia symptoms?


Quote from: Morgus on July 28, 2011, 03:33:28 PM
but Noory's problem is that he forgets what he learned right after the show is over.
the next time he interviews that same or a similar topic guest he asks the exact same questions and appears to know nothing from the last time.  :o
he must be getting early dementia symptoms?

True, Morgus, but my point is that Noory always feigns surprise that he doesn't already know all there is to know about everything.  ::)

The tone of his voice speaks volumes.


Quote from: Morgus on July 28, 2011, 03:33:28 PM
but Noory's problem is that he forgets what he learned right after the show is over.

I truly doubt that he remembers anything right after the next efoods or gold commercial break.


2 things.

First did anybody hear when the caller said his dad saw a sphere rise out of the swamp and shine a light on his mirror which left oil? George couldn't understand the word sphere, so he kept saying, "A what?" When the caller finally said it so Noory could understand he said "Oh I always wondered...you learn something every day." It was funny, but I think you had to hear it.

Second, why would C2C have a piece of crap like Roy Spencer on? He has no credibility when it comes to climatology any more. Now like all of the idiotic C2C guests he is trying to segue into economics because he knows the shows he goes on will not have the basic knowledge to challenge him, nor would they want to because his sole existence is to put out fraudulent pseudoscientific work to be used as talking points.

This article sum up much of his misbased work, but there has been more study about his frauds and lies (which he is repeating without challenge time after time tonight):


El Kragen

Quote from: rangers1919 on July 28, 2011, 11:43:08 PM
2 things.

First did anybody hear when the caller said his dad saw a sphere rise out of the swamp and shine a light on his mirror which left oil? George couldn't understand the word sphere, so he kept saying, "A what?" When the caller finally said it so Noory could understand he said "Oh I always wondered...you learn something every day." It was funny, but I think you had to hear it.

"What's a see'er?"

In George's defense, Mike sounded like f*cking nutbar: "I'm gonna change the subject. My whole thing is mirrors and old cabins where old timers used to shave and do their thing and clean up in the morning and stuff and having oil spots left on'em from sightings of ufo's..."

El Kragen

I lol'd at this exchange at the beginning of the RCH interview:

GN: How are ya!

RCH: Fine George. You're a little low. If they could turn up the gain in the control room.

GN: You are what it is...but you sound great, so that's what matters

RCH: Okaaaay?


Quote from: rangers1919 on July 28, 2011, 11:43:08 PM
2 things.

First did anybody hear when the caller said his dad saw a sphere rise out of the swamp and shine a light on his mirror which left oil? George couldn't understand the word sphere, so he kept saying, "A what?" When the caller finally said it so Noory could understand he said "Oh I always wondered...you learn something every day." It was funny, but I think you had to hear it.

Second, why would C2C have a piece of crap like Roy Spencer on? He has no credibility when it comes to climatology any more. Now like all of the idiotic C2C guests he is trying to segue into economics because he knows the shows he goes on will not have the basic knowledge to challenge him, nor would they want to because his sole existence is to put out fraudulent pseudoscientific work to be used as talking points.

This article sum up much of his misbased work, but there has been more study about his frauds and lies (which he is repeating without challenge time after time tonight):


Answer:  Because George loves him some pieces of crap!!!  All his favorite guests are refugees from the world of discredited "authorities."  Who else would support George's wacked-out agenda?

I've noticed that as of a couple of months or so ago the C2C website topic descriptions have gotten more and more creative in disguising what they're really going to be.  They link everything from Angels to UFOs into a diatribe on how our modern civilization is crumbling at the hands of the powermongers in Washington.  ???


Quote from: texaskdog on July 28, 2011, 02:14:53 PM
Could a Noory show be considered "intellectual property?"

Noory and Intellectual together in the same sentence create an oxymoron explosion.  Don't do it again, you could damage your screen.



     George continues his assault on the global warming scam with Dr. Roy Spencer.  More interesting was Alfred Adask, a sovereign citizen.  I wanted to know more about his ideas, and the laws they are based on, but George seemed to want to steer clear of anything too edgy, and, in a way, tried to paint his as someone who was simply "angry at the government".  Yeah, but theres more there.  Every few months the local news will do a story on some sovereign citizen getting arrested for taking over a home without anyone's permission.  It's basically "squatting", but with some fancy legal twisted rationale thinking behind it.  It seems to be a mix of existing law, bible stuff, barbecue, and nonexistent law, but George didn't seem to care much about that aspect of it.  George did, however, advised him that if he didn't threaten the government with guns, his cause may be more successful.  Indeed.
Alfred Adask


Hello, all.  I have been a lurker for some time.

Like most people here, I started listening to Art back in the mid-1990s and, although I'm a skeptic, I always found Art's shows very entertaining and listened as often as possible.  Also like most people here, I find the current state of C2C to be abominably dismal and I don't have a whole lot to add to everyone's justified gripes about what the show has become.

I felt that I should add something to rangers1919's Think Progress link regarding Roy Spencer.  The article is good, but it spent more time talking about another climate denier.  However, I think there is some basis for viewing Roy Spencer in a more skeptical light, considering that he's apparently funded to a certain extent by ExxonMobil, at least according to this:


That fact sheet mentions the fact that Spencer is listed as a scientific advisor to the Interfaith Stewardship Council.  An old link through the ExxonSecrets page yields this URL:  interfaithstewarship.org.  If you type that into your browser, you'll get this:


Apparently, the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance has changed its name to the Cornwall Alliance.  Nevertheless, it's obvious that it is an evangelical organization that attempts to refute global warming.

There's a lot more out there to discredit Spencer's science but with this little information, I think we can say that Spencer fits the extreme right wing religious platform that C2C has become.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 29, 2011, 02:10:36 AM
Noory and Intellectual together in the same sentence create an oxymoron explosion.  Don't do it again, you could damage your screen.


Whew, is that what that was?  I thought I was having a stroke!   ;)


In response to Fractal, I did not want to quote the whole thing, but George did call the guest out on his connections to big oil last nite.  Yes, he did.  GOOD FOR YOU, GEORGE!  I don't think he named the corporations name specifically, but George was confrontational, but in a non-threatening way. 

The guest denied any funding by those interests.  That was the first segment guest. 


Hmm. I didn't perceive George as "calling out" the guest for ties to big oil. Noory's tone was to poo-poo the very notion of Spencer being funded by the oil companies ("There's chatter on the Internet (pshaw) about you being funded by big oil... Ha, ha, ha.") Of course, we had to hear a garbled speech about the wondrous, fantastical abiotic oil, as well.


Quote from: valdez on July 29, 2011, 05:18:21 AM
     George continues his assault on the global warming scam with Dr. Roy Spencer.  More interesting was Alfred Adask, a sovereign citizen.  I wanted to know more about his ideas, and the laws they are based on, but George seemed to want to steer clear of anything too edgy, and, in a way, tried to paint his as someone who was simply "angry at the government".  Yeah, but theres more there.  Every few months the local news will do a story on some sovereign citizen getting arrested for taking over a home without anyone's permission.  It's basically "squatting", but with some fancy legal twisted rationale thinking behind it.  It seems to be a mix of existing law, bible stuff, barbecue, and nonexistent law, but George didn't seem to care much about that aspect of it.  George did, however, advised him that if he didn't threaten the government with guns, his cause may be more successful.  Indeed.
Alfred Adask
My favorite part of the Alfred Adask segment was when good ol' Al said that when he did a search on the words -- internal revenue service -- at manta.com, there were 47187 entries, and he proceeded to use this as evidence of an empirical IRS since manta.com is a well-respected D&B business resource.

Well, I did a fact check on his claim. My search came up with 47188, so far so good. I looked at a random selection of the search results and found that many entries had nothing to do with the IRS, as many companies that were found had these words scattered within their descriptions.

Then I noticed that my search had some refinement links for the results, and one of them was "Government" with 1,156 entries found. I drilled down and found government refinement links for these words listed by state. Looking at several state links. I found that, on average, just under half were actual IRS listings. That brings the number of actual IRS entries on manta.com to about 500 or so.

Quite a distortion of the facts by Mr Adask. It took me about 45 seconds to debunk this right-wing-nut drivel. Snorgie could have done the same, and called Adask out. But Snorgie was no doubt doing more important things with his computer at the time, like stalking Lady GaGa.

Snorgie's C2C has evolved into an Alex Jones clone.   


notice that Norry only has guests on that agree with his core beliefs in no global warming, abiotic oil, etc.
never guests from the opposite view. why is that?


Quote from: Morgus on July 29, 2011, 01:38:09 PM
notice that Norry only has guests on that agree with his core beliefs in no global warming, abiotic oil, etc.
never guests from the opposite view. why is that?

Because Noory doesn't have the reasoning ability and/or facts to present a logical argument in support of his positions.  Even a half wit with an opposing stance could make mince meat of him on the air.  Would love to see that. 


welcome to the forums, fractal and towi.  it's great to have you.  please post often.


George Noory is the middle-aged male equivalent of Miss North Carolina of "such as" fame.

Take his favorite topic, religion.  Can you imagine this:

GUEST:  George, tell the listeners YOUR answer is to those who claim Christianity is moving closer to the Gnostic view since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

GEORGE: .>:",.;<  We'll get to those after the break, so get ready for that.......sigh.......scratch.....cough.....pace.... AND it's Coast to Coast with GUEST and we're moving to Open Lines.  What is your questions for our guest?

That's the finesse we stay up for.



Hi 11angeleyes11. I fell asleep before the segment you mentioned came on, however, I went back to listen to it on the KSFO website.  I think Avi's impression of the exchange is accurate.  In fact, George really softballed the issue with Spencer and then Spencer claimed to have difficulty hearing George.  Maybe he was having trouble with his phone line or whatever, but that seemed a pretty convenient excuse.

If we go back to a Think Progress source, we'll find that the Cornwall Alliance--for which Spencer is listed on their board of advisors--has been receiving funding from ExxonMobil for its work.  Here's a link:


I also noticed something scary about Cornwall Alliance on its "about" page.  The first word of their "motto" is "Dominion".  That should send any reasonable person running for the hills with their hair on fire, particularly after Jeff Sharlet's investigation of The Family, in his book by the same name.  These are the same kind of people who brought the "Let's kill the gays!" legislation in the Ugandan parliament a few years back.

Very scary stuff.

Anyway, maybe Spencer's challenge for us to look at his bank account will indeed show no deposits from ExxonMobil but that's a bit disingenuous.  The Think Progress link above indicates that big oil money is going into Cornwall Alliance's bank account and that alliance is disbursing the money.  It is through Cornwall Alliance that Spencer is linked to big oil.

George used the word "chatter" to describe the information on the Internet linking Spencer to ExxonMobil.  Maybe I don't have a firm grasp of English, but "chatter" makes me think of talk that isn't very important or substantial.  I would not classify the information that I've found--and that anyone else can easily find, as Towi did with Adask's claim about the IRS--as "chatter".

Thanks for the welcome, Michael.

Quote from: Morgus on July 29, 2011, 01:38:09 PM
notice that Norry only has guests on that agree with his core beliefs in no global warming, abiotic oil, etc.
never guests from the opposite view. why is that?

A quick scan of Mr. Adask's blog makes me wonder if George would like some of his comments on Jews. There's some sort of weird screed about love of money and all that there.......guy sounds like a typical wingnut.

"Snoory" continues to inspire the world why education is important. He is without a doubt the lamest talk show host I've ever listened to. Thank God we have "Somewhere in Time" Art Bell re-broadcasts to benchmark what a good radio host should sound like...someone with intellect, who is knowledgeable, inquisitive, engaging, has a clue, who is prepared and can pronounce words properly.

Any chance that Snoory will leave C2C soon? I love C2C but I hate their primary "host" George "I'm a Moron" Snoory.       

I've been on the forum for a while, but I don't think I've gone on a rant why I hate the current state of C2CAM yet.  It's mostly because Premiere has turned the entire show into an infomercial.  Although Noory is a nice guy and is fairly open-minded, he can't interview worth a damn.  I am positive that, listening to his presentation, all the questions he asks are scripted.  Most of his guests are usually on the show to peddle some kind of product (Uncle Celente's Gold Investments, etc.)  I always try to listen to live Coast whenever I can, but Noory bores me as a host, and the show has become so tired and formulaic that it's lost its original charm that it had when Art Bell was hosting.  The only new shows I can listen to all the way through are the weekend shows, and even those are still hard to get through compared to old Bell shows.  Thank god my local affiliate has Somewhere in Time on Saturday nights, even if the first hour isn't on (Leo Laporte's last hour fills that slot).  With Art Bell, I felt a reason to stay up until 3am.  With Noory, I don't even have a reason to get streamlink to listen to shows in the daytime.  It's not that I despise Noory from the pit of my stomach as much as everyone else on the forum, it's just that the Old Grey Mare just ain't what she used to be.  The show needs a breath of fresh air, and not a breath of Hydrogen Sulfide.


Quote from: El Kragen on July 29, 2011, 12:07:03 AM
"What's a see'er?"

In George's defense, Mike sounded like f*cking nutbar: "I'm gonna change the subject. My whole thing is mirrors and old cabins where old timers used to shave and do their thing and clean up in the morning and stuff and having oil spots left on'em from sightings of ufo's..."

Lol, seerer, that's what I couldn't remember that was funny too. The guy wasn't saying it too clearly, but I think he said something similar to "like an orb" and Noory said ah, but still had no idea. I don't know why it was so funny to me, but it was.

Also, good post Fractal. I had seen that the guests associates were funded by Exxon and other oil companies in other articles, but did not know for a fact that he was so I did not mention it. It pretty much goes without saying though that every person doing global warming debunking seriously is funded by oil companies. Anyone who sells out and produces work like he has is generally not going to be able to work in the scientific or academic community because nobody wants to associate their reputation with people who knowingly, repeatedly act fraudulently--except for oil companies and the like.

Quote from: Master_of_Reality on July 29, 2011, 09:28:49 PM
"Snoory" continues to inspire the world why education is important. He is without a doubt the lamest talk show host I've ever listened to... 

He is certainly the dumbest, laziest, and least articulate... although Ian continues to prove that good radio requires more than intelligence, show prep, and verbal skills...

Quote from: NefariousBanana on July 29, 2011, 10:30:16 PM
  I've been on the forum for a while, but I don't think I've gone on a rant why I hate the current state of C2CAM yet.  It's mostly because Premiere has turned the entire show into an infomercial.  Although Noory is a nice guy and is fairly open-minded, he can't interview worth a damn.  I am positive that, listening to his presentation, all the questions he asks are scripted.  Most of his guests are usually on the show to peddle some kind of product (Uncle Celente's Gold Investments, etc.)  I always try to listen to live Coast whenever I can, but Noory bores me as a host, and the show has become so tired and formulaic that it's lost its original charm that it had when Art Bell was hosting.  The only new shows I can listen to all the way through are the weekend shows, and even those are still hard to get through compared to old Bell shows.  Thank god my local affiliate has Somewhere in Time on Saturday nights, even if the first hour isn't on (Leo Laporte's last hour fills that slot).  With Art Bell, I felt a reason to stay up until 3am.  With Noory, I don't even have a reason to get streamlink to listen to shows in the daytime.  It's not that I despise Noory from the pit of my stomach as much as everyone else on the forum, it's just that the Old Grey Mare just ain't what she used to be.  The show needs a breath of fresh air, and not a breath of Hydrogen Sulfide.quote]

Haha, breath of Hydrogen Sulfide.  Yeah, boring, formulaic, scripted, all the rest of what you said.  Sure does suck.

To me, even the nice guy thing is an act - mostly to cover his inability to engage a guest or caller and disagree without 'yelling and screaming' (his words).  Nice guys don't routinely and continously interrupt and knock guests off their train of thought, they don't come completely unprepared every night (just plain rude to the guests and the listeners), don't spend their days searching the web for the worst child deaths to gleefully report.  The personal stories that don't quite ring true yet make him out to be just creepy.  The way he sounds when some female he thinks might be attractive calls in.  Ugh. 

He also wants to project the good ole open-minded schmuck, but to me that is more of him trying to be the nice guy.  In reality, George just really isn't much interested in anything other than George Noory, plus a few pet topics here and there (tumeric, 2012, demons, abiotic oil) - can really tell, can just hear him perk right up, when one of his favorite topics comes up.  Mostly, George is just happy to let the guest or caller go on and on, just make it to the next break, George won't ever question any of it.  Or remember any of it.  It may seem like openmindedness, but it's really laziness, disinterest, and lack of communication skills needed to discuss the topic


Quote from: texaskdog on July 28, 2011, 02:14:53 PM
Could a Noory show be considered "intellectual property?"
lol... well played, brother.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Lovely Bones

Quote from: NefariousBanana on July 29, 2011, 10:30:16 PM
I've been on the forum for a while, but I don't think I've gone on a rant why I hate the current state of C2CAM yet.  It's mostly because Premiere has turned the entire show into an infomercial.

This ^^^^.

M Knight

In five years, the entire show will be an audio montage of 2 minute sound clips of previous shows with Noory periodically interjecting at inopportune moments: (also prerecorded), "Really", "Wow", "Do you think it was a portal, or Angels?", and "What made you get into this, anyway"?


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 29, 2011, 04:28:44 PM
welcome to the forums, fractal and towi.  it's great to have you.  please post often.
Thanks Michael!

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