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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: bateman on January 09, 2015, 01:53:44 PM
I eagerly await the RCH weather report.

The only map where everything is at 19.5.  Jorch can also point out where LA is located.

Quote from: albrecht on January 09, 2015, 02:34:51 PM
It is odd that the only word pronounces correctly is 'primer.' (PRIM-er for introductory textbook, PRIMEr for guns.)...

Okay thanks.  It must be one of those oddities that is pronounced differently in American English than Canadian English, like turbine, route, and aunt.  Either that or I've been pronouncing it wrong all these years.

Quote from: ItsOver on January 09, 2015, 04:29:26 PM
The only map where everything is at 19.5.  Jorch can also point out where LA is located.

You're not giving George enough credit.  I bet he could also point out Hawaii on that map.

136 or 142

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 09, 2015, 02:36:52 PM

This is funny for another reason.

In George's facile way of non-thinking, you just made a death threat against him.  You were hypothesizing about a physical attack.

I would not be surprised if he soon mentions that he's had his life threatened for the brave positions he has taken.  Threats from the haters.

Followed by:

"What's hapeneen in our world today?"

Well you will note I was careful to only say "went after him"  I of course meant by that that the unhinged scientist went after George to give him a lovely assortment of chocolates.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on January 09, 2015, 05:01:45 PM

Well you will note I was careful to only say "went after him"  I of course meant by that that the unhinged scientist went after George to give him a lovely assortment of chocolates.

" . . . and I went after you, would you say that what I did was ok because you provoked me?"

I want to note that you also had George surviving the confrontation -- at least surviving to say whether or not it was OK.

But I don't think it's going to matter much in George's cracked style of non-thinking.

Yep, you threatened him all right. 

It's as clear as the nose on a provoked killer's face.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 09, 2015, 04:18:06 PM

It's funny--I've always heard that saying applied to religion, not journalism, and I think Mencken was an atheist.

Religion likes to steal.  In Mencken's case here, they stole from the witty and gave to the dull.

Christianity also swiped that "resurrection" fable from other mythical sources.  Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.

Like George, I hate to be a negative Debbie Downer -- but the bologna in your refrigerator is not going to reassemble itself back into pigs and cows any time soon.


Last night Norry opened the show with some bs line "I hate to open with this story" and then proceeded to tell some awful story about a dad who threw his daughter off a bridge in Tampa. Then to add to the story, which he claimed "didn't want to tell", that "they didn't know if she was dead" but "an officer thought he heard a scream" and finding the body downstream. For someone who claims he doesn't like bad news he suspiciously ALWAYS leads with stories about the worst of humanity. Nobody buys your "I don't like this story but" lame excuses, George. If you truly didn't like dead children stories you wouldn't lead with them so often. A dead child in Tampa is not a news story, at least not a national one. It is friggin horrible but not a news story unless YOU want it to be. It is one thing to have doom and gloom guests with theories of the coming apocalypse or Planet X irradiating our planet  into nothingness, or even speculation about "mean babies," but the glee about, and frequency of, REAL stories of dead children is pretty sick.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 09, 2015, 04:45:05 PM
Okay thanks.  It must be one of those oddities that is pronounced differently in American English than Canadian English, like turbine, route, and aunt.  Either that or I've been pronouncing it wrong all these years.

PRIME-r in English English, too, GFP. What's the alternative (US: alternate) pronunciation of turbine?
Herb (Urrb)
Basil (Bayzil)
Oregano (Uhreegano)
Anti- (Ant-eye)
Etc, etc....
Always amused that when everyone else was involved in Kossovo (Koss-uh-vuh), America was in some place called Koe-soe-voe.

Two nations, common language, as the man said. Vive la difference.

I see George Noory is taking a break tonight.

It's a national night of respite from the stultifying spokesface of medievalism.


With the twin sieges going down in 'Pirras' today, I bet Joorch is really, really pissed that he isn't on tonight, thereby missing another chance to channel Walter Cronkite. You know, where he solemnly informs a spellbound nation of events that happened 12 hours earlier and everyone else has been talking about all day. Now if only the 'infant' (translates to li'l kiddie in Nooronese) reported to have been carried to safety from the supermarket had been killed, I bet he'd have dropped everything to get on air.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on January 09, 2015, 06:12:28 PM
With the twin sieges going down in 'Pirras' today, I bet Joorch is really, really pissed that he isn't on tonight, thereby missing another chance to channel Walter Cronkite. You know, where he solemnly informs a spellbound nation of events that happened 12 hours earlier and everyone else has been talking about all day. Now if only the 'infant' (translates to li'l kiddie in Nooronese) reported to have been carried to safety from the supermarket had been killed, I bet he'd have dropped everything to get on air.

George never met a dead kid he didn't like.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on January 09, 2015, 06:00:29 PM

PRIME-r in English English, too, GFP. What's the alternative (US: alternate) pronunciation of turbine?
Herb (Urrb)
Basil (Bayzil)
Oregano (Uhreegano)
Anti- (Ant-eye)
Etc, etc....
Always amused that when everyone else was involved in Kossovo (Koss-uh-vuh), America was in some place called Koe-soe-voe.

Two nations, common language, as the man said. Vive la difference.

Tur-bin, like the headpiece.  Maybe it's not universally American and someone can correct me, but it seems pretty common.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 09, 2015, 04:50:16 PM
You're not giving George enough credit.  I bet he could also point out Hawaii on that map.
Did you know Jorch grew-up in  Detroit?  Well, it was actually Dearborn Heights.  Jorch was born a poor, stupid child, to a loving but hateful father who had cornered the market in hamster skins and turtle soup.  His mother never put up with any "fuss'n or fight'n" or that kind of stuff and enjoyed chasing away the neighborhood kids as Jorch cowered under her skirt.  But enough of this, let's have Jorch tell us in his own mangled words for the umpteenth time about why Detroit is really keen since Jorch is from there, while the rest of us grind away what remains of our teeth...


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 09, 2015, 07:02:57 PM
Tur-bin, like the headpiece.  Maybe it's not universally American and someone can correct me, but it seems pretty common.
Tur-bin is probably the most common, but one will hear tur-BINE fairly frequently also. Lots of words, even in the USA (in some cases even internal to an individual state will differ on pronunciation or even on meaning with all the years of immigration, large country, etc. Here, for example: if I said "I'll pick up some cokes" it would mean I could be picking up any variety of over-priced, unhealthy, artificially-colored sugar-water. If I said that in the mid-west they would say "could you also pick up some other "pop." I want a Sprite." On the coasts they would say "soda." (well West Coast would probably request a green tea or smoothy.) So who knows? There are worst cases (the UK) where you can be in the same city and not understand some people (at least for me.)

All I know is that Norry cannot pronounce anything correctly. It is not a regionalism, an accent, a colloquialism, or even an affectation....he just garbles words.

This could be a whole new thread on pronunciation if we were pedantic enough. Suffice it to say that English, in any form, is a f*cked up language, with varying "rules", spellings, and pronounciations and it is no surprise that immigrants often have difficulty with it. And which is why American media loves Canadians because they speak English understandable to all but without a foreign or "British" accent or a particular regional American accent.

Quote from: albrecht on January 09, 2015, 07:20:46 PM

This could be a whole new thread on pronunciation if we were pedantic enough. -GNS

Too late.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on January 09, 2015, 06:00:29 PM

PRIME-r in English English, too, GFP. What's the alternative (US: alternate) pronunciation of turbine?
Herb (Urrb)
Basil (Bayzil)
Oregano (Uhreegano)
Anti- (Ant-eye)
Etc, etc....
Always amused that when everyone else was involved in Kossovo (Koss-uh-vuh), America was in some place called Koe-soe-voe.

Two nations, common language, as the man said. Vive la difference.



Quote from: albrecht on January 09, 2015, 07:20:46 PM
Tur-bin is probably the most common, but one will hear tur-BINE fairly frequently also. Lots of words, even in the USA (in some cases even internal to an individual state will differ on pronunciation or even on meaning with all the years of immigration, large country, etc. Here, for example: if I said "I'll pick up some cokes" it would mean I could be picking up any variety of over-priced, unhealthy, artificially-colored sugar-water. If I said that in the mid-west they would say "could you also pick up some other "pop." I want a Sprite." On the coasts they would say "soda." (well West Coast would probably request a green tea or smoothy.) So who knows? There are worst cases (the UK) where you can be in the same city and not understand some people (at least for me.)

All I know is that Norry cannot pronounce anything correctly. It is not a regionalism, an accent, a colloquialism, or even an affectation....he just garbles words.

This could be a whole new thread on pronunciation if we were pedantic enough. Suffice it to say that English, in any form, is a f*cked up language, with varying "rules", spellings, and pronounciations and it is no surprise that immigrants often have difficulty with it. And which is why American media loves Canadians because they speak English understandable to all but without a foreign or "British" accent or a particular regional American accent.

(The other half of NMN shakes her head and says she has never heard Turb-in as a pronunciation. A shock to me, having always known that what we call 'pop' in the UK is 'soda' in the US, to discover that here in Pittsburgh it is pop!)

Yes. It has always been the great strength of English that it is so mongrel. Sponge-like, it absorbs words from anywhere and everywhere and makes them its own. Greek, Celtic, Roman, Saxon, French and more all absorbed. In the twentieth century there has been an endless cross-traffic between Britain and America. I'm always struck, too, by what seem to me 'odd' forms of American English which are actually survivals of an older form of English English long abandoned in the UK. A silly example can be found in sport. In the UK, a football team - Liverpool, Celtic, Cardiff City etc, - will always attract a plural verb: Liverpool aren't doing so well this season. In the States, it's always 'isn't'. That strikes my ear as odd but is, of course, grammatically accurate since 'Liverpool' is a collective noun. There are many other examples. I love the American habit of using 'ma'am' and 'sir' in casual conversation. A cultural throwback in British terms, but vibrant in the States.

E pluribus unum.

And why my ear is so often offended by the assassination of the English language engaged in by the founder of this magnificent feast on a nightly basis.


Quote from: albrecht on January 09, 2015, 07:20:46 PM

This could be a whole new thread on pronunciation if we were pedantic enough. Suffice it to say that English, in any form, is a f*cked up language, with varying "rules", spellings, and pronounciations and it is no surprise that immigrants often have difficulty with it. And which is why American media loves Canadians because they speak English understandable to all but without a foreign or "British" accent or a particular regional American accent.

Well sure, exempting Newfoundland of course  :D .


Quote from: ItsOver on January 09, 2015, 07:09:11 PM
Did you know Jorch grew-up in  Detroit?  Well, it was actually Dearborn Heights.  Jorch was born a poor, stupid child, to a loving but hateful father who had cornered the market in hamster skins and turtle soup.  His mother never put up with any "fuss'n or fight'n" or that kind of stuff and enjoyed chasing away the neighborhood kids as Jorch cowered under her skirt.  But enough of this, let's have Jorch tell us in his own mangled words for the umpteenth time about why Detroit is really keen since Jorch is from there, while the rest of us grind away what remains of our teeth...
That must be where Noory dressed up as Zorro and tried to terrorize the little kids in his neighborhood?  8)


Quote from: Morgus on January 09, 2015, 09:35:38 PM
That must be where Noory dressed up as Zorro and tried to terrorize the little kids in his neighborhood?  8)

It was all downhill after that.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 09, 2015, 03:32:28 AM
This kook guest has twice expressed his fear of going outdoors because of all the chem trails.

I'm surprised George hasn't invited Weather Reporter Soul Sister Sue on as a guest yet, she seems to be a perfect fit, minus the profanity.

"Look what the fucking warpigs did to paradise.  See it?  SEE IT!" 


"Here comes a goddamn dump truck!"


136 or 142

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 09, 2015, 08:05:54 PM
Well sure, exempting Newfoundland of course  :D .

Just for your information, the Province is now officially called Newfoundland and Labrador.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on January 09, 2015, 10:53:10 PM

Just for your information, the Province is now officially called Newfoundland and Labrador.

I know but that would have diluted my cheap joke, so I chose to focus on the island of Newfoundland  ;D .

Juan Cena

Quote from: fotd on January 09, 2015, 10:14:17 PM

I'm surprised George hasn't invited Weather Reporter Soul Sister Sue on as a guest yet, she seems to be a perfect fit, minus the profanity.

"Look what the fucking warpigs did to paradise.  See it?  SEE IT!" 


"Here comes a goddamn dump truck!"


I doubt whether Snorge and/or Tommee's pudgy little fingers are fast enough to handle the number of times they would need to press the bleeper button.

Juan Cena

Quote from: albrecht on January 09, 2015, 05:49:35 PM
Last night Norry opened the show with some bs line "I hate to open with this story" and then proceeded to tell some awful story about a dad who threw his daughter off a bridge in Tampa. Then to add to the story, which he claimed "didn't want to tell", that "they didn't know if she was dead" but "an officer thought he heard a scream" and finding the body downstream. For someone who claims he doesn't like bad news he suspiciously ALWAYS leads with stories about the worst of humanity. Nobody buys your "I don't like this story but" lame excuses, George. If you truly didn't like dead children stories you wouldn't lead with them so often. A dead child in Tampa is not a news story, at least not a national one. It is friggin horrible but not a news story unless YOU want it to be. It is one thing to have doom and gloom guests with theories of the coming apocalypse or Planet X irradiating our planet  into nothingness, or even speculation about "mean babies," but the glee about, and frequency of, REAL stories of dead children is pretty sick.


Snorge's index card file of dead baby jokes must be epic.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 09, 2015, 06:10:05 PM
I see George Noory is taking a break tonight.

It's a national night of respite from the stultifying spokesface of medievalism.
yes he said last night he was going to hang out with his son

I think I had never heard anyone say they didn't believe in coincidences until I heard George Noory say it. 

I'm sure I would have remembered another non-believer in coincidences because it's such a nutty thing to profess.

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