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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



""... If you can shoot a man in the back you can at least do it not center mass..."

I just woke up and 'plain'd it...



Waas, hapuneen? 

Well (a deep subject) I'll tell you...


literally just fumblegummed the gumfulfunm, ""... my fumblegums! Har-har-hafbeeb!>"

edit: that was like an hour agom, I am drunk...

2ndsEdit:  I listen to it through the other room and when it gets crazy I take note...


Is my time masheen causing a time dialiton (sp_ effect? 

I amagine we correct that in edit or prost-pod?

Yeah, finasb,.dhjkldfn

How's blowhard night going?  I listened to the first one but came to my sense when Hulet came on.


I just realized my radio's been off for two hours.  Guess my brain subconsciously protected itself tonite. 

Now and then a caller will say, "George, people have said I'm crazy . . . "

And those people are usually onto something. 

George is never one of them.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on December 03, 2014, 07:35:43 PM

Screw rock stars.  William Faulkner drank Jack Daniel's.  He either wrote 5,000 words or finished the bottle, whichever came first.  Frank Sinatra drank Jack Daniel's.  He was buried in his casket with a bottle of it in his paws.   He didn't care what they did to it.  I don't either.  It's still the nectar of God.  You shut up.


And I've already started heeding Katherine's advice.

I made a bonfire out of all the kids' Mickey Mouse ears.  I painted my forehead from a green can of Sherwin Williams I found in the garage.  That should keep Satan away from it.  Then I destroyed my credit cards, yanked out the smart meter and shot off some guns in the backyard next to the burning Mickey ears.

Now I'm sitting in the dark, drinking my Jack Daniel's, and I hear police sirens.


What the fuck would Katherine do?

lmao and jd is the nectar of the gods. too bad I can't have more than 3 shots neat otherwise I pull a cosby. yeah that's the ticket there should be a drink called the cosby...

It is truly amazing how Noory killed off once thriving message boards. Art Bell used to have multiple message boards all of which are now dead, in large part due to Noory. Total listeners have plummeted under Noory, some large cities don't even air C2C where it was once the #1 show in the time slot, and "fan" enthusiasm for the show is seemingly at an all time low. Yet, some how Premier keeps running out the same shit show and seem complacent to lose what ever listeners the show has. George's tweaks have only resulted in less listeners.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on December 04, 2014, 06:22:14 AM
It is truly amazing how Noory killed off once thriving message boards. Art Bell used to have multiple message boards all of which are now dead, in large part due to Noory. Total listeners have plummeted under Noory, some large cities don't even air C2C where it was once the #1 show in the time slot, and "fan" enthusiasm for the show is seemingly at an all time low. Yet, some how Premier keeps running out the same shit show and seem complacent to lose what ever listeners the show has. George's tweaks have only resulted in less listeners.

I can only assume that Premier considers Coast to be disposable. They can always rerun one of their other shows at night. I just can't for the life of me understand what they see in George as a radio personality. I'm not trying to be mean to George- he does represent an old style MC type host from days gone by. Maybe he reminds one of the execs of their favorite old uncle. Whatever the case may be, our feelings don't matter one whit to Premier.   

Tonight is supposed to be a paranormal topic, haunted St. Louis. Since George lived there, it's not unreasonable to expect him to have some knowledge of the local legend and haunted history. I might tune in tonight, but my expectations are low. 


Quote from: zeebo on December 04, 2014, 03:19:50 AM
I just realized my radio's been off for two hours.  Guess my brain subconsciously protected itself tonite.

I've been using the White Noise Lite app.  "Crickets" sounds like the real thing and it's lights out in less than 10 minutes.  Better than Ambien ... err, Noory.  The best thing is I'm not jarred awake by a Nooryism.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 04, 2014, 09:24:53 AM
I've been using the White Noise Lite app.  "Crickets" sounds like the real thing and it's lights out in less than 10 minutes.  Better than Ambien ... err, Noory.  The best thing is I'm not jarred awake by a Nooryism.
I like mixing Thunderstorm and Railroad on White Noise.
I did enjoy how Norry right out the gate had trouble explaining "people don't er have understand the ..the diff er differential between global warning and er pollution."


Apparently, Jorch really sucked last night...

Last thing I recall I was at a bar not listening and having a good time, now I am awake and there are empty bottles everywhere in the house, some apparently thrown on the floor un-drank and spillage, Church everywhere &tc...

All the radios in the house are off (even the ones tuned to other {non-iGnorry} stations...

I want to say I had a good time but...

Tropic Thunder - I got a bad feeling on this one


Quote from: ItsOver on December 04, 2014, 09:24:53 AM
...The best thing is I'm not jarred awake by a Nooryism.

This is horrifying when it happens.  I'll be having a pleasant dream sitting under my turmeric tree, with my dinovite-fed dog, watching angels and vampires play volleyball by the lazy carnivora river, when I'm jolted by a terrifying grunting sound from the shadows "Abshotutely!"

Quote from: zeebo on December 04, 2014, 03:38:11 PM
This is horrifying when it happens.  I'll be having a pleasant dream sitting under my turmeric tree, with my dinovite-fed dog, watching angels and vampires play volleyball by the lazy carnivora river, when I'm jolted by a terrifying grunting sound from the shadows "Abshotutely!"

Sorry Zeebo.  I know it must get old but whenever you paint a beautiful mental picture like that I can't help myself...



Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on December 04, 2014, 05:37:07 PM
Sorry Zeebo. ....

Ok so that was just a moment of weakness.  Probably after some nightmarish Noory interview. 

Hope it doesn't mess up my lone-wolf reputation.

Quote from: pate on December 04, 2014, 02:17:13 AM

Blazing Saddles - We dont need no stinking badges..

tHAT took hjafl an hour.  Kernal Pate manly, out....
That's an Henny-Youngmann-Ism!
Ie,stolen quote from Don Escamillo in,"Treasure of the Sierra Madre":
BOGART:"If you'r reall Federales,Throw out your Badges,So I can see them!"
Don Escamillo:"Badges? We Don't have no Badges!
We don't have to show you no stinking Badges!!"
And,yust for you old radio hands,do you remember when Ira Blue(!)Was sacked temporarily from KGO-AM San Fran in 1969?For calling his fan club,
"THE STINKING BADGERS",because it was an reference to Don Escammillo's hispanic-spanish accent in the film,where he sounds like,he's saying,"Badgers",not Badges??
(signed:'Ghost of Russ Barbieri'[ie,'Mr.San Miguel Beer{sponsor}Addict']??)
PS:"Yust Yokeing!"


I'm going to put my head over the parapet here, and fully expect to get it blown clean off. I listened to last night's show in stages throughout the day and maybe I'm just getting better at blanking out Noory's twitterings, but I thought it was a decent show. Both guests were cogent, coherent and interesting.
While I think that anyone who suggests we are not contributing to climate change is foolish (although the effect on the climate of unlimited logging across the rainforests across the world, including in the Pacific North West is more damaging than all the car exhausts in the world), I have never doubted that the main driver of the climate is the sun. Casey's basic point - that the sun is entering a period of 'solar hibernation', marked by decreased sun spot activity which will cause the earth to cool, and [size=78%]North America to experience longer winters with earlier and later cold snaps and the inevitable effect that will have on planting and harvesting - made sense and was calmly and coherently argued.[/size]
Hulet's opening discussion with Noory about the policing crisis in the US is probably the best contribution to the subject I've heard. As a recent émigré to the US, I am shocked by what is going on. It isn't (only) a race issue. There is an entire policing crisis which requires a root and branch examination of recruitment and training. Citizens of all colour, the homeless, the mentally ill, children and dogs are all at risk from trigger happy morons hiding behind a badge. I showed my girlfriend a video of UK police (unarmed) tracking a guy making his way down a high street in a North London suburb. He was wielding a samurai sword with which he had earlier stabbed a woman. They surrounded, overpowered, disarmed and arrested him. No-one was hurt. Here, he would have been dead in 30 seconds. Hulet articulated the problem excellently, I thought.
His tale that followed, of the US military conducting experiments with electro-magnetic weapons across the country was fascinating and scary.
Of course, Noory contributed nothing and is incapable of developing an idea with a guest and just won't keep callers on the line to engage in conversation with himself or the guests. Of course, he sucks. But there, I said it, in spite of George Noory, a decent edition of C2C.

Yah, just can't figure out why he now allows multiple question from the same caller, someone even asked five last night

Just saw the latest Coast schedule.. Except Saturday, an entire full week of snoring.


Quote from: narcissist noory on December 04, 2014, 10:02:38 PM
Yah, just can't figure out why he now allows multiple question from the same caller, someone even asked five last night

Hopefully all callers will now follow the Bill from West Hartford protocol:  First mentioning you're an amateur athiest astronomer, if so.  Then a general opening comment noting various scholarly references.  This then followed by a multi-part question with a slowly escalating tone from somewhat rational to a hyperspeed manic flood of words, ending in a gasp for air.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on December 04, 2014, 10:15:06 PM
Just saw the latest Coast schedule.. Except Saturday, an entire full week of snoring.

Start with Michael Cremo tonight with his made-up - I mean, forbidden - archaeology. And submerging artists on Sunday before we even get into next week.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on December 04, 2014, 09:39:42 PM
His tale that followed, of the US military conducting experiments with electro-magnetic weapons across the country was fascinating and scary.
Of course, Noory contributed nothing and is incapable of developing an idea with a guest and just won't keep callers on the line to engage in conversation with himself or the guests. Of course, he sucks. But there, I said it, in spite of George Noory, a decent edition of C2C.

One of the callers mentioned something about a satellite dish weapon that made an awful noise. This weapon was being tested during the first day of the Ferguson riots and then removed a day or two later.

I hate when Noory has "experts" at the beginning of the show to discuss news topics. Noory could cover more topics quicker without these so called experts. Instead it just filler for the show, frequently these expert take a minute or two to either stroke Noorie's ego or pimp their book.

Quote from: HorrorReporter on December 04, 2014, 10:15:06 PM
Just saw the latest Coast schedule.. Except Saturday, an entire full week of snoring.

Oh you mean a show on economics on Tuesday is a bad idea for a late night talk radio subject. I wonder what the average listening time for that show will be before people nod off.


Long time lurker. First time poster. I just wanted to join the chorus and say, "George Noory Sucks".

Quote from: Daggit on December 05, 2014, 12:20:49 AM
Long time lurker. First time poster. I just wanted to join the chorus and say, "George Noory Sucks".

Welcome to the club my friend. George Noory does indeed suck. Post frequently we need new posters in these parts.


And I forgot to mention that, in his wrap-up at the end of the John L Casey 'interview', Noory told us where we could get copies of his book Dark Matter. Casey's book is called Dark Winter. You rock, Joorch.

"sumfin huge happened on this planet"

Man, George is lazy tonight. Goes to caller after a 15 minute interview.

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