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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?





Oh oops, that's a link to cheap curcumin.

Let's try this again. Tonight:

Nutritional Healing/ Megalithic Monuments
Tue 02-18
First Half: Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., a natural health care practitioner, has integrated ancient Chinese energy techniques with cutting-edge nutritional science. . . . and blah blah blah magnets blah blah blah body.

2nd Half: Trained as a systems analyst in the energy industry, James Swagger, will address his research into the megalithic monuments of Western Europe, such as Stonehenge, using a multidisciplinary approach which includes history, astronomy, acoustics, and engineering.

AS USUAL, I'd have to listen to TWO HOURS of turmeric-and-magnets BULLSH*T before we get to a halfway interesting topic.

The other night Clyde Lewis tried to reference C2C and couldn't even finish the sentence without laughing. He was asking people to talk to the program managers of whatever stations they were listening to and request the full Ground Zero show. Apparently most markets are like mine â€" the AM station here only plays two hours of Ground Zero.

Clyde said (paraphrasing), "It'd be a great lineup: You can listen to this show and get all riled up and then mellow out as you cruise on into the night with George" at which point he burst out laughing. He was basically saying C2C is mindless, mind-numbing, sleep-inducing drivel.

I like Clyde more and more every night.


Quote from: DocHolliday on February 18, 2014, 09:42:35 PM
With his contract and all, there really is no way Premiere could shit can him is there?..

Noory locked in, and Art locked out - it's like there's two mirror universes and we're living in the lame one.

I just don't see premier locking themselves in with no way out for years with noory. For his affiliate coverage, exposure, tied to rush , etc. his numbers suck. The mallard report could take over for snoory and get the 3.25 mill weekly listners. Make no mistake the firing of wells means premier is trying to change stuff. Don't believe the hype george never gives numbers just affiliate counts , best it's ever been comments, etc.

Bull - art had 10 million weekly listeners george 3.25.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 18, 2014, 11:45:01 PM
I just don't see premier locking themselves in with no way out for years with noory. For his affiliate coverage, exposure, tied to rush , etc. his numbers suck. The mallard report could take over for snoory and get the 3.25 mill weekly listners. Make no mistake the firing of wells means premier is trying to change stuff. Don't believe the hype george never gives numbers just affiliate counts , best it's ever been comments, etc.

Bull - art had 10 million weekly listeners george 3.25.

All of this is spot on.


I'm inebriated and I know Noory is trolling this board. Literally trolling. derp. You're a schmuck.


A whole new form of protest in the Ukraine. Joorch informs us that people have been killed in 'fresh classes' there.

Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 18, 2014, 10:54:11 PM

Tue 02-18
First Half: Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., a natural health care practitioner, has integrated ancient Chinese energy techniques with cutting-edge nutritional science. . . . and blah blah blah magnets blah blah blah body.

If only Mark Mincolla would say "Magnets, bitches" just once. But he won't, and even raging insomnia isn't enough for me to listen to another infomercial.

Quote from: coaster on February 19, 2014, 12:07:07 AM
I'm inebriated and I know Noory is trolling this board. Literally trolling. derp. You're a schmuck.

He's trolling the airwaves M-F as well. He's just one mustachioed, pizza roll eating troll.


Quote from: DocHolliday on February 18, 2014, 09:42:35 PM
With his contract and all, there really is no way Premiere could shit can him is there?  Shy of him choking on a pizza roll and dying, that is.
There's always a way. But it must be a high bar....Noory must have a great agent/lawyer.  Too bad Bell gets his advise from his ham radio contacts.


Or, as Joorch just put it: 'Mark Mincolla joins us. PhD in a moment on Coast To Coast AM'. He has to be drunk. How else to explain letting things like that cross your lips and apparently be entirely unaware of it?


Is anyone else trying Mincolla's blueberry test? Apparently, and if I'm understanding this correctly, if you're in the safety of your kitchen with your 'loved one', you take a handful of blueberries, hold them to your heart, hold your left arm out straight and have your 'loved one' pull you by the wrist. If you fall over, you've been weakened by the blueberries' energy field. Or your 'loved one' has been hitting the weights in the gym. Careful with those berries everyone!


This is how I found your forum! Frustrated by listening to Noory stumble through another show- I typed "Noory sucks" and there you all were! You need to warn people not to drink while reading here or they may have to clean their monitor.  ;D


Quote from: pyewacket on February 19, 2014, 12:44:27 AM
This is how I found your forum! Frustrated by listening to Noory stumble through another show- I typed "Noory sucks" and there you all were! You need to warn people not to drink while reading here or they may have to clean their monitor.  ;D

Welcome aboard, pyewacket. Yes, snorting liquids down the nose is an oft-reported phenomenon for we Gabbers.


I'm having a hard time understanding this guest, and I am familiar with the concept of chi and similar concepts.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 18, 2014, 10:54:11 PM
...AS USUAL, I'd have to listen to TWO HOURS of turmeric-and-magnets BULLSH*T before we get to a halfway interesting topic.

He's like a nanny, he wants you to eat your veggies before you get your ice cream.   :(


How does ice look beautiful or horrible under a microscope? Isn't that pretty subjective?


Quote from: pyewacket on February 19, 2014, 12:44:27 AM
This is how I found your forum! Frustrated by listening to Noory stumble through another show- I typed "Noory sucks" and there you all were! ...

Yep you said the magic words which summoned us.  Welcome aboard.   


Quote from: UFQuack on February 19, 2014, 12:59:19 AM
the muscle test is horseshit

We're knee deep in the stuff! It's a perfect C2C storm. Guest spouting crap, Snoory flailing around, Googling like crazy to find a question. Cue card #9b just slipped by. 'Let's talk about your book [which Joorch hasn't read and therefore can't talk about at all]. What was the most fascinating thing you found in your research?' Night after night, whoever the guest, same old questions.
I'm going to dump this horseshit on my roses. Signing off.

George Noory Sucks


John of God is about as fraudulent as it gets. In addition to being a world class scamster, I'm pretty sure that there have been allegations of sexual impropieties.


What is this BS about holding different foods to your heart and feeling their energy? I am pretty open minded, but come on!
Waiting (im)patiently for the next guest...


Quote from: zeebo on February 19, 2014, 12:58:26 AM
Yep you said the magic words which summoned us.  Welcome aboard.

Sorta like "Betelgeuse"  Thank you all for a nice, warm welcome.

I haven't been listening to the show but I can just imagine the meeting of minds going on there. I knew someone who was big on everything new age and I accompanied her to many venues. She was very involved in readings, etc. and I got an education. LOL It's just like everything else- Someone comes up with a new theory, diet, book, energy work- just fill in the blank- and they all glom onto it and tweak it a bit making it an "all new" version.  Most of the people I saw there were "doctors"- the kind that are turned out at a weekend seminar. I think I'm a reiki master or somesuch thing because I attended a meeting to keep her company. I feel the power!!!!   ::)


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 19, 2014, 12:37:49 AM
Is anyone else trying Mincolla's blueberry test? Apparently, and if I'm understanding this correctly, if you're in the safety of your kitchen with your 'loved one', you take a handful of blueberries, hold them to your heart, hold your left arm out straight and have your 'loved one' pull you by the wrist. If you fall over, you've been weakened by the blueberries' energy field. Or your 'loved one' has been hitting the weights in the gym. Careful with those berries everyone!

A guy tried to pull this crap on me at a health food fair but with chlorella pills. I lol'd and told him I saw this exposed on YT. Then I entered to win a salt rock lamp, which I ended up winning 8)  I don't know if it really does any of the things it claims but it has a purdy glow & my cat uses it as a night light by her food dish.


Did GN dump the second guest already because it sounds like open lines right now.

Caller at 1:20am PST "All of my internal organs are flip-flopped across my body".


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 19, 2014, 03:21:21 AM
Did GN dump the second guest already because it sounds like open lines right now.

Caller at 1:20am PST "All of my internal organs are flip-flopped across my body".

Yes he's such a weasel, after telling the guest all the stuff they'd talk about in the next hour he unceremoniously gives the "bad connection" excuse after break and goes to open lines.  After listening to Noory for any length of time my internal organs do flip-flops as well.


Noory kept saying that the guests phone connection was "muddy", but it sounded OK to me.


Quote from: yumyumtree on February 19, 2014, 03:39:50 AM
Noory kept saying that the guests phone connection was "muddy", but it sounded OK to me.
Noory has done that with some guests before.
I wouldn't put it past him to have his technicians screw up the audio quality for a guest's phone line when he wants to dump them and use that as an excuse.
The real reason is usually the guest's info is over Noory's head and he can't follow them.

Quote from: zeebo on February 19, 2014, 03:37:11 AM
...he unceremoniously gives the "bad connection" excuse after break and goes to open lines.
Maybe Bateman or Jimmy Church will give this guy a call and get him on their shows. Sort of reverse guest stealing.


I wonder how often guests actually ditch Gnoory and crew mid interview.


Quote from: yumyumtree on February 19, 2014, 03:39:50 AM
Noory kept saying that the guests phone connection was "muddy", but it sounded OK to me.

It sounded fine to me too........and, interesting.  The second guest was the one bright spot of the evening and George, AS USUAL, dumps him.

Tonight's program sucked so much........it was just HORRIBLE.  God......SOMEBODY FIRE THIS MAN!

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