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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

sNoory has a TBA listed for tonight.

Any guesses on the guest or show format?


Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 21, 2014, 12:40:08 PM
sNoory has a TBA listed for tonight.

Any guesses on the guest or show format?

I'm sure Hoagie and Fanthorpe are on standby.  Hoagie should recite "Springheel Jack" and Lionel should hallucinate about the mysterious rock on Mars just to see if Noory even notices.


Quote from: zeebo on January 21, 2014, 12:26:47 PM
They're hard to get rid of, like that mall-wear he talks about.  Friggin annoying Noory virus in my mind with it's "Good point!" and "It's really true!" popups.



Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 21, 2014, 05:46:19 AM
$noorge likes to use the term riveting becuase it reminds him of the happy days before the bolts in his neck were surgically removed and replaced by leds.

And I sent him Seraphim's and the other post and once again it proves how clueless $noorge truly is. I'm not sticking MY head in the ground, nor is anyone else.  With 75 books on investing, I've done the research and I sure as hell knew what a bitcoin was long before Noory. I am kicking myself for not investing n the stuff early on. Oh, G*d. Here's Noory asking Dent about bitcoin and Dent saying bitcoins look like a bubble to him.
As for the 20 aircraft carriers, they won't do a damned bit of good if the world economy collapses and we can't pay for oil and the OPEC members refuse to take a worthless dollar.
We just want paranormal stuff.
And I read Dent's last two books and was NOT impressed.

Here's Noory's reply.

We’re here to educate, inform and entertain……there are some nights we will do shows like this…..sticking your head in the sand doesn’t help

And Harry, just what questions has $noorge ever asked that were good ?
Like " what is a bitcoin ? ".
The callers and the guests all gush about how wonderful $noorge is and what a great job he's doing.
Casinos use shills to get people to gamble. I do wonder if Premiere is paying guests and callers to kiss Noory's ass.

Thanks for sending my post.....and Seraphim's!   

Have you noticed that Noory no longer overuses:  true, that's true, truly, that could be true......


What is with him?  He gets STUCK on a word or phrase and beats it to a pulp!

Quote from: ItsOver on January 21, 2014, 12:50:20 PM
I'm sure Hoagie and Fanthorpe are on standby.  Hoagie should recite "Springheel Jack" and Lionel should hallucinate about the mysterious rock on Mars just to see if Noory even notices.

That would be classic.

I was thinking LMH. With some laudanum, she`s good for at least 2 hours.
If we`re realllly lucky, Tommy will put a secret door show together! A true fan favorite!


Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 21, 2014, 12:59:12 PM

Thanks for sending my post.....and Seraphim's!   

Have you noticed that Noory no longer overuses:  true, that's true, truly, that could be true......


What is with him?  He gets STUCK on a word or phrase and beats it to a pulp!

"Amazing" is another one.


Quote from: aldousburbank on January 21, 2014, 11:06:51 AM
Your avatars are always impressive 27.

Haha â€" thanks!  :)

Quote from: ItsOver on January 21, 2014, 11:29:47 AM
Thanks.  I'd only be interested in the Knapp shows.  Can you erase any part of a Noory show I've inadvertently uploaded to my mind?



Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 10:36:24 AM
The next time any of you want a (recent) show just holler at me and I'll upload it for you.

Nice, thank you! But I don't think I'll be doing that to myself again anytime soon.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 21, 2014, 01:00:16 PM

That would be classic.

I was thinking LMH. With some laudanum, she`s good for at least 2 hours.
If we`re realllly lucky, Tommy will put a secret door show together! A true fan favorite!
Schplit format too would be by me welcomed!


Quote from: aldousburbank on January 21, 2014, 01:39:49 PM
Schplit format too would be by me welcomed!
I Bleef that's already in the cardszch!


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 01:01:15 PM
"Amazing" is another one.

amazing seems to be the overused word of the month. maybe the millenium. but speaking of ah-maze-ing, I got this from the shill for kris after I did my video. I went and looked up their site and here's my comments on her " qualificaitons " to be a paranormal investigator and teacher of same.

note that her shill called her AMAZING too. maybe he's referring to her other skills.

2 hours ago

Hi Guy, Just thought we'd say hello and let you know that Kris and I are in Colorado, not the mid west. Kris has much more experience in the paranormal than what you mentioned in your video. She is very amazing. Our group Rocky Mountain Ghost Explorers would like to meet you some day, and maybe go on a paranormal investigation with you there in CA. And with regards to my UFO experience, I worked for Space Command for over 20 years and may have read some of your UFO reports you submitted. I know a bit about UFO, probably more than I should say. We enjoy your videos, and don't let those mean people get to you. Keep up the great work! Kris and Mike
dmitri senda
1 second ago

As an old friend of mine frequently says, "  show proof ". And the word " amazing " has been overused as a description, particularly by Noory to the point of being ridiculous. I have corresponded with, talked to by phone and in person major ufo investigators & debunkers. Until she HERSELF comments WITH her qualifications of being a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator, Kris will be considered an amateur by me. - As for Space Command, thank you for your service to our country but my sightings were in the early 1960s, so its unlikely you read my reports unless you had access to either NICAP, Bluebook or Civil Air Patrol files. My entire point of this was not so much to attack Kris or her  mysterious investor but to talk about the newbies out there who seem to have no credentials in the field or track record. But PLEASE have Kris talk for herself which so far doesn't seem to have happened.
dmitri senda
1 second ago

I couldn't recall just where your site was located. But Kris needs to comment on her own which she hasn't done other to say she either likes my videos or engage in attacks on others. What ARE her qualifications to be a paranormal investigator ? She needs to tell people out there what they are & not allow others to be a shill & mouthpiece for her, IMHO.

I just got an email sending me the link for the Schlocky Mountain Ghost Explorers. Let's see. We have one woman who's seen a ghost & a woman who was/is a teacher & teaches 250 other people how to be a paranormal investigator yet lists absolutely NO background or experience in the field other than having a blog or going to a graveyard. Awfully sparse " qualifications " as far as I can see.  The only person on that site that might have some experience is the guy who says he worked at Space Command for 20 years, but unless he divulges his UFO expertise openly he might not have the background either unless its on a technical basis. 2 dabblers & guy who may have read or seen some UFO reports. Hardly a group of professional paranormal investigators, is it ?



Olympic Terrorism/ Ancient Astronauts
Tue 01-21
First Half: Author, adventurer, and journalist Robert Young Pelton talks about the possibilities of Olympic terrorism.

2nd Half: Joshua Abraham discusses the "ancient astronaut theory" and how it relates to the New World Order.

I'm going to add "adventurer" to my resume and title too.

Heather Wade

Again with the good stuff in the second half....  ::)


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 06:52:43 PM

Olympic Terrorism/ Ancient Astronauts
Tue 01-21
First Half: Author, adventurer, and journalist Robert Young Pelton talks about the possibilities of Olympic terrorism.

2nd Half: Joshua Abraham discusses the "ancient astronaut theory" and how it relates to the New World Order.

I'm going to add "adventurer" to my resume and title too.

now lets see a program about ancient Olypic athletes. or ancient olympians.

I like the adventurer thing too. Its an adventure just to venture outside somedays.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 06:52:43 PM
I'm going to add "adventurer" to my resume and title too.
It's a tough job but somebody has to do it. The pay isn't always all that but the benefits rock. There's no retirement plan but you probably won't want to. The hours are long but the days are short compared to office cubicle days. There's no clothing allowance but you don't need much. And there is no vacation, unless you want to take a job and relax for a while. But the continuing education requirements are, well continuous. And as long as you don't fail the drug test by peeing clean it's like civil service- you've got a job for life. Currently hiring. Contact #myinnerfreekfreely for more info.

Heather Wade

Quote from: aldousburbank on January 21, 2014, 07:56:06 PM
It's a tough job but somebody has to do it. The pay isn't always all that but the benefits rock. There's no retirement plan but you probably won't want to. The hours are long but the days are short compared to office cubicle days. There's no clothing allowance but you don't need much. And there is no vacation, unless you want to take a job and relax for a while. But the continuing education requirements are, well continuous. And as long as you don't fail the drug test by peeing clean it's like civil service- you've got a job for life. Currently hiring. Contact #myinnerfreekfreely for more info.

As a current holder of said position.... I just have to add that everything listed here is accurate. 


Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 21, 2014, 12:59:12 PM
...What is with him?  He gets STUCK on a word or phrase and beats it to a pulp!

Noory's slowly killing the English language one phrase at a time ... he has to make sure he's smushed each one for good before moving on.

Ghost Gab

Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 21, 2014, 03:43:07 PM
note that her shill called her AMAZING too. maybe he's referring to her other skills.

Falkie, you got this right on the money! You have nooooooooo idea how right you are. BUT I DO!!, Beyond amazing, and a few other words that have not even been put to pen yet.
And thanks for sharing your thoughts on the other subject matter. On those points you were off a bit. She is a very experienced and seasoned paranormal investigator, not that your acceptance is required. But thanks for all those fun videos you do.
Mike (aka her shill and much more.)

No Name Storm

Does Snooron have Dementia? From the radio shows and those pictures from his fake broadcast show, he sure appears to be suffering from it....


Quote from: Ghost Gab on January 21, 2014, 09:59:03 PM
Falkie, you got this right on the money! You have nooooooooo idea how right you are. BUT I DO!!, Beyond amazing, and a few other words that have not even been put to pen yet.
And thanks for sharing your thoughts on the other subject matter. On those points you were off a bit. She is a very experienced and seasoned paranormal investigator, not that your acceptance is required. But thanks for all those fun videos you do.
Mike (aka her shill and much more.)

I see oncw again you act as her mouthpiece. Is she some kind of ventriloquists dummy that she never speaks for herself ?


Quote from: No Name Storm on January 22, 2014, 12:47:41 AM
Does Snooron have Dementia? From the radio shows and those pictures from his fake broadcast show, he sure appears to be suffering from it....

Mo' like dumbmentia.


Just listened to his Beeyond Beeleef commercial.  Poor Georgie still thinks he is on a "Television show".
Poor dumb delusional bastard.   ::)

Look at that. Truly disturbing. It's the four stages of Noory.
1. Just thinks he's so damn funny.
2. Completely oblivious.
3. Easily amused imbecile.
4. Reverts back to soulless George.


Serpent beings? I sympathize with the guest who has lost his father, but George is really on the nut wagon tonight. Is this guy for real? Sounds like he's just regurgitating conspiracy crap by the numbers.

In regards to an earlier comment about resumes, I guess that a lot of people have been referring to themselves as ninjas in their resumes and jobbunting experts are saying to stop it! Well, I never. I suppose that's because I never write my own résumé but put it in the hands of a resume writer who uses wooden résumé talk, language real people don't use(or if they do, you don't want to work there)

Juan Cena

Boy, it didn't take Joshua Abraham long before he went off the rails. Same old tired conspiracy spank stuff.


Sequim WA is pronounced "squim" but these WA place names are tough for outsiders so I think George should get a pass this time. I don't remember if there is a Maple street there.


"Washed in the blood of the lamb", who wouldn't want to "wash in blood"--no that doesn't sound evil at all.


There are things about this kid that don't add up, seriously, if you read between the lines of some of the things he said about his father and then go to the Facebook account, as he invited people to do. Church of Satan is one of his interests. I don't usually slander or libel people, but in this case I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he has been living a troubled, chaotic life(living in his car probably not for the reasons he said)and is now trying to cash in on whatever clout his father had by taking on his schtick. Again, at the risk of sounding like an alarmist, this kid doesn't sound tightly wrapped at all. Something wrong there. Noory clueless or doesn't care.

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