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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: albrecht on May 23, 2017, 06:24:00 PM
It was fun to hear Norry get uncomfortable with Hulet going after Trump and everyone. And then the weak apology by Norry because Hulet mentioned, jokingly I think, that Trump would never step down and not only will run again but will want to run for a 3 term and "kind of guy you'd have to shoot to get out of office."

Yeah agree, it seemed like an obvious figure of speech. But saying that, I don't mind the zero tolerance, even back in the Art days it was the one "no go" on his prediction show. But of course Jorch being Jorch he gave no such warning during his time doing the prediction shows, and many of those types of things have slipped in without much of a push back form Mr. Consistency Noory.

I am glad you mentioned the third term, I guess Trump officially joined the club. Since the Art days every sitting president was predicted to do a third term on C2C,  ;D I certainly remember Clinton, GWB and of course Obama with guests (probably the same ones lol) saying they will do a third term. I would guess Trump would be a record on the earliest prediction of it, (just 4 months in) but dealing with C2C guests, I am not fully confident in that.

The listen to a bit of the repeat of second half of Monday show, the part I listen was talking more about LSD than actually witchcraft.

So I avoid "Doc" Wallet but unfortunately I caught him using Carrie Fisher death to sell his snake oil. Man this guy needs a one way ticket to the sun. I turned it off pretty quick but somebody on twitter said the quote "The force was not enough" was said when talking about Fisher. Lowlife.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 24, 2017, 01:53:39 PM
Yeah agree, it seemed like an obvious figure of speech. But saying that, I don't mind the zero tolerance, even back in the Art days it was the one "no go" on his prediction show. But of course Jorch being Jorch he gave no such warning during his time doing the prediction shows, and many of those types of things have slipped in without much of a push back form Mr. Consistency Noory.

I am glad you mentioned the third term, I guess Trump officially joined the club. Since the Art days every sitting president was predicted to do a third term on C2C,  ;D I certainly remember Clinton, GWB and of course Obama with guests (probably the same ones lol) saying they will do a third term. I would guess Trump would be a record on the earliest prediction of it, (just 4 months in) but dealing with C2C guests, I am not fully confident in that.

The listen to a bit of the repeat of second half of Monday show, the part I listen was talking more about LSD than actually witchcraft.

So I avoid "Doc" Wallet but unfortunately I caught him using Carrie Fisher death to sell his snake oil. Man this guy needs a one way ticket to the sun. I turned it off pretty quick but somebody on twitter said the quote "The force was not enough" was said when talking about Fisher. Lowlife.
Yeah, predicting assasinations is a good thing for the show not to get into. I agree with Art, and by extension Norry, on that. Especially considering the mental health of some listeners.

The "witch" seemed to be more about taking drugs than any witchcraft. Maybe a way to be able to take them like some Indians can? Religious exception? And I was actually a bit surprised that Norry would have him as a guest and actually talked about drugs. Sort of a taboo subject since they are, mostly, illegal and the guest was advocating them. Also, I recall one caller calling in to defend the Inquisition ("it was over estimated," "only took place in a few places- like Spain," "got a bad name from Wiccans and witches because they believed the propaganda of Protestants." Sort of bizarre.

ps: I know they are public figures and now dead but still, if perfectly legal civilly and criminally to do so, it is pretty sick to claim that deaths of Steve Jobs and Carrie Fisher etc could've been prevented if they used your fake medicine. Especially since, as far I know, they never advocated for his "medicine" or "advice."


Praise Whorge, Doc. Wallet is the Oral Roberts of the supplement industry. 


Friggin' Doc even maligned Elvis during his segment where Norry said "keep it clean" and Doc went into his explanation of hemorrhoids. And he didn't even, I think, really answer the guest's question but said hemorrhoids were related to aneurysm (that is a nice escalation of an issue for a scare tactic!) and one simple thing will cure it. Then he went on his his various "packs" and supplements to buy- as I recall at least- and didn't mention the one simple deficiency that could be easily solved so the caller could cure his problem.


Norry, no matter what you do or who  you do it with, she does not give a shat.  That is truly liberating.  Life is good.


Wow the guest sure shot down regular caller Bill the AAA from West Hartford and his dream of men on Mars...

"They obviously don't know the power of this program," -- George Noory, commenting on the supposed "record number of hits" at criticalhealthnews(dot)com.

You mean so many listeners, not the webmasters, don't know they are probably been fooled into thinking that site is a licensed medical provider? When it's nothing but a Youngevity independent distributor apparently operated by a radio station?

Noory, does "the power" of your program exclude you from airing FDA disclaimers? When every other alternative-health show for paid sponsors covers themselves by doing so? Just blurting out "we are not allowed to call them cures" is not the wording the FDA supposedly requires.

From the FDA itself: 

<<You must use the following text for the disclaimer, as appropriate:

singular: "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease;" or
plural: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

You may not modify the wording of these disclaimers.

21 CFR 101.93(c)>>END QUOTE

Um, doesn't "Coast To Coast AM" fail to air that verbatim? It sounds like Noory is indeed "modifying the wording" and listeners are not being informed properly, per FDA regulations. 

In addition, note on criticalhealthnews(dot)com that it has indeed "modified the wording" to state: "*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases."

Note how that site ditched the specific "this product" to "this," whatever that means,  and from what the FDA regulation states that's a non-no. Something "Coast To Coast AM" fails to cite in all its great claims of how "they help people." More at misleading them, I feel.

That Wallach is big on stating "getting rid" of just about every disease and condition with his expensive, unproven snake oil, which Noory allows, trying to be clever by not using the words "treatment or cure" when that's exactly what that quack is implying.

"I just need a hundred clicks and we set a new world record there," Noory ended the bogus medical show with one dubious claim about that site. What "world record" is that, Noory? Please explain further and adhere to your mission of only bringing "the truth."

Further, I highly doubt the Joel Wallach "cured muscular dystrophy" claim and he "worked" with Jerry Lewis to present him with that "cure." Leading to Lewis being fired from his telethon solely because Wallach provided him with "the cure" -- and then came a big conspiracy to cover it up.

Maybe, all more at the telethon being taken over by Democrats who ousted Lewis because he is a Conservative Republican critical of these liberals and today's Hollywood types? That sounds more plausible, than that of some quack taking credit for his "great work" that outdid every other researcher known to man. Get real.

What a program full of bunk! With George Noory right there to take credit for these bogus programs. Even thinking he's qualified to issue medical advice and no doubt caring less about those who can be harmed or cheated by this "advice." That's the character of that Noory -- just because he says it, in his own little world, that makes it so. But in our real world, Noory, it doesn't revolve around you and there are real responsibilities and accountability for perhaps real damage done that you inflict.

Quote from: Deeyeennoveeyetee E. on May 24, 2017, 01:13:28 AM
Dic Wallach also said he is getting 10,000 new patients per month. (Uhh.. what?)

Dic also said he commanded a boy in a wheelchair to walk, and the boy "got up and ran around that barn."

Wow. The stories keep getting more amazing with this guy.

Yes, he's a real dubious character. Note the "10,000 new patients per month" claim. Surely he can't mean that anyone that calls into criticalhealthnews(dot)com or orders from the website is a "patient" under California law? They are only customers. That site is not a licensed medical facility, nor does it provide any information on its compliance with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, if it is indeed taking "patients" instead of being a call center for a Youngevity independent distributor apparently run by a radio station -- that's right, some small radio station in Santa Cruz.

Too many are being mislead, I feel, and so many false medical claims are being made, I feel further. Sooner or later, that will out. Try keeping up that level of arrogance and what may be non-compliance when some website thinks itself to be staffed by "medical professionals" to advise people -- and maybe implying they take them on as patients -- when it's nothing but a snake-oil online store which is only out to sell you something.   

Call them sometime and see how they try to "help you." See if they don't try to diagnose you and recommend a treatment. Or let you self diagnose. Then hear them rattle off a laundry list of Youngevity products that "you need." Ask them if these products will "prevent, treat or cure" any disease or condition. Hear them back off when you ask them if they have a valid license to offer medical advice. Which is what the seem to be doing. Ask them if their claims are backed by the FDA. Hear them state "I shouldn't be talking to you anymore" and hear them hang up the phone when pressured for some answers.

Just comply with the law yourself and let them know before any discussion that you are recording the conversation and ask for their consent. If they refuse, that tells you they have something to hide. What kind of "medical professionals," or whatever they think they are, wouldn't allow a record of what they state? As they "play" with your health and maybe your life? I know. Some snake-oil salespeople.

Quote from: Dateline on May 24, 2017, 07:21:01 PM
Praise Whorge, Doc. Wallet is the Oral Roberts of the supplement industry.

When you need a good laugh and see that quack for what he is, just listen to his "paid for" infomercial he does called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" on KSCO. Apparently, the one that hosts criticalhealthnews(dot)com and admits its main source of income are these "paid programming" medical shows.

I've heard that Wallach claim on that program that all of man's problems are caused by mineral deficiencies. All crime in the inner cities occurs because the perpetrators have a mineral deficiency. Any and all criminal and anti-social behavior is caused by a mineral deficiency. And yes, I heard him state one time, even terrorism is caused by a mineral deficiency.

According to that snake-oil salesman, he can solve every single world problem and every single character flaw and behavior if only people buy what he sells. That's right, he's basically God himself come to Earth to save mankind. He is worse than the televangelists. Far worse. Because they only deal in theory, but Wallach claims to act in only scientific, proven medical fact. Just re-read the above claims I've heard him make on his "paid programming" and decide for yourself how credible those "medical, proven facts" are.

Nick Redfern thinks Roswell was a crashed Japanese balloon full of handicapped prisoners? JEEZ


Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 09:43:32 PM
Then he went on his his various "packs" and supplements to buy- as I recall at least- and didn't mention the one simple deficiency that could be easily solved so the caller could cure his problem.

If you really want to get depressed while listening to these show, follow it on twitter. Half are people like you and me, calling out the infomercial and how classless it is. But the other half are very desperate physically ill people desperate for a miracle cure. To your last point somebody tweeted "What is the name of the 1 nutrient that is missing in our diet that prevents diabetes? Doc Wallach never mentioned it." After reading that tweet I thought poor woman, Doc Wallet well never give you that information, you need to buy his products in bulk before he answers that.

Quote from: Morgus on May 25, 2017, 12:57:40 AM
Wow the guest sure shot down regular caller Bill the AAA from West Hartford and his dream of men on Mars...

I was really tired last night so I heard only a bit of the interview while half asleep and I heard the guest tell Jorch to "Forget about going to Mars, it's not happening" he also said a similar thing to another topic. I thought what an optimistic fellow lol. What's the name of his book? "Hey losers! Give up as I sh*t on your dreams"  As for the second guest, wow CCJ that sound ummm interesting. lol

Why do the fun shows I can't stay up for but the awful shows my insomnia kicks in  >:(

Juan Cena

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on May 25, 2017, 11:46:27 AM
Nick Redfern thinks Roswell was a crashed Japanese balloon full of handicapped prisoners? JEEZ

Well, at least it'a something different.


Well...the show starts out with more health food stuff.  *SIGH*  I'm so sick of this crusade Noory has.   ::)


Quote from: ShayP on May 25, 2017, 11:31:03 PM
Well...the show starts out with more health food stuff.  *SIGH*  I'm so sick of this crusade Noory has.   ::)

I feel your pain.


Quote from: ShayP on May 25, 2017, 11:32:58 PM
Cheers to you sir!  Hope you are well.  8)

Probably won't last long. I have an 8am appt.


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 25, 2017, 11:34:36 PM
Probably won't last long. I have an 8am appt.

I'm out soon as well.  Can't seem to rest my eyes though.  :(


"Baby I'm Yours" is the bumper.  Oh George you are soooo creepy.


Wooooo...another medical advert.  Followed by a dating site.   ::)

Noory is having issues with his mortality.


Quote from: ShayP on May 25, 2017, 11:36:58 PM
I'm out soon as well.  Can't seem to rest my eyes though.  :(

Pens won. Relax.


How the hell can this woman know how much vegetable oil we consume!?  Give me sources.  Damn I'm so sick of this shit.  I need Linda Moulton Howe to soothe me. 

Must be patient.  :D


There are "exposures", but now there are "co-exposures?"  Hmmm....


Quote from: ShayP on May 25, 2017, 11:45:11 PM
How the hell can this woman know how much vegetable oil we consume!?  Give me sources.  Damn I'm so sick of this shit.  I need Linda Moulton Howe to soothe me. 

Must be patient.  :D

I read her website and it says the average flour consumption is almost 100 pounds per year. No way have I ever eaten that much flour.


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 25, 2017, 11:48:07 PM
I read her website and it says the average flour consumption is almost 100 pounds per year. No way have I ever eaten that much flour.

LOL!  100 pounds!????  You and I combined may have eaten that in our combined lifetime.  :P


LMFAO!!!! She just mentioned 'Snake Oil'.  Where's Dic Wallach?


Quote from: ShayP on May 25, 2017, 11:50:13 PM
LOL!  100 pounds!????  You and I combined may have eaten that in our combined lifetime.  :P


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 25, 2017, 11:52:00 PM

Like you said...There is no way you've eaten that much flour.  I thought about it and she's considering (for instance) a slice of bread as strictly flour when there are other ingredients in it.

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