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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Hilarious to hear Joorch declaring Kim Jong Un's haircut to be the worst he's ever seen. I wonder if he's wearing his rug in the studio while he's saying that! Pot - kettle: glasshouse - stones.

By the way, welcome to 1492, Columbus Page! Dedicated to the man who didn't know where he was, discovered nothing and never set foot in the USA.

I see we have another night of doom and gloom with your chef of disaster; John Hogue.  Seems he has found some interpretations of Nostradamus that tell us about the coming World War III between the U.S. and Russia.  Funny that he did not find those quatrains until the whole Ukraine thing occurred.  Yes, I will have a plate of doom with extra gloom please and extra MSG!


Did I hear Hogue referencing Osho? As in Rajneesh, the guy who turned Antelope OR upside down? Don't get me started.


Would have been funnier if John Hogue would have asked to talk to George's call screener next... first call they take asks about news before Hogue comes on and Hogue gives him hell for it.


WTF is this? Avoiding Hogue whenever he's on makes me unfamiliar with his, um, "work."

What I hear is 5% prophecy and 95% opinion. Numbers Lady does this too. ANYONE can pontificate about world events.  ::)


Hogue seems to have adopted, to some extent, the angry-bitter-defensive tone so common with Coast to Coast guests.


At least it's not as disturbing as the feeding-uncle-to-dogs story.


Quote from: yumyumtree on March 27, 2014, 12:40:52 AM
Hogue seems to have adopted, to some extent, the angry-bitter-defensive tone so common with Coast to Coast guests.

I noticed the same.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on March 26, 2014, 10:59:18 AM

-- Any time people like Gallenberger sell these expensive manifestation courses, I always email them with the same proposition: I'm broke right now. I'm living freelance assignment to freelance assignment. But if their "Liquid Luck" "Manifest Wealth" etc. etc. etc. programs REALLY work, I invite them to let me give them a whirl for free. I include my resume and a link to my LinkedIn profile so they'll know I'm a young(ish) professional with potential and not some wacky old lady in a basement. I give them my word that if their stuff works, I will pay them 10 TIMES the price of what they're asking once I manifest the wealth they promise. None of them ever has the faith in their product to take me up on this offer. Or maybe they get 90 emails like mine a day.

I love this.  If I had the time, I would totally do this.  If I didn't have life that is.


I wouldn't expect John Hogue to be on again for quite awhile. The guy is mildly entertaining at best. Funny how I've never heard him predict anything about the Ukraine before in any past show until it happens. But now he's taking complete credit for it. Like most psychics on Coast that seems to be their modus operandi.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on March 26, 2014, 10:59:18 AM
...Sorry this post is so short.
I enjoyed it.  Reminds me of pre-rock star Falkie.  In a good way.

Quote from: SomeVelvetMorning on March 27, 2014, 12:02:18 AM
...Yes, I will have a plate of doom..
So John Hogue has an important announcement to make, but first we have to listen to 20 minutes of his methodology.  Yeah, ok, Nostradamus wrote in French.   Sixteenth century French.  We get it.  After informing us that World War III is upon us, Hogue castigates a caller for dwelling on the missing Malaysian plane, and blames CNN for "news porn," but George ain't saying anything because he just had Howard Bloom on to talk about the damn missing plane also.  And after the Hogue segment George says, "Well that was a scary couple of hours, wasn't it?" But remember, George is not a fear monger.  Because he said so.  And even though pray for money guy James Paris reminded me of Kevin Trudeau, I really liked his Eddie Henderson jazz concert story even though George interrupted it about 100 times. 


Quote from: yumyumtree on March 27, 2014, 12:53:43 AM
At least it's not as disturbing as the feeding-uncle-to-dogs story.

Unless Kim's uncle was his "hair stylist," then it makes sense.


Kim Jong Un' haircut has Western influences.  It was inspired by Miley Cyrus's do when she first went short

The stylist is Kim Jon Mil Rus, and there is one deviation, the buzzed sides and back with dyed blond on the top. 

Abby Normal

From Hogue's website:

"Over the past 30 years, I must have studied enough on my own to become a Rhodes Scholar but I attained no degrees, short of the minimum requirementâ€"a high school diplomaâ€"in 1974.

"I define myself this way because I am in rebellion with education in general. I see it as the root cause of perpetuating fossilized traditions and human misery.

Mr. Hogue is in rebellion with education. He sees it as the "root cause of human misery."  So, if he needs a doctor, who does he go to?  Someone equally in rebellion with education as himself?  Perhaps a witch doctor? A psychic?

If everyone had the same attitude, no one would be buying the books Hogue loves to hawk on Coast to Coast - because there would be no radio.  No internet.   And very few people would exist to buy his books because, without modern medicine, average life expectancy would be where it was in the days of Nostradamus.



Quote from: Abby Normal on March 27, 2014, 08:34:01 AM
From Hogue's website:

"Over the past 30 years, I must have studied enough on my own to become a Rhodes Scholar but I attained no degrees, short of the minimum requirementâ€"a high school diplomaâ€"in 1974.

"I define myself this way because I am in rebellion with education in general. I see it as the root cause of perpetuating fossilized traditions and human misery.

Mr. Hogue is in rebellion with education. He sees it as the "root cause of human misery."  So, if he needs a doctor, who does he go to?  Someone equally in rebellion with education as himself?  Perhaps a witch doctor? A psychic?

If everyone had the same attitude, no one would be buying the books Hogue loves to hawk on Coast to Coast - because there would be no radio.  No internet.   And very few people would exist to buy his books because, without modern medicine, average life expectancy would be where it was in the days of Nostradamus.

well hogue-ster has the same attitude of Richard Sauder (has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science) who has gone over to the ayahuasca side.


Hogue-ster sounds as qualified as Jorch's "Science Adviser," Richard C. Hoaxster.


I don't give Hogue's prognostications one iota of credibility, but as C2C guests go, I think he's still one of the most interesting and articulate.  I almost cheered when he ripped into the first caller...a Nooryite bonehead who asked about Kim Jung Un's hairstyle and MH370.

Hogue: "You see George, this is what I meant about the AntiChrist (which Hogue had minutes before defined as creeping stupidity). Where have you been for the past two hours? We're talking about nuclear conflagration and you call about that (insert 'f'ing') airplane" !!!

That alone should raise Hogue's stock.  More surprisingly, Noory seemed to back him up!


I think I might have been prematurely unfair to Paris.


Quote from: ItsOver on March 27, 2014, 09:14:56 AM
Hogue-ster sounds as qualified as Jorch's "Science Adviser," Richard C. Hoaxster.

Who won an Ig. But they never mention it.


Quote from: George49 on March 27, 2014, 03:33:46 AM
I wouldn't expect John Hogue to be on again for quite awhile. The guy is mildly entertaining at best. Funny how I've never heard him predict anything about the Ukraine before in any past show until it happens. But now he's taking complete credit for it. Like most psychics on Coast that seems to be their modus operandi.

He and his ilk are good at making vague predictions that only become apparent after some big event happens.  Hogue is a long-winded, narcissistic blowhard who walks around in 16th-century clothes and has roughly 0% accuracy. 

I love how Art ripped him a new one after his awful appearance on ABDM.  One of the highlights of that short-lived show.


Quote from: McPhallus on March 27, 2014, 12:50:38 PM
He and his ilk are good at making vague predictions that only become apparent after some big event happens.  Hogue is a long-winded, narcissistic blowhard who walks around in 16th-century clothes and has roughly 0% accuracy. 

maybe noory should do a show with hogue-ster and dr doom, together. aught to be good for a laugh between the three of them.


Quote from: McPhallus on March 27, 2014, 12:50:38 PM
He and his ilk are good at making vague predictions that only become apparent after some big event happens.  Hogue is a long-winded, narcissistic blowhard who walks around in 16th-century clothes and has roughly 0% accuracy. 

I love how Art ripped him a new one after his awful appearance on ABDM.  One of the highlights of that short-lived show.
If you listen to C2C for accurate predictions and other valid voodoo, you're going to be very frustrated.  I like Hogue for the rich complexity of his hockum.  No quick 'n dirty "an angel told me so" crap; JH is very inventive and very thorough in weaving his web of hooey.  Hoaglandesque without the attitude.  I like his act; but I do wish he'd lose the goofy Rasta caps.

Quote from: McPhallus on March 27, 2014, 12:50:38 PM
He and his ilk are good at making vague predictions that only become apparent after some big event happens.  Hogue is a long-winded, narcissistic blowhard who walks around in 16th-century clothes and has roughly 0% accuracy. 
EXACTLY!!! And Jorch always supports their claims with "Yep, you nailed it."

Quote from: Abby Normal on March 27, 2014, 08:34:01 AM
From Hogue's website:
"Over the past 30 years, I must have studied enough on my own to become a Rhodes Scholar but I attained no degrees, short of the minimum requirementâ€"a high school diplomaâ€"in 1974.

"I define myself this way because I am in rebellion with education in general. I see it as the root cause of perpetuating fossilized traditions  and human misery.  

Studying the 'prophecy' of Nostradamus = Fossilized tradition
The subjects of Nostradamus' prophecy = human misery

Abby Normal

Quote from: McPhallus on March 27, 2014, 12:50:38 PM
He and his ilk are good at making vague predictions that only become apparent after some big event happens.  Hogue is a long-winded, narcissistic blowhard who walks around in 16th-century clothes and has roughly 0% accuracy. 

I love how Art ripped him a new one after his awful appearance on ABDM.  One of the highlights of that short-lived show.

Hogue went to great lengths to explain his clash with Art.  Here's a highlight:

The best hosts understand that some elaboration and setting up of an answer is necessary. George Noory who took up Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM some time after Art Bell retired around 2007, gets that need. I think George is among the best hosts I know and is especially intuitive facilitating a guest’s need to establish background, atmosphere and explanation to his or her answer.

It is my experience that the best radio hosts are like conductors of a symphony. They control the tempo of the show and if necessary speed or slow that tempo down by “correctly” anticipating where the guest is going. Their interjections are like cues of the baton to the instrumentalists. This is not an easy-to-acquire skill. You can use your baton to direct or derail the tempo, throwing your show off the beat. It takes not only a good listening mind but also an intuitive ability to rightly anticipate the next “beat” of the show.

The entire article is at http://www.hogueprophecy.com/2013/10/john-hogue-reviews-appearance-on-art-bell-dark-matter-show/


Quote from: Abby Normal on March 27, 2014, 02:29:41 PM
Hogue went to great lengths to explain his clash with Art.  Here's a highlight:

The best hosts understand that some elaboration and setting up of an answer is necessary. George Noory who took up Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM some time after Art Bell retired around 2007, gets that need. I think George is among the best hosts I know and is especially intuitive facilitating a guest’s need to establish background, atmosphere and explanation to his or her answer.

It is my experience that the best radio hosts are like conductors of a symphony. They control the tempo of the show and if necessary speed or slow that tempo down by “correctly” anticipating where the guest is going. Their interjections are like cues of the baton to the instrumentalists. This is not an easy-to-acquire skill. You can use your baton to direct or derail the tempo, throwing your show off the beat. It takes not only a good listening mind but also an intuitive ability to rightly anticipate the next “beat” of the show.

The entire article is at http://www.hogueprophecy.com/2013/10/john-hogue-reviews-appearance-on-art-bell-dark-matter-show/

I didn't read it, but did hover my fingers over the link and remotely viewed the following interpretation of Hogue's statement:
"George Noory is a clueless and unimaginative dolt, but he puts me on the air two or three times a year to peddle my books, which puts groceries on the table. Art Bell, otoh, disappeared to Manila with a mail-order teen bride, blew the Sirius gig, and hasn't helped me push a book in seven f'ing years. So I follow Quatrain 69; 'Show me da money!.' "


Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 27, 2014, 03:34:26 PM
I didn't read it, but did hover my fingers over the link and remotely viewed the following interpretation of Hogue's statement:
"George Noory is a clueless and unimaginative dolt, but he puts me on the air two or three times a year to peddle my books, which puts groceries on the table. Art Bell, otoh, disappeared to Manila with a mail-order teen bride, blew the Sirius gig, and hasn't helped me push a book in seven f'ing years. So I follow Quatrain 69; 'Show me da money!.' "
Classic! You are better than Ingo Swann or Ed Dames. You remote viewed that perfectly.


Quote from: yumyumtree on March 27, 2014, 12:24:34 PM
Who won an Ig. But they never mention it.

Hahaha, yes, good 'ol Hoagie.  "In October 1997, Hoagland received the Ig Nobel Prize for Astronomy "for identifying artificial features on the moon and on Mars, including a human face on Mars and ten-mile high buildings on the far side of the moon." The prize is a parody award given for outlandish or "trivial" contributions to science.

Isn't it well overdue for Noory to have received the "Ig Marconi" radio award for sucking beeyond beeleef?


Quote from: Abby Normal on March 27, 2014, 02:29:41 PM
Hogue went to great lengths to explain his clash with Art.  Here's a highlight:

... I think George is among the best hosts I know and is especially intuitive facilitating a guest’s need to establish background, atmosphere and explanation to his or her answer...

Of course, Hogue-ster.  Thanks for telling me all need to know about you.

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