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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM

136 or 142

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 13, 2015, 05:15:46 AM
Well, there is nothing funny about these people, that's for sure.

Anyone who differs with Obama on anything, points out the flaws in any of his policies, anyone bringing up the cast of characters he associates with - now or in the past, is a 'wacist', waaah.  It's even considered poor form to quote him when he's gone off the teleprompter, away from his prepared remarks

Imagine what happens when anyone does skits or laughs at him.

I haven't watched SNL since the original cast left, but I am aware that the show's producer, former Canadian Lorne Michaels is a Republican.

136 or 142

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 13, 2015, 03:15:39 PM

Well, that was Nancy.  The weak link.  RR did his best to appoint smart experienced people who shared his world view, then relied on their council - along with that of trusted long time aides, unfortunately including Nancy. 

Whatever his policies were on any given issue, at least they made sense and were made with the best interests of the United States in mind.  Some policies didn't come out as well as planned, most did.  Some things I didn't agree with him on, most I did

Reagan's administration had by far the most officials who later went to jail - over 100.

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on February 13, 2015, 11:12:07 PM
...  Not conjecture... or vague innuendo, but any concrete facts of things he has done... that are examples of Marxism?  ... any policies that restore the means of production to the people?

"Restore the means of production to the people"  Restore?

You mean seizing businesses people started and built up from scratch?  After they poured in their life savings and reinvested the profits back into it, while putting in 16 hours days?  Businesses that wouldn't be there if they hadn't done so?  The old "you didn't build that" idea? 

The irony is, the government needs hard working people getting up to go to work every day, to start businesses and figure out a way to make a profit, to do something other than lay around with their hands out.  Without them the whole redistribution scheme collapses.  Ask the Venezuelans.  Ask anyone whose lived under those regimes - they aren't hard to find, many fled here the moment they got the chance.

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on February 13, 2015, 11:12:07 PM
... Do you even know what Marxism really is...?

Do you?

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on February 13, 2015, 11:12:07 PM
Got any actual facts to back this up?  Not conjecture, or pointing to people he has associated with, or vague innuendo, but any concrete facts of things he has done as the lawfully elected POTUS, that are examples of Marxism?  Any industries that have been nationalized, any policies that restore the means of production to the people?

Do you even know what Marxism really is, or is your understanding limited to talking points from far right media outlets?

I guess it depends on what people mean by 'Marxism'.

Pud, as I understand it, believes it's merely communal farms and businesses. 

To those in places like the former Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact nations, Yugoslavia, Castro's Cuba, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc, it means brutal totalitarian murdering thugs seizing the country and going on to control every aspect of society and the economy.

To people today living in places like China, Vietnam, and Cambodia it means unbridled Capitalism in a country tightly controlled by a legacy party calling itself 'Communist'.

There's Maoism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism.  Every one of these thugs - from Ceausescu to the Shining Path - had their own variation.

We all know all that.

Obama is not going to stand on the front porch of the White House with the media gathered, declare his allegiance to Karl Marx, and issue a list of factories and industries he's going to 'nationalize' 'for the people'.  At least not yet.  Sheesh, he's a bit more clever than that.  He and his friends aren't going to seize permanent control of the government by force - not that they wouldn't if they had the means to.

In this country at this time, it has to be more of a slow campaign, taking steps where opportunity presents itself - whether that be comments or actions.  We're the proverbial frogs in the slow to boil water.

So what do some mean by 'Marxism' in current day America?  Pushing the country further into Socialism - beyond what is needed for a compassionate 'safety net - and well into unwarranted un-Constitutional wealth re-distribution.  Planting the seeds and laying the building blocks - which will grow, and which can be built on further down the road.  Along with a revolutionary radical coordinated assault on as many American institutions as possible.  Again, as opportunity presents itself (such as,you know, Ferguson and cops).

But you want concrete examples, and inside-baseball, off-the-radar type examples like the nearly across the board purge of our best senior military brass wouldn't be sufficient.

I'll give you a few:  Remember when all those illegal aliens were going to pay their back taxes as part of the deal for 'amnesty'?  Turns out under Obama's illegal decree they are going to be eligible for the earned income tax credit refunds from the IRS.  (Under the EITC, filers with children, earning under about $50k per year - which describes a huge percentage of people receiving the amnesty - get more back than they pay in.  Up to a couple thousand per kid per year, going back years.  Adding up to a huge transfer of wealth.  Marxism.

ObamaCare.  Subsidizing those who earn under a certain amount, while taxing others to make up for it (and, of course, borrowing the rest when the scheme fails).  Another massive wealth transfer.  Marxism.

The unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in the EPA - no doubt under the guidance of Jarrett and Obama and the 'environment czar', are issuing literally thousands of abusive intrusive regulations per year, bypassing Congress - regulations which have the effect of micromanaging what property owners can and cannot do with their land.  A step towards the Marxist ideal of abolishing private property.  They would simply seize the land if they could, but this is still America so they do what they can.  Marxism.

Instead of leaving the internet alone, the FCC is heading towards classifying the internet as a public utility, subject to those laws.  So be on the lookout for intrusive new rules, regulations, taxes, threats if not actual censorship, website licenses subject to approval, and all the rest we associate with big bungling power-grabbing heavy-handed government, yay.  Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao, Castro and the rest would be very pleased

There are plenty of examples.  Living in Berkeley, having the foolishness of the goings on in Oakland and San Francisco as local news all these years, I have a certain ear for it.  Everything Obama says and does reeks of Marxism, setting the stage for Marxism, weakening the resistance to Marxism, feeding the radical revolutionary attacks on our institutions, and so on.  Everything.

If a person is on the opposite side of the fence, I guess they can make an argument that any and every single thing isn't precisely stated in Das Kapital, and therefore doesn't count, and it's fine to think that.  Missing the forest for the trees is the apt analogy.

Just as Mao tailored Marx for the struggle, takeover, and finally rule over China, just as Castro did the same in Cuba, Pot in Cambodia, Stalin in the USSR, Trotsky went off to Mexico to write rather than implement his version, Saul Alinsky tailored the radical revolutionary elements to what would work best against the United States.  Not one of them started out telling people what the future was actually going to look like, or their movement would have died an early death.  Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both adored Alinsky and his works as students and beyond.  Marxism.


Yet another tax-payer funded, lavish vacation. And seems to be, conspicuously, yet another separate vacation for the Obamas fueling the ever present rumors. And more separate, tax-payer funded vacations planned- including a junket to Japan (haven't they listened to JBWs!? Fukishima!!) This most recent one was over Valentine's Day and President's Day weekend. A perfect time to get away from your spouse-- but rest assured he wished Michelle a happy Valentine's Day via the television.


The Wookiee served her purpose as his beard to get him elected. No need for pretense at this point.
If my husband played 100 rounds a golf a year I'd divorce him, too.


Quote from: albrecht on February 17, 2015, 02:44:05 PM
Yet another tax-payer funded, lavish vacation. And seems to be, conspicuously, yet another separate vacation for the Obamas fueling the ever present rumors. And more separate, tax-payer funded vacations planned- including a junket to Japan (haven't they listened to JBWs!? Fukishima!!) This most recent one was over Valentine's Day and President's Day weekend. A perfect time to get away from your spouse-- but rest assured he wished Michelle a happy Valentine's Day via the television.

Sighting of Bigfoot in Colorado are about to spike.


The golf course is where business deals happen


People's heads would explode if he played SOCCER.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 17, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
"Restore the means of production to the people"  Restore?

You mean seizing businesses people started and built up from scratch?  After they poured in their life savings and reinvested the profits back into it, while putting in 16 hours days?  Businesses that wouldn't be there if they hadn't done so?  The old "you didn't build that" idea? 

The irony is, the government needs hard working people getting up to go to work every day, to start businesses and figure out a way to make a profit, to do something other than lay around with their hands out.  Without them the whole redistribution scheme collapses.  Ask the Venezuelans.  Ask anyone whose lived under those regimes - they aren't hard to find, many fled here the moment they got the chance.

Do you?

I guess it depends on what people mean by 'Marxism'.

Pud, as I understand it, believes it's merely communal farms and businesses. 

To those in places like the former Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact nations, Yugoslavia, Castro's Cuba, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc, it means brutal totalitarian murdering thugs seizing the country and going on to control every aspect of society and the economy.

To people today living in places like China, Vietnam, and Cambodia it means unbridled Capitalism in a country tightly controlled by a legacy party calling itself 'Communist'.

There's Maoism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism.  Every one of these thugs - from Ceausescu to the Shining Path - had their own variation.

We all know all that.

Obama is not going to stand on the front porch of the White House with the media gathered, declare his allegiance to Karl Marx, and issue a list of factories and industries he's going to 'nationalize' 'for the people'.  At least not yet.  Sheesh, he's a bit more clever than that.  He and his friends aren't going to seize permanent control of the government by force - not that they wouldn't if they had the means to.

In this country at this time, it has to be more of a slow campaign, taking steps where opportunity presents itself - whether that be comments or actions.  We're the proverbial frogs in the slow to boil water.

So what do some mean by 'Marxism' in current day America?  Pushing the country further into Socialism - beyond what is needed for a compassionate 'safety net - and well into unwarranted un-Constitutional wealth re-distribution.  Planting the seeds and laying the building blocks - which will grow, and which can be built on further down the road.  Along with a revolutionary radical coordinated assault on as many American institutions as possible.  Again, as opportunity presents itself (such as,you know, Ferguson and cops).

But you want concrete examples, and inside-baseball, off-the-radar type examples like the nearly across the board purge of our best senior military brass wouldn't be sufficient.

I'll give you a few:  Remember when all those illegal aliens were going to pay their back taxes as part of the deal for 'amnesty'?  Turns out under Obama's illegal decree they are going to be eligible for the earned income tax credit refunds from the IRS.  (Under the EITC, filers with children, earning under about $50k per year - which describes a huge percentage of people receiving the amnesty - get more back than they pay in.  Up to a couple thousand per kid per year, going back years.  Adding up to a huge transfer of wealth.  Marxism.

ObamaCare.  Subsidizing those who earn under a certain amount, while taxing others to make up for it (and, of course, borrowing the rest when the scheme fails).  Another massive wealth transfer.  Marxism.

The unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in the EPA - no doubt under the guidance of Jarrett and Obama and the 'environment czar', are issuing literally thousands of abusive intrusive regulations per year, bypassing Congress - regulations which have the effect of micromanaging what property owners can and cannot do with their land.  A step towards the Marxist ideal of abolishing private property.  They would simply seize the land if they could, but this is still America so they do what they can.  Marxism.

Instead of leaving the internet alone, the FCC is heading towards classifying the internet as a public utility, subject to those laws.  So be on the lookout for intrusive new rules, regulations, taxes, threats if not actual censorship, website licenses subject to approval, and all the rest we associate with big bungling power-grabbing heavy-handed government, yay.  Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao, Castro and the rest would be very pleased

There are plenty of examples.  Living in Berkeley, having the foolishness of the goings on in Oakland and San Francisco as local news all these years, I have a certain ear for it.  Everything Obama says and does reeks of Marxism, setting the stage for Marxism, weakening the resistance to Marxism, feeding the radical revolutionary attacks on our institutions, and so on.  Everything.

If a person is on the opposite side of the fence, I guess they can make an argument that any and every single thing isn't precisely stated in Das Kapital, and therefore doesn't count, and it's fine to think that.  Missing the forest for the trees is the apt analogy.

Just as Mao tailored Marx for the struggle, takeover, and finally rule over China, just as Castro did the same in Cuba, Pot in Cambodia, Stalin in the USSR, Trotsky went off to Mexico to write rather than implement his version, Saul Alinsky tailored the radical revolutionary elements to what would work best against the United States.  Not one of them started out telling people what the future was actually going to look like, or their movement would have died an early death.  Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both adored Alinsky and his works as students and beyond.  Marxism.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 17, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
"Restore the means of production to the people"  Restore?

You mean seizing businesses people started and built up from scratch?  After they poured in their life savings and reinvested the profits back into it, while putting in 16 hours days?  Businesses that wouldn't be there if they hadn't done so?  The old "you didn't build that" idea? 

The fact of the matter is, your idea of what Marxism is,and what it is, are miles apart. Marx advocated the workers control of means of production...AKA no elite, no over arching authority to control said workers. A benign and mutually agreed and consenting anarchy if you will. But as humans are fundamentally selfish, to originate such a society is verging on impossible. Obama isn't a Marxist; no matter how much you really want to believe he is, he isn't.

The irony is, the government needs hard working people getting up to go to work every day, to start businesses and figure out a way to make a profit, to do something other than lay around with their hands out.  Without them the whole redistribution scheme collapses.  Ask the Venezuelans.  Ask anyone whose lived under those regimes - they aren't hard to find, many fled here the moment they got the chance.

That isn't Marxism either.,

Do you?

I guess it depends on what people mean by 'Marxism'.

Pud, as I understand it, believes it's merely communal farms and businesses. 

Partly, it's a whole consenting and mutual society, with no one 'boss'. Everyone has a say of equal worth no matter who. It also means no government who issues rules or laws; again, they're decided by the people, all having equal worth.

To those in places like the former Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact nations, Yugoslavia, Castro's Cuba, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc, it means brutal totalitarian murdering thugs seizing the country and going on to control every aspect of society and the economy.

Not Marxism, or Communism; simply using it as a convenient tag to rope in the people and scare the capitalists. The war mongers on both sides can use it as a propaganda tool. But it's still not Communism.

To people today living in places like China, Vietnam, and Cambodia it means unbridled Capitalism in a country tightly controlled by a legacy party calling itself 'Communist'.

There's Maoism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism.  Every one of these thugs - from Ceausescu to the Shining Path - had their own variation.

We all know all that.

Variation on a totalitarian dictatorship...Yep. You're  getting it.

Obama is not going to stand on the front porch of the White House with the media gathered, declare his allegiance to Karl Marx, and issue a list of factories and industries he's going to 'nationalize' 'for the people'.  At least not yet. 

Or ever. Because he's not a ...........   Go on, I'll let you fill in the blanks...

Sheesh, he's a bit more clever than that.  He and his friends aren't going to seize permanent control of the government by force - not that they wouldn't if they had the means to.

In this country at this time, it has to be more of a slow campaign, taking steps where opportunity presents itself - whether that be comments or actions.  We're the proverbial frogs in the slow to boil water.

Wow, paranoia really is a major feature of your life;, you should stop smoking and inhaling shit you buy from those Mexican drug cartels.

So what do some mean by 'Marxism' in current day America?  Pushing the country further into Socialism - beyond what is needed for a compassionate 'safety net - and well into unwarranted un-Constitutional wealth re-distribution.  Planting the seeds and laying the building blocks - which will grow, and which can be built on further down the road.  Along with a revolutionary radical coordinated assault on as many American institutions as possible.  Again, as opportunity presents itself (such as,you know, Ferguson and cops).

Maybe it's just neurosis? Check it out though.

But you want concrete examples, and inside-baseball, off-the-radar type examples like the nearly across the board purge of our best senior military brass wouldn't be sufficient.

I'll give you a few:  Remember when all those illegal aliens were going to pay their back taxes as part of the deal for 'amnesty'?  Turns out under Obama's illegal decree they are going to be eligible for the earned income tax credit refunds from the IRS.  (Under the EITC, filers with children, earning under about $50k per year - which describes a huge percentage of people receiving the amnesty - get more back than they pay in.  Up to a couple thousand per kid per year, going back years.  Adding up to a huge transfer of wealth.  Marxism.

ObamaCare.  Subsidizing those who earn under a certain amount, while taxing others to make up for it (and, of course, borrowing the rest when the scheme fails).  Another massive wealth transfer.  Marxism.

The unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in the EPA - no doubt under the guidance of Jarrett and Obama and the 'environment czar', are issuing literally thousands of abusive intrusive regulations per year, bypassing Congress - regulations which have the effect of micromanaging what property owners can and cannot do with their land.  A step towards the Marxist ideal of abolishing private property.  They would simply seize the land if they could, but this is still America so they do what they can.  Marxism.

Instead of leaving the internet alone, the FCC is heading towards classifying the internet as a public utility, subject to those laws.  So be on the lookout for intrusive new rules, regulations, taxes, threats if not actual censorship, website licenses subject to approval, and all the rest we associate with big bungling power-grabbing heavy-handed government, yay.  Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao, Castro and the rest would be very pleased

There are plenty of examples.  Living in Berkeley, having the foolishness of the goings on in Oakland and San Francisco as local news all these years, I have a certain ear for it.  Everything Obama says and does reeks of Marxism, setting the stage for Marxism, weakening the resistance to Marxism, feeding the radical revolutionary attacks on our institutions, and so on.  Everything.

If a person is on the opposite side of the fence, I guess they can make an argument that any and every single thing isn't precisely stated in Das Kapital, and therefore doesn't count, and it's fine to think that.  Missing the forest for the trees is the apt analogy.

Just as Mao tailored Marx for the struggle, takeover, and finally rule over China, just as Castro did the same in Cuba, Pot in Cambodia, Stalin in the USSR, Trotsky went off to Mexico to write rather than implement his version, Saul Alinsky tailored the radical revolutionary elements to what would work best against the United States.  Not one of them started out telling people what the future was actually going to look like, or their movement would have died an early death.  Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both adored Alinsky and his works as students and beyond.  Marxism.

Oh PB;; You've let yourself go and type total shite again..Do you have QK proof read your posts? He's not so good with stuff you know.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 20, 2015, 02:48:06 PM

Ronald Reagan's Communism Joke

And? Reagan was three sheets to the wind; anyone who dyes his hair instead of growing old gracefully invites ridicule. It's how it is.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 20, 2015, 02:51:43 PM

And? Reagan was three sheets to the wind; anyone who dyes his hair instead of growing old gracefully invites ridicule. It's how it is.

Reagan had CARNIVORA sent to the White House. That likely explains the hair. Carnivora has nutraceuticals or something in it- or so the incessant commercials tell me.

136 or 142

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 20, 2015, 02:33:35 PM
The fact of the matter is, your idea of what Marxism is,and what it is, are miles apart. Marx advocated the workers control of means of production...AKA no elite, no over arching authority to control said workers. A benign and mutually agreed and consenting anarchy if you will. But as humans are fundamentally selfish, to originate such a society is verging on impossible. Obama isn't a Marxist; no matter how much you really want to believe he is, he isn't.

Although that was Marx's professed final goal, it's debatable if even he thought that was practical.  In the interim what Marx proposed is pretty much what man-boy said: A 'dictatorship of the proletariat' with a 'benign' dictator at the top to be installed by any means necessary including violent revolution.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 17, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
"Restore the means of production to the people"  Restore?

You mean seizing businesses people started and built up from scratch?  After they poured in their life savings and reinvested the profits back into it, while putting in 16 hours days?  Businesses that wouldn't be there if they hadn't done so?  The old "you didn't build that" idea? 

The irony is, the government needs hard working people getting up to go to work every day, to start businesses and figure out a way to make a profit, to do something other than lay around with their hands out.  Without them the whole redistribution scheme collapses.  Ask the Venezuelans.  Ask anyone whose lived under those regimes - they aren't hard to find, many fled here the moment they got the chance.

Do you?

I guess it depends on what people mean by 'Marxism'.

Pud, as I understand it, believes it's merely communal farms and businesses. 

To those in places like the former Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact nations, Yugoslavia, Castro's Cuba, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc, it means brutal totalitarian murdering thugs seizing the country and going on to control every aspect of society and the economy.

To people today living in places like China, Vietnam, and Cambodia it means unbridled Capitalism in a country tightly controlled by a legacy party calling itself 'Communist'.

There's Maoism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism.  Every one of these thugs - from Ceausescu to the Shining Path - had their own variation.

We all know all that.

Obama is not going to stand on the front porch of the White House with the media gathered, declare his allegiance to Karl Marx, and issue a list of factories and industries he's going to 'nationalize' 'for the people'.  At least not yet.  Sheesh, he's a bit more clever than that.  He and his friends aren't going to seize permanent control of the government by force - not that they wouldn't if they had the means to.

In this country at this time, it has to be more of a slow campaign, taking steps where opportunity presents itself - whether that be comments or actions.  We're the proverbial frogs in the slow to boil water.

So what do some mean by 'Marxism' in current day America?  Pushing the country further into Socialism - beyond what is needed for a compassionate 'safety net - and well into unwarranted un-Constitutional wealth re-distribution.  Planting the seeds and laying the building blocks - which will grow, and which can be built on further down the road.  Along with a revolutionary radical coordinated assault on as many American institutions as possible.  Again, as opportunity presents itself (such as,you know, Ferguson and cops).

But you want concrete examples, and inside-baseball, off-the-radar type examples like the nearly across the board purge of our best senior military brass wouldn't be sufficient.

I'll give you a few:  Remember when all those illegal aliens were going to pay their back taxes as part of the deal for 'amnesty'?  Turns out under Obama's illegal decree they are going to be eligible for the earned income tax credit refunds from the IRS.  (Under the EITC, filers with children, earning under about $50k per year - which describes a huge percentage of people receiving the amnesty - get more back than they pay in.  Up to a couple thousand per kid per year, going back years.  Adding up to a huge transfer of wealth.  Marxism.

ObamaCare.  Subsidizing those who earn under a certain amount, while taxing others to make up for it (and, of course, borrowing the rest when the scheme fails).  Another massive wealth transfer.  Marxism.

The unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in the EPA - no doubt under the guidance of Jarrett and Obama and the 'environment czar', are issuing literally thousands of abusive intrusive regulations per year, bypassing Congress - regulations which have the effect of micromanaging what property owners can and cannot do with their land.  A step towards the Marxist ideal of abolishing private property.  They would simply seize the land if they could, but this is still America so they do what they can.  Marxism.

Instead of leaving the internet alone, the FCC is heading towards classifying the internet as a public utility, subject to those laws.  So be on the lookout for intrusive new rules, regulations, taxes, threats if not actual censorship, website licenses subject to approval, and all the rest we associate with big bungling power-grabbing heavy-handed government, yay.  Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao, Castro and the rest would be very pleased

There are plenty of examples.  Living in Berkeley, having the foolishness of the goings on in Oakland and San Francisco as local news all these years, I have a certain ear for it.  Everything Obama says and does reeks of Marxism, setting the stage for Marxism, weakening the resistance to Marxism, feeding the radical revolutionary attacks on our institutions, and so on.  Everything.

If a person is on the opposite side of the fence, I guess they can make an argument that any and every single thing isn't precisely stated in Das Kapital, and therefore doesn't count, and it's fine to think that.  Missing the forest for the trees is the apt analogy.

Just as Mao tailored Marx for the struggle, takeover, and finally rule over China, just as Castro did the same in Cuba, Pot in Cambodia, Stalin in the USSR, Trotsky went off to Mexico to write rather than implement his version, Saul Alinsky tailored the radical revolutionary elements to what would work best against the United States.  Not one of them started out telling people what the future was actually going to look like, or their movement would have died an early death.  Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both adored Alinsky and his works as students and beyond.  Marxism.
I have forwarded your post to Wikipedia for inclusion on their Marxism page, under the recommended heading "Things Crazy People Think are Marxist".  I'm optimistic they will accept the submission, given the overwhelming evidence.


Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 17, 2015, 03:32:23 PM
The Wookiee served her purpose as his beard to get him elected. No need for pretense at this point.
If my husband played 100 rounds a golf a year I'd divorce him, too.

So what does your husband play, then?

Turns out when it comes to Iran and the quisling nuclear agreement Obama and Kerry are breathlessly working towards, it's not just that Netanyahu troublemaker, Faux News, and a few Republican's who hate Obama because he's 'black' opposing the deal.

In fact just the opposite.  The only people in favor are a grotesque coalition of Obama and the 'Progressives', his Big Media cronies, Putin's Russia (who is sponsoring their nuclear projects), the European Left, and Iran itself.

The rest of the world is wondering wtf


Can't wait for the ISIS goons posing as refugees to arrive

What the National debt up to now?  It hit $18 Trillion about a month ago. 

And it would be more if the Fed hadn't been printing money and buying US Treasury's with it on the open market (Quantitative Easing - QE1... QE2... QE3...) over the past 6+ years.


I wonder what candidate Obama would have said about that.  As President, he can't won't do anything right in the best interests of the US.  Maybe clearly he should just resign and disappear from public life.


I have a question for the president's fanboys.
Throughout his presidency, how many times have you heard him defend Christianity?
Now- how many times have you heard him defend Islam?
He appointed a Muslim head to the CIA, John Brennan. He appointed a Muslim brotherhood operative to our DHS. He supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and is defending the Islamic faith since the encroachment of ISIS.
He goes to a prayer breakfast (before his round of golf) and compares the Crusades to Islamic terrorism.
However, the smartest guy in the room conveniently failed to mention the Crusades were a defensive measure against Islamic imperialism.
Why does this man hate his own people so much?


Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 22, 2015, 02:52:54 PM
I have a question for the president's fanboys.
Throughout his presidency, how many times have you heard him defend Christianity?
Now- how many times have you heard him defend Islam?
He appointed a Muslim head to the CIA, John Brennan. He appointed a Muslim brotherhood operative to our DHS. He supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and is defending the Islamic faith since the encroachment of ISIS.
He goes to a prayer breakfast (before his round of golf) and compares the Crusades to Islamic terrorism.
However, the smartest guy in the room conveniently failed to mention the Crusades were a defensive measure against Islamic imperialism.
Why does this man hate his own people so much?
It is an interesting phenomena but I think it will be left up to forensic psychiatrists and historians decades from now, once information on his mysterious background are revealed, to figure out this character Obama. From what we know of his background (alcoholic Muslim father, profligate mother, bi-racial, attending Islamic schools and normal schools, step-dad, divorce, mentors like communist pornographer Davis and the devisive Rev.Wright, the drug abuse, being raised by a cross-dressing nanny, etc) he likely has some serious "issues" (to use the over used phrase.)

One would think a guy who becomes a millionaire and the President would not harbor such resentment and antipathy towards the country. If the USA is so racist, so corrupt, so capitalist, etc why was Obama allowed to become so rich and powerful? If white people or Western culture are really as bad as he thinks why did they elect him, twice? If Islam is so great and peaceful, as he so often proclaims, why are they burning people alive and seem to enjoy beheadings? If Obama didn't think the country was bad than why would he claim it needs to be "fundamentally transformed?"


Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 22, 2015, 02:52:54 PM
I have a question for the president's fanboys.
Throughout his presidency, how many times have you heard him defend Christianity?
Now- how many times have you heard him defend Islam?
He appointed a Muslim head to the CIA, John Brennan. He appointed a Muslim brotherhood operative to our DHS. He supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and is defending the Islamic faith since the encroachment of ISIS.
He goes to a prayer breakfast (before his round of golf) and compares the Crusades to Islamic terrorism.
However, the smartest guy in the room conveniently failed to mention the Crusades were a defensive measure against Islamic imperialism.
Why does this man hate his own people so much?
Not so much a fan boy as one who recognized the disasterous alternatives, and the catastrophic product of the last conservative WH.  Obama doesn't "hate his own people so much" but he probably wishes they were bright enough to understand that using "Islamic terrorists" is  about like using "Lutheran butchers" instead of "Nazis", "Catholic murderers" instead of "Mafia", or "Protestant racists" for "KKK".  He speaks to the world, not just the domestic audience, and can't afford to alienate the people we need as allies if we have any hope of suppressing terrorism to placate the yappers reacting to the Fox and radio ranter dog whistles.

But otoh, I thought the Islamists were his people   ;D

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on February 22, 2015, 03:53:11 PM
It is an interesting phenomena but I think it will be left up to forensic psychiatrists and historians decades from now, once information on his mysterious background are revealed, to figure out this character Obama. From what we know of his background (alcoholic Muslim father, profligate mother, bi-racial, attending Islamic schools and normal schools, step-dad, divorce, mentors like communist pornographer Davis and the devisive Rev.Wright, the drug abuse, being raised by a cross-dressing nanny, etc) he likely has some serious "issues" (to use the over used phrase.)

One would think a guy who becomes a millionaire and the President would not harbor such resentment and antipathy towards the country. If the USA is so racist, so corrupt, so capitalist, etc why was Obama allowed to become so rich and powerful? If white people or Western culture are really as bad as he thinks why did they elect him, twice? If Islam is so great and peaceful, as he so often proclaims, why are they burning people alive and seem to enjoy beheadings? If Obama didn't think the country was bad than why would he claim it needs to be "fundamentally transformed?"

We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.
That's why we liberals want America to do the right thing. We know America is the hope of the world, and we love it and want it to do well.
Al Franken


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 22, 2015, 07:02:07 PM
...Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.
That's why we liberals want America to do the right thing. We know America is the hope of the world, and we love it and want it to do well.
Al Franken
And sometimes grownup children are saddened to realize that Mommy has slid into dementia.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 22, 2015, 07:02:07 PM
We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.
That's why we liberals want America to do the right thing. We know America is the hope of the world, and we love it and want it to do well.
Al Franken
Was that from "Stuart Saves His Family?" or a real quote from a senator who was elected with some, shall we say, questionable voting in some districts especially student populations? In any event that quote has been posted several times anytime people mention this character Obama's strange, and still somewhat mysterious, upbringing and past. Despite the critical and box-office reception I actually think that movie was hilarious.

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on February 22, 2015, 07:15:17 PM
Was that from "Stuart Saves His Family?" or a real quote from a senator who was elected with some, shall we say, questionable voting in some districts especially student populations? In any event that quote has been posted several times anytime people mention this character Obama's strange, and still somewhat mysterious, upbringing and past. Despite the critical and box-office reception I actually think that movie was hilarious.

Given that Franken was reelected by a comfortable margin in an otherwise difficult year for Democrats, it's pretty clear that the good people of Minnesota have discounted the ridiculous conspiracy theories regarding his win over Norm Coleman.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 22, 2015, 07:02:07 PM
We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way...

So constantly - constantly - insisting the country is racist, blacks can't get ahead, the cops are out to kill black people, we're a greedy and selfish nation, siding with teachers unions over educating kids, chanting a message of hate and division, throwing riots to trash burn and loot our downtowns, burning our flag during riots, growing a gigantic unresponsive intrusive bureaucratic government so fast we have to borrow trillions to pay for it, constantly chipping away at our Constitutional rights, lying to / bullying / and name calling everyone who doesn't agree with them, while insisting they are the tolerant enlightened peaceful open-minded compassionate ones, undermining our Constitution, making fun of honor duty and patriotism. 

And this is just the short list.  That's love of country?

No, it is not.  This is hate of the country.  When is the last time any Lib spoke in favor of our system of free exchange?  Of property rights?  Of our system of separation of powers, checks and balances?  When are any Libs supporting Christians rights to practice their faith?  When do Libs speak in favor of victims instead of criminals, or support our right to defend ourselves?  When do they speak in favor of personal responsibility?  Of personal Liberty?  Of the country our Founders gave to us - one with low taxes and a minimum of intrusion into our lives?

I'm sure you will find examples and prove me 'wrong', but everyone reading this who actually thinks about it instead of knee-jerking knows the Libs don't believe in any of those things.  Oh sure, any given Lib will be in favor of a couple of them, but that's about it.

And when I say Lib, I mean 'Progressive', because it wasn't that long ago that those calling themselves Liberals agreed with the rest of on all those issues, and it was only the far Left who didn't.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 22, 2015, 07:44:40 PM
Given that Franken was reelected by a comfortable margin in an otherwise difficult year for Democrats, it's pretty clear that the good people of Minnesota have discounted the ridiculous conspiracy theories regarding his win over Norm Coleman.

The reports of the actual events where they counted and recounted the votes - adding those controversial groups of ballots, excluding these, reshuffle and try again until they found the right combination that put him ahead, then stopped and declared him the winner?  Those 'ridiculous conspiracy theories'?  The Al Gore approach to vote counting?

I remember the series of events - instead of parroting some self serving 'Progressive' od-ed piece, why not go back and re-read the original articles yourself?

That he didn't infuriate the electorate, or have an opposing candidate that excited the voters, that he had incumbent money and increased name recognition this time around doesn't have a thing to do with the last election.  That one was stolen.


Geezer, you have been respectful in these debates, and conducted yourself honorably.
With much of your brethren, pointing out when they are wrong isn't worth what comes after.
Name-calling, personal attacks and comments intended to belittle.
I don't like this president, as a leader or as a person, and will always keep the tanks rolling.

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