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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM


Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 12, 2015, 02:50:53 PM
While Obama golfs, Valerie Jarrett runs things at the White House.

Born to American communists in Iran, she's done everything in her power to destroy U.S. allies in the Middle East while strengthening Iran.

The president is in alignment with her anti-American views. He's just lazy so Jarrett goes ahead and does the work for him.



Nicely argued.

Wake up and smell the coffee, please.

Quote from: 3OctaveFart on February 12, 2015, 02:50:53 PM
While Obama golfs, Valerie Jarrett runs things at the White House.

Born to American communists in Iran, she's done everything in her power to destroy U.S. allies in the Middle East while strengthening Iran.

The president is in alignment with her anti-American views. He's just lazy so Jarrett goes ahead and does the work for him.

This is spot on of course. 

Between her and his illegal 'czars' getting the job of 'fundamental change' done, Obama has plenty of time to watch ESPN in the morning, play golf in the afternoon, and host parties in the evening.  In between he mostly attends fundraisers, and gives speeches.  Quite the racket.

She is his Dick Cheney - the real President.  She has around the clock Secret Service protection - although this most opaque Presidency refuses to say why or what the cost is.  What we do know is she has better and more security than, say, our ambassadors in dangerous posts (like Benghazi).  Now why would that be.

Up All Night

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 12, 2015, 11:06:42 PM
This is spot on of course. 

Between her and his illegal 'czars' getting the job of 'fundamental change' done, Obama has plenty of time to watch ESPN in the morning, play golf in the afternoon, and host parties in the evening.  In between he mostly attends fundraisers, and gives speeches.  Quite the racket.

She is his Dick Cheney - the real President.  She has around the clock Secret Service protection - although this most opaque Presidency refuses to say why or what the cost is.  What we do know is she has better and more security than, say, our ambassadors in dangerous posts (like Benghazi).  Now why would that be.

And you will NEVER see a Fucking skit on this by the Fuckers at SNL ! ! ! !

But, SNL did have time to do a skit on GW Bush, where I think that the "Cheney" and "Rumsfeld" characters told Pres. Bush to: "Go and do whatever it is that you do.... (while we do the real work here)."


One of the funnier political  skits ever on SNL was when Reagan had a bunch of Boy Scouts in and he's playing himself, and as soon as they leave the walls pull down and it's a war room and he's ordering people around like some genius mastermind. Was funny stuff.

Phil Donahue with Riza Gorbachev was hillarious! He was all brown nosing her, asking her to run for president. Great stuff!

SNL has been stupid basically since about '95.

Quote from: Up All Night on February 13, 2015, 01:18:04 AM
And you will NEVER see a Fucking skit on this by the Fuckers at SNL ! ! ! !...

Well, there is nothing funny about these people, that's for sure.

Anyone who differs with Obama on anything, points out the flaws in any of his policies, anyone bringing up the cast of characters he associates with - now or in the past, is a 'wacist', waaah.  It's even considered poor form to quote him when he's gone off the teleprompter, away from his prepared remarks

Imagine what happens when anyone does skits or laughs at him.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 12, 2015, 11:06:42 PM
This is spot on of course. 

Between her and his illegal 'czars' getting the job of 'fundamental change' done, Obama has plenty of time to watch ESPN in the morning, play golf in the afternoon, and host parties in the evening.  In between he mostly attends fundraisers, and gives speeches.  Quite the racket.

She is his Dick Cheney - the real President.  She has around the clock Secret Service protection - although this most opaque Presidency refuses to say why or what the cost is.  What we do know is she has better and more security than, say, our ambassadors in dangerous posts (like Benghazi).  Now why would that be.

Talk about a JV team....  I can't imagine a more buffoonish, amateurish administration. 

The Congress and Senate should get together with SCOTUS and oust the current admin.  Replacing it with a caretaker Executive consisting of one representative from the Congress, Senate, and SCOTUS.  We need a placeholder admin just to stop this nitwit from the continued world embarrassment he seems to revel in.

Its astounding to me, and most of the world, that Obama has not been ousted for stupidity.


This Obama video was made the same day ISIS killed American hostage Kayla Mueller...



Quote from: Marc.Knight on February 13, 2015, 09:41:34 AM
This Obama video was made the same day ISIS killed American hostage Kayla Mueller...

What a narcissist, but that is common in many politicians or movie-stars. But being so callous to people being killed by the JV team, as he calls his former rebels, and making joke videos like some 12 year old girl?Meanwhile beside hostages, and others, being killed or tortured his brilliant policy in Yemen ,and our great allies in the region fighting "terror" that Obama championed and bragged about, has collapsed and he even shut down our Embassy and ordered the leaving Marines to hand over their weapons to the new radical Islamist occupiers before flying off.


Quote from: albrecht on February 13, 2015, 09:56:17 AM
What a narcissist, but that is common in many politicians or movie-stars. But being so callous to people being killed by the JV team, as he calls his former rebels, and making joke videos like some 12 year old girl?Meanwhile beside hostages, and others, being killed or tortured his brilliant policy in Yemen ,and our great allies in the region fighting "terror" that Obama championed and bragged about, has collapsed and he even shut down our Embassy and ordered the leaving Marines to hand over their weapons to the new radical Islamist occupiers before flying off.

I guess I have to ask how one can transition from making a gag film in the White House and then think and talk seriously about the huge Jordanian air offensive against ISIS that was occurring at the same time.  Something doesn't seem right here.


Quote from: albrecht on February 13, 2015, 09:56:17 AM
What a narcissist, but that is common in many politicians or movie-stars. But being so callous to people being killed by the JV team, as he calls his former rebels, and making joke videos like some 12 year old girl?Meanwhile beside hostages, and others, being killed or tortured his brilliant policy in Yemen ,and our great allies in the region fighting "terror" that Obama championed and bragged about, has collapsed and he even shut down our Embassy and ordered the leaving Marines to hand over their weapons to the new radical Islamist occupiers before flying off.

With Obama, it goes way beyond simple narcissism, even though he even had to name to dog after himself.  It goes way beyond being a textbook pathological liar.  Obama, in my view, has the personalty of a classic psychopath.

Obama has that poor little girl`s blood all over his hands, as far as I am concerned. JSOC was in possession of good, solid, but perishable intelligence regarding the exact whereabouts of American hostages. Rather than green-lighting a rescue mission, Obama chose to sit on the information for weeks! And we all know what happened as a result.


Quote from: Marc.Knight on February 13, 2015, 09:41:34 AM
This Obama video was made the same day ISIS killed American hostage Kayla Mueller...


How would Obama not making this have helped, do you think?

Should all Presidential activities stop in case they conflict with ISIS' beheading schedule?


Quote from: Kelt on February 13, 2015, 01:10:12 PM
How would Obama not making this have helped, do you think?

Should all Presidential activities stop in case they conflict with ISIS' beheading schedule?
Him not making selfie videos in his mirror likely wouldn't have saved that woman or Yemen or anybody. I just find anyone a bit weird, especially as an adult, who takes movies of himself in front of the mirror and seems so preoccupied with social media and Hollywood. Especially as President. Even Ron, would WAS an actor, wasn't so obsessed with Hollywood. The point is Obama is an odd duck and the President should be more concerned about foreign policy, the economy, our open-border with a narco-state, etc than spending time taking movies of himself, admiring his image in a mirror, or with his Hollywood friends- especially when he wants authorization to start yet another war!


Quote from: Kelt on February 13, 2015, 01:10:12 PM
How would Obama not making this have helped, do you think?

Should all Presidential activities stop in case they conflict with ISIS' beheading schedule?

With respect, this is fallacious rhetoric.  The video presents a president who seems unconcerned with the serious events of the day. 

Distracted, unfocused, unconcerned with perceptions... We didn't hire him to make a gag film. 


Quote from: albrecht on February 13, 2015, 01:16:09 PM
Him not making selfie videos in his mirror likely wouldn't have saved that woman or Yemen or anybody. I just find anyone a bit weird, especially as an adult, who takes movies of himself in front of the mirror and seems so preoccupied with social media and Hollywood. Especially as President. Even Ron, would WAS an actor, wasn't so obsessed with Hollywood. The point is Obama is an odd duck and the President should be more concerned about foreign policy, the economy, our open-border with a narco-state, etc than spending time taking movies of himself, admiring his image in a mirror, or with his Hollywood friends- especially when he wants authorization to start yet another war!

Regan didn't live in the 21st century where social media is a critical part of propaganda, information dissemination, and disinformation.

Ronnie would be as lost in this environment as McCain/Palin were, so the comparison doesn't really merit much discourse.


Quote from: Marc.Knight on February 13, 2015, 01:23:18 PM
With respect, this is fallacious rhetoric.  The video presents a president who seems unconcerned with the serious events of the day. 

Distracted, unfocused, unconcerned with perceptions... We didn't hire him to make a gag film.

You would have to explain how it was fallacious, because I'm not sure I understand how it is so.

What I stated was factual.  ISIS make their own schedule, the US isn't at the mercy of when ISIS performs atrocities. 


Quote from: Kelt on February 13, 2015, 01:30:39 PM
Regan didn't live in the 21st century where social media is a critical part of propaganda, information dissemination, and disinformation.

Ronnie would be as lost in this environment as McCain/Palin were, so the comparison doesn't really merit much discourse.
I guess it is critical but maybe we have too much reliance on it? Maybe if this guy Obama wasn't so obsessed with his social media he wouldn't have instructed his minions to "blame YouTube" when a coordinated Islamic attack happens? And if so many voters weren't obsessed with social media also they wouldn't have believed the farcical "youtube" lie for as long as they did. Social Media is not the "be all, end all" despite what Obama or others might think. There is actually real life, besides Facebook, and there are causes and actions beyond YouTube. Obama should learn this. I will grant you that the narcissism in this guy Obama isn't as bad as that other champion of the little guy and favorite of the leftists and Democrats: John Edwards (speaking of admiring yourself in a mirror Obama has nothing on him!) Then again Obama did write (or have ghost-written) autobiographies before he even accomplished anything and at a fairly young age.


Quote from: Kelt on February 13, 2015, 01:39:53 PM
You would have to explain how it was fallacious, because I'm not sure I understand how it is so.

What I stated was factual.  ISIS make their own schedule, the US isn't at the mercy of when ISIS performs atrocities.

His time devoted to a gag film may not have negatively impacted the day's events, but perhaps the time could be better spent studying issues or talking to principals in the field. 

He projected a perception of a disconnected president, regardless of its real impact. 


This is "off-topic" I know, but I just saw a Yahoo headline, where they cite an interview of John Podesta done by "Vox", where he says his "top regret on leaving the White House was that he didn't reveal the truth about UFO's".
Doesn't say much else, other than listing his credentials, (Clinton/Obama White House - Hillary's campaign), indicating he had access to classified docs, etc.
Better get Steven Greer on this right away.


Quote from: albrecht on February 13, 2015, 01:41:20 PM
I guess it is critical but maybe we have too much reliance on it? Maybe if this guy Obama wasn't so obsessed with his social media he wouldn't have instructed his minions to "blame YouTube" when a coordinated Islamic attack happens? And if so many voters weren't obsessed with social media also they wouldn't have believed the farcical "youtube" lie for as long as they did. Social Media is not the "be all, end all" despite what Obama or others might think. There is actually real life, besides Facebook, and there are causes and actions beyond YouTube. Obama should learn this. I will grant you that the narcissism in this guy Obama isn't as bad as that other champion of the little guy and favorite of the leftists and Democrats: John Edwards (speaking of admiring yourself in a mirror Obama has nothing on him!) Then again Obama did write (or have ghost-written) autobiographies before he even accomplished anything and at a fairly young age.

I'm really not interested in getting into a "Lefties" argument, you're a Right Winger, I get it... reiteration of flaws in the Democrats is unnecessary for my benefit, I assure you. 

The point I'm making is that social media is a crucial tool for any politician, celebrity... and at this point the office of President is one of celebrity... or group that wants to get a message, point, or lie across.

That it tied in, obviously coincidentally, with the execution of yet another ISIS hostage should be of no genuine importance. That's not to say that the mandatory outrage of the Right won't manifest itself, but this is as predictable as it is depressing. Obama does something, the Right is outraged. Obama doesn't do something, the Right is outraged. 

Personally I think Obama is no better than Bush. Both were corporate shills, both continue generally the same overall policy (Obamacare being a sideshow), but I don't think I've seen such Pavlovian outrage of the sort that the Right in America is prone to in my life.

Try to step out of the rhetoric and see it as it is.


Instead of making a video, he should have been asking an astrologer what to do about Isis.  That's what Reagan would have done.

Quote from: Kelt on February 13, 2015, 01:30:39 PM
Reagan didn't live in the 21st century where social media is a critical part of propaganda, information dissemination, and disinformation.

Ronnie would be as lost in this environment as McCain/Palin were, so the comparison doesn't really merit much discourse.

That's just silly.  RR seemed to do just fine, outstanding in fact.  It helps to be a true Conservative and simply tell people what you believe and how you see things.  Regardless of the medium used to do so

He won in 2 landslides, the second being larger than the first.  I'd say he was pretty effective at both his job, and at reaching people.  I remember him going over the head of Big Media, and being very effective speaking directly to the American people - just the opposite of what you suggest he'd be like now

I'm surprised at the suggestion that it's somehow a given that RR - especially having started out in the industry (acting) - would not keep up with and use modern forms of communication

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on February 13, 2015, 02:27:00 PM
Instead of making a video, he should have been asking an astrologer what to do about Isis.  That's what Reagan would have done.

Well, that was Nancy.  The weak link.  RR did his best to appoint smart experienced people who shared his world view, then relied on their council - along with that of trusted long time aides, unfortunately including Nancy. 

Whatever his policies were on any given issue, at least they made sense and were made with the best interests of the United States in mind.  Some policies didn't come out as well as planned, most did.  Some things I didn't agree with him on, most I did


I for one am "just saying NO!"

"If we give in and concede to the terrist, they have won."
Some want that "mission accomplished."
They "hate America."

Excepting Ohbummer care Obama has out Bushed Bush.
The only difference being the Right wasn't screaming in indignation when BushCo was standing on the peoples necks. Both sides are doing the same shit for their corporate masters.

Funny how people who are big sports fans, are so bifurcated in politics also.
Seems they always need to have one team to root for, my team can kick your teams butt.
Politics has became less about the policy, and more about which side is presenting it. This is conducted so transparently you would think even a child could see through it. So much for thinking. Go team! GO!


And another Executive Order.
Wouldn't it be quicker than requiring, or "encouraging", private companies and people to "share" information wihe government the government just shares between itself? Can't the new White House "Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center" just ask the NSA, the IRS, the ACA administrators, DIA, Treasury, etc etc for that information that they already have on file? And considering the history of government "leaks" for political purposes, whistle-blowers, spies, and hackings why should be assured that this information we are going to "share" with this new agency? Or that the government itself use this shared information for nefarious political purposes or for corporate espionage for favorite, or connected, companies?

Quote from: Catsmile on February 13, 2015, 03:42:46 PM
I for one am "just saying NO!"

"If we give in and concede to the terrist, they have won."
Some want that "mission accomplished."
They "hate America."

Excepting Ohbummer care Obama has out Bushed Bush.
The only difference being the Right wasn't screaming in indignation when BushCo was standing on the peoples necks. Both sides are doing the same shit for their corporate masters.

Funny how people who are big sports fans, are so bifurcated in politics also.
Seems they always need to have one team to root for, my team can kick your teams butt.
Politics has became less about the policy, and more about which side is presenting it. This is conducted so transparently you would think even a child could see through it. So much for thinking. Go team! GO!

I hear some version of this all the time.  To me, it's the superficial hipster description of what goes on in DC - it's the cool thing to say.  Other people suggest it due to a desire to tune out - and believing they 'are all the same' allows them to.  Others don't really pay much attention, are only aware of some of the biggest pieces - 'we're still in Iraq', 'Gitmo' is still open' - and believe it when they hear people say 'they're all the same'

It's true that one administration inherits policy from the previous administration, and typically doesn't switch gears instantly.  It's also true our system of separation of powers is set up to ensure broad approval of policy, and things generally can't be changed overnight. 

It's true this crop of Republican 'leaders' aren't much of an opposition party - they don't do much opposing.  With this one difference:  The D's - lead by Obama - are attacking the very foundations of this nation, while the R's are refusing to stand in their way.  Both bad, one IS worse than the other.

If you think Bush II and Obama are 'the same', here are a few differences off the top of my head:

Bush would have never left Iraq without a Status of Forces Agreement.  The way we left led directly to the formation of ISIS and their reign of terror

Bush would not be treating Netanyahu and Israel the way Obama does.  Bush would never be buddies with Jew haters like Rashid Khalidi, or terrorists like Bill Ayres

Bush would have a) supported Mubarak instead of abandoning him, b) would not have embraced the Moslem Brotherhood, or c) punished Egypt for pushing them out.  Bush would have sold them the helicopters they asked for to fight al-Qaeda in the Sinai

Bush wouldn't have been running guns to al-Qaeda in Syria and the Maghreb through Libya, or supported al-Qaeda related groups in Libya

Bush would have shored up the government in Yemen, instead of simply allowing a ragtag band of Shiite rebels armed and backed by Iran to take over

Bush would not be negotiating with Iran on a deal that will remove sanctions and allow them to develop nuclear weapons unhindered

Had there been and ISIS, Bush would have armed the Kurds

Bush would not have traded 5 top never-to-be-released Taliban terrorist leaders for a deserter

That's just a few of the differences in policy in the Middle East. 

I could go on with the rest of the world - like Obama declaring the Monroe Doctrine outdated and dead, as well as domestic policy - like stirring people up in Ferguson (which wasn't the first time he intentionally inflamed a racial situation), and cramming ObamaCare down our throats. 

They aren't 'the same'.  One would have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find this level of incompetence - if that's what it is.  And even Carter wasn't this bad - not even close.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 13, 2015, 04:37:06 PM
I hear some version of this all the time.  To me, it's the superficial hipster description of what goes on in DC - it's the cool thing to say.  Other people suggest it due to a desire to tune out - and believing they 'are all the same' allows them to.  Others don't really pay much attention, are only aware of some of the biggest pieces - 'we're still in Iraq', 'Gitmo' is still open' - and believe it when they hear people say 'they're all the same'

It's true that one administration inherits policy from the previous administration, and typically doesn't switch gears instantly.  It's also true our system of separation of powers is set up to ensure broad approval of policy, and things generally can't be changed overnight. 

It's true this crop of Republican 'leaders' aren't much of an opposition party - they don't do much opposing.  With this one difference:  The D's - lead by Obama - are attacking the very foundations of this nation, while the R's are refusing to stand in their way.  Both bad, one IS worse than the other.

If you think Bush II and Obama are 'the same', here are a few differences off the top of my head:

Bush would have never left Iraq without a Status of Forces Agreement.  The way we left led directly to the formation of ISIS and their reign of terror

Bush would not be treating Netanyahu and Israel the way Obama does.  Bush would never be buddies with Jew haters like Rashid Khalidi, or terrorists like Bill Ayres

Bush would have a) supported Mubarak instead of abandoning him, b) would not have embraced the Moslem Brotherhood, or c) punished Egypt for pushing them out.  Bush would have sold them the helicopters they asked for to fight al-Qaeda in the Sinai

Bush wouldn't have been running guns to al-Qaeda in Syria and the Maghreb through Libya, or supported al-Qaeda related groups in Libya

Bush would have shored up the government in Yemen, instead of simply allowing a ragtag band of Shiite rebels armed and backed by Iran to take over

Bush would not be negotiating with Iran on a deal that will remove sanctions and allow them to develop nuclear weapons unhindered

Had there been and ISIS, Bush would have armed the Kurds

Bush would not have traded 5 top never-to-be-released Taliban terrorist leaders for a deserter

That's just a few of the differences in policy in the Middle East. 

I could go on with the rest of the world - like Obama declaring the Monroe Doctrine outdated and dead, as well as domestic policy - like stirring people up in Ferguson (which wasn't the first time he intentionally inflamed a racial situation), and cramming ObamaCare down our throats. 

They aren't 'the same'.  One would have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find this level of incompetence - if that's what it is.  And even Carter wasn't this bad - not even close.

Knew I could count on Paper*Boy to create a dissertation on the subject.
Seems I struck a nerve. Anywho, for the TL;DR crowd, like myself.
This should sum his disconnected monolog up nicely.



Speaking of Ronnie & Nancy and "Just Say NO", remember the press conference where they appeared, saying, "Although we are not in favor of Federal Funds being used for abortion, we would allow Federal Funds for abortion in the case of rape, or incest.  Having said that, Nancy and I urge you to JUST SAY NO to rape and incest.

Sorry, I had to add that, every time I hear just say no, it reminds me of that line, from 30 years ago, I don't remember if it was a SNL bit, or what. Sorry if this posting is not appropriate here.


Or the evening at the fancy restaurant, when Nancy told the waiter that she'd have  "prime rib, and a glass of Chablis",
"and for the vegetable" the waiter asked, ...."Oh, he'll have the same" said Nancy.


Quote from: ge30542 on February 13, 2015, 05:26:15 PM
Or the evening at the fancy restaurant, when Nancy told the waiter that she'd have  "prime rib, and a glass of Chablis",
"and for the vegetable" the waiter asked, ...."Oh, he'll have the same" said Nancy.
I thought she might have said "ketchup".

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